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Everything posted by Chlomamf

  1. When my Sin was in lowbie PvP I would also sometimes get yelled at for not helping a teammate whom was fighting 3 enemies. I'm like 'seriously? You want me to die also? Great idea'. Infact my siggy is based on those people.
  2. Lag complaint Thread #342896
  3. Which is why whenever I'm on my Sniper and have just respawned and see the enemy Ballcarrier being a Warrior/Knight and the such I always stay out of their LoS by moving behind the ramps leading up to the walkways. It's funny to watch them move around trying to get a chance to leap to me as my teammates kill them.
  4. No I mean pet cats that people keep in their homes, not jaguar-like creatures.
  5. Do cats even exist in the Star Wars Universe? I don't mean Cathar, I mean actual cats as we know them?
  6. Am I the only one around here to have noticed the date of the OP?
  7. Warriors/Knights can Jump to stealthed teammates. Next unexplained hack please.
  8. Don't automatically assume that Stealthers who hang around enemy Nodes aren't doing anything. From a first glance it may seem like all I'm doing is hanging around doing nothing, but I'm actually waiting for my chance to ninja cap. Complain all you want, at the end of the day you'll be grateful that I ninja capped the enemy Pylon and won the match.
  9. This is sadly true, and quite common. You can tell that someone has no clue in 50-bracket PvP when they have PvE Gear or, even better, level 45 Gear.
  10. The Sorcs all respecced to Bubble Stun, and all the Operatives are too busy stunlocking people to death.
  11. Smash is also OP. Anything that can be viewed as an 'unfair advantage' or 'overpowered' is... well OP... Like how people say Operatives are OP, because they can stunlock you to death before you even move. And their Burst does huge damage.
  12. Chlomamf

    CC immunity is OP

    Sins are completely fine, leave them alone. I think we should direct our attention towards Operatives. This has nothing to do with the fact that I have a Sin alt.
  13. Nono UGLY and Sathid, don't stop there, my popcorn is just ready.
  14. I managed to PvP my way to level 45ish on my Sin alt without doing Act 2 or Act 3 at all. Around level 45ish I wanted to get that Darth title.
  15. Didn't you hear? Imperial Scientists have created a Shield that is resistant to 99.9% of explosions. Gotta say '99.9%' incase someone ends up dieng.
  16. Tell that to the good Premades who get top scores and also win.
  17. Please do. It would make stun-capping oh so much more easier.
  18. Doesn't matter wether the Solo Defender is smart. It depends on the Class. The in-stealth stun is long enough to cap the Pylon, and if they break it my instant Flashbang is all that is needed. Either way the Pylon is gonna get capped. But like I said, it's all dependent on the class. Say the Solo defender was a Sniper, they get stunned with the in-stealth stun. They can break the stun, go into cover and activate 'Entrench' (it's an in-cover ability that makes the Sniper immune to all stuns). So when the Stealther uses their 8-second stun it doesn't affect the Sniper at all, meaning the Stun-Cap has completely failed. Granted it may take a smart defender to know to stand some distance away but regardless.
  19. The same could be said for every class. If you're getting focused on a Sin, Mara, Sorc, whatever you are going to get facerolled. Unless you're part of a good Premade. Regardless, I will admit that one of the reasons we Snipers are so good is because most of the enemies are too busy attacking the Healers and such to notice us. And even when they do I find it quite easy to kill them, either by myself or with Teammates. This is ofcourse based on what the class I'm vsing is and wether they're smart.
  20. Yes, because I PUG all the time and don't like getting rolled by Premades. Your point being...?
  22. You have just helped to further our belief that the only reason Premaders do normal Warzones is to roll PUGs and don't do ranked because they're afraid of facing other Premades and losing their advantage. We thank you and may call upon you in the future for further use.
  23. No! I love the fact that my In-Stealth stun is the same length as what it takes to cap the Node! And my instant flashbang! Either way they're gonna have to use their CC Breaker at some point, but regardless when I see only 1 Guard that node is about to become ours.
  24. You do realise one of the things that Premaders have over others is Gear? Which is hardly a problem in lowbie PvP. And I do know as I rarely see people from the same Guild on my Team, and when I do it is at maximum 2 people.
  25. Yesterday I was puggin' and got put into a Team with no Premades. We were however vsing a very good PvP Guild whom I encountered before. It was on AH. Now this PvP Guild is like no other- its Premade of 3-4 men can stop us capping our node entirely, from start to finish, even with all of us there. And no we where not 'bad', as most of my teammates where from some of the best PvP Guilds on the Server. However they where Solo Queueing, and a Premader without his Premade is not invincible. Like I said, I had encountered this Premade before and had learned what their plan was. So I went and ninja capped East. Since nobody had capped West but we had East we got the points for that round. When the next round started I told everyone to go East, as the Premade would've gone for West again. Again we capped East at the last moment, but they had also capped West. Next round starts and they've figured out what we're doing. They cap West, leave 2 PUGers to Guard and head off to stop us capping East. They where going to win. So me (I was on my Sin) and an Operative went to West to try and cap it. We saw two people guarding it, but they weren't the Premaders, but that wasn't going to stop us. We used our in-stealth Stuns to stun the two and the Operative started capping. They both broke the stuns, so to stop them interrupting I Electrocuted the first Guard and then Force Pulled the second Guard, Spiked him and amazingly enough we got the Node. We won thanks to it. Probably wiped the smugness off the Premaders face who thought they where 'unbeatable'. One can only imagine the anger they had.
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