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Most fun healing class, and why?


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Depending on faction, Merc/Commando healing is rather fun. It's very single target though and lacks aoe healing capability. Operative/Smuggler is a very well rounded healer, but lacks any big heals. It mostly consists of you running around casting instants and hots on people. Sorc/Sage is basically the well rounded healer with a bit of everything, it has a shield, some big and small heals and a nice AoE heal puddle. It's up to you what you like in your playstyle of healer.
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It hasn't been fun to play ANY healing class so far, with the exception of Sorc before the 1.4 nerf. It used to be passable until they nerfed loot for the higher end mobs and world bosses.


Now it's ok if I want to run heroics more often, but it's much more fun to play straight DPS.

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It hasn't been fun to play ANY healing class so far, with the exception of Sorc before the 1.4 nerf. It used to be passable until they nerfed loot for the higher end mobs and world bosses.



How does this have anything at all to do with which healing class is fun to play??


To the OP:

I never liked Mercenary/Trooper healing at all, but Operative and Sorc healing are both fun. It just depends on how you like to play. If you like a more mobile healing, Op is way better for you. If you like better aoe/less HOT healing more, sorcerers are better.

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I personally like the merc healer. Some posters have indicated they don't have a decent AOE heal, but the Kolto Missile is pretty damned good, imho. And because you can wear heavy armor, your survivability is pretty high as you wade into the thick of the melee and keep dropping the aforementioned Kolto missiles at your feet every few seconds while targeting your allies with your three or four other heal options. (I have a Sorc healer and an Operative healer as well. I've found the survivability to be a bit on the difficult side for both classes. Could be I'm just not that skilled at staying alive?)


In any event, for me the clear answer is: Mercenary! Fun, plenty of heals to go around and survivable.


That said, he's REALLY slow leveling PvE -- the DPS merc mows mobs faster than a Lawnboy does a patch of mushrooms.

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I think the easiest is the sage/sorc because you can shield your friends and then heal them.


Of course, your question is which is the most fun.


I think the scoundrel/operative is the most fun.


I think the scoun/op looks the most like a high tech doctor because you point a device that shoots out glowing lines to heal.


Also, I like the scoundrel's cowboy characteristics. I like being a space cowboy doctor.

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I really enjoy my Commando. Fully spec-ed they can hold their own except for maybe some intense group healing. And I enjoy having the free green beam of healing. You can put a buff on someone that automatically heals them a small amount 10 times, and can really help keep someone from dropping fast and works well combined with other healing classes.


I've played an Op to about 20 and haven't enjoyed it so far. I'm sure it gets better though. The seem to be very HoT based and their big heals require a proc-ed buff to be on you. Kind of annoying after playing a Commando that only has to worry about ammo.


I've played a dps Sage and their heals are really painful. I guess that's to be expected though. :D

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I play an operative healer and I've only tried that and sorcerer, but operatives (and scoundrels) are great. Once you level up a bit and get some alacrity you push out heals quickly and single target healing is a strong point. You also get a free instant cast, some HoTs and it's a very strong PvP healing class.


Another plus to healing as an operative, especially in PvP, is the ability to cloak and stealth away if you're getting attacked. If you practise and play the class well you can do a lot of healing and be very hard to kill.

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i haz a sage healer and an operative healer, must say i prefer operative




contrary to what some have posted, ops DO have big heals...you just cant spam them like a sorc...you have to be methodically strategic about your heals...



on the plus side operative healing is very fun...its challenging though for the wow people....priest = sage/sorc


and operative = druid



you get hots, aoe healing hot...you get surgical prob(probably the most important healing spell in the game imo)

and yes you get big single target heals also but you cant faceroll spam them like a sage/sorc can simply because your more resource vulnerable than a sorc.

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Depending on faction, Merc/Commando healing is rather fun. It's very single target though and lacks aoe healing capability. Operative/Smuggler is a very well rounded healer, but lacks any big heals. It mostly consists of you running around casting instants and hots on people. Sorc/Sage is basically the well rounded healer with a bit of everything, it has a shield, some big and small heals and a nice AoE heal puddle. It's up to you what you like in your playstyle of healer.


Only problem with sorc/sage heals is except for one, you have to be stationary, which is frustrating, at times (TFB, last stage of Kephess, our sorc healer can only cast 1 specific heal the entire 10%, while the merc healer carries the majority of heals). HOWEVER, to me, that balances out with getting extricate (especially handy if you PVP, in Huttball), and self heal, no cost, on a 30 second cd, as well as our knockback being no power. My sorc is level 45 currently - when I was duoing, I was specced dps, but when I started to solo, I switched over to a heal spec). I'm having a blast with it, and while keeping Khem up to date on gear, we've handled much that I wouldn't have been able to handle in a dps spec.

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How does this have anything at all to do with which healing class is fun to play??


To the OP:

I never liked Mercenary/Trooper healing at all, but Operative and Sorc healing are both fun. It just depends on how you like to play. If you like a more mobile healing, Op is way better for you. If you like better aoe/less HOT healing more, sorcerers are better.


I think the post is quite clear. Your response, however...no so much.

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having played merc and operative to 40 and currently playing sorcerer (22 atm) i think i personally like operative better because i seem to be able to control my energy more with diagnostic scan giving back free energy thru the skill tree
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healed on all 3 classes (a few on both fractions). They all have their benefits and disadvantages.


merc/commando - Not sure why people don't think they have AoE heals. yeah, they're not an AoE-bot like the sorc/sage, but the kolto bomb has advantages the sorc could only dream of having. an instant AoE is pretty amazing when used in the right situations, and every 30s or so, it also can apply a DR shield on all targets. sucks that it's only 4 targets tho. but i like their combination of DR shields and auto-heal from their baseline shot. their heat mechanic is very different then the traditional power mechanic...it makes it more fun IMO. a Merc is more about managing resource output then managing static resources. I like that difference.


Sage/Sorc - if you've played WoW, this is much more like your traditional healer type. static power resource means you have to watch power use over the whole fight, rather then balancing regeneration vs output. but with their "Bubble" and long cast times on big heals, they are more traditional in that aspect. the bubbles make spot/emergency healing much easier then on my merc and operative.


Operative/Scoundrel. - probably the most interactive of the bunch. But i think allot of people are coming to realize the potential of a well played Op/Sc. they're baseline DoT is amazing...I've healed entire runs with just that. but they have to manage energy much more closely then the sage/sorc or merc/comm, and the key to surviving long fights rests in effective use of the CD's you have to enhance your energy recovery. But a very dynaimc and interesting class to heal with. downside is they can feel complex, and sometimes they really don't feel very smooth for me outside of healing (their DPS process feels weird to me, but that's just me).


Tl - DR:

If i were to simplify the 3 in short statements (hard for me hehe), I'd put them this way. all of them are a blast, but they feel like this:


Merc/Commando - huge throughput capability, great single target, lots of DR options.

Sage/Sorc - great for fast damage management, traditional feel, AoE Kings.

Op/Scoundrel - amazing pro-active healers, tons of utility. very busy.


this is personal opinion, please take with grain of salt.


pick your poison. I like them all.

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Just a little poll here. Tell me what your favourite healing class is and why you like it better than others.

Thx for the input


I play Sorc, Sage, Scoundrel, Operative heals.. I'd have to see that I find the scoundrel and operative to be the most fun. I can get top heals or close to it in WZ's and I can get out of combat fast when I get super targeted. In other words, I live longer than I do as a Sorc/Sage.

Edited by ObiJuanShenobi
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I prefer the Commando. I haven't really played the Sage past level 15, but it feels too distant, detached, and rooted for my tastes. I feel like the Commando is much more mobile than the Sage.


I like my Operative, but there's something about it that just doesn't really click for me. I love all of the moves, though. Kolto Injection, Shiv, Debilitate, and Snipe are all really fun moves. I also can't wait to get the AoE heal at the top of the tree (I think it's called Recuperative Nanotech [it's equivalent is Kolto Cloud for the Scoundrel]).

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I prefer the Commando. I haven't really played the Sage past level 15, but it feels too distant, detached, and rooted for my tastes. I feel like the Commando is much more mobile than the Sage.


I like my Operative, but there's something about it that just doesn't really click for me. I love all of the moves, though. Kolto Injection, Shiv, Debilitate, and Snipe are all really fun moves. I also can't wait to get the AoE heal at the top of the tree (I think it's called Recuperative Nanotech [it's equivalent is Kolto Cloud for the Scoundrel]).


The Sage gets better at higher levels and eventually is neither distant nor detached.


That being said, at level 50 I feel everybit as rooted as I felt at level 15. The only reason I run is because Operations have mechanics that force it: the simple truth is that even with 9% alacrity my cast and channel times are pretty high - 2.5 seconds on my big heal, so I can't run that much when I'm spamming heals.

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