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Everything posted by Spoletta

  1. Keep trying, it's only a matter of getting used to it. You may also want to get Grade 7 equipment, it makes them easier, but after a good amount of tries you'll be able to clear those with bonus and grade 6 equip. Start from the easier ones, like the shuttle escort.
  2. Tomb of Freedon Nadd Server - PvP Eu Got this solved with the first ticket in around 4 days when i was offline. They sent me a mail to notify me of it. Really good work on the CS here. (Thank you Frank!)
  3. Cybertech can craft grade 6 which are good enough to do all the missions with a bit of practice.
  4. Except for credit booms there is no artificial influx of credits from outside game sources. Every credit you make from sold CM items comes from players, which means that credit sinks still have the role of economy stabilizers. You want to remove extraction cost? You're gonna feel it on your repair tab.
  5. The recruit gear as an idea was a failure. Bolster is the way to go right now, it's the ideal solution to the actual pvp situation. They just need to get it right. Also, anyone making comparisons between pve and pvp when it comes to bolster has likely 0 knowledge about the game or is trolling. Remember that in pvp, unlike pve, you can't choose the difficulty level!
  6. If i had to name one thing that this game needs then for me it would be this. There were sooo many times when i wished i could de level. Even if all we get are social points it would be fine.
  7. Indeed harassment is against TOS, and the fact that he is trying to pass as yourself is something that CS should help with. Bank theft on the other hand is something that just happens between players, within game rules. He was given access to those banks. For CS to intervene they would have to ask what happened to most guild members, which is impossible, unprofessional and honestly dumb.
  8. I'm a casual player with can play less than an hour a day, most of which goes to GTN. By trading in the 1-50 range i have 70 milions and i'm decking out my returning guild with augments.
  9. ^At least there is someone who gets it. Edit: Nice find JimG, we totally fell for it.
  10. Still this question getting asked? Pve has a progression, pvp has not. You are automatically pitted in the top end of it (rated wzs don't exist), so you need a boost to level the field.
  11. Blues nades are better than purple ones.
  12. 1) Put all that into spoiler tags please. 2) You are doing something wrong, i never had to do any grinding during leveling, and this was before the +5% guild xp or legacy bonuses. Actually i was always 5-6 levels ahead of current content. (I was 50 on Hoth)
  13. Now, i know that pvpers don't know a lot about pve, that's in their nature, but try to put a bit of thought when posting. A pve player needs more credits that a pvp one, not cause he dies in heroics, that's actually really rare, but because of HM flashpoints and operation, which can cause easily those 200k credits in repairs if you are in a progression guild. Doing top end RWZ all night costs what? 20k for a stim? Also, may i remind you that in your trolling you are still way OT?
  14. Let's not go OT. The OP asked for a way to make enough money to pvp without ever being engaged in pve. Since companions work with 0 player assistance that is a sure way to make money without ever touching pve. Sure pve players are advantaged credit wise, but that's not what we are discussing (and pve players need more creds to whipe in ops).
  15. I think you should get a better look at stat interactions before doing that, else you may discover that such a stat setup would be outdpsed by healers. Ok not really, but you get the point.
  16. Spoletta


    I disagree on the different levels for pvp, rwz are played by a really small minority of players. But that doesn't matter, we both agree that some kind of "bolster" system is needed, be it the recruit gear or what we have now or a completely new solution. I see it this way: BW initial try was with the recruit gear. That solution failed. This may be due to different reasons, but i think that it simply was not sustainable in the long run. With the pvp gears moving forward you constantly had to increase the stats on the recruit gear, to keep an acceptable gear gap between veterans and new comers. Since as you noted there is no such thing as a "recruit" gear for PvE, then you had conflicts between the 2 systems, where the recruit gear was progressively getting better and better in the pve side. By the end of the first year it was common to run HM in recruit mk2 gear, making tionese 100% useless. In the end tionese was made free. There is also a second problem, the recruit gear has to be of blue quality, else pref and free players will join wzs in quest greenies. The recruit mk2 already pushed hard on a blue item stat budget, an eventual mk3 would have been blue only in name, making quite a confusion for new players. The recruit gear solution is tied to an item, so it has to respect item restrictions and conflicts with other items. With the gear reset of 2.0 they took the chance to implement a new system which is free of that restrictions. Is it a good idea? I don't know. Time will tell if this will work, what i know right now is that the previous system was not sustainable, so a new one is getting implemented, and with it comes a phase of suffering while it gets ironed out. We are actually in that phase. I don't want to defend this version of the bolster system, but i'm willing to give a bit of time to stabilize.
  17. Spoletta


    Maybe i can answer the part on the no bolster for operations: Let's say i decide to pve. I can access the pve content at many levels, be it HM flashpoints, SM operation or something harder. I can make a decision based on my gear, and be sure that what i'm going to face is doable with what i'm wearing. Let's say i decide to pvp. The only way to get into pvp is by joining wzs. The gear level required for a warzone is not a fixed value, but depends on the average equip level of the other 15 participants. I have no way to know it beforehand, putting myself at the risk of quite a negative experience and possibly ruining my unfortunate team mates experience as well. This is why when entering pvp having temporarily granted an average level gear is not a bad feature. Hope that makes sense. TLDR: In pve you choose what you challenge, in pvp you don't.
  18. These missions are hard only the first times you try them, now i clear them full bonus while half asleep and i only have 4 grade 7 pieces (missile, emp, lascannons, converter).
  19. You may want to put that into a spoiler tag, i avoided it barely.
  20. Has anyone yet managed to get the value for lvl 55 standard health? I'm itching to get into the math of things.
  21. Hold the line is a nice tool for multiple disengagement, and it's on a 30 sec cd. Speed boost, movement impairing and knockdown immunity and lasts longer than any stun.
  22. Out of your list the one thing i'd give priority would be the master/apprentice system. It's iconic to Star Wars, can be a really good tool and this is exactly the right time to implement it with high level players visiting low lvl planets to clear dailies. Oh and all the dailies in one terminal would also be a good thing, especially if we can have such terminal on our ship.
  23. This may be a bit OT, but since you seem to know the new sets, what is the difference between partisan and conqueror? Like WH-EWH or BM-WH?
  24. If the time has come for a whiner to call those major problems then BW has made a hell of a good work in polishing this game. Honestly, only the first one is a real issue.
  25. Just wanted to point out to those having problems clearing the space missions without the grade 7 beams, that using the grade 6 (if you still have it) with grade 6 defensive parts will actually make your dps much much higher than what it is on full grade 7, if you switch on lasers the power converter. The power conversion module works better with higher firing rate. Sure this means that you are flying with only grade 6 protection, but that's the fun part.
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