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Imperial Agent ( Adv. Class Sniper )


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When I think of a word "Sniper" I see a person with many years of training, skills and to wait for his one target to shot. This might be in the real world, the trained sniper dose wait for his target or moves in to position to shot. If I was an Imperial Agent , I would want 2 rifles one with a shorter barrel for in-door shooting and a longer barrel for ranged targets. I like rifles with stocks on them, first of all I have not seen a sniper rifle with out a stock , in any movie or TV show. it might have a folding stock, but you can't shoot stable enough with out a stock. So Far in this game I have found stock-less sniper rifles. yes I'm a picky person when it come's to weapons, and I will ( Reverse engineer ) to make it better and to my spec's. Think about people if you are handed a rifle that can reach out and touch some one at 2,000 meter you want the best optics/ scope ? Correct


I can see clearly that EA and Bioware did not have any expert or some one to help them with the tactic of a sniper, also a sniper would not be seen in public, they would keep a low key and not be seen. The Distance of 30 meters dose not make sense to me, 100 meters is what I'm talking about.


I've play a Sniper in a game for Xbox live, I have taken down every one that has entered the game, I have never lost , I may have been wounded, but as a last man standing, I stand as the victor.


sniper's are silent killers in day or night, once you here the report or bang it is to late, your dead.

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Not sure what you want. You can't expect BW to change all the non-class quests to fit the sniper you described. And have two different class quests depending on your AC..... Neither would it serve the game if a sniper started 1-shotting mobs/players or if he only had 2 different range attacks. Or if the design of every rifle had to be in line with the expectations from the real world, which star wars is not. You dont even shoot bullits, how would you know what a laser rifle looks like?


Besides, you might be specialized in sniping, but you are not an army sniper, you are an imperial agent with a sniper rifle. IA first, then a sniper.


I like the sniper, it feels right with the screen and the aimed shot.

Edited by Gokkus
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After taking another ranged class and shortening a power, you think they will give one class over 3 times everyone else? If you believe they will do that, I got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you on eBay. When you buy it, give it to Bioware to burn along with all the other bridges they are burning.
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I can see clearly that EA and Bioware did not have any expert or some one to help them with the tactic of a sniper, also a sniper would not be seen in public, they would keep a low key and not be seen. The Distance of 30 meters dose not make sense to me, 100 meters is what I'm talking about.


I can't agree more. I mean, I'd love to know who their Sith Lord consultants were. I'd make a complaint to my local Dark Council rep! None of this, hit enemies 10 times with a light sabre to kill them when everyone knows it only takes one swipe.

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When I think of a word "Sniper" I see a person with many years of training, skills and to wait for his one target to shot. This might be in the real world, the trained sniper dose wait for his target or moves in to position to shot. If I was an Imperial Agent , I would want 2 rifles one with a shorter barrel for in-door shooting and a longer barrel for ranged targets. I like rifles with stocks on them, first of all I have not seen a sniper rifle with out a stock , in any movie or TV show. it might have a folding stock, but you can't shoot stable enough with out a stock. So Far in this game I have found stock-less sniper rifles. yes I'm a picky person when it come's to weapons, and I will ( Reverse engineer ) to make it better and to my spec's. Think about people if you are handed a rifle that can reach out and touch some one at 2,000 meter you want the best optics/ scope ? Correct


I can see clearly that EA and Bioware did not have any expert or some one to help them with the tactic of a sniper, also a sniper would not be seen in public, they would keep a low key and not be seen. The Distance of 30 meters dose not make sense to me, 100 meters is what I'm talking about.


I've play a Sniper in a game for Xbox live, I have taken down every one that has entered the game, I have never lost , I may have been wounded, but as a last man standing, I stand as the victor.


sniper's are silent killers in day or night, once you here the report or bang it is to late, your dead.


Valid point. While Bw are at it why don't they make all blasters 1-2 hit kills, light sabers 1 hit kills? Because of balance.


This game isn't sniper ghost warrior.

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When I think of a word "Sniper" I see a person with many years of training, skills and to wait for his one target to shot. This might be in the real world, the trained sniper dose wait for his target or moves in to position to shot. If I was an Imperial Agent , I would want 2 rifles one with a shorter barrel for in-door shooting and a longer barrel for ranged targets. I like rifles with stocks on them, first of all I have not seen a sniper rifle with out a stock , in any movie or TV show. it might have a folding stock, but you can't shoot stable enough with out a stock. So Far in this game I have found stock-less sniper rifles. yes I'm a picky person when it come's to weapons, and I will ( Reverse engineer ) to make it better and to my spec's. Think about people if you are handed a rifle that can reach out and touch some one at 2,000 meter you want the best optics/ scope ? Correct


I can see clearly that EA and Bioware did not have any expert or some one to help them with the tactic of a sniper, also a sniper would not be seen in public, they would keep a low key and not be seen. The Distance of 30 meters dose not make sense to me, 100 meters is what I'm talking about.


I've play a Sniper in a game for Xbox live, I have taken down every one that has entered the game, I have never lost , I may have been wounded, but as a last man standing, I stand as the victor.


sniper's are silent killers in day or night, once you here the report or bang it is to late, your dead.


I agree with you that the IA "sniper" is not really a sniper by real world standards.


If they gave snipers stealth then it should be like IRL snipers:


When they "stealth" they are usually crawling and have to have area camoflague. The stealth should work while stationary and have a limited VERY SLOW time limited (with cool down) moving while stealthed ( to get in position).


I agree the range should be increased but if they do this they need to have a some sort of "flash" or "glint" that gives the sniper a chance to be spotted in PvP (for balance). If they increase the range for snipers they need to increase the range for gap closers (also for balance).


To all that don't understand the OPs post and think that "sniper" would become FOW/M/Y you don't understand what a sniper is. If anything while these changes would make a sniper more realistic, it would take a very patient person to actually PvP as a sniper. MOST of you are not patient enough to play a sniper. :p

Edited by Urael
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Well Snipers can use Sniper Riffles and Blaster Riffles (they're like carbines), so if you wanted you can carry both on you at all times I suppose.


I have a 42 Sniper and what I've found to be odd is that Blaster Riffles actually look a lot more cool than most Snipers at this level. Blaster Riffles look more like tactical riffles, like special forces, which I like :D

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@OP, when I think of a tank shooting a sniper, I think that the sniper should be dead in one shot But that doesn't happen in this game (go to EC HM). When I kill a mob and there's another one literally 20m away, I'm assuming that other mob should have seen me to do it since it was in broad daylight, took about 15 seconds to do it, and it's very noisy with blaster shots going off and saber strikes. Heck, the NPC is even looking in my direction. Yet, he does nothing.


Sorry, but you can't use realistic features in games as your base. Rules and balance trump the realism every time.

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When I think of a word "Sniper" I see a person with many years of training, skills and to wait for his one target to shot. This might be in the real world, the trained sniper dose wait for his target or moves in to position to shot. If I was an Imperial Agent , I would want 2 rifles one with a shorter barrel for in-door shooting and a longer barrel for ranged targets. I like rifles with stocks on them, first of all I have not seen a sniper rifle with out a stock , in any movie or TV show. it might have a folding stock, but you can't shoot stable enough with out a stock. So Far in this game I have found stock-less sniper rifles. yes I'm a picky person when it come's to weapons, and I will ( Reverse engineer ) to make it better and to my spec's. Think about people if you are handed a rifle that can reach out and touch some one at 2,000 meter you want the best optics/ scope ? Correct


I can see clearly that EA and Bioware did not have any expert or some one to help them with the tactic of a sniper, also a sniper would not be seen in public, they would keep a low key and not be seen. The Distance of 30 meters dose not make sense to me, 100 meters is what I'm talking about.


I've play a Sniper in a game for Xbox live, I have taken down every one that has entered the game, I have never lost , I may have been wounded, but as a last man standing, I stand as the victor.


sniper's are silent killers in day or night, once you here the report or bang it is to late, your dead.


You are aware that while your Sniper isn't completely in line with a real sniper the following facts are true about your team in PvP:


- You have a guy that can shoot lightning from his hands.


- There is a guy with a jet pack.


- There are several guys with swords made out of some kind of hard light.


- There are some invisible guys.

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A real world sniper wouldn't work very well for gameplay and class balance. That being said, a sniper *can* one shot kill. I've done it. It doesn't happen often, and it happens less often at level 50 against level 50 mobs, but it can happen with the right balance of cunning, power and crit. Edited by errant_knight
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- You have a guy that can shoot lightning from his hands.


- There is a guy with a jet pack.


- There are several guys with swords made out of some kind of hard light.


- There are some invisible guys.


I really wish you'd wrapped that in a spoiler tag - The sudden trip through reality has my head spinning :)

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If I was an Imperial Agent , I would want 2 rifles one with a shorter barrel for in-door shooting and a longer barrel for ranged targets... and I will ( Reverse engineer ) to make it better and to my spec's.


I can see clearly that EA and Bioware did not have any expert or some one to help them with the tactic of a sniper, also a sniper would not be seen in public, they would keep a low key and not be seen. The Distance of 30 meters dose not make sense to me, 100 meters is what I'm talking about.



1) The only thing BW did incorrectly was to call this class a sniper. Most people could probably care less about this issue, as what you call a "sniper" has no place in this game.


2) Reverse engineering does in this game does not make an item better. It destroys it & harvests its components.

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I like rifles with stocks on them, first of all I have not seen a sniper rifle with out a stock , in any movie or TV show. it might have a folding stock, but you can't shoot stable enough with out a stock. So Far in this game I have found stock-less sniper rifles. yes I'm a picky person when it come's to weapons, and I will ( Reverse engineer ) to make it better and to my spec's.


I guess by the second highlight and not the first that you have not found a sniper rifle that has a stock on it?


They all have stocks on them, just many would be what I call "stubby".


My sniper is using the same mod sniper rifle she has had since she did BT.

Black Talon :) (just in case)

It has a stock and everything, so look and yea shall find. :)

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Um, we're not shooting bullets here and if you look at the movies, blasters don't seem to have much of a kick. So, maybe the stock is unnecessary. Also, there are a number of Sniper rifle options with and without stocks. If you want to carry two, carry two.


Suggestion: Buy a Custom Built Sniper Rifle off the GTN. They're usually fairly inexpensive and they have the look it seems you want, long barrel, shoulder stock and scope.



Edited by Blackavaar
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In any videogame, no ONE class can be the BEST at anything. We have three roles, Tank, Healer, and DPS. Every healer is basically as good as the next healer overall, every tank is basically as good as the next tank overall, and every DPS is basically as good as the next one overall.


With the Imperial Agent, we already have the knife-oriented stabby-stab stealth option. So what else do espionage agents use besides knives? Guns. Therefore, we have a tree oriented towards guns, named "Sniper".


Here's where it goes back to my first statement. It's practically impossible to balance a game where all classes are completely different, so in essence they all need to have the same limitations. When you think of a Sniper, you think of someone with a gun, with a long range, behind cover. Okay, you may have thought of some other things, but that's basically what a Sniper is. To keep them generally in line with other classes, they gave them

1) A gun that does slightly more damage than some other guns

2) A slightly longer range than some other classes

3) A slight defense boost from cover.

So, in the end, Bioware created a class that embodied the sniper the best they could in a game that had to be balanced. And in the end, to play a good sniper, you have to do all the things a real sniper has to do: Time your attacks well, position yourself in an advantageous location, keep enemy forces from getting too close, and scorch your enemy with floating plasma spheres.

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  • 2 weeks later...
.......Suggestion: Buy a Custom Built Sniper Rifle off the GTN. They're usually fairly inexpensive and they have the look it seems you want, long barrel, shoulder stock and scope.




That is exactly what I did! Been carrying it with me and updating it for the last 20 lvls... still dont stp me from checking out the wares that do drop. usually some short stubby thing thats smaller than the blaster rifle o.0... though that said i wouldnt mind a bowcaster.

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My Sniper uses the Athiss Sniper Rifle.


Sniper to fit the name should after 10 seconds of no activity go stealthed. They use an ability, they activate a skill it breaks. Gunslinger's would enter a box (like Solid snake!) that would match the terrain. Example like like those cargo boxes in Voidstar and the same situation as a Sniper.

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