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Everything posted by Svelok

  1. Everything removed was in my inventory. Just had to replace everything, no problemo.
  2. Dunno if you've checked this already (or if the information is accurate) but... http://db.darthhater.com/items/38104/heavy_gunners_chestshield/ This appears to list all the mobs that could potentially drop this item. Hopefully that helps lol.
  3. Or perhaps ... Customer Service.
  4. This is pretty much exactly what I do as well, and I believe it is probably the most efficient way of dealing with packs of weak mobs. For packs with a strong or higher I just have Kaliyo tank the tougher mob while I deal with the weaker mobs first. Hope this helps. Stick with it, snipers are awesome lol .
  5. I completely agree lmao. No matter how hard I'd like to just laugh at a situation like this, I don't think I could .
  6. Please hire this man as Lead Systems Designer. He clearly knows what he's talking about balance wise.
  7. Meh, looks like a well written guide to me. Thanks for the update .
  8. This is new, exciting, and relevant to my needs. Although, really hard to *** to.
  9. Also, where the **** is my little pine tree air freshener!? HUH!
  10. Are you no longer rested? WHAT? Someone's got to ask the obvious questions lol . EDIT: I just noticed that you replied to yourself about 10 times, forever alone?
  11. And in all that time, you weren't made aware of paragraphs.
  12. Watching stream to pass time at work heh. Good stuff so far.
  13. I'm pretty sure that is the number of people currently in the zone you are in, not the whole server. EDIT: BlackRifle beat me to it .
  14. Awesome, I knew there had to be an option somewhere haha. Thanks.
  15. Welcome to Earth? Who are you? Will Smith?
  16. Posting a link like that has got to be against the rules. Are you trying to advertise your website?
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