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  1. Everything removed was in my inventory. Just had to replace everything, no problemo.
  2. Dunno if you've checked this already (or if the information is accurate) but... http://db.darthhater.com/items/38104/heavy_gunners_chestshield/ This appears to list all the mobs that could potentially drop this item. Hopefully that helps lol.
  3. Or perhaps ... Customer Service.
  4. This is pretty much exactly what I do as well, and I believe it is probably the most efficient way of dealing with packs of weak mobs. For packs with a strong or higher I just have Kaliyo tank the tougher mob while I deal with the weaker mobs first. Hope this helps. Stick with it, snipers are awesome lol .
  5. I completely agree lmao. No matter how hard I'd like to just laugh at a situation like this, I don't think I could .
  6. Please hire this man as Lead Systems Designer. He clearly knows what he's talking about balance wise.
  7. Meh, looks like a well written guide to me. Thanks for the update .
  8. This is new, exciting, and relevant to my needs. Although, really hard to *** to.
  9. Also, where the **** is my little pine tree air freshener!? HUH!
  10. Are you no longer rested? WHAT? Someone's got to ask the obvious questions lol . EDIT: I just noticed that you replied to yourself about 10 times, forever alone?
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