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Is anyone else losing interest?


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Haven't logged in for two weeks but my paid account is still active. Have not even seen the changes for 1.4.


Have a full augmented Warhero Vanguard and another alt at 42.


Heart isn't in it anymore. Played SWG for 3 years, EVE for 2 years, and WOW for another 4 years so games have captured my long term interest in the past.


Currently playing other stuff and pondering an uninstall. League of Legends is kinda cool. Been doing Planetside 2 Beta as well.


The PVP stuns, roots, etc. in League of Legends is done really well.

Edited by Sungas
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I personally love playing this game.. but everything good going on seems to always happen at night when I don't have time to get on.. So most of the time I am pugging pvp.. or trying to catch a spot with the few of my guildies that aren't night owls..I haven't gotten to do a rated match since before The Fatman joined pot5 since they only seem to take place evening hours.. Other guildies broke off and join up other crews and vacated ventrilo I assume because of the slow downs. Might as well be playing KOTOR by myself thats basically what it seems like lol.. Edited by prodigyqnz
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All I do at this point is occasionally lvl alts (can only handle a lvl or so at a time before bored with that) and pvp, but pvp is getting pretty frustrating queing solo playing premades so much. And before the premade qq train arrives with 'get a guild' 'get friends' etc so on. I play casually, at many diff hours for differing amounts of time due to rl obligations of being a parent, having a job, and rl friends that dont game.
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Not losing interest, because I virtually only PvP and love the warzones - but because I virtually only PvP I haven't seen much new in a long time. Terror from Behind was good fun when I ran it, some nice fights.


As to the 1.4 changes, I really don't see what all the whining is about. People fear change and a few sorcs/sages were convinced they'd be ruined, RUINED! - but it seems not so much. Expertise changes - meh, no appreciable difference. I still get stunned and butchered sometimes, that's life (death). Maybe marauders and sents (PTs?) aren't getting resolve-capped licence to murder so often, and feel all weepy about it. The change I did feel (oh how did I feel it) was more and a bit more painful smashes (might go check my logs to see whether that's just expectation or fact).


Maybe it's because I rather burnt out on PvE raiding in Planet of Pandas, so been in PvP more here, but one thing I've wondered about is the sheer level of irrational and hysterical negativity on the forum. Conspiracy theories that are obviously nonsense after a moment's consideration get posts supporting them, and everywhere are incoherent rants about what WE (as in I) NEED (as in want) immediately or the game, indeed the entire universe, will apparently be sucked into some sort of antimatter catastrophe - at least that's the impression given by the level of emotion on display.


So I guess I'm losing interest in reading repetitive, hysterical, ill-thought-out whining. I'm sure your heart bleeds. I can solve that though. Plus, I should say there have been a few more considered and constructive threads in the last few days.

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I got burnt out by War zones some time ago, to an extent. They added Novarre Coast and it just wasn't that thrilling to me. Still like them, but I really have to break them up with something else in between, so typically level alts most the time; queuing for WZs when I ding a level. Every once in a while, I get a bug to where I want to just do PvP and will stop the alts for a while.
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I'm capable of completing the elite war hero grind, I just don't see much of an incentive behind it.


^ This especially. They released these weapons, but they are hardly any better than regular war hero, and in some cases the itemization is much worse. We were all looking forward to gearing up with these new mods and enhancements to become more powerful, but there's hardly any incentive to do so.


This game has over a dozen planets that you will never again see once you hit 50, with 0 incentive to ever go back to them.


This is the one thing you said that I agree with, and it is indeed a shame.

Edited by LarryRow
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No I have not lost interest, matter of fact I am re-subbing for another 6 months and its because I enjoy this game.


All other MMOs that have come out after TOR release didn't, couldn't and wouldn't take my interest from playing this game. I am here for a long time....

Edited by Asturias
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I don't know...this game contradicts itself in that it encourages you to have a lot of characters (look at legacy system and all that). On the other hand however, you really have to focus on just one character if you want to get the best gear. I have to play my sniper for hours and hours to get the full War Hero gear. But I currently have 10 characters, (of which 7 I play on a regular basis). So I can see myself by around next spring or so getting tired of it all and maybe going over to Guild Wars 2 like my brother did. Though I am a huge Star Wars fan, love all the movies, the books, everything. So it will be a shame that this game didn't live up to its potential.
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I have two 50's One full WH w/ Elite MH and one with WH/BM mix....I shelved them both 3 days after 1.4. I hate the resolve change...Right/wrong whatever I HATE IT! Wont PvP with it in place period. IMO its really that bad.


Started playing my level 25 alt again on the Republic side..always wanted to run the JK story and Im taking the time for it now...Kinda forced to. When I hit 50 on this character if PvP has not been debugged and resolve changed to a similar version to pre-1.4 I will cancel straight up. I am giving them a more then reasonable amount of time to balance PvP back out.


People can say what they want but between the resolve change and the latency, coupled with ability bugs introduced 1.4 broke PvP.

Edited by Soljin
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I'll admit the only thing that stopped me from hitting the cancellation button was the recent merge of PvP servers, sadly the only thing that keeps me sub'd is the Ranked matches currently, which tbh we have a fair amount of them on PoT5. Our team specifically, rotates around 12-15 peeps into matches every night, regardless of gear/profession, just to avoid the moronic play that typically comes with regular 50 PvP play.


We lose some matches, but we're having fun working together as a team, and not caring so much about rating or whatever. It is what it is, I'm not "excited" to hurry and get home and play by any means, and the horrendous development and broken features coupled with said development, makes it as such. The team is terrible, we all know this regarding PvP, but I can find a happy medium with the peeps I'm gaming with atm.


I wouldn't put emphasis on rating in pre-season either.

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Can you blame anyone for leaving? This game is HORRIBLE.

How are the same 4 warzones for the past like 10 months over and over..."content"??


What this game is BEST for:

- Casual to UBER-casual solo players interested strictly themepark/spoon-fed content

- Immersing yourself in Class story (which i think is utterly horrible, tbh).

- Strictly PVE Guilds who do raids/operations

- Someone who has never played an MMO before and is too ignorant to know how bad this one is.



What this game is HORRIBLE for:

..Trying to do anything competitively

...PVP and ANYTHING related to it. (this includes forming pvp guilds, Open World PvP, and class balance, etc.)

...Crafting and a community of crafters (see below)

...Player to Player Uniqueness. This game has 0 diversity. Everyone looks the same. Little to NO appearance options.

...Having an ACTUAL MMO Community (can't even talk to the other faction). Hardly anyone knows any names of anyone else. (I dont even look at enemy names when I enage them, its so meaningless. Not like you can talk to them. I dont even know any good sith's names). Not really any incentive to seek anyone out for anything, as nothing crafted is unique so...

...Content Updates. SWG on life support in its last years had more content patches and updates than this brand new "mmo" has had thus far.

...Socializing. (see also: "No Community" above)

...Feeling Star Warsy and Iconic. Nothing about this game feels anything like the movies that we have all known and loved. This is just KOTOR online.....and its BAD.

...Liking anything Sandbox Related (no player housing, no world/object interactions available, no unique emotes and animations, no physical 3D objects :rolleyes: (just a 1/4" by 1/4" colored icon in your ''inventory'' that lets you know you have something)

...Creating your own content (see also: "No Community" above)

...walking around in a 'live' environment. There are no weather or day/night cycles. This game has over a dozen planets that you will never again see once you hit 50, with 0 incentive to ever go back to them. And when you are there post-50....they are just dead zones, that don't feel alive at all because hey guess what...no one else is there either.




This game is bad. And November's Free-To-Play announcement will make or break this game. Either they release 10 months of backed content that they have been sitting on now, just so they can release it for F2P and this game flourishes......or it goes F2P and continues to have 0 content and little to no content updates and it dies by January or February 2013 when its subscription status drops to 50k total subs.


Several fanboys have also quoted the above post, countering it with typical fanboy comments. Everything this guy said is 100% true, and it's hard for me to admit that.


I had my eye on this game since it was first announced. I toiled away in SWG, eagerly awaiting TOR's arrival. I played it in beta. I ordered the Collector's Edition, and got early access. I was a fanboy myself from the word go. My guild, who had been together in multiple games for over 12 years, all left by February. I've since been in 3 other guilds, and all of them lost players and eventually vanished as well.


With each update, this game loses more and more people. The rose colored glasses have come off, and I've started to look at TOR for what it really is: broken. Hell, even a good chunk of the people involved in its creation have bailed, including the founders of BioWare itself. If that doesn't speak volumes about this game, then I don't know what does.


TOR is the Titanic of MMOs. Lots of hype, big expectations. In the end, sheer stupidity and fatal flaws in design will be this game's undoing.

Edited by TheronFett
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I am loosing my faith in the direction of things. 1.4 eh I still get the job done in pvp

. It just seems like this game is really not going to go anywhere which makes no sense considering how much potential this game has to give.

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Can you blame anyone for leaving? This game is HORRIBLE.

How are the same 4 warzones for the past like 10 months over and over..."content"??


What this game is BEST for:

- Casual to UBER-casual solo players interested strictly themepark/spoon-fed content

- Immersing yourself in Class story (which i think is utterly horrible, tbh).

- Strictly PVE Guilds who do raids/operations

- Someone who has never played an MMO before and is too ignorant to know how bad this one is.



What this game is HORRIBLE for:

..Trying to do anything competitively

...PVP and ANYTHING related to it. (this includes forming pvp guilds, Open World PvP, and class balance, etc.)

...Crafting and a community of crafters (see below)

...Player to Player Uniqueness. This game has 0 diversity. Everyone looks the same. Little to NO appearance options.

...Having an ACTUAL MMO Community (can't even talk to the other faction). Hardly anyone knows any names of anyone else. (I dont even look at enemy names when I enage them, its so meaningless. Not like you can talk to them. I dont even know any good sith's names). Not really any incentive to seek anyone out for anything, as nothing crafted is unique so...

...Content Updates. SWG on life support in its last years had more content patches and updates than this brand new "mmo" has had thus far.

...Socializing. (see also: "No Community" above)

...Feeling Star Warsy and Iconic. Nothing about this game feels anything like the movies that we have all known and loved. This is just KOTOR online.....and its BAD.

...Liking anything Sandbox Related (no player housing, no world/object interactions available, no unique emotes and animations, no physical 3D objects :rolleyes: (just a 1/4" by 1/4" colored icon in your ''inventory'' that lets you know you have something)

...Creating your own content (see also: "No Community" above)

...walking around in a 'live' environment. There are no weather or day/night cycles. This game has over a dozen planets that you will never again see once you hit 50, with 0 incentive to ever go back to them. And when you are there post-50....they are just dead zones, that don't feel alive at all because hey guess what...no one else is there either.




This game is bad. And November's Free-To-Play announcement will make or break this game. Either they release 10 months of backed content that they have been sitting on now, just so they can release it for F2P and this game flourishes......or it goes F2P and continues to have 0 content and little to no content updates and it dies by January or February 2013 when its subscription status drops to 50k total subs.


I agree with much of what you say here. While I'm personally not bored with the game... it's probably because I don't play daily, I have 7 toons, 7 advanced classes, i.e. plenty of variety. I can see how someone who played daily would get bored very fast... I can see how someone who only had 1 toon (main) could get bored very fast.


95% of what I do when I play is pvp. That means that 95% of the time I'm playing the 4 same WZs, the same 4 objectives. When I think about this I feel slightly embarrassed that I sometimes play for hours on end. The only time I seem to get excited in a WZ is when something unique happens with the team build. "Oh hey 7 sorcs and one Mara, this should be interesting".


Overall. I the fact that there is nothing unique "in game" will be it's downfall. Above you mentioned Sandbox, this game could be epic if this happened. Player cities cause community, which in turn cause real dynamic pvp content. Scaled and unique crafting and player shops. I'd visit one of the starter planets if that was where I could get the best of something from a player shop. I'd visit a starter planet if I was asked to protect a merchant while he was gathering resources in an area both factions needed to go.


The non sandbox factor goes hand in hand with the only purpose of this game, toon based combat, there is no other aspect. This is a shame, it keeps plenty of MMO players from subscribing. Some people want to play a MMO to be the richest person in game, own a city, buy rare loot just to show off, player bounties, be a loan shark, etc. Or maybe they want to be the person who crafts the best saber hilt in game, only enough resources to create a few, ever, and your name is on it.


I could probably go on forever. Instead I'll end with this. The short comings of pvp in SWTOR go much deeper than ability changes or adding a 5th/6th/7th war zone. The short comings are from lack of overall content variety.

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Can you blame anyone for leaving? This game is HORRIBLE.

How are the same 4 warzones for the past like 10 months over and over..."content"??


What this game is BEST for:

- Casual to UBER-casual solo players interested strictly themepark/spoon-fed content

- Immersing yourself in Class story (which i think is utterly horrible, tbh).

- Strictly PVE Guilds who do raids/operations

- Someone who has never played an MMO before and is too ignorant to know how bad this one is.



What this game is HORRIBLE for:

..Trying to do anything competitively

...PVP and ANYTHING related to it. (this includes forming pvp guilds, Open World PvP, and class balance, etc.)

...Crafting and a community of crafters (see below)

...Player to Player Uniqueness. This game has 0 diversity. Everyone looks the same. Little to NO appearance options.

...Having an ACTUAL MMO Community (can't even talk to the other faction). Hardly anyone knows any names of anyone else. (I dont even look at enemy names when I enage them, its so meaningless. Not like you can talk to them. I dont even know any good sith's names). Not really any incentive to seek anyone out for anything, as nothing crafted is unique so...

...Content Updates. SWG on life support in its last years had more content patches and updates than this brand new "mmo" has had thus far.

...Socializing. (see also: "No Community" above)

...Feeling Star Warsy and Iconic. Nothing about this game feels anything like the movies that we have all known and loved. This is just KOTOR online.....and its BAD.

...Liking anything Sandbox Related (no player housing, no world/object interactions available, no unique emotes and animations, no physical 3D objects :rolleyes: (just a 1/4" by 1/4" colored icon in your ''inventory'' that lets you know you have something)

...Creating your own content (see also: "No Community" above)

...walking around in a 'live' environment. There are no weather or day/night cycles. This game has over a dozen planets that you will never again see once you hit 50, with 0 incentive to ever go back to them. And when you are there post-50....they are just dead zones, that don't feel alive at all because hey guess what...no one else is there either.




This game is bad. And November's Free-To-Play announcement will make or break this game. Either they release 10 months of backed content that they have been sitting on now, just so they can release it for F2P and this game flourishes......or it goes F2P and continues to have 0 content and little to no content updates and it dies by January or February 2013 when its subscription status drops to 50k total subs.


Sad to say but I agree with what you said here minus the colorful language.

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Several fanboys have also quoted the above post, countering it with typical fanboy comments. Everything this guy said is 100% true, and it's hard for me to admit that.


I concurr. He's ab****ely right. 6 months ago I was one of those fanboys that would have told him to get lost. Today I just sigh cause I know it's true. My playing time per week has dropped considerably. I just don't have that much motivation to play anymore after leveling 7 lvl 50's. I won't grind a third WH because it too much a PITA. I'd love to pvp with my merc or operative but that's not going to happen with the current grind system. Too bad for that cause it would've added another year's worth a gaming fun for me.

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I am. Tired of bugs in pvp. Half of time I crash entering wz or leaving spawn site, other half i get randomly stuck in middle of map. I dont want nerfs. buffs, anything. Just fix it!


the fun part is losing a vstar that you're clearly winning at the bridges glitch, then winning one that you're clearly losing at the same glitch. it really is russian roulette. :D

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