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Back From GW2: Couldn't Be Happier


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I Agree with you as well! I will be enjoying GW2 right along side with TOR, but after re subbing to TOR yesterday, I cant see myself touching GW2 for at least a month :D


I really love the sense of progression here. I put the time in to get my war hero gear and Its a blast having a character that feels powerful in the open game world. In GW2 unfortunately at level 48, I have yet to experience that feeling. I guess the lack of character progression / attachment in GW2 is what ultimately made me re sub, along with the fact that Bioware has made an incredible game, with so much depth. Its gonna take me years to finish all 8 story lines. ( I doubt I ever will )

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Well, everyone is entitled to their opinions about both games. But there are certainly some features that GW2 has better, regardlessly of opinions.


- Today, they applied a patch. I happened to be on. You get logged off, you download the patch (takes about 5 minutes) and you log back on. That's it!

No 5 hours downtime or anything... just log off, download, log on, done.


- Server tranfers... you select your character, you say what server you want to go, you log off, you get a drink, you come back, you log on and BOOM, you are on the other server.


- Travelling is done with a gazillion waypoints instead of 2-3 minute rides.


- The character creation has way more options.


- Higher players can help lower levels, their level is automatically lowered to whatever the content is. I personally find this a great feature, because it makes all ''dungeons'' (that are the FPs here) repeatable.


- It's free to play.


But indeed... the game mechanics are fundamentally different. There are no tanks/DPS/heals. There are no 35 skills you got to pick from in battle. There is no companion. You got to pick what relics to put on your items. There are no speeders.


It is indeed entirely different for PvE than SWTOR.

Edited by Yogol
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I am still deciding to be honest. The reason I left SWTOR is because of how static the worlds feel. I don't feel like I'm living in a world. I'm not immersed. Everyone stands in the same place, and nothing ever happens. GW2 feels much more like a living, breathing world, much like SWG.


SWTOR, however, has ruined MMOs for me. I expect dramatic cut scenes and full voice acting the entire game with MMOs now.

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GW2 feels much more like a living, breathing world, much like SWG.


I agree, while I haven't explored most of the GW2 world yet, what I have seen has a total vibrance to it. I love the atmospheres, the cities, the wildlife, the ambient sounds - all are leaps ahead of SWTOR. I hope the SWTOR devs rip off what they can from it.

Edited by Stenrik
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I am still deciding to be honest. The reason I left SWTOR is because of how static the worlds feel. I don't feel like I'm living in a world. I'm not immersed. Everyone stands in the same place, and nothing ever happens. GW2 feels much more like a living, breathing world, much like SWG.


SWTOR, however, has ruined MMOs for me. I expect dramatic cut scenes and full voice acting the entire game with MMOs now.


It's not just SWTOR. Ever since I picked up Dragon Age: Origins I've had a hard time playing non-BioWare games. The lack of a good story with high quality voice acting kills it for me unless its a niche genre like League of Legends. DA:O, the entire Mass Effect series, and SWTOR. I tried GW2 and was bored to tears with the PvE in the first week. I did appreciate the non-compete questing in GW2, but hated that you got nominal exp for killing npcs and had to constantly seek out that next quest hub--and killing stuff in between hubs was a worthless waste.


If SWTOR could take out the "tagging" aspect and incorporate GW2's cooperative play it would benefit--but the leveling story is great no matter what. I've only played through 2 stories and haven't really grinded out the FP/Ops. It would be nice if there was a ready made "entry level" raid like the WoW Looking For Group feature (read: significantly weaker content/dumbed down mechanics) so that I could see the 8/16 man content without having to grind out the gear/find an appropriate guild.


But, regardless of any future PvE developments, I've still got 6 great story modes to go that will keep me busy for a long time (and that's not counting replaying the same story from the other light/dark side).

Edited by ArcadesSabboth
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I can name myself amongst the prodigal sons and daughters coming back to SWTOR after a trip to GW2.


Though GW2 had its moments, it was a little too rinse/repeat and the storyline was pretty simplistic. I enjoyed the game for a few weeks but eventually came back to SWTOR and realised it is a more immersive experience.

Edited by emjace
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No gear progression MMORPG...

Funny thing is you know what GW2 reminds me of?

GW2 reminded me why I brought GW1 when it was released years ago and only played it for about a month and traded my GW account away to some 12 yr old kid that I met at an Internet Cafe for a Happy Meal.

Edited by warultima
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Welcome 'home' :p


I didn't like my GW2 Beta experience so I never really left TOR.


With MoP selling far less copies than any previous WoW expansion and GW2 failing to ignite after the initial 30 day honeymoon, I'm determined to never listen to player's predictions about any game again :)


TOR is far from perfect (very far imo) but it still keeps me engaged daily. I hope that the '6 week content cycle' is adhered to.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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GW2 is fun for leveling. Engine is good, very stable in pretty. Battles with really huge bosses and dozens of players around with no fps drops? It is possible! But the end game... You need to run like 30 times (!!!) through insanely difficult dungeon (one, because other will give you different tokens) in order to get a single piece of gear (ie headpiece)... It is ridiculous and completely against to what ANET claimed regarding grind!


SWTOR is thousand times better. Getting new gear is fun here. You don't need heavy farming or grinding (schematics from high-end ops - you're properly rewarded from raiding!) to get huge amounts of credits if you participate in the end-game. Really challenging boss encounters, each being a puzzle itself. In Guild Wars 2 boss fights usually require whole team to bash on the boss and just dodge in the right moment, self-healing occasionally. TOR's voiceovers are amazing, Guild Wars 2 are "meh" (though many actors are "borrowed" from TOR). Nolan North does even worse job than he does as a Consular (worst voice in the game, really a waste of a good actor. Who made him talk with such tone of voice?)


And TOR has lightsabers.


I am back to Black Hole now. Need some commendations... There won't be a heart left beating.


I'd only wish that TOR was made on GW2's engine with such graphics and great performance and had more secrets, jumping puzzles etc. And that's it.

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I don't really care about arguing gw2 v. swtor.....I like both games, probably still prefer SWTOR more.


But I don't get the OP's statment that gw2 has "no quests". Your person quest chain even has fully voiced dialogue. It's not the same style as TOR, but there certainly are quests, even though most of them are just given to you with text and most aren't very complicated.

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I played TSW and keep playing GW2 in tandem with SWTOR. What brings me back to TOR (i unsubbed for a while) is the way the story is told, the cutscenes, the voice over and the depth of the story (well some of them anyways).


TSW has great quests(some mainly the investigations) and an amazing environment but lacks something that i couldn't put my finger on.


I never liked gear progression, grinding the same things over and over to get gear to repeat it again just bores me. Same thing with the stupid c*** dailies (whoever came up with that should be fired). PVP also never interested me (need to have a solid reason for it, neve found one except in AO).




GW2 however has alot of things that i like alot, if it wasn't for that i believe i would still be waiting for Makeb before returning to SWTOR. The world in GW2 feels alive, the graphics are very good and the areas are amazing but the cities blown my mind away how detailed and beautiful they are. Then you're rewarded for any kind of play you like the most, exploration, quests, crafting, pvp (the only game where i tried pvp outside of AO, never cared about it anywhere else), and it's not a trainstation like SWTOR is.


I like SWTOR, i want it to improve, but i'll be honest, outside of the story component it's not better than any other out there, so i would love to have more story, more companion story, better character creator (still the worst i've seen in years) more choices as you level so you won't repeat 80% of the story (that was what burned me out in the first place), more and better customization (player, companion, ship), make the world feel more alive, more vibrant.

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There are so many things wrong with this post, I'm not sure where to start.


First of all, your assertion that "quest hubs, grinding, and gear progression are what make an MMO, and MMO in the firstplace among other items," is way off base, because there have been many MMOs without these mechanics that were quite successful. Asheron's Call STILL has servers (12 years later), and is not designed around raids, which quite honestly ruined the whole genre IMO.


GW2 has plenty of quests, they're just not retarded ones that ask you to kill 35 rats and collect 10 rat tails.


Actually, most of their quests are this, except it's kill 35 rats or collect something. In fact there is a quest in Queensdale that literally asks you to kill rats.


I agree with a lot of the sentiments here, GW2 has completely failed to grab me and I was looking forward to it for 5 years. While exploring is a highlight of the I feel no sense of progression at all. I never feel like I'm actually accomplishing anything. I also hate that I had unlocked all my weapon skill by level 5 and although I get new skills to add to my utility slots I have to choose which to use and generally the skills are not any better, just different.


I'll still play it from time to time for a change of scenery but I much prefer SWTOR overall.

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I agree with the person who mentioned Asheron's Call. That game is still going and it is still fun. I think MMOs need to go back to those mechanics and such. If they updated the graphics on that game, I think it would give SWTOR a run for its money. But until then, its SWTOR and LOTRO for me
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Prefer TOR too over GW2. And about the gearing (grinding) part... I don't consider myself a hardcore player, but we're still running ops with our guild, and everyone is having a great time over TS whenever we do an ops that we did before 10 times. It's not just the game that makes you have fun, but the community too you are in, and fortunately I'm in a nice community. I'm playing to have fun, and the community+TOR provides that. That's good enough for me.
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There are some things in GW2 that I really like, like that the world feels more alive and exploring is there something that is fun. I will keep playing GW2 aside to SWTOR. The only thing that is truely terrible in GW2 is the personal story in higher levels.
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Ok I got to say the second I saw the thread title I though. Oh this is just going to be full of trolls disagreeing with a persons opinion, telling him/her that their wrong and their right and there is no middle ground. I was wrong. This thread is civil, polite and everyone is respecting everyone elses opinion. So people of this thread, I salute thee.


(Kiss of death right there)


Back to the topic. I'm like many others in this thread. I played GW2 but I just couldn't really get into it. Now don't get me wrong its a good game for the right person but it just doesn't grip me like SWTOR or WoW did. As QBSlide said in a previous reply. SWTOR has ruined MMO's for me. I simply can't play them without a cinematic cut scene, voice acting and a story that I can follow. Quest text just doesn't do it for me anymore.

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I have played both and enjoy both different reasons, however I can see problems in both.


SW:TOR - Doing the OPs raids doesn't mean much but e-peen and titles really. The stat difference from 61-63 is going be hardly noticeable and in general it doesn't feel as though raiding is worth it.

Itemization is also completely limited due to the nature of the mods they will always have revolve 2 stats and some type of booster such as 50 STR/25 Crit/25 Accuracy and unless there is new secondary stats introduced then gear will just flat line because of the limited itemization. The more you look at the more it seems a bad design choice.


GW2 intentionally didn't set out to copy the usual models but wanted to be different. Zones auto down scale players to content is always relevant and can't be grayed out.

Itemization is not what people are use to in the EQ2 type model and it will take people who used to heavy item progression to get used to it.

It's a much more open world to explore but the Karma quests are all very much the same.


SW:TOR is fun but unless there is some complete shift in the design of mods then item progression will just become boring and predictable - Oh looks it has an enhancement with 35 crit in place of 25 power.


GW2 itemization is better and the different weapon appearances make them sough after but the grind is longer.


Both games could learn something from one another :D

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GW2 is ok. It's different enough that I can enjoy both games, but TOR is still more fun overall to me. GW2 is beautiful to look at. It's got little things here and there that are nice, but it didn't live up to the hype.....as most games never do.
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I play GW2 together with people I'd also play online shooters with. I also dont feel the need to play GW2 every day, much like other online games with no subscription.


To me, GW2 doesn't feel like what I expect from an MMO, and more like what I'd expect from an online shooter/pvp game.


So really, having played it now, I know comparing TOR to GW2 is like Apples to Oranges. Although TOR can learn a few things about GW2.. (easy quick travel and awesome auction house system are the main things here)

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Welcome back guys glad to see people returning. Had a feeling alot would.


Like any new mmo released, if say 2000 people left x amount wiull always return and x amount will remain with new game.


Long live starwars, hopefully it will be going many years to come :)

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