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Is it playable yet?


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To which I disagree with him unless he has some sort of local issue.


Reason being I run SWTOR on 3 separate machine. 2 at home and one at work and all with various ages, components, devices and drivers As well as all with various settings from one PC having MAX on everything to one PC being low on everything.


YET, his problem seems to be more local than game as he describes it.


I'd be anything from drives to non-updates on his motherboard/chipset. Take your pick or anything in between.


His problem sounds more on his end than the current SWTOR bugs.


The problem IS with the new enhancements. Before the patch the game ran smooth. After the patch the game runs like garbage in comparison with the way the game ran before 1.4. Nothing changed on my computer during that time. Since that time I updated my drivers to the latest NVIDIA drivers but, still not up to speed to what I had prior to patch 1.4. Patch 1.4 is the problem for those of us having problem. Count yourself lucky for not having problems and give us a break. :cool:

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Reason being I run SWTOR on 3 separate machine. 2 at home and one at work and all with various ages, components, devices and drivers As well as all with various settings from one PC having MAX on everything to one PC being low on everything.


3 machines aren't a reasonable basis for your claims. Even 30 wouldn't be.

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To which I disagree with him unless he has some sort of local issue.


Reason being I run SWTOR on 3 separate machine. 2 at home and one at work and all with various ages, components, devices and drivers As well as all with various settings from one PC having MAX on everything to one PC being low on everything.


YET, his problem seems to be more local than game as he describes it.


I'd be anything from drives to non-updates on his motherboard/chipset. Take your pick or anything in between.


His problem sounds more on his end than the current SWTOR bugs.


Ignotum per ignotius

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The problem IS with the new enhancements. Before the patch the game ran smooth. After the patch the game runs like garbage in comparison with the way the game ran before 1.4. Nothing changed on my computer during that time. Since that time I updated my drivers to the latest NVIDIA drivers but, still not up to speed to what I had prior to patch 1.4. Patch 1.4 is the problem for those of us having problem. Count yourself lucky for not having problems and give us a break. :cool:


No, No, No.

This is only my illogical problem, nobody else has this problem according to the expert!

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To which I disagree with him unless he has some sort of local issue.


Reason being I run SWTOR on 3 separate machine. 2 at home and one at work and all with various ages, components, devices and drivers As well as all with various settings from one PC having MAX on everything to one PC being low on everything.


YET, his problem seems to be more local than game as he describes it.


I'd be anything from drives to non-updates on his motherboard/chipset. Take your pick or anything in between.


His problem sounds more on his end than the current SWTOR bugs.


So, everyone that is having problems is just deluded and running on crappy systems with bad connections? Okay then. It's all our fault. It's not like our systems ran the game perfectly before the patch or anything. :rolleyes:


Hope you could read the sarcasm there because I was laying it on pretty thick.



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I'm just running it on my Dell Latitude with Quad Core i5, Nvidia NVS 4200M.

But it worked GREAT until the patch, then it went to crap.

So what changed? Not my hardware!

Does anyone know if Microsoft rolled out any updates the same time 1.4 came out?


Hmm... I did see an improvement in Windowed mode. Approximately 10 to 20 fps. Have you tried playing on fullscreen Windowed mode? Just looking for a point of reference.

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So, everyone that is having problems is just deluded and running on crappy systems with bad connections? Okay then. It's all our fault. It's not like our systems ran the game perfectly before the patch or anything. :rolleyes:


Hope you could read the sarcasm there because I was laying it on pretty thick.




No but with the infinite number of combinations of CPU's, GPU's, Ram, Motherboards, and software a developer can't be expected to release a PC product that runs perfectly on 100% of computers. The reasoning behind why the game is not working correctly for some users isn't as simple as the dev didn't code it right. For all we know you have some program running in the background on your computer that is conflicting with swtor and causing all your issues. To resolve issues like this you need to provide as much information about your system as possible and not just your CPU, GPU, and Ram. Tells us what programs you have running including anti-virus and everything else.

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I have been busy and I haven't come back to play since 1.4 made the game unplayable with all the stuttering and graphic glitches. Have they fixed it yet? I don't want to log on again only to be disappointed.


I mean, the game is perfectly playable as long as I keep nameplates turned off and don't target anything but, that makes the game pretty useless.


So have they fixed it and re-updated it yet?




Have you tried also turning off nameplate scaling? In my experience, you can have a handful of nameplates on the screen and it'll still be playable as long as you turn off the nameplate scaling. In my symptom of the issue, nameplates on (without scaling) will give a 1 time hit when it first draws a nameplate. Generally this only becomes a problem (or even noticeable) when it has to start drawing a lot of nameplates in rapid succession/all at once. If you have scaling on though, you get this hit every time it needs to resize any of the viewable nameplates... which will happen a lot, even if there is only a single one visible.


(edit: and typically the only time the "all at once" becomes a significant issue is if you have PC nameplates turned on, and run into some congested area like the cargo hold area on fleet. Out in the wilds I typically don't get enough NPC nameplates all at once for it to cause unplayability even with NPC nameplates turned on.)

Edited by GnatB
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So, everyone that is having problems is just deluded and running on crappy systems with bad connections? Okay then. It's all our fault. It's not like our systems ran the game perfectly before the patch or anything. :rolleyes:


Hope you could read the sarcasm there because I was laying it on pretty thick.




If this is his problems (along with the shuddering which I'm sure many people have seen):


I mean, the game is perfectly playable as long as I keep nameplates turned off and don't target anything but, that makes the game pretty useless.


Then I'll stick with it's more of an issue on his end then what the patch brought and thats knowing the patch has some issues but what he is describing as name plates and targeting things makes the game unplayable (or even frustrating) just seems way off base.


He could scale down the distance to see people or cut off name plates entirely to check that issue.

Edited by Quraswren
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Have you tried also turning off nameplate scaling? In my experience, you can have a handful of nameplates on the screen and it'll still be playable as long as you turn off the nameplate scaling. In my symptom of the issue, nameplates on (without scaling) will give a 1 time hit when it first draws a nameplate. Generally this only becomes a problem (or even noticeable) when it has to start drawing a lot of nameplates in rapid succession/all at once. If you have scaling on though, you get this hit every time it needs to resize any of the viewable nameplates... which will happen a lot, even if there is only a single one visible.


This is probably the best explanation for what I have personally seen as the problem affecting my main system.

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My current theory (somebody else posted something similar) is that there's something really slow in the text rendering that mainly only affects SLI and Crossfire configurations.


Any time it needs to update text, (whether displaying a brand new string, updating an existing string, or scaling an existing string) you get a hit.


I don't get enough chat messages to see if chat messages are also causing issues, but I'd say nameplate text definitely is. (if chat is, that'd explain why some people still experience a bad case even when nameplates are off, if they are in talkative guilds/zones or whatnot.) Based on complaints about stuttering in space missions, I'd assume quest updates/space mission flytext also causes the problem.

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For you maybe but thats why it's probably a local issue and not really the game issue.


If you searched the forums you would see a great many post from Crossfire and SLI uses about a big performance drop after 1.4 (BW even admitted to an issue). So depending upon how bad it is impacting the OP, the game might be unplayable for them. Remember that what is unplayable is a subjective term. If frame rates drop to the point that the game is no longer fun, then it would not be unreasonable to consider it "unplayable".

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Well as I stated, it's unplayable for me. It becomes severely jerky whenever I select a target.


And yes:

Shadows OFF

All Graphics settings on LOW

Nameplates OFF


Only thing that matters is if I have a target selected or not.


This might help at least it helped me. go to the graphic options and turn off BLOOM. it has something to with the lighting but, when I flipped it off things improved. I totally understand what your saying though. They really need a HOT FIX.

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  • 3 weeks later...
No more illogical than your claims of being unplayable.


For you maybe but thats why it's probably a local issue and not really the game issue.


Sure the STILL has some bugs and I wont try to deny that but unplayable as you describe.


Thats just not so unless it's on your end.


So............... Guess it was a software issue after all ehh Hondo.

Only took a couple weeks to get it right though, not bad for something so illogical.

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Well as I stated, it's unplayable for me. It becomes severely jerky whenever I select a target.


And yes:

Shadows OFF

All Graphics settings on LOW

Nameplates OFF


Only thing that matters is if I have a target selected or not.


I have not experienced any of the problems you described, but I have to say when I put all settings on low the game runs jerky for some reason. When I put all on high, just shadows on LOW the game runs fine.

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I have been busy and I haven't come back to play since 1.4 made the game unplayable with all the stuttering and graphic glitches. Have they fixed it yet? I don't want to log on again only to be disappointed.


I mean, the game is perfectly playable as long as I keep nameplates turned off and don't target anything but, that makes the game pretty useless.


So have they fixed it and re-updated it yet?




There's one thing I still don't understand. If the reason for this topic is to know whether the game now works for you, why don't you simply log in and check? Instead you start a general discussion on whether the game is playable or not, what's the point? For some people it is playable, for some it ain't. Go check for yourself and let us know.

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I have not experienced any of the problems you described, but I have to say when I put all settings on low the game runs jerky for some reason. When I put all on high, just shadows on LOW the game runs fine.


You may be able to turn your shadows back to high now. Mine are on high and the game is running fine now.

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Let me also say that yes, the game is now playable (for me), pretty much back to what it was pre 1.4.


I still have the "Rays Guns From Space" effect that many are talking about where you fire off your blasters and colored lines seem to streak from off screen to your target but that is a visual thing and doesn't bother the performance of the game like I was having before.

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I have been busy and I haven't come back to play since 1.4 made the game unplayable with all the stuttering and graphic glitches. Have they fixed it yet? I don't want to log on again only to be disappointed.


I mean, the game is perfectly playable as long as I keep nameplates turned off and don't target anything but, that makes the game pretty useless.


So have they fixed it and re-updated it yet?



As of last night I still had the stutter, the "white box" on the login screen and the left over UI parts on screen changes.


It's playable, but it looks like crap.

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Swtor is very playable, people have sooo many issues with this game it's unbelieveable. I hardly had any bugs in this game since launch (besides the obvious ones which affect us all).


I suspect it has a relation to people being extremely poor and managing their systems very badly...


I'm running the game (since launch) in 1920x1080 everything on max except shadows on "low" and grass+trees at "60". Using forced Anti Aliasing x16 forced with Nvidia Inspector.


I get dips down to 40 fps when it's extremely crowded on fleet.


Otherwise it's 60-120 fps all other places in the game.


System: Windows 7 x64, Core i7 930@3.4Ghz, MSI Geforce GTX 480 @ 750 Mhz Core.


These screenshots will show you how the game looks all the time when I'm playing on my widescreen samsung LED:










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