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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1. Shift click item search on the GTN.


2. Ready check system for Ops.


3. Guild tax system, so the game generates additionally credits and then deposits them into the guild bank.


4. In game calendar. With the ability to schedule guild events.


No on chat bubbles unless they can be turned off completely.


No to AC swapping.. Not now and not ever..


No to player housing..

Edited by MajikMyst
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1) Cross-server Queues. This is especially important for PvP.


2) True Dual Spec system. A respec, even in the field, isn't the same as a Dual Spec system. Let me lay out two skill trees, two gear setups, and two hotbar setups and flip between them with the push of a button. Make it so it's out of combat only and on a 15 minute timer so it can't be abused in PvP, or to flip roles every other pull in a raid (for example) so people don't abuse the system...but create the system.


3) Account-wide Friend/Ignore Lists. Maintaining these on a per character basis is the pits, and it only catches one alt at a time. If I like someone, I will always like them, so I want to see every character on my server on which they are playing. Conversely if someone annoyed me enough to make the Ignore list I don't want to play with them again, no matter what character they're using.

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1) Increased frequency of content updates. I know Bioware has said it would do so and we all know that it costs money. But the lack of new content is probably the main reason people left. Big bonus points if it story/class oriented.


2) Better customization options for our characters. Look at STO and DCUO for inspiration if you need too.



A lot of MMOs allow styles in a way or another. The easiest way to resolve this would be to have an extra styles tab, where a player simply dumps a piece of equipment they own, replacing the visual look of the real item worn. Slots without items would simply default to the style of the real item. This would allow my Vanguard to look like he is wearing his clan Varad chestpiece while wearing his Columni one.


Ink/Dye system

This allows more flexibility and would allow players more input on what they look like (though I suspect a wave of black would follow). It should have limited impact on GPU performance.


Camouflage/Patterns to apply on equipment.

This would entail new textures overlays, which would greatly enhance customization and individualization, at the cost of hard disk space and GPU performance. This could partially be mitigated by adding a slide bar in the Graphics option to adjust the crispness of these overlays.


3) Better communication on what is actively worked on by the team. I feel very much that what is happening behind the scenes as Bioware Austin is shrouded in secrecy, with way too many things important to the player base being left unanswered. The current situation leaves many of us with the impression that the player base is either being ignored or lied to. And don't be afraid to go and ask the paying customer base "What do you think of THIS idea?"




- VIP and Collector Edition Vendor updates

- Hoods (you know what I am talking about)

- World Events, like the Rakghoul Plague, that have some replayability to it.


Also, am I allowed to ask for investors that are more interested in long term profitability that short term gains? The latter would make sure we have a great game (meaning people will gladly subscribe for a long time) than the former who will just try to milk the cow until it is dry (and dead).

Edited by jterlecki
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1. No to player housing..


So, you don't want your own apartment on your capital world? No cabinet to display your titles and rewards you have earned? Etc.


How would it effect you negatively if they put it in the game? It really wouldn't. Saying NO to something you don't HAVE to do or have is a bit selfish.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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  1. Make the galaxy more interactive (more mini-games, sitting in chairs everywhere, etc.).
  2. Alternate Starship designs for each class (interior and exterior).
  3. More customization options, including an in-game Face Makers / Body Engineers (Tailor/Barber) so that you can make adjustments to your character after creation.



Edited by Blackavaar
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So, you don't want your own apartment on your capital world? No cabinet to display your titles and rewards you have earned? Etc.


How would it effect you negatively if they put it in the game? It really wouldn't. Saying NO to something you don't HAVE to do or have is a bit selfish.


The negative effect would be to take the time to make it so you can add curtains to your ship, which only a small part of the community wants.. Instead of adding something that would make the game better for all of us..


No.. I don't need player housing.. My ship has a bed and I don't even use it.. I don't need to hang curtains, I don't need to paint the walls, I don't need to hang pictures, I don't need to decorate my ship..


This isn't SWG and it was never meant to be SWG.


Player housing only has a purpose for RP'ers.. Which fine.. It serves no purpose for the rest of the 80% or so that play the game..


Selfish is trying to make this game into something it isn't.. Selfish is about 20% of the community demanding something that the remaining 80% do not want..

Edited by MajikMyst
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1. Jump to Lightspeed/3D space.

2. Appearance tabs that work separately from stats on armor/clothing.

3. Player apartments/housing or fully modifiable/decorateable ships as our player home.


If you asked me to include a 4th thing, I'd say: hire much better artists to design the armor & clothing designs for SWTOR.

Edited by Tricky-Ha
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1. Fixed Operations "Lag Spikes" and no CS, resetting my UI will not fix this.


2. Some sort of cross-server guild vs guild ranked PvP system. (On maps separate from warzones)


3. Bring back open world PvP in an epic way! Try to incorperate PvE into it or something (both factions fight over a boss) etc etc


4. Chat bubbles as long as they can be re sized or disabled.


5. Make Hybrid Specs more viable in PvE and PvP



Edited by XxLegendaryxX
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1) Some kind of RP moderation on RP servers


2) Non-limited transfers


3) A more player character involved crafting system that allows me to go to a bench somewhere and actually craft something rather than only having my slaves do it (I'd also like to be able to make something that matters past level 49).


Pazaak and more mini games will replace transfers as soon as it's added. I wouldn't put transfers up there if it wasn't so important for the legacy system for all my characters to be together on one server.

Edited by flyersfan
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  1. Make the galaxy more interactive (more mini-games, sitting in chairs everywhere, etc.).
  2. Alternate Starship designs for each class (interior and exterior).
  3. More customization options, including an in-game Face Makers / Body Engineers (Tailor/Barber) so that you can make adjustments to your character after creation.




Yes, :cool:

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1. Mini games like sabaac or dejarik. (I keep seeing people say pazaak but I have no idea what that is)


2. Space pvp.


3. Planets that have different zones for different levels so I don't spend all my time on Corellia, Belsavis and Ilum.

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1. Complete outfit modding system where you can take any appearance you like and make an outfit out of it, and maybe even offer dyes to color outfits, this system would also work with companions. Some of the best looking gear in this game are white and green quality items.


2. X-Wing Vs TIE-Fighter type space combat missions, with 4, 8, and 16 player variants. Seriously, your Space team needs to play all the Lucas Arts X-Wing and TIE fighter games, excellent story and combat operations.


3. Ship interiors need to be improved to make better use of the interior space and to be highly customizable for player housing purposes. Look at the Normandy form the Mass Effect series as a great inspiration for more efficient use of space, and also for making sure all the items you'd expect in a working warship are present. Head, Crew Quarters, Exercise/Combat practice area, Bridge, Galley/Mess Hall, and for Force users a meditation room.

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1. Terror From Beyond (I dont wanna wait another month!! :p)


2. Questlines or attunements for Operations that help immerse the user into the Story of the Operations. Same for WZs, build on the foundations to make it feel more epic. For a game that prides itself on Story I would have thought this would be a given.

Ofcourse I understand you wouldn't want to restrict any content, which is my Attunements are often looked down upon. It could be saved for HM/Nightmare only maybe, or make it a key system where only 1 person in the raid is required to have it.

But in general, even if not key/attunements, some for of questline to reinforce the story aspect. There's very moments as epic as hunting down Kael'thas over and over in WoW, due to the story (and its the complete opposite of story heavy game). The same is being done with the DreadMasters, but a lot more quests regarding Ops could be made.


3. Implement some more mini-games. I consider Space missions a bit of a minigame tbh. but more would be good. Especially gambling, Pazaak etc, I know that's a much desired feature, and for a game following KoToR 1 and 2, it's a must! Heck Player vs Player gambling would be great too, betting some heavy credits to apply a nice risk factor in there too.


4. Okay so maybe people don't like grinding. But I gotta be honest, grinding Reputations in WoW was a great pass-time, since you had to very very slowly work towards getting something awesome. I'm not saying copy the system, but create some form of grind or challenge that rewards, e.g. Special Mounts, Cool looking armour etc. In a way, Social Armour grinding does this, but more of this would be great! For example, it sounds totally stupid, but I was one of the few lvl 41 humans in WoW to have a Tiger mount. It only lasted till lvl 50 once people could trade the wool for reputation, but for those 9 lvl's it felt awesome :p People always asked me how I got a Tiger mount as a Human before reaching lvl 60.


5. An achievment and challenge system. The Operations speeders were a step in the right direction, but more of this, only not necessarily always rewarding a Speeder/Title/Pet (Otherwise youd have to make hundreds). I had such a blast doing some of the Achievements in WotLK in WoW, it added a lot of longetivity to raids, gave us that extra challenge and was just a ton of fun. That and building up the achievement points is itself a grindy achievement. The point is it keeps people playing and spending time in the game, while also bringing some variation into play.


I know many of the above ideas/suggestions just seems like I'm asking for WoW :p But there's a lot of features and systems that its got that are great that you havn't implemented, and I truly believe they would help the game without drastically changing it. Again they don't have to be exact carbon copies, but take inspiration from them! :)

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1- real space (3d) this is a STARwars game...

2- social game ( pazzack , pod racer agains players and ai)

3- real warzone with vehicle, turret and all ( like battlefront 1-2!! ) this is StarWARS we need more pvp map that look like the battle of hoth from the movie!

Edited by Dharius
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1. More PvE content, much MUCH more regularly, from in-game events, to more solo quests, to more raids and flashpoints, to mini-games.


2. 3D space missions. No more "space on rails".


3. Day/night cycles on planets.


I almost put "more meaningful communication" as point 2, but thought if Bioware actually managed to do all three of these things, I'd care much less about communication as I'd be too busy playing the game ;) Just the way I like it!

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I'm too lazy to retype everything I've already suggested so I'll just link them.


1 - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=453114


2 - http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=460838


3 - Sand box style crafting system that allows players to design their own unique gear. Divide a piece of armor or weapons into smaller sections and allow players to customize armor to make it look unique.


4 - Sand box style social and trading zones on Homeworld planets. Give us a massive building, let us set up shops to sell our unique gear.


5 - Day night cycle across all planets, music that changes between day and night, out of combat, danger and in combat. (Two in one suggestion)


I gave a top 5. Still please feel free to have a look over my two suggestion posts and provide any feedback.

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I wasn't originally going to comment on this, but for Bioware's sake my number 1 is a thought I came across in someone else's post that may benefit them. The other two are more for my own gratification.


1. A semi-regular (say, once a month?) log-out survey, much like beta. Perhaps always have the option to fill one out. The reason that I even bother to suggest this is that the forums are a place for the vocal minority- NOT the silent majority. I really didn't mind filling those out in beta and felt good about giving feedback, like I was taking a greater stake in the game than just playing it. It is an IP, and a game that I love- SWTOR will probably be my last MMO for a number of reasons, and I plan on sticking around for a few years (with a sub) and just ride the game through the changes. OP classes are dust in the wind, fixes are always imminent, etc. I just think that giving players a quiet and private option for feedback will serve Bioware better in the long run than having to sort through the vitriol of the forums. In summation- give players a tool to quietly send their requests (or complaints), and JUST as importantly, send their praises. (By the way- I'm still happy here! Thanks to the devs, and all people on the ground working with us) Alright, that was the long one.


2. A more developed space game- you know your own difficulties with building it within the engine, and the benefits of doing it, so I won't bother repeating those arguments. I'm only mentioning it here to reiterate that I (and I believe a lot of others) feel this would be a HUGE and UNIQUE draw that SWTOR could offer that no other MMO does. I know it will be difficult, but since you decided to go F2P you're in an even more competitive market. I think a better space game (with open space pvp) will go you a niche no other game can touch.


3. Legacy bank tab and legacy wallet. Just one tab even. The wallet- perhaps you could designate your main, and have an option button like guild repair for 'legacy credits'- just a thought.




You can stop reading here because OP asked for three. But my bonuses would be:


a. More customization options on orange/adaptable armor- someone mentioned possibly allowing a craft to be able to create an item that would allow you to extract an orange shell from an existing blue/green/purple piece. The art is already in the game- this would be a boost for in-game economy, crafters, and customization.


b. Vanity items in the cartel shop- so you're making a sub currency and don't want to hit pay to win- overload that bad boy with vanity items for inside ship customization to make the ship a home. I'm not an RP'er, but I would spend Cartel Coins on stuff like that. Similarly, if guild ships or allowing other people onto your ship become options in the future, this is once again a way to make your players feel unique.


c. Another poster mentioned rare and ultra rare drops from mobs, differing from world to world. This would add flavor and challenge. Remember your Bartle Test basics.


Thanks for reading! Sorry for extra three.

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Little features:

- Dual spec (advanced class)

- The talent trees and classes to be cleaned up (they seem waaay to complex)

- Hoods down for Jedi and Sith!


Big features:

- Proper 3d space exploration, pve and pvp

- Ship invasion pvp

- Extension of the class stories

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1. Make legacy levels mean something more then just getting the privilege to spend more credits, a discount or something after legacy 25.


2. Improved space combat, less on rails.


3. Dual spec.

Edited by Halacs
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1.) Ship as a quick travel destination

2.) Ability to look at companions gear/stats while in a group

3.) Artifice schematics... or the reverse engineer chance displayed anytime you hover over it if you have the skill. Buying something, removing an enhancement, seeing "no research available", trashing it, and then finding out artificer xyz got the schematic from the same piece is extremely frustrating.

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