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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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1) The ability to replay my class story once i hit 50. I bought, subbed, and played this game to experience the far better storytelling that this game has over WoW, and i now have 6 50s, and i cant keep up with all of their stories. My sent and my agent were my first 50s, and i cant remember some of the finer details, and I would love to experience it all again.


2) Off-rails space battles. I loved SW: rogue leader and SW: rebel squadron, and i would really like to see that :D


3a) (a little unrealistic) A new class that can tank/dps/heal. Prefferably a force/tech user, like combining a sin and a merc, or maybe a jug and an Op, or dare i say... a PT and a Sorc :p


3b) (still a little unrealistic) Some kind of racing, like swoop racing or pod racing :)


3c) (a little more realistic) OPEN WORLD PVP


4) also togruta and nautolan playable species

Edited by Meepbot
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1. More character slots per server! Personally, I'd like another 8 slots.


2. An appearance system similar to DCUO. You've had your chance with the 'orange' system and it's just not cutting it. You'd have to make ALL items orange or somehow able to be RE'd/converted to orange, which you haven't. Just do the appearance thing and get it over with. I really believe most everyone would be happier with it in the end.


3. Violet color crystals available (and equally available) to both PvE and PvP, to both factions. More different colors would be great too. Artificial limitations make the game just that -- more artificial.

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1. More meaningful flashpoints.

Right now my character is lvl 33 and aside from Black Talon (and Esseles for Republic) all other flashpoints so far were terribly, horribly boring: a one-way run with two or three bosses and a pseudo-moral choice stuck in the middle. If you think about Black Talon and Esseles - these had very good story with numerous outcomes and meaningful conversations. I actually bought the game after trying the Esseles on Free Trial. Since then...meh! And yeah, social points, 150 for running Black talon, 2 for running everything else. Awesome, right?


2. More meaningful crafts.

If your character is a crafter then you'll know what I mean: the crafts are boring! Why almost all of the handcrafted things have the same look as dropped? Same design, same colors - nothing exciting at all! I've put so much into crafting a hoverbike and it turned out to be a bland and awful sand color. What's the point of it, if I can't flaunt it?

A lot of people ask for dyes, so maybe they could be introduced as picking a color when crafting an item? This would be killing two birds with one stone: crafting becoming less boring, bland and undemanded - and people getting more equipment colors.


3. More varied gameplay(minigames?)

PvP is all fine and dandy, but it's still the same game - pretty much the same gameplay as the rest of the game. Yes, space missions are fun and give people some rest from the main gameplay too, but I strongly feel that the gameplay still should be diversified a lot - as of now it gets boring pretty quickly.

Introducing pazaak, sabbac, swoop racing and such would be great. And if character hoverbike models could be used for the racing - that would be even more fun, making changing/coloring your hoverbike more meaningful(see previous point).

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The top three things I would like to seeare:


1. Legacy wide bank ( that can also have a shared pool of Comendations, Dailies, Black Hole ...etc).

2.Quick travel to Ship.

3. Better Armor Appearance, unique armor better appearance of toons. ie..( Hair styles, color, body shape)


if I could have a forth it would be.


4. High level respec Sage to shadow, Guardian to Sentinel, Vanguard to Cammando ...ect.

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1. Smarter, improved, less buggy Group Finder

2. Much greater gear diversity - just hunting for your one class set of black hole gear is NOT FUN. There is no real choice in stats either.

3. A much greater focus on PvE things to do at level 50. This is not a PvP game (even though BW likes to believe it is), it's a PvE game with a PvP mode - so please start pushing out more PvE content.

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1) The legacy wallet / cargohold idea has already been mentioned, but that would be great, and make sense in the context of the legacy family tree concept. One that may not have been mentioned...


2) Resolve flytext and/or larger resolve indicators.


Right now it's hard to gauge the precise impact your CC is having, and as a healer I'm often juggling a couple different things - I try to check resolve before I throw a CC, but it's just really small in the context of everything else shown on the screen. Some sort of indicator over people's heads might work. I think this could lead to more effective use of CC, and potentially address some of the concerns discussed in September 4th dev blog regarding excessive resolve gain and a team's ability to control the movement of the opposing DPS.


3) Last one for me, some sort of title or loot for Ilum pvp, so people actually go out there to fight. :)

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1. More character and gear customization options. First of all, we need a barber of some sort at who we can change our hairstyle of facial characteristics. Second, the mod removal prices from high-level gear has to be removed completely. Shortly before launch, the developers said that this game is all about the player and his/her character. Then why do I have to pay 500K to preserve the look I want for my character?


Jedi and Sith alike have to have a hood toggle option, where you can choose to either have or have not the hood of a chest piece over your head.


2. Social points bar bound to Legacy. There is absolutely no point whatsoever to be collecting social points to one character only just to get a few pieces of unique social gear.


3. Chat bubbles, the ability to sit on chairs and the inclusion of more animations. This MMO particularly has to be more alive, and I think these three would improve the situation on a significant scale.

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1.) Extra character slots, so you can have one of every Advanced Class

2.) Fully customizable ship or house

3.) New planets for all levels that have no story, but have things like ancient temples that if you can get through and kill a monster or guardian of the temple you can get do cool gear or an ancient relic.

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1. Loot and Gear drops during 8 and 16ppl ops/raids, I don't feel that this is fair or practical, we often get 4 drops of the same gear i.e. 4 commando rakata chest pieces, when we only have one commando on board. Or worse still we get nothing but commando drops all through the raid. Perhaps this could be more practical, 1 piece of gear for each class that is on the raid, schematics we could use because there is nothing worse than a schematic drop for a craft that no one on the raid has.


2. I would love to change my characters hair style and colour, not change the character just the look from time to time.


3. A speeder design competition, to design a speeder that can be used in game :D

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1. Same sex romance/flirt options (Come on, you're BIOWARE! - Don't diminish yourselves ;) )

2. Higher resolution textures - So ones character doesn't go all fuzzy from the neck down.

3. Subsequently wishing EA gives BW the funds and freedom to really show us their skills in the evolution of SWTOR

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1.) PVP - PVP grind sucks! Need to change how we are grouped. Quing solo shouldn't mean your que'd with a bunch of other solos against a Preformed Rated group that will kick butt. Maybe add cross server PVP so those in your level will be matched against you and Rated teams will get more matches.


2.) More custom gear. - The gear should stay the same no mater who is wearing it. So the Smugglers Jacket looks the same on a Jedi as it does on a Smuggler.


3.) More Crafting Skills - adding a 4th skill slot that you can use another crafting skill or being able to craft items with expertise on them.

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1.) PVP - PVP grind sucks! Need to change how we are grouped. Quing solo shouldn't mean your que'd with a bunch of other solos against a Preformed Rated group that will kick butt. Maybe add cross server PVP so those in your level will be matched against you and Rated teams will get more matches.


2.) More custom gear. - The gear should stay the same no mater who is wearing it. So the Smugglers Jacket looks the same on a Jedi as it does on a Smuggler.


3.) More Crafting Skills - adding a 4th skill slot that you can use another crafting skill or being able to craft items with expertise on them.


I agree with your "guilds vs pug" idea. I think there are some great solutions to this. But slowing down guilds is not one of them. I have suggested a buff for pug, in game vocal chat for pug, and just awareness that you are playing a guild. For example you should be told in beg of the game to get it together! Lol "you are playing 4 guild members! or 8 guild members" so at least you are ready.


But also the grind in PvP is nothing compared to PvE. I get so exhausted getting lost, waiting for people to get in a FP etc. while doing PvE that I would never ever play if it wasn't for PvP,


All I'm trying to say is take the word "grind" out of there. Getting into a match instantly is far from a grind in comparison.

Edited by NoaFlux
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