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A Thousand Papercuts


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My repost from another thread.


I'm happy to see the game is still on it's feet, and also glad to see that the dev team at least APPEARS to be interested in bringing this game up to speed.


No need to go over what should have been, other than to say that we told you in beta. This is what happens when you don't listen to your players.


Now, that said...


1) Environment


I would suggest that certain changes be made as soon as possible, DEFINITELY before launch of F2P. The environment is certainly well designed, but is too linear, too static and the mobs wait to be killed. Doesn't really make it feel like it's alive. Add day/night cycles, swimming and PHASED entry to the entire map. Nighttime is much more dangerous on most worlds.


By phased entry, I mean open up the map on ALL worlds, even if you repeat rooms/terrain, but have the entryways blocked the first time around (as you level in your class quest). That means you might have to cut tunnels, add bridges, etc...perhaps even phase the area so your first visit is set just for your class quest level, second and subsequent visits are the open world with everyone on it. Phasing in this way also allows the capital planets to be raided.


Make capital planets the new hubs, have flights directly to and from the planets (with launch/landing sequences) and leave the stations as optional.


Add in random encounters when flying from planet to planet in your personal ships or shuttles...can shut this feature off if desired. Can have turret play like KotOR, or a weak flashpoint ship invasion, etc.


Have the majority of mobs patrol. Remove most of the static mob stands you have now. If you DO leave static mob groups, make them VERY weak, increase the group size (at least 6 mobs) and have them busy with something.


Add FAR MORE items in the environment that can be effected by weapons or force power. Add walls that fall apart, trees that fall over, falling debris, as well as your exploding conduits and containers.


Light and dark side alignment should effect people around you. Townspeople should move out of your way and act "hushed" if you are dark, friendly, greeting you and bragging if you are light. Light and dark should also effect prices from vendors...this gives the system meaning.


2) Customization


Here is where the largest potential in the game exists. There are a few changes that can be made, some simple, some more involved to really open up the game to personalization.


The engine has this ability. We just need access to the feature.

Hero engine dynamic character creation system


First, Armor. The quickest change should be color...the ability to change color of any chest piece to a certain limited pallet. Since OBVIOUSLY all other pieces can change in color it lends credence to the idea that the chest piece can follow suit. Then you can match up, and voila...you have color choice.


Voice. I am guessing (though I may be incorrect) that you have recorded many types of voices for similar responses. Give the players the choice of what their voice should sound like in character creation.


Also appearance. You can either open up all armor by allowing it to be converted to orange (essentially stripping out the appearance) and then rebuilt to allow a truly custom look OR just create an appearance system.. The entire armor system in place should be scrapped. Orange armor (empty) should be crafted, and personal crafting would offer bonuses when you hit criticals.


Hidden items. Allow more items to be hidden, like hands and chest.


Finally, companions. We need to be able to choose from a limited list of races and appearances for our companions. Right now there are still FAR too may clones running around. It looks REALLY silly. Especially in an area where many players congregate. Drop in sets do not work IMO. We need to use the creator used when we create a character with limited choices available. Give the option to use the creator or go with the standard look.



3) Gameplay


Minigames and hands on crafting. I can't stress this enough. You need time killer in this game. Allow personal crafting with higher bonuses that creates armor (or mods, better choice) that rivals drops or raid content. Card games, swoop racing, player bounties (PVP servers only), etc.


Smoother actuation of skills...add auto-attack, even if it is blocked by the mob that you are attacking. Just make combat look more involved and active. If I wait for a cooldown, I just stand there and block occasional shots if I am jedi/sith, or just get hit otherwise. This is silly. I should dodge, weave, react to the hit slightly, perhaps block more often but still take damage...something.


Companion play. Forced companion use was a silly choice, ESPECIALLY considering your solo leveling design slant. Players should get a boost when alone (except when raiding/pvp), companion still has a benefit due to agro control as well as additional DPS. I would suggest faster health regeneration or higher damage resistance.


...AND I would also suggest much faster health regeneration outside of combat. The heal should not be necessary unless health is VERY low, and should be twice as fast. Also, cooldowns for specials should be reduced about 25 percent, with damage adjusted to keep the same overall DPS.


Finally, add in text missions on terminals, similar to some of the Heroic missions. Have them generate randomly. Keeping them text keeps them cheap to write and implement.

4) Housing


VERY important. Our ship needs to be a home. Open it up to decoration. Allow us, first, to choose other ships at max level. Second, give us the ability to change details and colors/markings outside the ship, colors/details and decorations inside the ship (using a SWG style housing decorating system, NO HOOKS). This would open up the ability to provide furniture and other decorations in the game to quest for or craft, as well as trophies to display.

5) Space combat.


Two suggestions. Single player needs the ability to bring along friends to man your turrets, fight borders or do repairs. The second suggestion is to add a Battlefront style space battleground, including the ability to land and fight on foot on ships.


More to follow, but this is the basic gist. I'm sure most if not all of it has been suggested before. It's time to complete this title and get ready for the masses.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Wow, this thread got big! Some really great suggestions in here. :) I've thought of some more, and I will limit myself to just "little things" once again:


1. Allow us to chose where our Companions stand on our ship.

And by this I simply mean let us switch them around in the already pre-determined spots. Yes, it'd be great to have them doing stuff and moving around, but I would settle for getting Khem Val out of the crew quarters (poor crew!). And I bet there's a lot of Warrior's that would love to relegate Quinn to some far corner of the ship instead of having him on their bridge!


2. Implement "hide shoulders".

About 60% the armor in this game that I dislike, I dislike because of the shoulder pads/pauldrons/airplane wings/capes/neck pillows. I realize that this would not be a quick and easy thing to implement, but I feel it would greatly improve the aesthetic options in the game. Additionally, this would be a very useful feature to have if Togruta or Nautolans were ever made playable -- all that horrible clipping (or, re-doing most of the chest pieces in the game for them) could be avoided by simply giving players the ability to hide the shoulders.


3. Add more social gear.

I find the current selection is too limited, considering that it requires a certain social rank. How about an Organa Noble set, or super simple Jedi/Sith-ish sets on Tython and Korriban? Even recolors would be great, really.


4. Make social points/rank legacy wide.

I realized the absurdity of it being character specific when I decided that I was going to delete my Operative and re-roll him as a Cathar later. He is almost Social III, and when I delete him, those social points I earned will vanish. Yet, does this mean that all those hours I spent in groups with him will magically have not occurred? No! And what about people that spend a ton of time grouping, but not necessarily on the character they would most like to dress in social gear (ex: main that does raids is a big scary Juggernaut, but they want the Voss social set for their cute lower level Consular alt)? IMHO social rank should be related to how much the player groups, not how much each specific character groups.

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Excellent thread OP - the only suggestion I have is for you to place your quoted comments back in the OP itself rather than as posts within the thread in order to compile everything in a single place to make it easier for everyone to catch up on all the papercuts themselves :)


My list (a few repeats I'm sure, but at 31 pages and counting, it's a bit hard to keep track of what's been said so far):


  • Toggle in options to disable quest list display in WZ's (tired of having to hide them each time).
  • If you kill an NPC standing on a crate, barrel, or anything else above the ground, once dead they float in mid-air. Small graphics glitches like this have been reported since beta (I did many myself), and still persist.
  • The mission list for companions don't always refresh in the manner they should. Supposedly when we zone to a different location it will reset, but on my consular this never works (I always just have to wait it out). On my BH however, any zoning will reset it perfectly (need consistancy for all classes on this).
  • I want my companion in my legacy...I married her, why is she segregated out of the list? On top of that, now that she's max affection it feels like we're actually married...as in, no more nookie :(
  • Log in anonymously option - yes, there are stalkers in the game or simply people you don't want to talk to at the time. Since the social expereince is limited anyway, why not let us limit it further as an option (sounded sarcastic, but I'm serious :p).
  • Color match to any piece of armor instead of just the chest option (I've got a pair of pants on my BH that I haven't found a matching chest for and would love to have it all with the same look).
  • Non-faction legacy ships. A few people have already mentioned making ships legacy bound so you could use them regardless of faction, but I'd like to see some new models opened up via legacy that all your characters would have access to.
  • Allow my other faction alts to be available on the quicklist dropdown when sending mail (my friends are there, why not my alts?)
  • Add in an option to specify the time before afk causes logout - 15 minutes, 20, 30, something where if we have to step away for longer than 10 minutes we won't be automatically logged out.
  • Every time I get off a taxi and hop on my speeder the camera zooms way out, I'd love to see it just stay at the zoom level you already it at before you took the taxi (why does it constantly change?)
  • Persistent chat tab - I have a few custom chat channels I use to limit things while playing (turning off gen chat while on the fleet for example), but each time I zone it resets back to the default tab so I have to select my custom tab each time...very frustrating.
  • Get rid of mod removal costs completely - I'm tired of having to stop what I'm doing just to run a few days worth of dailies just to make enough extra credits to optimize a character a little. The game has too many money sinks as is and this one is completely unneeded.
  • Custom waypoints - let us create them and maybe even make them legacy bound :)
  • One medpack per fight is silly, revert it back to how it was (sometimes it might actually take me a few minutes to down what I'm fighting, I should be able to use as many medpacks as I need).

Edited by Dink
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Here's my own...and I apologize if a few of these are redundant (already mentioned).


Mail - many posts on this, my spin is we need autofill in the name slot. which means if i send a mail to my toon jane doe, then next time I bring up the send tab, her name's still in it

please change the mail window so it doesn't pop you back to the inbox once you've sent mail. it's quite grating to have to continually re-click the "send" tab to get back to that screen....then enter the same name....a half dozen times...and this last one may seem small, but you'd be surprised at how big a difference it makes. when I click on the send tab, i intend to send a mail to someone. it's double work to have to "click" the Name field to enter the name. the cursor should be there by default. we can click out of it if we want to do something else, but please place it there by default. These are the small things that make mail feel very clunky, when in other games (that do these things), it's a very smooth and seamless process


gear design - already stated, but im adding my vote in. I do not like many styles on jedi side...and many of the sith and/or jedi styles would look great on the opposite fraction. Luke wore a very sith-like uniform in Return of the Jedi...and he wore a soldiers uniform in Empire strikes back. I have no clue why jedi are forced to wear monk like robes....canon notwithstanding, the few books i've read outside of the movies had jedi that were in everything BUT those silly "I just came down from the mountains" robes. nothing wrong with having them, but I think that limiting sith styles to sith side and vice versa is bad. Not to mention you already broke the mold with the "dancers outfit". If i can tank HM EC in a bathing suit that would make Madonna blush, then i should be able to do it a sith guard uniform, even if im republic. on that note...same thing with the "class locked" moddables. simply silly. the Black Talon Agents jacket would look good on my smuggler as well....not to mention look great on mako, or Vette....I think you get the point. It seems odd that you would not let a very Agent-like companion (a.k.a Mako) wear an agent vest...but she certainly can tear it up in a slave girl outfit....yeah, that's balanced.


It wouldn't be easy, considering that many of the sets are the same "name", but different looks. you'd probably have to relabel most the gear thats multi-skin, but Im willing to make that sacrifice :)


I know your "working" on it, but it's still a papercut....which means its still stinging us...we need the LFG tool to pop us back to where we were when we were spirited away. its extremely frustrating to spend over 5-10 minutes zoning into BH on Corellia (or longer pending your computers setup), only to get a group queue just as you get there....then your back on fleet, having to rezone again...


speaking of which, zoning times suck! I know it's probably not as easy as pressing a button, but man! planet load times are horrible. I don't know what game mechanics would need to be changed, but based on many other MMO's I've played, its not something that's undoable. load times should simply be faster. more of the game engine on the client perhaps? or more of the skin DB? I don't know....just really needs to speed up. I've even lost LFG queues waiting for some planets (Corellia, belsavis, and tattoine seem to be the worst, though alderaan is really fighting for top dog as well.)


OH yeah...last but not least, money sinks. it's really out of control when you have to grind dailies every day just to do things in the game. way too many money sinks. Mod exchanges should be reduced even farther (im thinking at least 50% of the current cost, or more). it should be a minor impact on finances, especially since it's supposed to by our "customization" option. it's far too prohibitive to be labeled as such right now. especially when many other MMO's let you do it for free (LotRO gives you 3 full gear costume tabs for free. at the very start. you pay NOTHING to switch immediately, you can even hotkey it). we have to go back to our bank....yank out mods....spend close to 500-750k for a full set of gear....that's not customization. thats high priced gear restructuring.


respec fees seem a bit extreme as well. again, half the cost would be appropriate. it starts really cheap, and skyrockets. If you guys are planning on putting dual spec in the game, it's pretty obvious that you plan on allowign people to switch easily, with little cost. might as well start now by cutting back on respec fees. you can raise them again once dual spec is back in if you like being hardlined about it.

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Disclaimer: I did not read all 31 pages to see if this is repeats or not.


5 things I see that are minor but breaking in a way...

1. Target Marks in PVP need to be removed upon death.

2. You should be able to see if you can learn anymore schematics from Reverse Engineering without having to make a new and wasting the mats.

3. The shield in Voidstar that blocks players from returning to defend takes to long on the last shield (zone). a few matches i played went like this... I died 2 secs after the 2nd door blew, and by the time the shield let me through to the last doors, they had already dropped the red shield and were 3 secs from capping the door when I was able to get to him. That is WAY to long to be in a shield.

4. Datacrons legacy wide. Make it an option in the cash shop when it goes live.

5. There is no lvl 50 Droid Motor schematic that I can learn from the Cybertech trainer.


updated to include #5

Edited by Nilrem
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The game has a good PvP e-sports platform.


It however needs a more active development crew.


Here is my suggestions:


1. Active class balancing - We need to have a team that understands the PvP.

2. Ranked war zones with a universal ladder.

3. Different divisions - Please look at how starcraft has done it. Grand master to bronze -league

4. PvP titles

5. Cross-server queues

6. Vanity Items

7. The ability to go and look at games being played - kind of like HLTV - One of the things that made Counterstrike such a large e-sports was that you could drop in and watch the pro s play.


You have such a fun PvP game. You really need to put more effort into it and please understand the potential it has if done right!

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Class Improvements


Smuggler/Imperial Agents:


Problem: Scoundrel/Operatives are the only melee class with no gap closer outside of stealth.


Possible Solution 1: Create a new ability called, Ascension Gun. Launch a grappling hook from your blaster that pulls you to targeted enemy. 30 meter range, 15 second cooldown. Adds 15 seconds to the cooldown of Disappearing Act/Cloaking Screen when used.


Possible Solution 2: Create a new ability called, Combat Roll. "Executes a running Combat Roll, covering 10 meters, and increases your movement speed 75% for 2 seconds after. Generates one stack of Upper Hand/Tactical Advantage."


Possible Solutions 3+: Shadowstep-like ability? Smuggled Rakata/Gree Teleporter? Anything?


Problem: Kolto Pack/Kolto Infusion isn’t used and Kolto Cloud/Recuperative Nanotech can be underwhelming because of only hitting 4 people.


Solution: Casting Kolto Pack/Kolto Infusion has a 50/100% chance to increase the targets Kolto Cloud/Recuperative Nanotech hits by 1/2, and increases the healing dealt by Kolto Cloud/Recuperative Nanotech by 5/10%. Lasts 10 seconds.


Troopers/Bounty Hunters:


Problem: Commando/Mercenary AoE healing is kind of weak and Trauma Probe is kind of useless.


Possible Solution 1: Buffing Trauma Probe to increase target’s survivability (armor / shielding)


Possible Solution 2: Healing targets affected by your Trauma Probe causes 2 additional targets within 8 meters to be healed for 25% of the amount healed to the primary target, and consume 1 charge of Trauma Probe.


Problem: Commandos/Mercenaries are the only Advanced Classes with no interrupt.


Solution: Give them an interrupt.


Problem: Players using Combat Support Cell/Cylinder can’t use Hammer Shot/Rapid Shots on themselves.


Solution: Allow them to use Hammer Shot on themselves. If anyone asks how, say they flicked a emergency redirect switch that focuses the beam out an exhaust port on the side of their pistols/assault cannon at themselves.


Problem: Commando/Mercenary healers could use an active ammo/heat regen mechanic.


Solution?: Obviously Hammer Shot/Rapid Shots would be too much like scoundrel/operative regen, and make it too good. Beyond that I have no suggestion.




Problem: Lightsaber has no practical use for sages/inquisitors.


Solution: Replace disturbance/lightning strike (or project/shock) with a lightsaber throw. Damage based on stats of the lightsaber. To differentiate it from the knight/warrior throws make the saber charged with lightning for Inquisitors, and the disturbance graphic around the Sage one.


Problem: Consular/Inquisitor armor doesn’t seem very functional for fighting in.


Solution: Make Consulars look less like space nuns, and give them options besides dresses. Make Inquisitor armor not look so silly. Or, make all moddable armor adaptive.


Miscellaneous Suggestion:


1. Non-Sage/Sorcerer Healers never see their color crystal effect. Fix this somehow?

2. Non-group member companions should be invisible in city/sanctuary areas.

3. Add the ability to friend an entire legacy. Friends list should be legacy wide.

4. More individual content. Ex. Vanity items from low level Flashpoints, Factions with tiered reward structure, Pazaak, Pod/Speeder Racing, etc.

5. Restrict the conditional requirement to be behind a target on certain abilities to PvP. This would allow more flexibility in design future content without penalizing certain class/specs. I'm looking at you Scrapper Scoundrels vs Infernal Council.

6. Rewards mailed to you at the creation of a new character, or awarded through the mail when unlocked, should be placed in a rewards tab of your cargo hold or be added to a vendor for access after being unlocked. As it stands, we are slowly but inevitably approaching a point where new characters can be rolled with more items in the mail than can be placed in starting bags, and more mail than the mailbox can support.

7. All mounts should have their speed scaled to your highest speeder training when unlocked via Legacy.

8. Datacrons, pets, and mounts should be unlocked Legacy-wide.

9. Codex/Achievement system needs work. I.E. Bugs, Bonuses for completing codex segments.

10. Increase Character Slots per server to 16.

11. Animal Mounts.

12. Legacy unlock to transfer planet commendations to alts.

13. Option to make Nameplates clickable.

14.Tracking player-applied debuffs on targets is impossible in an Operations environment. Debuffs from the player should be pinned to the front of the debuff row and should be larger. Countdown text would also be helpful in managing debuffs.

15. Obvious, persistent problem with the display of headgear and complete lack of hoods for Twi'leks. Lekku should be shifted over the shoulder, hanging down the model's chest with a hoot/headgear equipped.

16. As it stands, chat in swtor is clunky and muddled. Identifying player names by color based on class would be a boon to differentiating massive pools of part/ops chats. Also, there's some very odd behavior with the display on the chat system (e.g. display shows sending a tell to Aikion but instead replies to Crisp who sent me a tell while I was responding to Aikion).

17. Ready Check for Ops Groups.

18. Allow addons like you promised.

19. Synthweaver and Armormechs cannot craft any current BiS items/barrels/armorings/mods/enhancements. Throw them a bone.

20. Make it so stealth-based Crowd Control abilities can be re-applied in combat.

21. Develop a crafting/trade window that allows you to instantly assemble an item for a buyer. The companion will be unusable and count as deployed for the item's normal crafting duration. Costs a 150% of the item's vendor cost. Hopefully this would encourage more off-GTN transactions to occur.


Contributors: Aikion, Chaucer, Shinnanju, Sunbear, Behtti

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Excellent thread. There are lots of interesting ideas for improving the game and the tone is incredibly civil. Here are my two cents:



  • Make all legacy unlocks global. I don't like the idea of paying again and again for the same perk on different characters.
  • Love the idea of a legacy bank. It doesn't have to be much to make me happy either. Just one decent sized tab and the ability to bank credits is enough for me.



  • I like the overall concept, but there are far too many schematics and they need to be streamlined. They are difficult to keep track of and make reverse engineering a royal pain.
  • I'd love to see Armormech, Armstech, Artifice and Synthweaving gravitate more towards custom (orange) gear. More gear models gives players more choices for character customization.
  • Ditch class and level requirements for custom gear, especially crafted gear. If TOR lets us tank wearing a metal bikini, we should be able to wear whatever we want. It'd also make customizing companion appearance much easier as well.
  • Armstech needs some serious love BioWare.
  • Schematic lists could stand to have some better organization to help crafters find schematics more easily and quickly as well as, hopefully, clearing up some of the clutter.
  • As far as I know, we're still unable to link crew skills in Trade Chat. Allow crafters to advertise what they have to offer to the community.


Gear Preview/Dressing Room

  • Previews for weapons please. Players are just as particular about weapon styles as they are about armor.
  • We could also use the ability to rotate the character model and zoom in or out when previewing gear.



  • It'd be wonderful if crafters could filter out schematics that they have already learned when searching the GTN. Switching between the GTN and your schematic list is tedious.



  • Before I start, let me say that yes, I am serious about this one. I'd like a /starwarskid emote that makes any character pull out a double lightsaber and twirl around like the Star Wars Kid on YouTube. A little more humor would help make the game more fun.

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@cyrus_krell – Bravo to you sir. I have tried to write similar threads but have never been able to encapsulate it as well as you have. To generate this much positive and constructive feedback is a testament to how great your OP is. Also, your follow-up work in the thread is fantastic, and works well to keep the thread on the rails.


I have been compiling this list for a while now, and have edited it to fit the purposes of this thread.


Crew Skills Window


• Add a counter of deployed crew members (e.g. Max Deployable: 3/5)

• Allow extending the height of the crew skill window so all companions can be seen without scrolling OR allow a “compressed” view so all companions can be seen in the standard window

• Update companion portraits for equipped companion customization kits

• Crafting window to remember sorting method (Difficulty/Rating/Level)


Character Window


• Move Legacy Surname/Title from Preferences to Character window

• Toggle hood up/down, in addition to helm (if available on the gear)

• Allow helm toggle/gear match on companions

• Allow viewing/equipping gear on all companions when not on ship (allow viewing of companion gear whilst in group)




• Allow hiding/change color of low level quest giver markers

• Change color/icon for Heroic quest givers

• Allow hiding of group member quest objectives

• Allow zooming from Planet Map to individual zones

• Map pinging


Character Selection Screen


• Allow custom order of characters

• Do not automatically move last used character to top of list

• Allow zooming out to see the entire character

• Show weapons

• Characters to random emotes at short time intervals

• More facial hair options for non-humans/disconnect facial hair and cybernetics implants for cyborgs


UI Customization


• Include chat windows in the UI config interface (they are currently saved to a config, but are moved/altered outside of the UI config interface)

• Add more quickbars (preferably 2 or more)

• More customization for buffs/debuffs (style, size, position, filtering)

• More customization for fly-text (position, filtering, direction, speed, duration)




• Allow hiding/moving to low priority section for commendations

• Allow prioritizing of commendations to be shown at the top of the window




• Legacy Wallet

• Legacy bank tab

• More abilities Legacy-wide instead of character only, or allow them to be bought Legacy-wide at a higher price (e.g. 3-4 times single character value), or automatically assign to all characters on a Legacy if purchased by a certain number of characters

• Legacy-wide datacron acquisition (possibly only after class story is complete)

• Heroic Moment Quickbar (i.e. a separate bar that opens up when using Heroic Moment, with all those abilities that are unlocked)

• Linking of Legacies cross-server [bWA has said that this is technically difficult]




• Don’t require me to entire my authenticator key every time I log in, only if I change PCs/IPs, and on a periodic basis

• Don’t require a second click after “Login”, unless a patch has to be downloaded/installed




• Companions more reactive to combat, especially for Snipers

• More companions, and not the same one for everyone – see http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=467897 for details




• Auto-fill Legacy character names when composing mail

• Upon sending new mail, do not switch from composition window to inbox




• Allow saving of skill tree templates (if not dual spec)

• Allow saving of quickbar configurations (or link to skill tree templates)




• More Warzones

• More Huttball maps

• Allow disabling of Voidstar/Denova intro cutscenes

• Less stuns..... please!




• Ready Check for groups (OP: an audible check for all players in group to signify if they are ready/not ready, usually done before a pull)

• Auto-start group conversations when all players have joined

• Return to previous location when exiting a Flashpoint upon completion

• Hard Modes of all the current Flashpoints that do not have Hard modes

• Abilities that require a target to be stunned and can only be used on weak/normal/strong targets seem a bit of a waste, especially in the context of PvP and Operations

• On-ground persistent location markers in groups




• Weapon preview in gear preview window

• Add “Already Known” to known schematics

• Only allow one roll option (i.e. everyone needs) for crafting materials (like Biometric Crystal Alloy), speeders, and pets that drop in FPs

• Newly-bought Rakata/Columi/Tionese gear has the set bonus attached to the armouring

• Eliminate the double-load screen when wiping in and re-entering a flashpoint/operation

• Sometimes when people die in ops, people who rezone can’t see them to rez them




• Quick Travel to ship

• Outfit quick-change (have sets on mannequins on player ship?)

• Quick travel from ship to planet surface (possibly limit to after the class quest for the planet has been completed)

• Add pan/tilt/track/zoom to conversation camera

• Allow emotes (if just the chat window text and not the animation) whilst on speeders

• Space Operations objectives shown on the associated mission in the space map

• Have (more) companions call out more/different/appropriate comments during space missions (some companions don’t even say anything during space missions)

• Add a persons’ Legacy to Friends list

• Add notes to Friends list

• Saving of key-binds and other preferences to all characters on an account, not just a single character (or key-bind profiles)

• Health Percentage on Target of Target/Focus Target

• Allow showing of more helms on Miraluka [addressed by devs]

• Allow linking of items in secondary chat window inputs (currently items can only be linked in the primary chat windows input)

• More regular community involvement by all in the BWA/SWTOR team (particularly developers). The weekly Q&A is nice, but limited

• In-game weather (maybe just for a new planet where it has an effect on gameplay/story)

• Auto-populate GTN search field by clicking an item in inventory

• Don’t reset camera zoom after any zone/instance change

• Color-blind mode (for me, telling the difference between blue and purple is difficult, so telling if something is Prototype or Artifact quality from the icon alone is near impossible)

• Powertech Shield Tech 31-point talent (Vent Heat) is useful, but very underwhelming when compared to other classes’/specs’ 31-point talent

• Companions not re-appearing in 3-person groups

• Conversation option texts need to be closer to what is actually said (sometimes it can be VERY misleading)

• When logging in or changing planets, you should be put into the same instance as the majority of people in your guild

• Whisper direct from Guild list


And lastly...


• Less lag, particularly in operations (where a little lag can wipe a group, particularly on Heroic and Nightmare modes)



Kind of a random idea, but it would be fun if I could get like a family photo type screen shot of all my characters. Don't know how it could be done, but maybe a Legacy Room you could log into where you could switch among controlling each of your toons and move them around to position where you want. Could unlock different settings or backdrops for the room.


Love this idea Huxxar!


Perhaps a weak opinion, but I think it's silly that Sniper Rifles and Assault Cannons with same mods do more damage than Blaster Rifles. I understand why Snipers should out DPS operatives


Sniper Rifles and Assault Cannons have higher damage because their mirror classes dual wield two weapons.

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I just wanted to take a moment to hop in and, again, express my thanks. You guys are great. Please keep the discussion going. :)


As has been suggested, I am compiling a list of all your submissions to put in the original post. There's 31+ pages of content, though, so please be patient while I work that out. In the mean time, keep chugging away, and don't be afraid to offer differing viewpoints or discuss some of the ideas already offered; you never know, you might have a unique take on the subject!


The thread continues to make the rounds on the SWTOR blogs and fansites, and was even mentioned in a couple of the podcasts. I just finished listening to last night's Cantina Band podcast, in which they discussed the thread for at least a few minutes, so thanks to At0mXii, TheDurus, MaxArcarius, and Mr. Brushwood for commenting. <>

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First off, I absolutely love this idea of coming together as a community to attempt--constructively of course-- to improve this game, which we all love so much.


A few annoyances I've noticed:


-Weapon Choices for Bounty Hunters: This can be purely cosmetic, without any gains to damage output. When I picture BH's, I see a master of all weapon classes. Please allow us to equip rifles, bowcasters, etc.


-Appearance customization: It stinks that we have only 2 options right now-- join the cookie cutter look-alike troupe, or spend a ton of hard-earned credits on customized gear(which often-times does not even remotely "fit" the feel of our advanced class).


-Sifting through and organizing schematics: this causes a great deal of annoyance both while attempting to craft and searching for new schematics on the GTN.


-Viewing other player's Legacy Family tree. Self explanatory.


-Viewing other player's character sheet side-by-side with your own. Self explanatory.


-Dream Add-on!!!

It would be absolutely amazing to be able to send companions, belonging to our alts, on missions without having to switch over. We have, after all, put in hours/days of work into leveling them. Also, this would expand and incentivise the Legacy system.




-A Legacy Bank/Gear vault would be an incredible time saving addition to the game. We already send tons of gear and money to our alts, so why not create an option which lets us do this effortlessly and without an 8 item mailing limit.


Thanks again for this great thread.

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To the OP:


Thank you for putting this together. I've got several papercuts to discuss, but for now, I've combined a few other's posts on Quest Icon updates. It was also stated in your thread recently and as many as two times according to my search.


Here is a link to a thread I started in order to catalog all posts on this "papercut". Please see if you can include this "papercut" in your overall summary post.


Quest Icon Update (Combined Multi-Threads)


Thanks again!

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Couple of things....


Why does a Jedi Consular come out of the ship facing backwards when landing on Balmorra? (maybe other planets too but I only just started noticing it).


Why do ALL characters look like they are trying to riverdance when they run immediately after something they were on or activitation is finished interacting with the character... (taxi, chest probably, quest items such e.g. deactivating security cameras in Hutta and probably other things) . The arms' animation doen't start until quite a (noticeable) period after the legs... looks kinda odd.

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I've posted this independently a time or two, and it's not a game breaker, just annoying--at least to me.


I have characters on two different servers, one where my friends play and one where my son plays. (He's in his late 20s and living pretty far away, so playing on his server is a nice way to touch base.) I prefer to play--really play--with my friends, and that is where I do most of my crafting as well. However, I have to do some crafting on the other server to keep the characters geared well enough to play them at level. So I waste a lot of time when I'd rather quest and chat with my son.


I'd love to be able to send stuff from my main characters to the other server--basically a cross server mailbox. Cross server legacy would be nice as well, but it's not quite as big a problem as the cross server mail, for me at least.

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Tionese crystals. Like, what's the use of these again? By the time you have enough tionese commendations to buy an item, it's impossible to not be swimming in these. Either give them a REAL purpose or remove them.


I disagree: I mainly pvp (valor 83), the tioneses crystals helped me round out my pve set (assassin-stalker)and also I was able to get the 2nd pve (assassin-force mystic) set for my class. Additionally, I am only 2 pieces shy of the tank set. Yes, the stats are garbage, but I I replace the mods/armoring/enhancements and have full rakata with set bonus (only tionese color).


Also it can be helpful for gearing companions.

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Class Improvements


Problem: Lightsaber has no practical use for sages/inquisitors.


Solution: Replace disturbance/lightning strike (or project/shock) with a lightsaber throw. Damage based on stats of the lightsaber. To differentiate it from the knight/warrior throws make the saber charged with lightning for Inquisitors, and the disturbance graphic around the Sage one.


I...disagree. I like my purple lightning. But, seeing as how the lightsaber is pretty useless (other than being a fancy wand), I would prefer that it be replaced with something else with the stats on it. That or we simply don't have to have it drawn when healing/damaging. Putting bubbles on people really annoys me because my character will not sheathe her lightsaber and it has to be put away manually.


Problem: Consular/Inquisitor armor doesn’t seem very functional for fighting in.


Solution: Make Consulars look less like space nuns, and give them options besides dresses. Make Inquisitor armor not look so silly. Or, make all moddable armor adaptive.


I have found a nice compromise between the ugly Darth Baras' tailor's cast off gear for Inquisitors and the rest of the stuff. It works for me, as the chest piece is black with the hood down and thus makes the whole ensemble look like a simple, elegant robe. But I would really prefer some pants, but want some sort of tunic or "robe" (sans hood, there are several available for consulars), because I also don't want to look like Catwoman in a skintight bodysuit.


There are actually some very nice white quality clothing items that would make nice gear sets. The Republic version of the Helmsman outfit available from the Light Armor vendor on Voss is very nice looking. Unfortunately, for the Empire, the same set is colored differently (red and yellow) and while it's the same style, it's not as nice because of the color.


But I digress.

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My only papercut at the moment ( I may think of something later.. to which i'll either edit my post or reply again) Is the fact that we are unable to sit in chairs or stools. As a leader of an RP guild this is a huge thing for me and other RP'rs. Being able to sit in a cantina or in a meeting room would be huge for immersion for role players.
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Also in response to one of the above posts (can't quote a quote- hey look! a papercut!)


Inquisitor armor seems to work opposite the other class armor- the further you progress, the more ridiculous you look- you look probably your best near the end of dromund kaas, then go downhill from there.

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