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  1. This!! This would be the perfect fix to break out of the cookie-cutter look alike outfits we've been relegated to. There are so many great looking outfits that we simply cannot wear, and remain competitive, because they are green or blue quality. What a shame to waste all of the hard work BW artists put into creating unique armor sets. As the poster pointed out, a simple Item Converter Kit would fix that problem while adding to the crafting market. Value added= good idea.
  2. Ha! there used to be a time when running away as an Arsenal merc meant dying. We stood our ground and faced anyone, one on one in pvp. Not saying we always won, but it was a class meant to played with sack.
  3. First off, I absolutely love this idea of coming together as a community to attempt--constructively of course-- to improve this game, which we all love so much. A few annoyances I've noticed: -Weapon Choices for Bounty Hunters: This can be purely cosmetic, without any gains to damage output. When I picture BH's, I see a master of all weapon classes. Please allow us to equip rifles, bowcasters, etc. -Appearance customization: It stinks that we have only 2 options right now-- join the cookie cutter look-alike troupe, or spend a ton of hard-earned credits on customized gear(which often-times does not even remotely "fit" the feel of our advanced class). -Sifting through and organizing schematics: this causes a great deal of annoyance both while attempting to craft and searching for new schematics on the GTN. -Viewing other player's Legacy Family tree. Self explanatory. -Viewing other player's character sheet side-by-side with your own. Self explanatory. -Dream Add-on!!! It would be absolutely amazing to be able to send companions, belonging to our alts, on missions without having to switch over. We have, after all, put in hours/days of work into leveling them. Also, this would expand and incentivise the Legacy system. Finally, -A Legacy Bank/Gear vault would be an incredible time saving addition to the game. We already send tons of gear and money to our alts, so why not create an option which lets us do this effortlessly and without an 8 item mailing limit. Thanks again for this great thread.
  4. "Dodgy adult entertainer"....lulz...funniest ish I've read on here in a while!
  5. Had probs with my BH class quest line where the dialogue sequences would freeze/pause before any dialogue options appeared. Submitted ticket and got only the canned "We have passed your ticket...blah blah". The fix for me was simple...ran file repair through the launcher and voila! problem solved. Hope this helps( might even help with some of the other "Bugs")
  6. Lead with TM, and when the suckers run, chase em down with ED, HSM, Rail, and Rapid Shots to finish. This will net a ton of pvp murders. Try it out.
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