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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A Thousand Papercuts


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I would like if my companion responded to my command instantly instead of there being a 2-3 second lag between the time it takes for me to tell him what to do, and him/her doing it. Thorn in my side. Edited by Cyclonus
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Some additional thoughts:


* Promise to never, ever, ever again create quests that 30 people stand around while one person does the quest (I'm looking at you, Grand Acquisitions Race)


* Let me filter quests on my tracker by planet. (I think this was in Beta?) If I'm on Corellia, allow me to show only those planet story quests.


* Jumping from the Galaxy Map to a region map then mousing over each space combat mission is tedious and annoying. List them to the side of the galaxy map perhaps (I don't care where in the galaxy they take place). And also some kind of highlight or mouseover on both the galactic map regions and each space mission if I have that mission in my queue (or side listing). All the missions look like they're pronounced by a Wookie, I have to write them down and still get them wrong.


* Move the GTN and mailboxes on my ship closer together. I bought them for convenience, but they're usually on opposite ends.


* Skimpy clothing for the male characters. And something pretty for the gay community as well. (Sparkle powder only goes so far.)


* Bigger buffs / debuffs. I have no idea how healers can see if someone's diseased and it needs to be purged.

* A couple more action bars. Let me line my entire screen up with them if I want.


* Stealth action bar


* Dual spec


* Ability to set specific gear sets so I can swap them out when I switch from PvP to PvE and vice versa. Would be nice if these aren't in my inventory, so I don't accidentally sell them too.


* Bring back the ability to app / accept guild members via the website, like pre-launch. Would be nice for the guild masters of large guilds to be able to do invites while offline, instead of having to give up whatever's going on in-game to take care of people.


* Let me put items in a "character look" pane similar to Rift, so I can keep the look of my items even if I swap gear. (I looked like an awesome Sith lord levelling up, now my SW looks like a rusty robot).




* Some kind of player marker so I can see my guild mates as they run by. Even as simple as matching the character nameplate color to my guild chat color.


* Ready-check


* Need - Compannion - Greed - Pass loot rolls. And don't let Inquisitors roll need on Warrior saber tokens, only "need" on your class items if it's better than a green item.


* Maybe a "random vehicle" or "random pet" ability or legacy ability that selects one in my stockpile, instead of having to manually select what I'm riding.


* Guild spaceships!


* Some kind of signage in the spaceport in Nar Shadda so I'm not randomly guessing which elevator I take to my ship.


* I'd love to be able to "sell all trash items" when at a vendor, or even toggle items whenever I want as sellable, then sell them with a click or send my companion to do so. I vendor most of my greens, would be nice to be able to mark them as items I'm selling whenever I'm roaming a planet, in case my inventory gets full and I need to trash something. Or get back to the vendor and "sell all marked items" to get rid of them in one swoop.


* Make some stuff proc faster. Not sure how many hours have been wasted roaming the Black Hole waiting for those ammo crates to respawn. Gives people a reason to ninja them too.


* This might be more of a story issue than a small bug, but the ability to defect. It should be uber-expensive so people don't do it often, but let my BH defect and play as Republic. I'd bring all my loot (it's stored on my ship) and the GTN is cross-faction, so I'd just switch sides.


* Bring in the Gray side, not just light or dark side goodies.


* You know, and in-game raid or fp calendar for a guild would be awesome... especially if it was able to be exported to a website or smartphone...


* Different shading on heroic quests and a toggle to turn off really really low level ones.


* Let me give companions gifts on my ship if I'm standing in front of him/her.


* Let me swap companion gear that isn't summoned. Just let me do it the way you do on ship, let me rotate through everyone. Have something stand out to designate the summoned character, like simply put them first on the roster.


* Could I buy (or steal!) another class' ship? Not from a character...


* Different dances


* I love telling jokes too... just sayin'.


* A way to take out 2V-R8's voice modulator


* I jump in the air in glee every time I select which new planet I'm going to on the Galaxy Map. I shouldn't get excited over that.

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I really want to list all the high level things that annoy me, but since the thread is about "paper cuts" then I will restrain myself to easily fixable things.


- When opening the crew skills window, I always have to sort by level before I can start to do anything since it's automatically sorted by rating, which is useless most of the time. Every. Single. Time.


- I often find myself aborting cut scenes and dialogue to maximize my companion affection, while it is effective it really takes away from the immersion, the music, the mood of the entire dialogue, I want a slight color on the wheel choice which will affect my current companion, kinda like dark/light but not so glaring. That way I can enjoy the whole scene a lot more.


- Auto stack button/something of inventory and bank


- Ability to hide crew skills recipes, it's starting to become quite a long list to scroll through, what about collapsed list by default?


- And I want to emphasize the need of some legacy storage and credit transfer


- Managing your sales via another tab on the GTN, using the mail is horribly inefficient and some times makes me want to Alt+F4 instead of using the GTN. Let us have a "stockroom" where expired items go, have sales history, can relist items with same/new price, right click menu option to search for that item with all the details automatically filled in (name,category etc)


- Right click to search for an item should work from inventory (right click when you browse = auto filled in details, right click when you have sales tab = sell as it is now)


- Customizable speeder like we can customize our star ship components, with things like stronger knock down resistance, more speed, higher jump distance, new set of grills and other appearance.

Edited by Neloth
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My list of things I'd absolutely love to see:


* Group finder is fantastic. Being stranded outside the flashpoint when it's over is not. Sometimes the queues for a flashpoint can be very long, and I like to quest/do dailies/generally be in the middle of nowhere on a planet while waiting for my flashpoint to pop. I would rather see the group finder work the way the warzone queue does, placing you right back where you were when it's over. I would run far, far more flashpoints if I knew I would not have to factor in massive travel time. Right now there's no questing or anything in between flashpoints, it's either/or.


* Legacy ships. If I have a level 50 agent, and an inquisitor, it would be so neat to be able to use the agent's ship on my Sith. I think this could be a really neat legacy feature and give everyone more variety to use their favorite ship. My main is a Sith, and I HATE the Sith ship compared to agent/BH.


* More armor variety is an absolute must for me, particularly more "normal" looking outfits. The really out there, unique armor is great too, but please--why can't my Sith wear solid black Sith robes/armor? They don't always need to have 15 colors and strange protrusions hanging from them! Simple is good in Star Wars. It would also be wonderful to see more social clothing that is civilian clothing, dresses, etc, in varying styles.


* Color matching for companions, please!


* Chat bubbles.


* Working chairs, or at the very least, a better /sit emote. As a roleplayer it is really awkward seeing a group of Sith lords reclining in chairs with their knee up.


* More empty zones--which probably means bigger maps. It is practically impossible to find a place in the wild that does not have groups of NPCs standing there. This is great for questing and not so great for exploration and roleplay.


* Either allow us to reuse quest zones, or give us more non-instanced areas in the world with similar decoration. For example, lots of instanced buildings, caves, houses, etc have wonderful decoration that would be a roleplayer's dream, but they are never seen again after we complete a quest.


* Allow an ops group to go on a ship, or at least into a ship hangar. This would be a massive benefit to guilds and roleplayers. 4 is too few.


* Some sort of ship customization. I understand that full-fledged decorating is probably impossible, but it would be wonderful to be able to choose between some basic layouts or even decide exactly where important things went.


* Companion toggle on/off for ships. Please please please. It's so weird to be roleplaying on a ship and have Broonmark just standing there staring.


* Cross faction emotes. The lack of them harms cross-faction RP really badly, and since we can already talk cross-faction in spatial... I think someone is more likely to grief in /say than in /emote. Star Wars is not about segregation, it's about interaction (and conflict) between factions.


* Cross faction tells between people on your friends list. It is really frustrating to no longer be able to talk to a friend just because they're on a character on the other faction.


* The ability to set rival guilds cross-faction like we had during the pre-launch guild promotions. Perhaps this could alleviate some of the cross-faction worry with griefing. If my Empire guild could set a Republic guild as a rival and be able to send tells and /emote to them, it would be a step in the right direction.


* /ignore should hide default emotes, too. There's nothing worse than someone spamming /sit or some other basic emote and having no way to hide it.


* There should be a way to target a person with a text command. There have been lots of times when someone was talking to me in spatial but I couldn't find them anywhere.

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Fairly small one: I want a /backflip emote.



Also: When I add someone to my /ignore list, please don't put me in a random group with them.


Third thing: A kind of chat that both factions can see, but one across the whole world, like General chat.


Finally: A way to choose what I want to see in chat. (I want to see General, but I really don't care about the Trade chat.)



EDIT: Thought of three more.

1: The ability to transfer my PTS characters to a live server. I see no reason why this wouldn't work, as long as the live version was as new or newer than the PTS version.


2: The ability to send ALL bound items, not just bind to Legacy items, to any character in my Legacy. (Maybe an expensive Legacy Perk?)


3: The Celerity perks, with the following changes:

When you buy them, you get them on all characters (I really, really dislike the character-specific perks), and they're deactivated when you're flagged for PvP (for balance reasons).

Edited by DarthVitrial
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The thing that currently annoys me most is that almost every time I join an operation group (so basically in every warzone, but also for operations, world boss hunting and so on), the placeholder for my companion moves in my UI instead of staying where I had put it.


I just wanted to chime in with this. This happens to me, but not only does it move, but if I leave a group/op with people near enough to get the "your companion has been dismissed because" qualifier, my companion is locked out and cannot be summoned until I relog. I've tried resetting the UI, rezoning and the only thing that works is either grouping with someone or relogging.


Very annoying. :(

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Hello, I've been with Tor since it was announced in oct 2008. Since its announcement I followed fervently and even submitted a few things to the suggestion box that I thought would help the game.


Again I'd like to try to contribute with things that I feel could only improve the quality of the game, as well as quality of life things.



There's nothing to do at level 50 that doesn't involve combat

I love my pvp, and I love my PVE. I log in and I do a substantial amount of both quite contently. But I can't help but feel limited by the same thing I enjoy. What tor lacks significantly are Pass Times. I can roleplay but even that feels limited by the inherent design of the game.

How I feel we could resolve this:


  • Pazaak pazaak pazaak. You guys introduced it with the original Kotor and it was a pretty enjoyable, something that I could do to get a few extra credits. Bring that in to the MMO scope and you could have weekly pazaak tournaments on the fleets or on Nar Shadaa. Republic vs empire or make it completely neutral.
    How to Implement:Introduce purchasable base decks or booster packs. Allowing players to craft individual cards leads not only to stacking and unfair advantages but could discourage people from getting involved at all when the chance of playing someone who cheats the odds is high enough.
  • Racing: It was in Kotor, and Kotor 2, I spent unnecessarily long amounts of time doing those races over and over, not because I wasn't hitting the fast times. I was. But because I really enjoyed the racing. Draw that out in to an MMO and you have a single player, or multi player competitive racing minigame that we could just do from level 1-50.
    How to Implement: Introduce racing with Pazaak as a game feature. You have a series of planetary circuits comprised of five or so races, which you could base around all planets and have them all offer different rewards.
    Include hazards on these maps to liven up the races. Provide a new set of cybertech craftable powerups for speeder bikes. You could either have upgrades like starships, or consumable powerups to use mid-game.



The game world is incredibly stagnant

My personal peeve with the game world is something that has been advertised as by design since we were first really shown the planets. The game world does not -change-. It's always the same time of day, everything is always in the same time, or position. I -want- to see what tatooine looks like at night time, I want to look out at a darkened corellia, the red hue of building on fire marked in the distance. I'd love to see planetary weather patterns, something that makes me believe that this planet is an alive thing and not just this game zone for me to travel through.



My Black Chestpiece Color Matches to Red!

What gives?! My "Ancient vindicator's Chestguard" has a dark color palette. Grays and Blacks come together to make a very nice looking chestpiece. Example: I wear the ancient vindicator's chestguard. I wear the unwavering juggernauts foundry hood. I assumed this mask would become all black but it turns the front portion red. It doesn't match at all. My Rakata gloves also color match to red for literally no reason. It matches better when not color matched!




My issue is that when I color match most items. It turns my armor red. There is no red on this chestpiece except for two dots one on the front one on the back. Why does this color match to red? A lot of items color match oddly and not just this chestpiece. Colors don;'t seem to really match and iin a lot of cases it's just as good.



Legacy Suggestions


Legacy Weapon Skills

Something I was incredibly surprised was not included in the initial legacy release, given how much you encourage creating alts, was Legacy Weaponry skills. Basically, what I had envisioned in I suppose my own reality of what legacy should offer, were things like shared weapon skills. Basically what this meant was if you wished, you could grind up a classes mirrored class (IE A Powertech and a vanguard) both to 50. Doing so unlocked that classes' weaponry for the opposing class. So I could unlock a blaster rifle for use on my Bounty Hunter, and a pistol on my Vanguard, or an assault cannon on my mercenary, if I really wanted. (I moreso wanted the blaster rifle on my powertech :p )


Legacy Starships

While I wouldn't mind unlocking my other class's ships as I hit 50 with them. (STylized for the faction of course), I would love to get...upgraded versions of my ship for reaching legacy level 30 40 and 50 maybe.


What this would mean is that I would say...have my normal Sith Fury ship, I unlock my legacy level 30 ship, and suddenly I could instead have this larger vessel, or my current vessel with an entirely new color scheme to represent the significance of my achievement. (Personally. I'd like the larger vessel :b)






I will submit another post when I have more time to formulate responses.

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Well, I was GOING to add a complaint that the BW staff never comments on the suggestion box, but since that's no longer valid...:p


The safe zone in Voidstar takes too long to let the defenders out. I know that it's there to keep the defenders from repeatedly interrupting the attackers, but it keeps us in there so long I often get a Deserter Detection warning!


Long term requests:

1: DirectX 11 please?

2: A 64 bit version would be great, I'd like to be able to actually take advantage of my 8GB RAM.


Linux and 64bit? Please? :)


Ok, its not a small request but one can wish.

Edited by turjake
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Tionese crystals. Like, what's the use of these again? By the time you have enough tionese commendations to buy an item, it's impossible to not be swimming in these. Either give them a REAL purpose or remove them.


This so much that it is enraging. On my main I have 325 Tionese crystals and a whopping total of 4 Tionese commendations. Over all the gear isn't great and a fresh 50 can easily get full Columi in a day so its not a big deal, but the rates should still be fixed. Makes no sense having nearly 100 times the amount of comms in crystals, especially when the gear costs more of the latter.

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well something that have annoyed me since beta is the sit animation. it is a very small issue and very far from gamebreaking in any way. when you press "X" (default) you end up on your butt, thats it. i wish there were a animation where your character actually sit down.



Disable portraits would be nice, i dont Think the portraits look good and mostly are in the way. a set width and height of your and target healthbars would be nice instead of the scaling option. (there are some other things as well, but the thread is about the small things?)

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Hey everyone,


I just wanted to hop in to this thread and commend everyone on how respectful and constructive the feedback has been. We have been reading all of your feedback and will certainly pass it on to the appropriate teams. We will continue to watch this thread as well for anything else that is added. We always love to see threads like these!




Much appreciated, this response is:csw_yoda:

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Awesome thread, here are my small quality of life issues:


Longer hair models, for both females AND males. This just seems silly. I understand clipping happens, an I'm willing to deal with it. Plenty of Sith and Jedi with very long hair. Kinda sad that the longest cuts are the female pony tail, Corso's Dreads, and the back of the neck slicked back cut.


A certain important lore character's beard as a beard option! You know the one. Pretty much all the beards look like they're either made of playdough or that you've been living on the streets of Nar Shadda without access to a razor.


And if you add in that new hair and beard, please gives us a Barbershop!


Speaking of that certain special lore character, his chest piece? Thana Vesh's entire outfit, and the final boss from Esseles (might be the same as Vesh's) as available custom and/or social gear. Actual Duster's/Trench coats for Smugglers to wear...sad that many of us are using Jedi robes (without being able to take down the hood) because it's the closest you can get to this look. As a primarily Empire player, I know the Empire has lots of these, but the Repub equivalent with the pimp collar and goggles that is more of a 3/4 length coat is just...hideous.


Every Togruta in the Galaxy is a prude. AKA, the Ashara Zavros incident. Skin tight body glove to match all the NPC Togrutas that always wear a skin tight suit that covers every inch? For shame. The Clone Wars has a teenie Togruta showing more. You KNOW what their skin colors are supposed to be. Please fix it. This was a very obvious and very bad bandaid to the fact that Ashara had NO skin at all!


A little more weapon flexibility for the blaster-using classes. It's silly. Agents pull out a pistol for every dark-side kill option, that is permanently glued to their thigh in every cutscene, but we can't use one? Operatives run around throwing knives in people (which is cool and all), but you can't ever see them otherwise? A Bountyhunter and Trooper, masters of heavy armor and all tech equipment...are stuck using certain blaster types (Either one or two pistols, or a rifle or cannon?) This is really silly, from both a roleplaying and lore standpoint.


The max level tank Powertech talent is...really underwhelming, from a visual and sound perspective, and doesn't really make sense. You vent all that heat ...through your pistol? Are the guns overheating, or is your entire suit of armor? If it's the gun, this is also silly as most of your moves involve...well not using it (flamethrowers, rockets, wrist rail launcher, rocket punch, etc) Being as talents refer to aspects of the armor venting heat, I would assume it's not the pistol. But I digress. You vent all the heat and it makes...a regular blast. A single shot, with the weakest visual bolt and the tiniest PEW! Wouldn't it make alot more sense if you vent the heat via the arm launchers, and it using the same/similar graphic/sounds as the rail shot? Very disheartening for a top tier talent when compared against all the other awesome visual and sound effects for abilities.

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I'm annoyed at how when in a flashpoint, there's an optional bonus boss to defeat or elite mob, however because it isn't required to complete the flashpoint everybody just wants to skip it. It might be my first time doing the flashpoint so I'd like to try to complete everything possible because I know some bonus objectives might give a codex entry. It'd be great if just the optional bosses could be nerfed a little to encourage more players to consider fighting them.
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One thing I would love to say is how I have loved star wars since I was a kid, but this game fails to meet some standards as a fan of the title. For example Bioware tries to implement a talking system for dialogue, which is good but truthfully I'd rather play as a Wookie and hear him rawr in the dialouge; because it doesn't bother me. Mostly because in other games all you're doing is reading it anyways... Why can't the game implement something more than just questing and killing and taking over a planet to your factions side? The PvP and PvE is the only other stuff that gets you away from all that, but even that doesn't entertain as well as it should. PvE and PvP is all I would do when I got to level 50, and even dailies. But it's not as entertaining as it should be, and if I were Bioware I would be adding a lot more PvP stuff and just endgame stuff in particular (PvP like Guild Wars 2 which has long, fun, different, objective based and server v server v server games). But also adding the stuff that makes sense, like the credits share on all accounts. And you need more selection for classes and races, because star wars has thousands of species and planets it practically unlimited! It would be cool if we got to see planets like Dagobah or Kashhyk but have something other than human looking and English speaking races. Like Wookies or even weird looking Geonosians or fuzzy Ewoks!! (Different heights and languages from tall Wookies to small Ewoks it would give variety) All I'm saying is Swtor is a great game, but lacks Star Wars features that make that title soo special. Glad I just spent the last 30-60 minutes typing this, just to get it off my chest. Just add some good star wars stuff and you'll do fine! For me the level 50 endgame wasn't as good, and as a fan I wasn't impressed very much. But I'm sure if I give you more time Bioware you can make something magical happen to this title. Try and make an effort to make it not only a gamers game but a fans game as well. (This is not a rant, but simply a suggestion of what I think the game should strive for). :D:D
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12. Please allow us to toggle nameplates for NPCs we cannot interact with. They just get in the way.


It's there. The first time I found that option (can't remember where or what it's called), I realized why the default was to have those nameplates on. Fleet looks so much more barren that way during low-player-population times.


One thing that really annoys me is that my characters on the character selection screen aren't always in the same place.


Oddly enough, I had the same impression for a day or two, then realized what was happening. The last character played is at the top, everyone else is listed after that character alphabetically. At least that's how it is for me.


That said, I'll try to stick to quality of life suggestions, rather than actual new features:


Split the GTN posting tab into two tabs. Yes, seeing what auctions I have posted can be important, but when I'm posting new auctions, I really don't care what other auctions I've already got posted unless they're for the same item. What I want to see:

  1. current postings of that same item, both mine and other peoples. I want to see my competition, not semi-irrelevant trivia that won't affect this posting.
  2. A count of my current number of auctions, so I know how many more I have room for.

The current setup means that I'm flipping back and forth between the two tabs when I'm posting stuff, and sometimes paging forward to get an exact count of how many free GTN slots I have. And yes, being able to click an item name into the GTN search field would be nice too.


If I post an item, or a stack of items, and then select the same item and quantity for another post, how about filling in the price I posted the last time (within the same login, I don't think you need to keep that kind of info forever) instead of an arbitrary price based on how much it would vendor for. In fact, it wouldn't need a history larger than 1 item. Bonus points for scaling the price if I post the same item but at a different quantity, though often I use a different price per for different quantities.


I'd really like a good way to quickly tell which debuffs on my target are mine, and to be able to find specific buffs. Personally, I think the WoW addon InlineAuras got it perfect in that it actually puts the duration of my target's debuffs on the relevant action bar button. This way, I have one place I can always look to know how much time I have on a specific debuff. The information never moves unless I move the button.


I'm not saying that these are the most critical quality of life improvements that could be made, there are other points made here that are good, these are just the ones that I feel are important that either haven't been mentioned or I felt that something was overlooked.

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i know we all like to be heroes, but it´s not helping me to imerse in the universe that all troopers

are leaders of havoc squad

all knights

have killed the emperor


i cant see a way to fix this, especially on allready released content, but it still bothers me, kinda...

Also, all "insert class" have the same companons. I´t just doesn´t help.

make it so we can go to an NPC and ask him/her to be our companon. That way we would see many more types of companons. Companon quests would be tricky i guess, but even with no companon quests i think it would be a plus.

At least with the later compagnons who barely have a questline.

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-Every time I quicktravel back to the main part of the fleet after I finish raiding I get stuck with the loading screen art, sometimes for several minutes. I know I'm already there because I have audio cues (menu noises, footfalls, the horrible music in the cantina).



-Having a double load screen EVERY SINGLE TIME we wipe is just annoying. Send me back to the instance but don't kick me out please.


-Have friend lists be legacy wide and let me talk to friends when they are on their opposite faction alts. This, combined with my inability to bring a high level Imp toon to my raids is what keeps me from leveling more Imperial alts. I really wanna see their stories, but I want to raid too.


-Please don't make me resort my crafting window by level every time I go to a different planet. This is especially awful if I'm PVPing.


-Could I get a "lock target" option that focuses my camera on what I'm currently targeting? FFXI used to do this and you could toggle it on and off, and I really liked it.


-Allow a "target main assist" feature that doesn't require me to first target that main assist and then alt+T


-Absolutely yes to all Bound items being bound to legacy.


-LESS CREDIT SINKS. Repairing damaged gear is the closest thing this game has to a death penalty. That's fine. But having to pay every time I want to remod gear? Having to pay every time I want to respec? It gets old quickly and I've been doing dailies too long to do them anymore.


-Have my lightsabre wielding companions put away their glow sticks when we're not fighting anything please (already said but I wanted to reiterate the point)


-Others have addressed the need in general but DRASTICALLY lower the respawn timer of the ammo crates and weapons crates, and toxic waste leaks, and drall engineers, and pretty much EVERYTHING in Black Hole. I used to at least do them once a week for the weekly but now I don't even want to do that because I spend an hour trying to finish 15 minutes worth of dailies.

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It's there. The first time I found that option (can't remember where or what it's called), I realized why the default was to have those nameplates on. Fleet looks so much more barren that way during low-player-population times.


I think that toggles off ALL the nameplates, which makes it hard to find vendors, quest-givers and so on. I want to be able to turn off only the nameplates for NPCs whom you can't interact with.

Edited by Armandeus
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The Species choice has to be the biggest one. It is simply horrible and while I know it isn't game breaking but some real alien species would be great. This really goes into a bigger issue where the devs have decided what each class should look like and its very hard to get out of this without going down the social gear route. And this has lead to the art team having to add 8 sets of each new armour type. Which often leads them to look awful as there are only so many designs when you have to keep them looking similar to other armour of that class but different from all the other classes.


Perhaps its just me but that seems a lot of work from the art department which would be better used in adding species or gear people want and taking away the class restriction so if my bounty hunter wants to look like a cowboy he can rather than having to play a smuggler for that look.

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Legacy Starships

While I wouldn't mind unlocking my other class's ships as I hit 50 with them. (STylized for the faction of course), I would love to get...upgraded versions of my ship for reaching legacy level 30 40 and 50 maybe.


This would be a great idea. I love the Agent ship and my Sorceress would really like to have that ship. Not that the Fury isn't bad, mind you, but the Phantom is more luxurious and... well... luxurious. Sith need their space or they get cranky.


make it so we can go to an NPC and ask him/her to be our companon. That way we would see many more types of companons. Companon quests would be tricky i guess, but even with no companon quests i think it would be a plus.

At least with the later compagnons who barely have a questline.


This would be quite nice. I would actually go back and pick up Major Bessiker on Balmorra on my Assassin (sadly can't do that on my Sorcerer :( ). This poor man deserves more than a backwater posting and an ungrateful son.


Another thing I thought of that really REALLY irks me: For every character that wears robes/skirts/kilts, when they walk, why does the model bend in the back with their legs? Material doesn't behave that way and it makes it look as if everyone is suffering from an extreme case of static cling. (Okay in the case of an Inquisitor, maybe they are.) I know that fabric can be programmed to flow (semi) freely (see the Agent Tionese/Columi/Rakata level jackets, Jedi/Sith robes, trench coats, etc), so why do the skirts/kilts have this awful, clinging style to them?

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In the GTN, I want to be able to TAB between the level text fields. Currently we have to move the cursor to one box, type a number, go back to the mouse to move a centimeter, and back to the keyboard to type the other number.
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Not sure if it has been said, if so I apologize.


How about a legacy vault/bank. I am always concerned that I may have spelled an alts name incorrectly and am sending an item to some other person. I would have thought that this type of system would have been introduced either with the the legacy, or shortly there after. And no, I am not willing to spend 2 million credits for it. Simply it should be part of your legacy, period. end of story. enough said. :cool:

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Please fix the misplaced graphical elements on Belsavis. There are places where snow detail is actually floating above the ground level. There are also a number of the mushroom growths that are free floating in space, away from the tree trunk they are supposed to be attached to.


Fix the hole in the world to 65 meters west of the Primal Destroyer.


Fix the square pit in the ground on Tattoine inside the republic base, in the dune sea area. It looks like it is caused by a single point in the ground mesh having the wrong Z coordinate.


Create legacy perks for legacy wide Lore, Datacrons, and a 4th cargo bay tab that is shared legacy wide.

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Great post, and glad to see it's getting attention. I"m just going to list a ton of things I"d like to see or like to see change, and I apologize if some have been listed already:


  • Should be able to rename companions, especially from an immersion perspective. Names don't necessarily have to be unique, but I'd rather see a few of the same name than everyone with the same name.
  • Practically every legacy upgrade is grossly overpriced for anyone with a job. (Not so much the leveling perks, but ship upgrades, all the global unlocks are not worth the money. If they were better I might spend the credits. I'd rather use them to upgrade items on alts, though.
  • Should be able to buy upgrades for your ships that are more useful, more customization to the ship in general. If we're stuck with the ship as our player housing let us actually treat it as such. It's a great start - love seeing the crew there when I return, etc. but it would be nice to make it feel even more like home. Would love to be able to "hire" other NPC's on to our ship as well.
  • Would love to have ship upgrades for space missions actually change the outward appearance of our ships.
  • Let us customize the colors of our armor, ships, and speeders. Armor dye, Vehicle dye please.
  • I'm sure it's been said, but no way to alter our appearance after character creation. Would love something like the image designer in SWG where I can at least change my head traits and hairstyle, since I've grown to dislike the one I picked at launch.
  • Don't get rid of orbital stations and tiny instances because they exist for story purposes - simply add the option for players to bypass them going both ways. Direct to ship and direct to planet choices for zoning would be great.
  • Please expand gear tiers laterally three or for times for every one time you expand it vertically. Meaning I'd love to see OPTIONS out there of different items of similar quality for BIS gear whether you're a PVPer or PVEer. Lots of different items with different appearances is a great way to keep people interested in a theme park gear MMO, if that's what we're stuck in. I love the weapon modding system, but it's also eliminated some of the lust for rare items that people usually develop in MMORPG's. A lot of people played WoW way more than they would've normally just to get a particularly unique item or pet. That's just as good as going for a item level cap raise, and it doesn't make people have to re-grind whole sets of armor.
  • Races, Races, Races - One of the most disappointing things to everyone playing this game is the lack of Star Wars variety in character creation. At this point the Story Pillar is old news, give us an option to turn off voiceovers just so we can play other races that are being limited by this. Races should be easy to add, and released at a regular clip just like warzones.
  • Add options to the character creator regularly. People LOVE an in-depth character creator. People subbed to COH/COV for years just because of the wealth of options in their character creator. And with regular issues they added more. I resubbed to that game a few times just to try out new additions.
  • HK-51 is a start, continue the trend of adding new companions.
  • Companions need more dialogue after you max their affection
  • Hide companion head slot option!
  • No RVR - Make certain planets or fresh instances on planets that can be fought for, giving a factional bonus if certain cities can be controlled. Hell, just modify the system SWG had for this, it would be a decent approximation.
  • Guild Bases, Guild Capital Ships, Guild War (let us declare on enemy guilds), official Guild Alliances with a built in Coalition Chat, ASAP!!!
  • Let either guilds or individuals farm a factional currency that they can spend adding bases/defensive emplacements to new instances as part of the RvR system. These bases/emplacements can be destroyed by the enemy, become vulnerable at certain times, etc.
  • Move everyone out of the fleet and onto guild bases/player ships eventually. Fleet should be a place people come to shop and train and perform certain tasks, not the regular hangout for everyone. Fleet is boring, un-star-warsy, and ugly. We should all be queuing from our ships.
  • Daily/weekly terminals in our ships for PVP/PVE, so I CAN get off the fleet and never go back. I want to live in my ship since I have no player housing, but I'm stuck staying on fleet for expedience's sake.
  • Increase mount/taxi speed slightly, say 10-20%
  • Add a couple more types of PVP quest, to help newbs gear war hero/conqueror when it comes. For instance, a daily that rewards a 50/50 or 25/25 comms to win each warzone. E.G. Win Novare Coast gets you 25/25, Win Alderaan gets you 25/25...make a separate mission for each one. Stomping people is no more fun than getting stomped.
  • Reduce costs of remodding items. I work hard every day and have to come home and do MMORPG chores that were boring after the first week just to afford to play my character competitively. Thankfully I'm done remoddingmy items but for a fresh alt/fresh 50 it's stupidly expensive.
  • Maybe add the ability to "capture" or train certain animals as pets if you come across one you like. Would make the bestiary a lot cooler. Non force users could learn a Poaching-type skill, Force users could learn a Beast Empathy type skill. In general work the fauna and flore of the SW universe into the game more. Not that we need pet classes, but for immersion Creature Handler in SWG was one of the coolest classes ever. Find a way to integrate that, even if it's a Hutt-and-Michael-Vick sponsored arena where you pit them against each other. Okay, it's starting to sound like Pokemon, but the creatures of Star Wars are unimportant and underrepresented in this game.


Will post more when I think of them.

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I was reminded of another one this morning: The loss of GTN sales info after a server reboot. "Someone has bought an item you listed." Yeah, thanks, I got that, the pile of money the GTN mailed me clued me in.


How about a mechanism to not lose those details?

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