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We really need a PICK YOUR WARZONE queue!


PvE'ers can queue for any different flashpoint, why are we as PvP'ers forced into endless monstrosities that we hate!


I cannot stand Voidstar, yet what do you know, I encounter 3 in a row earlier today.


A main counter-argument is the fact that many would choose simply only the wz they like which is why I saw that it needs to be made like the PvE GF queue. A reward for queuing for all wz's daily.

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We really need a PICK YOUR WARZONE queue!


PvE'ers can queue for any different flashpoint, why are we as PvP'ers forced into endless monstrosities that we hate!


I cannot stand Voidstar, yet what do you know, I encounter 3 in a row earlier today.


A main counter-argument is the fact that many would choose simply only the wz they like which is why I saw that it needs to be made like the PvE GF queue. A reward for queuing for all wz's daily.


Why shouldn't people only choose the warzones that they like? I don't think I know a single person who likes the Voidstar. Perhaps it could be phased out and replaced by something that players actually enjoy. Maybe introduce a couple more warzones in the mix and rotate a couple out on a bi-weekly or monthly schedule so people don't get bored of them so quickly.

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I 2 hate voidstar...


its in my Sig for Chiss sake!


Who does the random Que? No one. Every other MMO PVP i played.. You can pick from a LIST!!


Also... Faction on Faction is stupid. Why did we pick a side?. If only to cause drama endlessly.



How many times do i have to be sent a tell "Do you have a problem with me?" only to reply.. NO you moron.. Your the healer. Thats why i keep attacking you.


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yeah the ques would take to long.


But in the mean time... I bail out of every voidstar i go into.. Meaning.. A spot left empty in most cases.. Why do that to 7 other people?.... if they dont want to Que for that WZ.. They should have the choice!.


or Should i be forced to fight in a WZ I really hate?. Solution. Keep Random.. Just have a box to uncheck the WZ's you don't want to do.

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I agree with the thought of not queuing for wz i dont want to play. Personally i absolutely hate huttball and had it more then 5 times in a row. There is another problem though. It would be teams made just to function in that one wz. What would add to this problem is an imbalance of queuing to said wz people hate. Which would lead having double group queues. I dont think anyone needs to explain how bad it would be if a premade huttball match with a tank jugg, bunch of assassins, and sorc pulls would suck against pugs another way of saying it a rated warzone against recruit gear.


I wish they would implement something so i didnt have to queue for CC-ball, but the effects of a system could be even worse. Also, most people do not have enough faith in BW to implement a system that would address their concerns.

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I agree with the thought of not queuing for wz i dont want to play. Personally i absolutely hate huttball and had it more then 5 times in a row. There is another problem though. It would be teams made just to function in that one wz. What would add to this problem is an imbalance of queuing to said wz people hate. Which would lead having double group queues. I dont think anyone needs to explain how bad it would be if a premade huttball match with a tank jugg, bunch of assassins, and sorc pulls would suck against pugs another way of saying it a rated warzone against recruit gear.


I wish they would implement something so i didnt have to queue for CC-ball, but the effects of a system could be even worse. Also, most people do not have enough faith in BW to implement a system that would address their concerns.


In group cases, I say it is decided off of the Group leaders prefrences

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Why shouldn't people only choose the warzones that they like? I don't think I know a single person who likes the Voidstar. Perhaps it could be phased out and replaced by something that players actually enjoy. Maybe introduce a couple more warzones in the mix and rotate a couple out on a bi-weekly or monthly schedule so people don't get bored of them so quickly.


Huttball should be phased out. That warzone absolutely sucks. I enjoy Voidstar. I would love a system that allowed me to que for the zone of my choice. This random system sucks because I have to get into the WZ before I can quit if it is Huttball. They could at least let us know which zone the invite is for before wee accept.

Edited by Kilikaa
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Why shouldn't people only choose the warzones that they like? I don't think I know a single person who likes the Voidstar. Perhaps it could be phased out and replaced by something that players actually enjoy. Maybe introduce a couple more warzones in the mix and rotate a couple out on a bi-weekly or monthly schedule so people don't get bored of them so quickly.


Voidstar is my favorite Warzone.


Maybe because I have a Vanguard.


I never quit Voidstar no matter how lopsided it gets. The others....meh

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They know we need this.


and told us we were getting it months ago


It was supposed to be coming with 1.2


Then shortly after 1.2


Then with 1.3


The problem isn't that they are not listening. It's that they can't do ANYTHING. And if you think there will be a single improvement or add on to this game until F2P you are crazy. They have everyone in the house working on ways to fleece free players, us loser with subs can do to hell.

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Huttball should be phased out. That warzone absolutely sucks. I enjoy Voidstar. I would love a system that allowed me to que for the zone of my choice. This random system sucks because I have to get into the WZ before I can quit if it is Huttball. They could at least let us know which zone the invite is for before wee accept.


i used to absolutely hate huttball too. and it's VERY dependent on grp comp. but it's a fun map. it can get frustrating very easily against a stacked comp or going in with a pug grp that lacks guardians. it's actually the one wz where have a ton of healers will really hurt you. I suppose if they were all sages they'd have some utility but...iunno. I think hb is a nice change up.

Edited by foxmob
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i think choosing the wz would absolutely suck. You'd have some wz's with only certain classes. ever. For example, why would snipers ever sign up for the Coast when they could continous queue for hutball and take advantage of the different heights? AoE classes would queue for void star for obvious reasons. Tanks would queue for huttball carrying. etc.


The only way this would work is if b/w make pvp quests based on individual wzs. Like 5 daily quests, each requiring you to win 5 matches of each individual warzone. Only way to promote signing up for less liked wz's.


And to say to 'scrap' huttball is just plain selfish. Many people like huttball, and it is my favorite wz, by far (and i do not like Coast at all)...

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People are very different when it comes to favorite wz.

Voidstar is my second favorite, close after Huttball. Alderaan is ok but I absolutely hate Novare.


I think they should keep it random until there is cross server queues to not risk a lot of teams ending up with empty spots

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Huttball should be phased out. That warzone absolutely sucks. I enjoy Voidstar. I would love a system that allowed me to que for the zone of my choice. This random system sucks because I have to get into the WZ before I can quit if it is Huttball. They could at least let us know which zone the invite is for before wee accept.


If I could choose, I doubt I would ever play anything but huttball. Its awesome as both a healer and a dps. Keep playing, you will eventually love it when you start recognising other good pvp'ers on your server and then form a loose but enjoyable group synergy and then it becomes fun.

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Without cross server queues this would only increase que times, especially if people only queued for one or two warzones. The pvp population on non pvp server just doesn't que up fast enough at non peek times to make it viable.


On the other hand, giving you the option to drop a WZ from the que would probably work well. This would at least give enough people queued into 3 out of 4 possible warzones that random matches could be formed up by the system.

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But in the mean time... I bail out of every voidstar i go into.. Meaning.. A spot left empty in most cases.. Why do that to 7 other people?.... if they dont want to Que for that WZ.. They should have the choice!.



I'd ask you, why would YOU do that to 7 other people? You have to learn to deal with it, and to be able to contribute in every warzone. Quitting is selfish as it is, and especially so because you hate the map.


And a checkbox would in fact lead to 5-person teams at start and class imbalances. If you could choose which ones to queue for that'd be less of a problem....but then queues would take forever.

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