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Official F2P Announcement


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OMG, this guys are seriously trying to ruin this game for all that they are worth




Well, you are very probably going to loose me as a player.


Would it be possible to keep the F2P people in servers separate from the subscribers so that we don't have to deal with the flood of new trolls, scum, gold farmers, hackers, cheaters, bots, etc that this is going to bring into the game? For the love of God! tell me that is so or I'll go ahead and cancel right now.

Edited by Aelrail
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I am staying and I am continuing to pay. I want the unlimited game with the updates etc. Not having to pay for every new bit of content brought out. I want to support the game like I have done from the start. So I am going to pay for another 6 months :)


If you read the release the F2p will be with a lot of restrictions.

Edited by Seraphynn
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Personally love the people who are quitting due to F2P and declaring they will be going to Guild Wars 2


lol. Yea, I don't get that too. I have also seen a lot of pots & kettles on the forums lately :D

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So...nothing changes for folks with a subscription, except we get some new coins for schmancy gear...and more content faster?


I fully admit to noobery here, but um....whats the downside?


Well... If my past experience holds any weight:


Things do change if you have a subscription. Stuff that would normally have been doled out in game updates will be split between "normal" (subscribers get it without any other input), and "bought" (stuff you actually have to visit the store to purchase).

Now, subscribers will get an allotment of store currency to buy these things, and BioWare (and likely many forum posters) will try and tell you that it is still the same value for your money (and, depending on your point of view - it might be)... But the art team and coders will be focusing on putting out more things than you could buy in the time your store currency builds up. (After all, to get the most money from this model, they need everyone to want to purchase store currency to buy all these things ["We aaaallllllll bundle. :D].)


Also, the store updates will be considered "more content faster."


So... It might be a downside, it might not. Your Mileage May Vary.

Edited by Blattan
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Someone didnt read that they arent selling p2w yet, and hopefully never will.


$15 a month for access to OPs, Unlimited Fps, Unlimited Wzs, Free Updates, "Travel Options", and Vanity Item tokens.

Seems fine to me.


You actually proved his point. Before everyone was on the same level above 15. Everyone could get everything. Now people with subscriptions, who are paying more money, will actually have an advantage over those who don't. And it's possible that those who pay tons of money will be on top since you don't know what the shop will entail. I hope and think BioWare is smart enough to not go do down that path but its possible.


I tell you this if the game becomes who spends the most wins I will go to GW2 so fast...


People are glossing over the fact that people with subs might be exponentially more powerful than people without. That's the exact same thing as pay to win.

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I'm curious why making a F2P option spells the end of the world for SWTOR. Seriously, I would like to hear peoples legitimate concerns.


Note: Saying "insert game here went F2P and it sucked after that" isn't a legitimate concern.

dont be fooled with what they have said

it will start out where sub players will get thing for free (not including their sub) but dont kid yourself eventually every player will soon have to pay extra to unlock new missions characters ect.

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To be honest, I'm definitely disappointed.


Although, in my opinion, they are going about it in the right way. It looks as though subscribers will receive benefits from cartel coins, without having to pay extra (which was what i was worried about). It also looks to be fluff stuff, not top of the line gear ( I hope).


Free players will have limited access which is how it should be. If it brings more players to this game, I'm all for it!




"Over the coming months there will be more frequent Game Updates, including group content like Flashpoints, Warzones, Operations, and dynamic in-game events and more included in your subscription."

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Well... If my past experience holds any weight:


Things do change if you have a subscription. Stuff that would normally have been doled out in game updates will be split between "normal" (subscribers get it without any other input), and "bought" (stuff you actually have to visit the store to purchase).

Now, subscribers will get an allotment of store currency to buy these things, and BioWare (and likely many forum posters) will try and tell you that it is still the same value for your money (and, depending on your point of view - it might be)... But the art team and coders will be focusing on putting out more things than you could buy in the time your store currency builds up. (After all, to get the most money from this model, they need everyone to want to purchase store currency to buy all theses things ["We aaaallllllll bundle. :D].)


Also, the store updates will be considered "more content faster."


So... It might be a downside, it might not. Your Mileage May Vary.




Yeah it's a very diffrent content roll out with a F2P model vs a subscription model, which I guess a lot of people don't realise.

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*********** EA! :mad:


Well, ill be discussing this with my guild later today but chances are im out. Get ready to lose thousands more subs. Probably try TERA or MoP now for my MMO fix until the next one comes out. Or maybe go back to consoles for now.


SWTOR is now officially a single player game for me. Ill be playing stories when/if I hear they get upgraded and if theyre FREE, and interesting. You wont get a penny more from me.


I have no interests in playing with F2P players getting the special unique gear for cash. If sub players get access to everything, why is there a need for giving them coins? Yeah right, feed that **** to someone else. Keep F2Pers in their own server and ill think about it ... until then, BW and EA can shove this game up their incompetent asses. Well, EA can, its clear to me Bioware doesnt exist anymore.


Hope I live to see the day EA goes down. Ill literally throw a *********** party.

Edited by MasterKayote
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This game has the most horrid and whiney user base I have ever seen. Seriously, F the star wars franchise if these are the window lickers that are part of it...


My god, you people are horrible. :D


You're actually FKing complaining about the game being FREE...


Jesus H Christ.....I feel sorry for your FKing waiters at restaurants, that is if any of you are allowed out of your basement to eat.


yeah because we all think fifty cents a day is that much and was the real deterrent on people not playin the game right? they wanna bring new people in? they should have sold the boxed copies or codes for 5 bucks and then get people a free month with it to get people hooked, all this will do is get the very same window lickers you speak off to stop paying and play it for free and leave when they get bored, just like they do with league of legends , hon, and plenty of other f2p games


< i know im cancelling if i have the option of playing it for free, i dont expect to be spending money of fluff items or ops either

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lol. Yea, I don't get that too. I have also seen a lot of pots & kettles on the forums lately :D


LOL except so many people still showing undying, blind devotion to the game that said guild wars 2 was gonna suck because of the f2p model LMAO

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So more competition for already over-crowded objectives, even more ninja looters, more childish behavior... those don't seem like good things to me.


All you're doing is looking at the negative. How about the positives like FAST queues, more raids, a TON more world PVP and so on.

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