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Official F2P Announcement


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I called it last night in my vent that they would announce this today and everyone called me crazy..


Overall this is good news for us all.




LOTRO did it this way and content came out quicker and the subs tripled in a couple months.

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This is an interesting development. I was considering dropping my 6 month renewal. But now I may renew another 6 months and see where this game goes. If they pull this off well, it could grow the demand for the game substantialy and bring in more long term subs in the process; as long as they keep refining and developing the game as they promise.

Now I will be able to talk more people into checking this game out who didn't want to try it originally because they were concerned about dropping their current beloved subs or trying to maintain more than one sub.


in order to grow subs with a free to play model they will need to fix the game engine. people wont be buying the coins if the game lags, stutters and freezes on lower end machines for very long.

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Hmm, interesting. The F2P option might make me stick around in months that I would otherwise cancel due to not being very active, as I'm not really into endgame and don't do a ton of FP's. Well, except on my brand new characters when they first hit the fleet, to get social points, but I doubt any of the cartel market gear will have a social rank requirement (not if they want to sell much, at least!).


I am very interested to know:

- What the travel restrictions are (no level 50 speeder and fleet pass, maybe?)

- How limited GTN access will be (can you sell, say, 5 items at once instead of 50, or not sell at all?)

- If you can still play "subscription only character creation" races you have created if you stop subscribing


Other random thoughts:

- Oh please let there be some actual good looking gear in the cartel market, there is so much icky armor in this game.

- We'd better be able to sit in that Sith Meditation Throne. xD

- I don't do Facebook so no vote for me. >.<


I'm hoping I get a Revan Sith Mask :p

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I never went back to LOTRO after it went F2P, I know for a fact I won't be back. I've done so with other games also.


LOTRO went Free 2 Play - never went back

Star trek online went Free 2 Play - never went back

DC Universe Online went Free 2 Play - never went back

Star Wars: The Old Republic going Free 2 Play - probably never going back


Personally, I want an MMO that wants to put out a product that MAKES the customer WANT to pay $14.99 a month to play it, rather than a game that sits on it's hands and when there are customer issues, says "What do you want from a FREE game?"


Take some pride in what you do. This is absolutely embarassing that a company like Bioware (successful by all standards) can't make a successful game out of a property with "Star Wars" in the title...


CONSTANT problems and glitches since release, transfer problems, hemorrhaging subscriptions consistently, announced to be going "Free 2 Play up to level 15 or whatever" and now going Free-2-Play entirely. But to the apologists, it's "still a successful game"!!


So ask yourself, at WHAT point do we consider the game to be failing? What HAS to happen?

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Yet some people still are able to do that only with their mouths... and that will be the community on each and every server once the game is free to download and play.


The community is largely irrelevant in this game as 95% of it is a solo game (PvE side). If that hadn't been the case from day 1, it would probably be in much better shape now.


Not that I'm a doomsayer about F2P. I've played Champions Online F2P and didn't notice any significant jump in its neanderthal population when it went F2P.

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if that true i hope they go bust.

ill wave and laugth at them as they walk out of their repurposed offices.


You make no sense at all. If you stay subbed you get everything plus tons more content.. Overall this is good news for everyone.


LOTRO numbers tripled when they went FTP and it made the servers so much better.

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Cartel Market Exists and confirms that SW:TOR is going P2W... didn't want to believe it but's it's already all over the help center for the F2P model.


Dont know how cosmetic items and furniture and vanity pets are P2w but okay. Although the convenience options worry me., Does that mean F2P people dont get a legacy, or is the cartel market going to basically replace any future legacy features.

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Servers are going to hit the max capacity and you're going to have a wait time to login no matter what. And if your computer can't handle 200+ people in a single area, you're screwed. Also considering you could probably have multiple accounts for little or no cost, you could max gathering skills on tons of characters and generate mats at an unbelievable rate, then transfer those to your main account and sell or use them to your advantage.
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As i recall, the item shop in Planetside is purely for cosmetics, like camo and such. Whereas everything else is bought with ingame currency and certs, which are come in based on your own individual performance, how well your team is doing, territoral control, squad play etc.


Sure, im sure you'll be able to buy ingame currency for a cash price, but thats a differnet matter....


That's my point, just because a game is F2p doesn't mean you will get an unfair advantage.

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I paid $60 for this game just a few months ago...are they going to credit me back the $45 difference?


I paid $5k for my TV 6 months ago. Now it's on sale for $2500. Is Best Buy gonna credit me the difference?


Why are you people so dumb?


F2P?? F that, I'm going to GW2!! Oh wait....

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I'm somewhat dissapointed but at the same time I saw it coming, I'll still be subbed since I still enjoy the game but its nice to know that I'll be able to introduce my brother to the game now and see if he likes it, he's a huge star wars fan but facing a tight financial situation right now that he cant afford to buy the game and keep up with a monthly sub, the price of the game dropping and being free for him to play and have fun with is wonderful news to him.


As for people saying this is merely to test the F2P model and what not, LOTRO has a free play model and what essentially amounts to a subscription based model themselves and they've been doing just fine. Of course we're going to have dozens of "the sky is falling" posts but I really don't think it'll be that bad, and who knows maybe we'll finally actually get more dev team communication, I must admit I do miss seeing those yellow posts all over the place like they were when the game was first out.


Anyways, again it's dissapointing but a lot of people were expecting it and even someone who tries to stay positive had a feeling it was coming but again, I don't think it'll be the end of the world, people can say they're unsubbing but now you have the option of still playing for free with limited options, I know that even if I stop subbing I'll probably still play on the side as I check out other games.


Anywho that's my 2 credits, let the trolls and angry kids rip this post apart for all I care.

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LOTRO went Free 2 Play - never went back

Star trek online went Free 2 Play - never went back

DC Universe Online went Free 2 Play - never went back

Star Wars: The Old Republic going Free 2 Play - probably never going back


Personally, I want an MMO that wants to put out a product that MAKES the customer WANT to pay $14.99 a month to play it, rather than a game that sits on it's hands and when there are customer issues, says "What do you want from a FREE game?"


Take some pride in what you do. This is absolutely embarassing that a company like Bioware (successful by all standards) can't make a successful game out of a property with "Star Wars" in the title...


CONSTANT problems and glitches since release, transfer problems, hemorrhaging subscriptions consistently, announced to be going "Free 2 Play up to level 15 or whatever" and now going Free-2-Play entirely. But to the apologists, it's "still a successful game"!!


So ask yourself, at WHAT point do we consider the game to be failing? What HAS to happen?


All the game you mention that went FTP more than tripled their subs and tripled their revenue. The players that pay the sub fee benifits from more content.

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LOTRO went Free 2 Play - never went back

Star trek online went Free 2 Play - never went back

DC Universe Online went Free 2 Play - never went back

Star Wars: The Old Republic going Free 2 Play - probably never going back


Personally, I want an MMO that wants to put out a product that MAKES the customer WANT to pay $14.99 a month to play it, rather than a game that sits on it's hands and when there are customer issues, says "What do you want from a FREE game?"


Take some pride in what you do. This is absolutely embarassing that a company like Bioware (successful by all standards) can't make a successful game out of a property with "Star Wars" in the title...


CONSTANT problems and glitches since release, transfer problems, hemorrhaging subscriptions consistently, announced to be going "Free 2 Play up to level 15 or whatever" and now going Free-2-Play entirely. But to the apologists, it's "still a successful game"!!


So ask yourself, at WHAT point do we consider the game to be failing? What HAS to happen?


Check back in the next time a AAA MMO is successful as completely p2p. The times they are a changing man - Adapt, or be left forever disappointed.

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Bit of a shock if I'm honest.


About the Cartel Coins. It seems you can buy them 'in packs' of differing amounts.


What concerns me is the following scenario:


As a subscriber I get a certain amount of CCs - let's hypothetically say 500 - as part of my subscription.


Fluff item no.1 is 400 CCs


Great! I get fluff item no.1 and have 100 CCs left over. Yay!


Then I go in-game and it only applies to 1 character. Which means if I want to get them for my other 7 characters I have to pay about 2,900 CCs


I know there's a precedent for rewards to apply to your entire account - the Taunta pet for example, and the upcoming Black Hole Comms and new pet - which all your characters get.


I'm just wondering if EA can resist NOT charging me for my extra characters.


Some clarification would be great.


I'll continue to sub and see how things go. But I have a really bad feeling about this..



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Though I'm leary of this based on things I have heard but I can see some things that can be good with this.


With the way the economy is right now this may get more people able to play that were not able to play before because of finanical reasons.


Depending on how things are implemented.

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Check back in the next time a AAA MMO is successful as completely p2p. The times they are a changing man - Adapt, or be left forever disappointed.


Comes Senators, Congressmen please heed the call,

don't stand in the hallway......


reminds me of the times are changing song from the start of Watchmen :)

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Servers are going to hit the max capacity and you're going to have a wait time to login no matter what. And if your computer can't handle 200+ people in a single area, you're screwed. Also considering you could probably have multiple accounts for little or no cost, you could max gathering skills on tons of characters and generate mats at an unbelievable rate, then transfer those to your main account and sell or use them to your advantage.


I already do that on my multiple 50s, and they can fix that by just limiting mail transfers on free accounts if it becomes a problem.


Eve did that, you couldn't send credits on trial accounts to avoid player profiting on non-intended means.

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Seems to be similar to the way Lotro / DDO went, I called that it might end up like that months ago.

So not too bad, though it came much sooner than I expected.


Questions are however:


1) Will the people who have subbed for your game since early access be put on the same line as new premium subbers?

2) What exactly will be for sale with the new cartel points.

3) What happens with the stuff we've gained on our existing chars for long-time subbers and do we retain access to the same content?


I also find it surprising that they let the entire 1-50 experience for F2P, that is by far the most interesting aspect of the game imo. Though I'm sure they will find ways to cash in during leveling, the question is how oppressive that will be.


All in all, I would have (and will) unsub to TOR in a few weeks with the way things are going now. This will allow me to come back and finish the class stories that I haven't experienced, so not too bad for me (depending on how much of the features I keep).

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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