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Dear Rage Quitters...


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I don't leave warzones anymore.


When I am in a losing match I put in work to get up to 8 medals or as close as possible healing and dps'ing then I shut it down. I go stealth and afk for a few.


I've found that watching failure is much more fun that quitting and sitting in the queue.

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I used to not leave. I have left 2 this past week. Felt dirty doing it, but i'm long past caring now.

1st game on my mostly recruit gear sniper, i just couldnt do anything. Unload everything i have and do 20% damage only to see them self heal back up. Then i'm dead in 2 seconds. Simply said good luck, hope i'm replaced by someone that can contribute.


2nd game, i found myself on a team with 5 other people in recruit gear. Literally demolished by a premade. F* that game. I've stuck around in games like that, where our team manages a grand total of 2 kills. For my last month in game, not anymore.

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For those of us that are closing in on full WH and play for the fun of playing it's a waste of time.


If I am not desperate for coms and already finished my dailies/weeklies I am playing because I enjoy PvP. Win or lose a competitive game is fun, but If my entire team turtles at a turret when node #2 gets capped by the enemy I know it's around 12-15 minutes of me trying to attack a team of 8 by myself.


To make people happy before I do "rage quit" I try to use /say to the other team and try to talk them into a 3 cap facial, at least then I know there will be a fight at the turtled node and I get to watch the n00bs on my team cry because they are denied even their defense medals. :D


This,. I play for fun. I don't have fun when my team acts like their computers are controlled by chimpanzees. I find leaving cathartic :)

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I rarely leave... rarely used to be never. However patience wears thin over time.


If I can see a complete lack of understanding of the game over all... and in a 50 WZ? I will not waste the time any more. Too many times I have seen people showing up in green level 45 gear, tionese... people standing near objectives or fighting but completely ignoring them. Just an over all lack of understanding on how to play the game will make me leave here and there.


Why waste my time?


I have better things to do in game and real life...


Don't get me wrong... I used to feel the way you do and still I hardly leave. It's very rare for me to quit, BUT.... it's mind blowing that people can level to 50 and still have ZERO understanding of how the game works. THAT is what makes me leave... over time I bet your patience wears thin. I don't mind losing to better gear, better players, or simple human error. However there is nothing worse than losing a WZ that should be an easy win because someone does not understand simple game mechanics.


If you made it to level 50... these are things you should understand by now.


Oh... and aside from that. Until someone pays my subscription for me... I'll do as I damn well please. :D

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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If my team is death matching in huttball instead of going after the enemy ball carrier or protecting our own, I'm going to leave that stupidity. Call it rage, I call it a waste of my time. I can get another queue quickly. If people leave, whoop de doo. Normally you'll get a replacement quickly, if not stop playing on low populated servers. I play for fun and if I am not having fun, I'm gone.
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I leave warzones all the time and will continue to do so, But I leave before I get mad.


****, I've left 5 warzones since I read this thread and after I'm done here I'll leave 5 more. How does that make you feel?

Edited by Skullbash
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Making people like you mad are totally reason to quit a WZ match. Hell, it's reason to purposefully run the huttball to our team's own goal and then "accidentally" pass it to an enemy to score with it.








Cry bout it son.


You can be reported and banned for this.

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I certainly do quit wz very fast, very often, and it's very helpful actually.

If I notice there are few chances of winning the game I just do that and jump in another queue.

Saves time for doing my dailies, getting more comms, and not getting pissed of at recruit gear randoms while I'm farming my war hero on multiple chars, after I get home from 8 hour workday.


You, the rest that have more time on your hands, can stay and loose, or miraculously win.



although recently queue times are getting bigger and the population on fleets, lighter, which means people just cba with the game at all, or started leveling marauders...

Edited by GizmoBill
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Entered a warzone, it was turrets, someone called out a standard 2 snow 6 mid and it seemed like it would be alright. I was the first one to drop down mid, looking at my minimap no one runs snow. There is 2 of the enemy team in mid so I drop down and run to snow typing in ops chat for 3 to come with me figuring 4 should be enough to kill 2 mid and cap. No one comes. Saw and type out 3 snow and at this point I still would have been fine if at least 2 would have started to run snow. Again no one comes. I die about 15 seconds later. They cap the turret and then we finally cap mid, then someone types in ops chat "now hold what we have..." Yeah I'm going to quit matches like this every time. I won't quit matches where something just doesn't go our way or if we're outmatched or even if we're more than a couple minutes into the game because it happens, but when stuff like this happens I'm not going to play for 15 minutes and likely get rolled because people can't demonstrate a basic understanding of how to play the game at level 50.
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Entered a warzone, it was turrets, someone called out a standard 2 snow 6 mid and it seemed like it would be alright. I was the first one to drop down mid, looking at my minimap no one runs snow. There is 2 of the enemy team in mid so I drop down and run to snow typing in ops chat for 3 to come with me figuring 4 should be enough to kill 2 mid and cap. No one comes. Saw and type out 3 snow and at this point I still would have been fine if at least 2 would have started to run snow. Again no one comes. I die about 15 seconds later. They cap the turret and then we finally cap mid, then someone types in ops chat "now hold what we have..." Yeah I'm going to quit matches like this every time. I won't quit matches where something just doesn't go our way or if we're outmatched or even if we're more than a couple minutes into the game because it happens, but when stuff like this happens I'm not going to play for 15 minutes and likely get rolled because people can't demonstrate a basic understanding of how to play the game at level 50.


i always run towards middle, then stop to see if anyone takes the side. Hate when the person that calls for it (and isnt the leader) doesnt go.

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i always run towards middle, then stop to see if anyone takes the side. Hate when the person that calls for it (and isnt the leader) doesnt go.


No kidding, that or you have the person that you see on your minimap run like they are going to go snow, stop at the edge, then drop down mid once they are the last person still on the platform. I'm convinced these people are just trying to piss people off so I'm not going to waste my time playing with them.

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Pointless thread.


OP Says; Youse guys must play as I say.


Responder says; I will do what I want because youse guys do not play my way


neither is even remotely likely to agree.


While in fact, you are both saying the same thing. ie "my time is more important than yours, play my way"


Good luck

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I rage quit 1 match in the past 2 months.


Because I spent the first 5 minutes of that particular huttball match in various stages of being stunned, rooted, snared, knocked into random places and whatever. And I don't mean the regular stuff, I mean the stuff where 2 Juggs are simply waiting for you specifically while your team is no where to be seen (as people quit after the first minute and kept quitting afterwards, so there were effectively 2 active players or so on our team) using repeated intimidating roar, force choke, knockback, whatever to piss the hell out of you while a couple of sorcs rooted you.


They could've won that match 6-0 easily but kept artificially stretching it out just to piss the few active people off in some form of stunlocking competition. After a bad evening and a headache I had had enough.


And I definitely don't feel sorry for it.

Edited by Fdzzaigl
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Pointless thread.

OP Says; Youse guys must play as I say.

Responder says; I will do what I want because youse guys do not play my way

neither is even remotely likely to agree.

While in fact, you are both saying the same thing. ie "my time is more important than yours, play my way"

Good luck


this always made me laugh.

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Why would you assume it's rage? Sometimes I have to get through my dailies across a lot of characters and I don't have time to hang out with a team of newbs who are too busy dueling at mid to attack the enemy ball carrier.


I've probably quit 4 warzones over the last 6 months and all of them were on Mondays trying to wrap up my weekly before reset.

Edited by dcgregorya
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I'm biding my time, waiting for the day when Bioware finally has the gut to stealthily add a deserter debuff to the game that takes away 50% of their total credits when they quit a warzone, and prevents them from queuing for warzones for TWO BLOODY WEEKS! Oh how I will laugh at the warzone quitting scum :D


...A man can dream.:)

Edited by LordExozone
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I'm biding my time, waiting for the day when Bioware finally has the gut to stealthily add a deserter debuff to the game that takes away 50% of their total credits when they quit a warzone, and prevents them from queuing for warzones for TWO BLOODY WEEKS! Oh how I will laugh at the warzone quitting scum :D


...A man can dream.:)


I cant wait for that either. Then the game will die, go F2P with microtransactions, or better yet P2W

Edited by Luciferhawke
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Why would you assume it's rage? Sometimes I have to get through my dailies across a lot of characters and I don't have time to hang out with a team of newbs who are too busy dueling at mid to attack the enemy ball carrier.


Now here's a guy who doesn't know how to play Huttball and who ignores people saying "control mid".

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I usually try to stay to the end, regardless of the nincompoops i've been teamed with at times. But there are a few occasions i leave a wz early. One was today. Joined a WZ where the other team had 7, yes i said SEVEN, marauders and one operative healer . I'll be damned if i put up with that stupidity for long... Edited by mulzii
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Thanks Dr. Phil, but you shouldn't quit your day job because your attempt at psychology stinks like bantha poodoo.


First off I'm not a masochist, I do not derive pleasure from my own pain (hence why I'll quit a WZ if I feel like it rather than suffer the boredom or nuisance of dealing with it). I am a sadist however. I do derive much pleasure from the suffering of others. See, I'm an american. I grew up in the greatest system on earth. You are here to benefit and amuse me, and if you don't then you are not worth thinking about.


My pleasure and desire are the only one's that matter and if stomping on you gives me pleasure then that is what needs to be done. Period. I matter, you don't.


Have a wonderful day sweetheart.


Saddism is a defense mechanism to previous abuse. My guess is your were bullied. Allowing yourself to take pleasure from the suffering of others which empowers you to the level of your victimizers. Using the fantasy of the "American Superiority" as a funny means of sounding cool and unattached to their actions shows lack of confrontational skills and unoriginality.

To the one who gave me the laugh with the comments about paragraphs, thanks. Obviously you haven't tried to press the Tab key after Return in these forums, it does not not indent the line. Hence, a paragraph is marked by the line break.

Finally to those that state they are not "Rage" quitting when they quit perhaps you have a different definition, which means I may misunderstand the root meaning of rage quitting. If things are not going your way, instead of tolerating you allow your baser emotions to control you, anger being one to deal with dislikes. You may not be fuming, you may not be yelling our cusses just to vent, however those that quit when things are not going well are quitting because they are not happy with the results. I use the term Rage Quit to put a stigma on the act to show that really it is a low-brow, pathetic and childish act.

I find it interesting that some even justify it by stating they know their team is not trying hard enough or at all. I do my best in a War Zone every time so when I see a team member rage quit, does that mean you are wrong to assume that none of the team is trying?

Or how about saying that there are no real consequences because it is just a game? This is true, it is just a game. However, there are real people on those toons on your team and on the opposit team. Is it the distance in fiber-optic cable that allows for such an apathy of your actions towards others? I am going to guess that if it were a real situation such as a ropes course, or a track race, it would not be so easy to just quit when those real people are looking directly at you.

I will add that most of us might not even be on the same server and that PVP might be different depending on the server. However, that still does not disprove that quitting or Rage Quitting is not a childish or pathetic act. Moreover, no one has still honestly answered my question. On average, how many quits does it take before you find the RIGHT team? Two load screens, waiting for the WZ to pop up again, having to feel out the new team? Lather, rise, repeat.

Now in closing of this post, I want to make my mission statement clear on the original intentions of this post. I do NOT intend to somehow stop quitters from doing what they do best. I do NOT hope to start a movement to change PVP so we ban all quitters, it is a dream however that they would all leave the game in general but only a dream that is. Instead I am glad to have gotten people to respond both why they DO quit and why they do NOT quit.

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I want to talk to ANYONE who has rage quit in this game,.....


There is a small percentage of low character people who can not deal with losing. They blame their team in a random queue and quit. They are primarily delusional and by quitting losing matches they reenforce the delusion that they are good players and decent human beings. (Even though every time they quit the cause a person who did nothing to them to take their spot)


However, those "people" are the people on these forums. They are the ones complaining about OP classes and why their class is UP and why Bioware is fail. Essentially they are babies. Look at the responses in this thread. Every time normal human beings complain about the selfish act of rage quitting (i know i know, your teammates ignore objectives, they deserve it, you pay to have fun etc) the quitters overrun the thread with a defense of this poor sportsmanship. So there is no reason to ask for support here. It's like going to Republican party to raise money for a Democrat. All you get is a peek inside the corrupted mind of the quitter, but there are plenty of threads you can get that with. I understand your frustration but the quitter is a cancer to PvP and you would have more success rationalizing to a thunderstorm about the damage it causes and asking to stop the rain.


The sad thing is that if 10% of the population is low character, it means that almost EVERY WZ the losing team will have a quitter. That means if you go up early you get an unfair advantage and if you go down early you are crippled by them.


When you win you look and see the other team had 14 players (6 babies) and it ruins the win. You lose and see your quitters and it confirms that they are a cancer that prevent comebacks.

Edited by richardya
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I read all of the posts. As I said before.


Staying in match results in medals, valor, credits and credit for your daily pvp match.


Leaving match results in nothing but wasted time.


For those who can not stand to lose, unhappiness with your team, etc. Why not use the time to lure an opponent into a 1v1? In many a failing wz, I've kited an opponent to a part of the map where we can fight in isolation. Even if you die, you can still look at your opponents buffs in the lobby. If you don't know how a particular class plays examining their buffs will give you some insight.

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