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Everything posted by Skullbash

  1. It's good to see that they're keeping their priorities straight... so to speak.
  2. Considering all the bugs you probably wouldn't get it anyway.
  3. I subbed just to watch this mess unfold. Don't look at it as a game expansion so much as a disaster sitcom. Subverted expectations.
  4. No, that would be FAR too difficult to implement. There are plenty of bad premades but going in with multiple people in a coordinated group with you will give a distinct advantage that everyone else solo q'd in the wz lacks, even if you're too bad at the game to use that advantage.
  5. Just don't allow people to q regs as a group. And bring back 8v8 team ranked.
  6. It's not just him, On Star Forge there are entire premades that regularly q who will intentionally lose nodes or throw the huttball to the enemy to extend the length of the warzone so that they can pad their dps numbers more. It's to the point that seeing them on your team means it's a near guaranteed loss.
  7. Nope, just take them out of the rotation completely. Grab a book, kiddo.
  8. TLDR: I only run regs with a premade or a stealther.
  9. Please, oh wise one, tell me your secret knowledge on how the game should work.... Personally I don't care about rewards from the dailies/weeklies, I just like pvp, but if no one on my team is trying to win, why should I have to carry 7 people instead of just rerolling the dice until I get a team that tries? If you like playing video games because it's some way to... I don't even know...prove yourself? Mayhap it's you who is misguided...
  10. Great, now I'm gonna be forced to fight Premades with my team of people in 276 gear opening from stealth with a knockback. Beautiful change, Bioware.
  11. Skullbash


    Push buttons
  12. So you refuse to use a strategy (that isn't cheating or griefing) that could be the most effective way to get your team a win ... but somehow this isn't admitting to throwing games. Okay
  13. Ranked is not some form of brain surgery, contrary to how difficult you seem to make it sound new people can be good at it. Although it seems like it was some sort of personal achievement for you, so congrats on being a big fish in a puddle. And that's not even touching on all of the wintraders and people that just kick out anyone who isn't part of their clique. Your arrogant attitude that pervades throughout ranked is why it's dying.
  14. Most ranked players are already the biggest trolls on their servers anyway, your post being further evidence of that. You have no idea if the guy knows anything about game mechanics or if he's going up against wintraders, but since he says something that you don't agree with you attack him.
  15. It's quite a bit better in pvp now, mainly due to the autocrit on powerlode tactical, something this spec always needed. It would be perfect if it gave an additional crit on a follow-up to energy burst, maybe thermal detonator or magnetic blast, which feels the most improved from the 6.1 buffs, outside of energy burst with the powerlode tactical. You still get killed just as fast as before, but you can do more damage beforehand. Haven't tried the veteran ranger set yet, but I'm curious to see what kind of damage autocannon does, anyone try it yet?
  16. Grit Teeth is far too powerful. You would effectively have to kill a Jugg 3 times in PvP with this.
  17. That would make sense. So they probably won't do it...
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