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BRB playing TSW


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Hey everybody,


Stopping my sub, not because SWTOR sucks, but The Secret World (TSW) seems to be kinda cool. I resubbed to SWTOR about a month ago and i rerolled all new low levels and i was getting into it again. But while browsing the forums someone mentioned TSW. I looked up the trailers and some reviews and omg the trailer was cheesy, and the reviews were horribly written. But a few weeks later (which would be a week ago) i tried it out on a whim. So far its going pretty good, although there is currently no end game (more to come in the future) it has a lot of missions that require you to use your head. Another cool thing is with enough time you can learn all abilities in the game and use any weapon. But like in EVE online where you can only use 1 ship at a time, you can only have a few abilities active and only 2 weapons in use at any 1 time. What does that mean? if they nerf a spec that you are playing you dont have to reroll, just chose another spec. You dont have to worry about duel spec, because you can be any spec. I was there for SWTOR and D3 launch, and so far TSW has been pretty smooth...couple of glitches here and there but nothing game breaking.


If i had to describe it to someone thats never played it, I would say its a zombie apocalypse movie and you're in it. Anyways cancelling my sub here, but i may or may not be back. So BRB, AFK, LOL playing TSW KK BAI.


QFT. My sub expires in 5 days and I won't be renewing because I am having a lot more fun playing TSW than this pretend MMORPG on rails. Bioware, you should have just made KOTOR 3 with up to 8 or 16 player co-op or head to head built in. This game will be on life support like Warhammer by X-mas.

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QFT. My sub expires in 5 days and I won't be renewing because I am having a lot more fun playing TSW than this pretend MMORPG on rails. Bioware, you should have just made KOTOR 3 with up to 8 or 16 player co-op or head to head built in. This game will be on life support like Warhammer by X-mas.


Because TSW won't be desperately looking for players past its free month? I needed a good laugh, thanks.

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swtonewbie, I hope we see you back one day. TSW was not my cup of tea but maybe you will enjoy it; just don't forget about swtor :)


...but I do have to wonder how this thread is remaining open for so long. It's not about swtor and is a "I'm quitting" post. Usually those are locked pretty quickly. Hmmm.

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Because TSW won't be desperately looking for players past its free month? I needed a good laugh, thanks.


Of course, I said nothing about whether or not TSW would be successful. It may not be and that's fine. I find it interesting that you are so hurt in the backside that someone likes another game better than SWTOR.


I also don't find it at all surprising that someone who thinks SWTOR is a good game (LOL) would not like TSW.

Edited by boxfetish
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Tried it. Couldn't get into it. Not very fluid, combat is clunky. Great atmosphere and concept and music however.


You play... SWTOR... and you think... TSW... Combat is clunky? At least you're not suffering massive frame rate issues trying to kill bosses.


TSW isn't the greatest MMO ever released, but SWTOR is one of the worst, and there's really nothing better to do.


I love TSW because there are 526 different abilities that anyone can get, and it already has a built in full group combat log system, so I go into dungeons when I'm only in the third zone and I do 450-550 DPS while everyone else in the group is pushing 150 DPS. It's an insane descrepancy, it reminds me of leveling as an elemental shaman in TBC and doing 80% of every 5 mans damage...


The skill cap in TSW is insanely high, a great tank can be both the tank and the healer by picking the right abilities. A great healer can pick a few DPS abilities and out DPS some bad DPS. Bad players hate TSW; but I guess I don't blame them too much, the reason I find the game fun is because I think it's really difficult to min max, while SWTOR is on a kindergarten level when it comes to complexity-- even in hard mode.

Edited by xenofire
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Tried TSW a couple of beta weekends ago - seemed ok'ish, but like many have stated, the combat felt clunky (and thats amazing giving its using the new Age of Conan engine) and I had a tough time getting into the setting (nice with a different theme then fantasy and all, but I did feel basically lost the whole time - FunCom and story telling is not two factors I've seen mix very well).
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You play... SWTOR... and you think... TSW... Combat is clunky? At least you're not suffering massive frame rate issues trying to kill bosses.


A typical fight on my bountyhunter like deck :

1,1,1,1,1,2,3,1,1,1,1,1,2,3 And victory.

Against stronger enemies I start off by pressing 4, ill give you that.


I actually like building my character in TSW a lot more then I like playing it. For me thats an indicator that something is wrong tbh.

Some characters are designed awesomely (Carter and Kirsten come to mind) while others, well, not so much.

Same goes for quests. I was surprised about how many people on that zombie island where like : "Yeah, my home got overrun by zombies, my teacher ate my best friends brains but hey, I really want my RC plane back!"


Its a great game, and I have a lifetime sub at TSW, but for now, SWTOR stays my main game.

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Yeah this thread totally isn't going to get closed blaitantly advertising another game, if you love TSW so much why bother posting in the forums for SWTOR rather than go play it?




Go play it if you really want. Why do you think any of us care what game YOU play?! You're really not that important to any of us. Why would you bother coming here? I would suggest that by coming here to tell us all how awesome the game is, that you tend to like these FORUMS more than TSW. Is that the case?

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A typical fight on my bountyhunter like deck :

1,1,1,1,1,2,3,1,1,1,1,1,2,3 And victory.

Against stronger enemies I start off by pressing 4, ill give you that.


Don't get me wrong, you can play one of their cookie cutter decks and it will be pretty easy. If you make your own build though, you can pick a relatively complicated set of abilities that super compliment each other and probably double your damage output. I spent like 10 hours the other night doing target dummy practice with ACT... It didn't matter, I know, but it was fun for me. I guess if you really want it to be easy mode just get thors hammer and make your off-hand elemental then every 5 attacks you can thors hammer for the win.


The min maxing of raid compositions is going to be freaking sweet too. Making sure every group has a crit buff rating, the blood lust type ability, a hit buff, etc....

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Of course, I said nothing about whether or not TSW would be successful. It may not be and that's fine. I find it interesting that you are so hurt in the backside that someone likes another game better than SWTOR.

It's the same thing that causes console wars, people want to feel validated for their money/time investment, so they disparage anything they see as a challenge to their choice.


Mind you, Funcom is really the big worry there. Everything about the game sounds good... 'cept Funcom.

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uhh yah, thanks


But thats like saying 'lol you went from playing Madden to NHL, noob dont you know that EA makes both those games.


I could care less who publishes or develops either of the games, i didnt leave because i dont want to support EA/BW anymore. its just that i dont want to pay for a sub if i'm not gonna use it.


I am going to correct you in the interest of keeping this free from falacies.

EA does not make both games. EA is the publisher for both games, not the developer.

EA and BW are co-developers for SW:TOR.

EA is the publisher for both SW:TOR and TSW.

Funcom is the sole developer of TSW.


In order to put it simply, imagine that games are books. Publishers take care of the marketing of the product and the developers are responsible for the content of the product.

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