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Quitting War Zone matches is AWESOME


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When i notice that i am ops leader i always quit if there are not at least 3 other people 1700+ hp. I dont mind playing w/ maybe half the team in recruit (especially if i am joining w/ 3 others), i draw the line there tho for helping out.


When over half your team is recruit though the probability your gonna make any difference is next to 0 and your just gonna frustrate the heck out of yourself playing.. if you want to feel good about something, go donate 100k to a new player in the fleet trying to buy a speeder, will save him as much time as it takes to get battlemaster.

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When over half your team is recruit though the probability your gonna make any difference is next to 0 and your just gonna frustrate the heck out of yourself playing


Jeez, you are a nice guy. My limit is 3. If you leave whenever you see 3 people in 15.5K HP or less, you will dramatically increase your win chances. Why should I have to group with these bads? Let some other shlub group with these guys.


I pay $15 a month not to get rolled. I pay to play competive matches that I win, NOT LOSE. Why would I pay real money to lose? If you stay in these matches to lose you need to get your head examined. No one should lose because of bads. As I said, since adopting the quitting approach I win 100% of my matches.

Edited by richardya
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Not sure if serious.


You see, I'm one of these recruit "geared" bads that will induce you to ragequit. I don't even have 15k hp. I just dinged 50 this morning.


I think I might have backfilled for you in a Civil War this morning. You see, I entered late. Right after the enemy two-capped. I replaced a ragequitter. Was it you?


My useless noob *** flanked mid from the enemy spawn side and attacked the lone defender from stealth. I knew I wouldn't kill him, I wanted him to call for help and relieve pressure. That he did, and a teammate noticed my position on the map and came to ninja the node while I had the defense distracted, and as the enemy reinforcements arrived, my useless, recruit, sub-15k hp rear end threw down the aoe mez that enabled him to cap.


I then proceeded to heal my arse off and we held both turrets. I only died once, even with recruit gear's notoriously low endurance buffer against stunlocks.


The victory was all the more satisfying because I, Mr. Useless Gear, replaced a ragequitter like you AND assisted the game winning cap. :)



Edited by AdrianDmitruk
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Not sure if serious.


You see, I'm one of these recruit "geared" bads that will induce you to ragequit. I don't even have 15k hp. I just dinged 50 this morning.


I think I might have backfilled for you in a Civil War this morning. You see, I entered late. Right after the enemy two-capped. I replaced a ragequitter. Was it you?


My useless noob *** flanked mid from the enemy spawn side and attacked the lone defender from stealth. I knew I wouldn't kill him, I wanted him to call for help and relieve pressure. That he did, and a teammate noticed my position on the map and came to ninja the node while I had the defense distracted, and as the enemy reinforcements arrived, my useless, recruit, sub-15k hp rear end threw down the aoe mez that enabled him to cap.


I then proceeded to heal my arse off and we held both turrets. I only died once, even with recruit gear's notoriously low endurance buffer against stunlocks.


The victory was all the more satisfying because I, Mr. Useless Gear, replaced a ragequitter like you AND assisted the game winning cap. :)




Maybe clarify what i said earlier...


Once i decide to play a match I play it to the end, no rage quitting. I think most people should follow this, its best not to have people quitting mid game.

I enjoy challenging games and try to stick in any game where there is a remote chance of winning.

I quit games that will almost certainly turn into medal farming match's.


My logic is the following.. since i'm at the pt where coms don't matter, i'm not going to play in medal farming matches.. it does nothing for me, and its actually painful most of the time..

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Just in case you're serious:


1. Queue

2. wait

3. queue pop - click it

4. load into warzone

5. Play 1.5 minutes, realize you are losing

6. Quit, receiving no rewards for time invested

7. Load back into fleet (or wherever)

8. Back to 1


How many times will you allow this to repeat itself before you decide to stay in a warzone?


As long as PUGs foced to play agains PMs quitting is OK.

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I pay $15 a month not to get rolled. I pay to play competive matches that I win, NOT LOSE.


But you don't pay to win/lose. You pay for access to the game. This isn't a F2P Pay-To-Win game. Paying BW $15/month doesn't guarantee you will win anything, especially if you are a baddie.


Personally, I could care less if people quit or don't quit. It's their dime. Makes little to no difference to me. My toons have little difficulty winning WZs regularly and completing the Weekly in a day or two. Not a big deal.


I also don't see this happening much, if at all, and I play in both brackets on two servers. Sounds like a carebears getting butthurt PvE server thing.

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As long as PUGs foced to play agains PMs quitting is OK.





And also, if Bioware FORCES me to play better geared or more skilled people or a team with better class makeup or a WarZone I don't like or play with "bads" who don't call incoming, I will quit. I cant worry about the other people in my WarZone until they pay my subscription. Essentially if I am losing it is for one of these reason.

Edited by richardya
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I used to not quit warzones and would stick it out. But there's only so much bad play I can take.


When I see 4 people on my team attacking 1 person on their team, who isn't the ball carrier, when the opposing team HAS the ball. . .I'm just gonna leave. Especially if it takes them more than 10 seconds to burn down said enemy.


When I see our team feeding the enemy kills one by one in single file for 3-4 respawns while I stand where the taxi drops you off during alderaan waiting for our team to group up.


I dont quit when I see a silly mistake. But when I see the same things being done over and over after something is said in Ops chat. I'm out of there

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Give the quitters a 'cowards' debuff which prevents Q'ing up again for 1 hour and make their toons glow pink to reflect their shameful actions.


15mins maybe.

And this feature treats the symptoms not the cause. the cause is that the match is not fun or not rewarding enough to stick round if losing. IF it was people woudl stay. By just shoving a debuff on, it does not solve the underlying flaws in teh pvp system


And make it so I never ever get put in a WZ thats in progress.


Why should I have to join a losing match because someone else left and then I get a debuff for leaving and looking for a proper competition.

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Just like everyone else, I hate to lose warzones but I still will never quit.


From my perspective and playing time, there is no point of quitting. I'll just take the loss because I still get a chunk of valor and I still get 80-100 commendations as opposed to the 120-140 for a win. I am going to complete the daily and weekly anyways, so there is no point in "rushing" for wins at the cost of overall valor and commendations.


Things that make me want to rage quit on the spot:

1) Losing the left base in Civil War in the first minute (If you cant take this base at this point in time, its game over already)

2) Setting up solo to take the top bases on Novare Coast. Asking for someone to help you (before the game starts). You get no help and take the base, and lose it 2 minutes into the game to two attackers who barely can kill you 2 vs 1

3) Having a bomb planted in the first minute of voidstar with no one saying anything

Edited by DarthBloodloss
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Jeez, you are a nice guy. My limit is 3. If you leave whenever you see 3 people in 15.5K HP or less, you will dramatically increase your win chances. Why should I have to group with these bads? Let some other shlub group with these guys.


I pay $15 a month not to get rolled. I pay to play competive matches that I win, NOT LOSE. Why would I pay real money to lose? If you stay in these matches to lose you need to get your head examined. No one should lose because of bads. As I said, since adopting the quitting approach I win 100% of my matches.


So players in Recruit gear = bads? I guess good players are granted War Hero gear by Bioware the moment they hit 50. I had to go through the Recruit > Battlemaster road when my Gunslinger hit 50 so I must be a bad :(

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You're not a Pro Quitter until you've 100% win rate per encounter. That is, there are some guys I know if I encounter them on the opposing team, I have already lost the game because they'd have quit immediately in any game where the outcome was ever in doubt so I'd never see them otherwise.
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You're not a Pro Quitter until you've 100% win rate per encounter. That is, there are some guys I know if I encounter them on the opposing team, I have already lost the game because they'd have quit immediately in any game where the outcome was ever in doubt so I'd never see them otherwise.


those guys are involved in a time paradox scheme. kind of like a ponze scheme but less lucrative

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I played in a pre-50 game yesterday where one of the lower leveled players, level 15 I think, was wearing WHITE-quality, level 7 pants. You know, the kind with no stats at all, just armor? He was wearing those. I didn't quit, but boy I sure wanted to.
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those guys are involved in a time paradox scheme. kind of like a ponze scheme but less lucrative


Nah it's nothing like that, just have to go a few steps above what the original poster said. While I cannot say for certain this is what these guys do since by definition I am never in a game to observe where they quit on the opposing side, I suspect it goes like this:


Huttball: Quit if your team didn't get the ball.

Voidstar: Quit if your team is on D first (too risky to show your face in the 1st round before the outcome is decided). Quit if your team didn't bomb the door in 30 seconds.

Alderaan: Quit if your team didn't cap two turrets in the first 30 seconds.

Novare Coast: Same as above.


When you put all these tips together, there is very little chance for any opponent to ever see you in a losing effort, thus ensuring that whenever an opponent does see you, you have a 100% win rate.

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thats fine if u wanna give a debuff for quitting a wz....


but there would have to be that grace period at the start for people like me for example...who despise hutball, i hate it with every fiber of my being, its nothing but greasy fighting...... if they added a simple wz name when the wz queue window pops it would solve that..

but it doesn't and i would not like to be punished for choosing not to play something i dislike. espcialy not being banned for an hour from all wz's .. thats just absurdly crazy and will never happen.


. fyi i always exit it within 5 seconds of loading in so another person cn join before it starts..

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So I used to be against quitting, but now I started doing it and it is awesome.

I have not lost a match in a week.



All you do is quit when you go down 1-0 in huttball, when the opposition gets 2 caps first in CW or NC and if after 1.5 minutes in VS you do not cap a door or if the opponents cap a door.

You will generally finish dailys on three characters in the time it takes to normally finish on one. (If it is taking a long time to finish a match, ie you are only up 1-0 after 5 minutes, it may be advisable to quit here too)

Pro Quitter Trick - Inspect your team at spawn and they are not geared up to the T just quit and let them start out shorthanded, lol, they should have geared up.



I know what you are thinking, it's not fair to your teammates. LOL It's their fault, not mine that we are losing, they are bad and don't call "Inc" or they are medal farming, why else would we lose? OR it's Biowares fault because if I lose it's because I am playing against premades.

What about the poor guy who fills in for you?

Too bad on him, it's Biowares fault, not mine.

Some of your ex-teammates (after you quit the "bads" team,) will send you whispers, just call them "kids" and then ignore them.


The future of PvP

If everyone follows this method PVP will be awesome and instead of competing and winning and losing we will all finish our dailys faster.


BioWare Is OK with this

Why do you think they give you a [Leave Warzone] button??????

If there was an emergency you would ignore the game and if something came up in real life, you would just close the game.

You are supposed to quit


This thread needs to be stickied!

I fully endorse this product....

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you finally just learned this? lol


I don't even bother inspecting gear I just do a quick HP check...if you have 3 or more under 15K just leave save yourself some time/aggro


Funny thing is, sometimes 14k healer makes a MUCH larger impact on a wz than my nearl 20k health jugg.

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Copied from a thread I posted few days ago, just want to shine the light again on this matter.

My thread and 2 cents about quitters and gamers these days "PvP Greed and the Ego that comes with it.." = http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=191521


Solution to WZ quitters?


Deserter Buff League of Legends style "LEAVER BUSTER" Link to how they do it when people think they deserve to leave a game = http://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Leaver_Buster


What happens if you leave in League of Legends?


Punishment: 1st offence - 6 minutes prohibited from joining the queue. 2nd offence - 15 minutes prohibited from joining the queue. 3rd offense - 1 hour prohibited from joining the queue. The counter resets after 8 hours.


^ = Rules, and "Rules" need enforced in this game to leavers.


No excuses straight punishment, If you don't like it too bad. It just like punishing a child over thinking they are the boss, when in fact the adult is the boss.


If anyone can't figure out that metaphoric phrase then call your mother or father or a adult, its simple parenting just like this game needs to do to Warzone quitters.


Yep that just happened.

Edited by Caeliux
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Jeez, you are a nice guy. My limit is 3. If you leave whenever you see 3 people in 15.5K HP or less, you will dramatically increase your win chances. Why should I have to group with these bads? Let some other shlub group with these guys.


I pay $15 a month not to get rolled. I pay to play competive matches that I win, NOT LOSE. Why would I pay real money to lose? If you stay in these matches to lose you need to get your head examined. No one should lose because of bads. As I said, since adopting the quitting approach I win 100% of my matches.


100% of your matches... I very much doubt that.


And the thing that you people are ignoring is that the OTHER SIDE likely has as many recruits as you do. Quitting w/o even LOOKING at the other side is foolhardy.

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I read the OP as a POST against quitting.


It raised the point that, there should not be a quit warzone button. It also intentionally summoned the cries to punish quitters.


I thought it was well written.

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