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AHHHH, it burns!!! The Recruit gear does nothing!!!


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Finally got to 50 and put on my spiffy new recurit armor. I figure, I can at least hold my own right?




Seems like everybody on the other team has at least 18k HP, that was like the lowest I saw in about 15-20 warzones I ran. In some cases, it was just 3 or 4 GCD's and my poor little guardian was taking a trip to the spawn point. Whats worse, some of them simply ignored me, laughing at my small and puny lightsaber :(


I don't want any battlemaster nerfs or anything, can I just have a hug plx? :(

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Finally got to 50 and put on my spiffy new recurit armor. I figure, I can at least hold my own right?




Seems like everybody on the other team has at least 18k HP, that was like the lowest I saw in about 15-20 warzones I ran. In some cases, it was just 3 or 4 GCD's and my poor little guardian was taking a trip to the spawn point. Whats worse, some of them simply ignored me, laughing at my small and puny lightsaber :(


I don't want any battlemaster nerfs or anything, can I just have a hug plx? :(


Yeah there is a huge difference between Recruit gear and fully Augmented WH gear. Good news is that BM gear is cheap, only takes a few days to get geared up, and is pretty good.


Take your lumps, pay your dues. =)

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Once you realize that a fresh 50 in 50s bracket is the same as a level 10 in the 10-49 bracket then you will do better.


Change your mentality: stay in the back, pick off low health guys, timely cc. You will be able to contribute more to the warzone once you gear up.

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Finally got to 50 and put on my spiffy new recurit armor. I figure, I can at least hold my own right?




Seems like everybody on the other team has at least 18k HP, that was like the lowest I saw in about 15-20 warzones I ran. In some cases, it was just 3 or 4 GCD's and my poor little guardian was taking a trip to the spawn point. Whats worse, some of them simply ignored me, laughing at my small and puny lightsaber :(


I don't want any battlemaster nerfs or anything, can I just have a hug plx? :(


as others have said the BM gear is pretty "easy" to get. And by easy, it's important to point out that it's easy compared to how you got BM gear before 1.2. I can see some hitting 50 for the first time seeing it as a long craw. You may also want to pick up some endurance buffs. Will give you a few extra thousand health.


but for now, do what we all do with our fresh 50s. Enjoy the feeling you get from those rare wins :)

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you are mistaken... It builds character. :D


This. As Bugs Bunny used to say, "Would you like one lump or two?"


Take your lumps. Put on your big boy pants and push through the beatings, because we all did it and we all survived. Many of us before 1.1.5 when the RNG crap on gear still existed and it was an even more frustrating experience.


Hell, Recruit gear is now given to you for free, I don't know what more you people could possibly want.

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good points in this post. If anyone wants to see how difficult pvp was for a fresh 50 before recruit gear existed (or was free), do one WZ with your fresh 50 pve gear. I may have to do this once this weekend ha


Im guessing you got well acquainted with the layout of the respawn area. lol

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Im guessing you got well acquainted with the layout of the respawn area. lol


when pvp started 50s fought in the same bracket with lvl 10-49. You can see old youtube videos on this. 4 people failing to do meaningful damage to one person.


people like to complain on the forums but PVP has come a long way in the short time this game has been out

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Once you realize that a fresh 50 in 50s bracket is the same as a level 10 in the 10-49 bracket then you will do better.


Change your mentality: stay in the back, pick off low health guys, timely cc. You will be able to contribute more to the warzone once you gear up.


I don't know about you, but I started PvP at 10 on my Vanguard and Gunslinger and both were top damage, objectives, and medals frequently.

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If youre a can-tank class respec to tank untill you get full BM, I did the same and I fealt like i can contribute more by guarding, taunting and living a bit longer (15 seconds instead of 10).
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I don't know about you, but I started PvP at 10 on my Vanguard and Gunslinger and both were top damage, objectives, and medals frequently.


I agree with this, it's a much different ballgame when you have stats scale to the higher level players. It's much much easier in the lowbie bracket than it is for a fresh 50. I can easily top damage/healing and contribute with low levels with any class. (warriors having the hardest time at really low levels)

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Yeah, level 10-14 with bolstering and good gear isn't really comparable to a fresh 50 with recruit gear. The 10-14s can actually do very well. It always makes me cringe when people start spamming in wz chat that level 11s don't belong - especially if the level 11s are wearing fully modded legacy gear sets...
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I can only imagine the horror of having to run a 50wz with 0 expertise. Like most of you said, i'll just man up and take it.!



I would still ilke a hug tho :p


I avoided pvp until I got to 50 also, it was a 2-3 hit death most of the time. Meanerr's advice is the best here.: "stay in the back, pick off low health guys, timely cc."


p.s. /hug

Edited by Ybini
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RECRUIT - NO AUGM (since u dont waste 80/120K credit for an augm kit on a gear u change in 1 week)



Damage (Pri): 685.9 - 855.9

Bonus Damage: 344.9

Health: 14371.1

Damage Reduction: 22.32%


Expertise: 896.0

PvP Dmg Boost: 18.20%

PvP Dmg Reduction: 15.40%




BM - 7 AUGM (only the 7 u dont need to buy the augm kit it would actually be 6 but i was generous)



Damage (Pri): 796.7 - 980.7

Bonus Damage: 429.7

Health: 18090.7

Damage Reduction: 23.79%


Expertise: 1164.0

PvP Dmg Boost: 22.23%

PvP Dmg Reduction: 18.18%




WH - 14 AUGM



Damage (Pri): 889.2 - 1084.2

Bonus Damage: 500.2

Health: 20097.8

Damage Reduction: 24.50%


Expertise: 1332.0

PvP Dmg Boost: 24.48%

PvP Dmg Reduction: 19.67%




855 (base damage) + 345 (bonus) + 18.20% PVP = 1425damage (14500HP)

980 (base damage ) + 430 (bonus) + 22.23% = 1725damage (18000HP)

1085 (base damage) + 500 (bonus) + 24.48%PVP = 1975damage (20000HP)


multiply the difference for 8 members...


just so you know this reflect similar on all classes

Edited by Pekish
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Finally got to 50 and put on my spiffy new recurit armor. I figure, I can at least hold my own right?




Seems like everybody on the other team has at least 18k HP, that was like the lowest I saw in about 15-20 warzones I ran. In some cases, it was just 3 or 4 GCD's and my poor little guardian was taking a trip to the spawn point. Whats worse, some of them simply ignored me, laughing at my small and puny lightsaber :(


I don't want any battlemaster nerfs or anything, can I just have a hug plx? :(


If you think it does nothing try putting on your old level 50 gear without expertise... and after that. Do some decent WZ grinding and you can knock out BM in a few days.

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The augments did it, imo. I didn't believe the argument that recruit gear was too weak until the augments. A new 50 isn't going to have the cash to drop on 12 augment kits and 12 purple augments. I think it really needs some more endurance (15k hp minimum), if not damage.
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Sorry but I still think a lot of these type of thread is coming from fresh 50 that had zero issue being able to face melt those level 12 sorcs when they were level 45-49.


Which often lead to a deception to these players thinking they "rule" (Lv49 "skillfully" owning Lv10s) and now the table has turned coz they hit 50 and are now required to play with the big boys where their level is not "gray" to you.


Of course there's gear difference, but often or not it could be the player behind the keyboard too.


Get full recruit, learn to play like you are not some hotshot super hero (coz you dont got your level advantage anymore), stand back, guarding objectives, there are more ways to contribute than facerolling level 10s on your 49.

fyi it took me less than 4 days to go from full recruit to full BM and thats back when pvp queue was popping way less often.

Edited by warultima
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The augments did it, imo. I didn't believe the argument that recruit gear was too weak until the augments. A new 50 isn't going to have the cash to drop on 12 augment kits and 12 purple augments. I think it really needs some more endurance (15k hp minimum), if not damage.


Well, to be fair, you can augment your recruit gear. I'd strongly recommend you not do that, but you could.



Things improve drastically once you get even two or three pieces of battlemaster gear. Until then, focus on objective play. You can be one of the two guys that guards left. You can get guaranteed four medals a match if you focus on defending objectives, and it's pretty easy to get a few more medals. Get a killing blow and involvement in ten kills, and then either medals from taunts or a little spot-healing depending on your class. It shouldn't take long to get a few pieces, and things will get better quickly.

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I avoided pvp until I got to 50 also, it was a 2-3 hit death most of the time. Meanerr's advice is the best here.: "stay in the back, pick off low health guys, timely cc."


p.s. /hug


Especially if you are a warrior advanced class.


Don't be leaping into the fray like you were still level 49 and face smashing everyone.


As with any sport, it's all about adjustments.

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I got 2 new alts to 50, a sniper and a mara. Both in full recruit and each have a BM weapon. Yeah it blows chunk on my mara because I am in the middle of the moshpit all the time. I last like 3-4 secs then I'm dead. On my Sniper tho... I'm ranged so if they don't see me I can stay up for a long time. Even still, my Sniper has more escapes/CD's than any other class I've leveled.
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