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Best/Worst PVP Class


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Best: Either Pyrotechs or Marauders. Both have a lot of mobility and very high damage, in a context that now favours heavy burst damage significantly. Pyrotechs have the better burst but Marauders have much better survivability and mobility so it is very hard to choose between them. Two of each would certainly be welcome in most Ranked teams.


Worst: Commando DD. These poor guys have low mobility and survivability combined with a heavy reliance on cast abilities that can be easily interrupted and thus neutralized. Scoundrel DD deserves an honourable mention following the half dozen nerfs it has had but I'd still prefer one for the utility of stealth instead of a Commando.

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With the changes in 1.2 and now 1.3 which class is the best for PVP and which is the worst and why?


Out of honesty.


there is no "worst" class

it all comes down to how you play you're class.

There is no best class,

Same thing

Comes down to how good you are.


(unless your a operative :D)

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Best: Sins, they provide great utility for every map.


Worst: Commando/Mercs, the good news is they are not as poor off as I expected. Healers are normally the first to be killed i ranked which leaves dps grav/tracers some time to get off their rotations.

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What about Sentinels? How do they fair?


Pretty well, kinda suck early game but late game there very powerful if you know how to play them :)

A lot of players will say, "Oh just roll your face along the keyboard and you'll win"

but that's not true, i've never played a sent or mara but i've seen a lot more threads on how to counter them giving far more information than the others who post the.... "NERF THEM THEY ARE OP" threads

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Best: Either Pyrotechs or Marauders Both have a lot of mobility and very high damage, in a context that now favours heavy burst damage significantly. Pyrotechs have the better burst but Marauders have much better survivability and mobility so it is very hard to choose between them. Two of each would certainly be welcome in most Ranked teams.


Worst: Commando DD. These poor guys have low mobility and survivability combined with a heavy reliance on cast abilities that can be easily interrupted and thus neutralized. Scoundrel DD deserves an honourable mention following the half dozen nerfs it has had but I'd still prefer one for the utility of stealth instead of a Commando.


I have good mobility? I must be missing something....how exactly is that? I slowly walk up to someone to engage combat (granted using my ranged abilities) and I have no means to escape or run away (except walking even more slowly than I entered combat). How is that good mobility?

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I have good mobility? I must be missing something....how exactly is that? I slowly walk up to someone to engage combat (granted using my ranged abilities) and I have no means to escape or run away (except walking even more slowly than I entered combat). How is that good mobility?


Yeah, one thing pyros don't have is mobility in the sense that they can get from point A to point B faster, however, they are mobile in the fact that most of it is instant and ranged damage that can be fired on the move. I have seen a few kite extremely well with their auto applying dot snare and stuns.

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Yeah, one thing pyros don't have is mobility in the sense that they can get from point A to point B faster, however, they are mobile in the fact that most of it is instant and ranged damage that can be fired on the move. I have seen a few kite extremely well with their auto applying dot snare and stuns.


I think that guy meant that PTs can run around and doing dmg but merc have to stand and cast.

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Best- Marauder/Sentinel, They are clearly the strongest at this current juncture. Only class capable of beating a good one consistently is a Sniper.


Honorable Mentions- Pyrotech/Assault Vanguard- Great Damage, Very Meh survivablity, Decent mobility.

Ops Healers/Scoundrel Healers- Near constant movement, hard to keep from healing.

Tank Shadows/Assassins- Honestly not sure how they fair anymore. I've heard mixed reports, but their nerfs weren't all THAT drastic so I'm gonna assume they're still close to the top.

Gunslingers/Snipers- Very strong all around class, good survivability and damage, can be LoS'd and has to be stationary.


Worst- Merc/Commando DPS- These guys just melt, they're easy to jump on easy to lock down and only are a threat if you let them act like a turret and take potshots at your team. REALLY need some love.


Honorable Mention- Sages/Sorcs- I'd have to say some of the worst scaling in the game, they're just so damn squishy. Could really use a good OH **** button to help them out, because right now their shields just don't cut it. I will say though that they still do have decent dps and heals, and excellent utility. Honestly, unless I'm killing a healer I'll jump on the nearest Sage/Sorc just because I know I can kill them VERY quickly.

Operatives/Scoundrel DPS- This is my personal feeling, there are good ones who still do very well, but I've found far and away that they lack some serious umph if you mess with their rotation, it's either get your rotation off and hope you win or run. They're borderline need some love for me just because I see what a good player can do with one.

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Funny how things change so quickly in PvP. Before I quit in February, Commando/Merc was by far the strongest PvP DPS class and Marauder/Sent was one of the weaker classes. Now it's the exact opposite.


I've only been back playing a few days now, but from what I've seen Commando/Merc healers are actually still pretty decent. The DPS specs for Commando/Merc are useless though. Every class having an interrupt makes stationary casters absolutely useless.

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...commando healer/dps arent viable choices in rated pvp


This is why I am considering not participating in ranked warzones at all. I don't want to be a burden to an entire team of players. I'll have to create and level-up a sawbones in order to heal in ranked, I think.

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Funny how things change so quickly in PvP. Before I quit in February, Commando/Merc was by far the strongest PvP DPS class and Marauder/Sent was one of the weaker classes. Now it's the exact opposite.


I've only been back playing a few days now, but from what I've seen Commando/Merc healers are actually still pretty decent. The DPS specs for Commando/Merc are useless though. Every class having an interrupt makes stationary casters absolutely useless.


marauder has never been weak. it just wasnt the raptastic machine that it is now

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