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cross server play is only real fix


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People "get away with it" right now.


I just read in another thread that if you put people in your ignore list. The they will no longer be matched up with you in the LFG tool. Hmm wonder if that is why some are having problems getting into a group now because they have made a nuisance of themselves even before the tool went live.

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What MMO's, other then WoW, has cross-server lfg's?


Serious question, and I'm not talking about single server games.


I've played a few MMO's, and none of them had xserver lfg's (when I played), and the only one that I know of is WoW.


I don't have any opinion either way since I've never been around them. (Never played WoW) But I never see anyone who is pro xserver actually point to any examples of games that it works in.

Edited by Skoobie
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Good post OP and I agree 100% with your points. I was on my server last night..was the only one on the Fleet!..lol And there was only 19 listed using the /who for the whole server. Tell me how a LFG tool is going to work on those? And I am not transfering if I will lose my char's and legacy names. This is a mess BioWare created and if they want to keep from losing any more subs..they need to do something with the 100+ servers that are basically dead. A cross server LFG tool would allow them to stay on those low pop servers and have no need to close them down.
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What MMO's, other then WoW, has cross-server lfg's?


Serious question, and I'm not talking about single server games.


I've played a few MMO's, and none of them had xserver lfg's (when I played), and the only one that I know of is WoW.


I don't have any opinion either way since I've never been around them. (Never played WoW) But I never see anyone who is pro xserver actually point to any examples of games that it works in.


Rift does. I used it the other night..worked well too.

Edited by Valkirus
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I could take you much more seriously without the juvenile "LMAOs" and the wall of text. Apparently you support cross server tools. I happen to disagree. Thank you for agreeing with two of my points regarding current inadequacy of the existing LFG tool. Fix it first please then consider expansion.


If you call that a wall of text, you should spend more time on the forums lol. Yes, a little less laziness on my part plus some paragraph breaks would have made it better to read, I'll admit. As for the "LMAO's", sorry if they offend you, but after so much time listening to the "xserver kills communities", "same server means accountability" and similar nonsense...it just gets old after a while. But I can agree to disagree. I know my opinion is not universal lol.

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The queues on my server are fine. No, you can't have our healers and tanks and make my queues longer. Good day sir.


Quoted for truth


The queues on my server are fine. No, you can't have our healers and tanks and make my queues longer. Good day sir.


Quoted a second time for being awesome

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SSLFG Only: NO CSLFG it will ruin the community!!!


CSLFG NoW!: Game is doomed with out CSLFG. RaWr!


1000 posts.


3 continuation threads.


Repeated refferenced to BW already stating there will be no CSLFG.


Repeated BW sucks.


50k responses by BW apologists.


No official responce in thread my Community managers.






zomg this man can see the future!

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We need cross server queues. Anybody who speaks to the contrary is simply an irrational person.


Or they are a person who realize that cross server won't solve the problem, and, for a majority of the people who play (dps specced people) it will make the queue times WORSE.

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Yes cross server is the only way to fix the mess that is grouping in swtor oh and gj bioware at putting me back at the beginning of the instance after losing a player.


People are getting groups. It is working, but the same people that complain about everything are here complaining about a system in place for less then 24 hours. Half or what I'm reading here is just made up. Queue times are minimal, and were last night. Its just more complaining for the sake of complaining.

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I believe the current ranked warzones are cross server, but cross server destroys the sense of community and creates anonymity which makes trolling and griefing much more rampant in PVE at least, probably not as bad on the PVP side of things though.


Unability to find a group for WZ or flashpoint ruins the "comunity" even more.


So, I support the TS idea: the only way yo avoid long queue for full servers and allow for ppl from low population servers to do flashpoints and WZ (i.e. almost the ONLY high end activity) is x-servers LFG. It is nessesary step for developement of the game.

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Makes absolute zero sense to do one and not the other.


You dont have people Ninja gear in PvP, so why wouldn't it make sense. Cross server PvP will really only be with rated warzones, and you need cross server for that to have real competition.


I have witnessed no evidence of that 'self-policing' in this game, or any MMO for that matter since back in the Vanilla WoW days.


Sorry your communities have been crappy. There was PLENTY of the community policing themselves back when there was kill trading on Ilum. Not every guild helped prevent it, but I know of a LOT that did and kept track of a blacklist for them. Which in turn, caused them to straighten up and end up begging to be taken off the blacklist.



I just read in another thread that if you put people in your ignore list. The they will no longer be matched up with you in the LFG tool. Hmm wonder if that is why some are having problems getting into a group now because they have made a nuisance of themselves even before the tool went live.


I was just talking about this in General Chat yesterday on The Fatman. This server is notorious for 'comedy trolling'. . .it's hardly ever malicious, and generally laughed about in chat(i hear 'wow was the first mmo' probably 12 times a day). Sometimes it gets vicious, but even when it doesn't I think a lot of people are being put on the ignore list just to get rid of them. So I'm thinking since half of the server has the other half on ignore, that's the cause for our long queue times xD


Just a theory though


We need cross server queues. Anybody who speaks to the contrary is simply an irrational person.


If you read through my posts you'd know I'm not irrational and generally have an open mind about topics since it's beneficial to understand whats going on from both sides of the coin. Using statements like 'anybody who believes this way is irrational' is just silly. There might be a few, sure. But it's not like all of us are just against cross server queues because we wanna troll about something. We have legitimate concerns about it's effects on the community.


Instead of you being irrational and thinking everything is black and white with no room for grey, try to look at the big picture and see where we're coming from.

Edited by FourTwent
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The trouble is that unless there are servers out there with plenty of healers and tanks, crying out for dps, cross server group matching for PvE at least won't help anything.


We clearly can't see the queues, but every groupfinder group I've joined has had either healer or tank queued for seconds, but the dps queued for ages. If a dpser drops out, you can get a replacement within milliseconds.


I think when people are saying they are struggling to get groups, it'd be good to say which role the are going for, and for which content.

Edited by Darzil
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The trouble is that unless there are servers out there with plenty of healers and tanks, crying out for dps, cross server group matching for PvE at least won't help anything.


We clearly can't see the queues, but every groupfinder group I've joined has had either healer or tank queued for seconds, but the dps queued for ages. If a dpser drops out, you can get a replacement within milliseconds.


Sure, the exception to the rule is once in a blue moon there is a tank and healer begging for 2 DPS to join them. Thinking this happens 'all the time' and is the standard is silly.

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If you call that a wall of text, you should spend more time on the forums lol. Yes, a little less laziness on my part plus some paragraph breaks would have made it better to read, I'll admit. As for the "LMAO's", sorry if they offend you, but after so much time listening to the "xserver kills communities", "same server means accountability" and similar nonsense...it just gets old after a while. But I can agree to disagree. I know my opinion is not universal lol.


Glad we can agree to a civil disagreement.

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I agree with the OP. People having this archaic fear of Cross Server is just silly. What the real problem is, is the primitive loot system from 1999 that Bioware has shoved down our throats. WoW doesn't have ninja looting, they installed multiple loot rules that completely prevent any advantage/possibility of ninja looting as follows:


1. Can only need on items for your Advanced Class (I.E Snipers can only need sniper rifles, not blaster rifles, Juggs can only need heavy strength armor, not any other armor, etc...)


2. Needing on ANY item binds it to your character


3. Able to trade bound items to other players in your group for 1 hour


With those 3 simple changes 99.9% of ninja looting is solved and all the arguments against cross server play go away.


The idea what somehow people are worse if they are from another server makes no sense, dumb people reside on all servers, not just the other ones.


Also the idea that you can self police your server and players will get a bad rep is equally illogical. There is upwards of 50,000 characters on any given server. You will not be able to ignore/spread the word on a ninja looter any more effectively than if you had a pool of 500,000.

Edited by ZudetGambeous
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With those 3 simple changes 99.9% of ninja looting is solved and all the arguments against cross server play go away.




There is a simpler solution that needs only one change : don`t allow Cross-Server :)


And jerks will always make it on several ignore lists, therefore not being queued for as many groups or players that have them. And 50k is a smaller pool than 500k, so it makes sense. They would get ignored faster and therefore they can act like jerks for a less amount of time. Plus they can be named and shamed.

Edited by Styxx
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I agree with the OP. People having this archaic fear of Cross Server is just silly. What the real problem is, is the primitive loot system from 1999 that Bioware has shoved down our throats. WoW doesn't have ninja looting, they installed multiple loot rules that completely prevent any advantage/possibility of ninja looting as follows:


1. Can only need on items for your Advanced Class (I.E Snipers can only need sniper rifles, not blaster rifles, Juggs can only need heavy strength armor, not any other armor, etc...)


2. Needing on ANY item binds it to your character


3. Able to trade bound items to other players in your group for 1 hour


With those 3 simple changes 99.9% of ninja looting is solved and all the arguments against cross server play go away.


The idea what somehow people are worse if they are from another server makes no sense, dumb people reside on all servers, not just the other ones.


Also the idea that you can self police your server and players will get a bad rep is equally illogical. There is upwards of 50,000 characters on any given server. You will not be able to ignore/spread the word on a ninja looter any more effectively than if you had a pool of 500,000.


But you guys dont get it. At least my my eyes it's not the 'ninja looting' that is going to ruin the game. That's just something that comes along with cross server that makes it a pain


quoting myself from the numerous other threads about this topic(actually from page 3 in this thread)


my reason to not back cross server queues is so that the players in the community(the server) can build a reputation for themselves on the server. i've played MMOs before where there was single server queues, and with cross server. With single server queues I can build myself up as an epic DPS or TANK or HEALER and actually get private invites into guild raids for consistent completions(or even do the harder content with them) if I'm good enough.


Cross server does NOTHING to help people build their reputation in the community. Sure there's other ways that I can accomplish this goal, but I like it this way(just like you like it your way).


Single server also enables us to police each other. Sure we can ignore a ninja looter or a horrible tank. But that' just enables him to go into more LFG groups and ruin their experience. With single server that person can be literally blacklisted from any 'serious' player on the server that wants a completion and doesn't want to just waste their time.


I know you may this us policing our community is 'illogical', but I've seen it happen, even in this game(when kill trades were happening on ilum). It works.

Edited by FourTwent
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Cross-server or not... if you're DPS you will be waiting for a group. Queue times in WoW even with cross-server are really not much better than they are in TOR now with single server. At peak hours provided you're making yourself available for a wide range of dungeons your wait time is 5 minutes to 30 minutes. At off hours you could wait an hour or more. That's pretty much what I experienced with my 32 DPS Mercenary and my 50 DPS Juggernaut the last two days.


Cross-server works great for PvP because there is no group composition being adhered to. As long as the game adheres to group composition for PvE, sorry but if you're 'DPS-only' I'd suggest doing something while you wait. The system we have now is far better than what we had which was basically standing in the fleet and spamming general chat. Now you can passively look for a group while you do other things. It kills me looking at these same people who complained about spending hours on the fleet to not even find a group are now able to go play in the world while they let the game do the finding for them and they still complain.


Nevermind the exaggerated claims I've seen. On Alderaan I was reading general chat and this guy was claiming "I've been waiting for over 2 HOURS!". On my 32 DPS Merc I queued up for the only two flashpoints I was allowed to and in less than 40 minutes I was in a group. This was done during off hours. I only had DPS checked. Furthermore, the first healer did not click the ready button so the group failed. Immediately after another group popped. Myself and the same tank from the last group but with a different healer. I'm not sure if the other DPS was the same. The group was ready. As soon as the flashpoint loaded the new healer quit. The group leader put us in queue and seconds later a new healer arrived. We cleared the place.


TL: DR? Cross-server helps PvP, not PvE thanks to group composition. The tool we have is much better than standing in the fleet spamming chat all day. Exaggerated claims cause me to take such complaints less seriously. I'd rather they work on other things that need far more attention.

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I agree with the OP. People having this archaic fear of Cross Server is just silly. What the real problem is, is the primitive loot system from 1999 that Bioware has shoved down our throats. WoW doesn't have ninja looting, they installed multiple loot rules that completely prevent any advantage/possibility of ninja looting as follows:


1. Can only need on items for your Advanced Class (I.E Snipers can only need sniper rifles, not blaster rifles, Juggs can only need heavy strength armor, not any other armor, etc...)


2. Needing on ANY item binds it to your character


3. Able to trade bound items to other players in your group for 1 hour


With those 3 simple changes 99.9% of ninja looting is solved and all the arguments against cross server play go away.


The idea what somehow people are worse if they are from another server makes no sense, dumb people reside on all servers, not just the other ones.


Also the idea that you can self police your server and players will get a bad rep is equally illogical. There is upwards of 50,000 characters on any given server. You will not be able to ignore/spread the word on a ninja looter any more effectively than if you had a pool of 500,000.


Cannot agree more. You took it from my tongue!

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The LFG have been out for a day, all the ninja looters and rude players who are landing on the ignore list of many will start to feel the impact in a couple of weeks. Besides there are already some excellent arguments in this thread that points out the flaw in thinking the cross server LFG will lessen the queue time.
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