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  1. Dynamic world events is an idea I had to add a little spice to the game. I know that one of the biggest reasons why game developers struggle to get some players to explore their worlds is because there is not enough incentive to do so. Now I think BioWare did a great job to entice appetites of most players by adding the datacrons throughout the worlds, but what if we take it a step further and add bosses throughout the world that spawned in different locations, not on a set schedule that depending on the amount of players attempting to complete the event would generate greater prizes. For instance, this would not be an encounter that anyone could solo, but if that random passerby summoned the help of a full group that boss would be defeatable yet difficult and guard a prize comparable to a hard mode flashpoint drop. Now that same player were to gather a group of say 16 of his friends that boss would be considerably harder but would reward you with a drop comparable to ops drops. now these bosses can go as far as the imagination can take you they don't necessarily have to be one big droid it could be an event that sparks further events that lead you to maybe something more interesting. These bosses don't also necessarily have to be limited to level 50 content. The base to the idea to give the player a greater reason to go seek out the nooks and crannies and possibly find a boss encounter that could lead them to a unique item or maybe even a new mount. Adding the possibility to receive commendations could also sweeten the pot and to prevent people from continually farming these you could add limits of maximum rewards received daily. Now I know that other games have other features quite like this that also work well, but if you see my idea through fruition, you could put these bosses in the far reaches of every world, maybe even adding new areas to already existing worlds. This could also be turned into a daily quest that can lead players out to explore the world in search of new threats and excellent rewards. This is one of those features that could add a "just right" kind of seasoning to a game that past the hype was a little bit less than most of us expected. Another suggestion: The NPC's in the world as you interact with it right now have no depth. I don't mean the conversation trees. I mean, the fact that a NPC could be yelling at another NPC forever, indefinitely. The world as full of content as it is, but still lacks some things like dynamic characters and also dynamic worlds with weather patterns and night and day cycles. That's my two cents. Hopefully you can take something from this post and make Star Wars a little bit better.
  2. The only real solution to this problem. BW needs to buy their company back and find a new publisher, EA has no right in the MMO business for they are "too big" to care and should stick to sports titles. Any logical publisher wouldn't continue to lower funding while still requiring more subs, they do realize they are losing subs at an astronomical rate JUST because of their horrible mismanagement of a could be great MMO. This is plainly and painfully obvious on the forums where canned responses and "we'll alert the dev team" emails never come to fruition. This is off topic but I think this is yet another reason why we're seeing SWTOR going under, there is another thread covering this but I thought it would be a good read. Check out http://www.glassdoor.com/Reviews/BioWare-Reviews-E22998.htm Seems to me there are far too many reviews blaming upper-management for refusing to listen to logical ideas and replacing their workforce with contractors... This explains a lot.
  3. it is an undeniable problem with the game, this coupled with every problem they "fix" they create 10 more.
  4. I am not talking about frame rate lag, I am talking about server input lag. Big moments of boss fights where several moments go by where every character has frozen and when the lag spike is over the team has to pick up the pieces. Now if this were just an isolated incident on my computer I could chalk it up to you I have a crappy computer need to upgrade. However, my entire guild is having the same issue in every raid they do every week. Lag spikes just seem to have become a common occurrence and we're just supposed to deal with it?
  5. tl:dr summery: Old servers suck, get new ones I am a very concerned subscriber and this is because, week after week, my guild does our usual operations. No matter how many optimizations you guys say you do no performance issues are ever resolved. In eternity vault the turrets at the beginning affectionately named by my guild the lag boss used to be amusing, however, lately it has become quite annoying. I thought it was a great idea originally to broaden the servers by consolidating them. However, the execution of this was quite horrible and even though this thread has probably been covered 100 times nothing seems to be done about it. As a paying customer I have the right to know what exactly is being done about this. If the answer is these are the servers we have, and that's all there's going to be than I will be subscribing to a new game. I do not pay $15 a month to be defeated weekly by server lag. Now, I'm sure there will be plenty who flame me, but let me be quite clear. My guild Oppression has several raiding teams and has been quite successful at downing every boss in every mode. This is not a case of the environment beat me so I'm angry. If you'd asked me a month ago how much I enjoyed playing this game on a scale of 1 to 10 I would say an eight. Today however I would rate my experience at a measly five or lower. Now putting all the other bugs aside and all the problems that there are in PVP we're left with the game that at end game content lags severely and is fraught with countless bugs and unrepairable problems. These kind of aesthetic things and performance issues sometimes get swept under the rug especially by me because I enjoyed the content at first, but because every week I come back to the same issues it makes me disappointed. There are several members of my guild who have flat out just given up. They are tired of it. So much so that they have unsubbed from the game. The only reason why I have created this thread was to draw more attention to the matter and not to just complain to bring light to it. I do not want to see this game fail. I had been waiting for a long time for this game to come out and I put in enough time to know that what you have is a great idea but has been horribly mismanaged. Please BW do not just comb over this thread and forget about it I may be one subscriber and many others have left this game for many other reasons but I do know that this is a very big reason why many people are leaving this game today.
  6. Goes w/o saying, hit and run is a felony... anyhow, I will not let some dick decide for me that I need to skip cutscenes. Even if the whole group decided to skip besides one person what gives any of those people the right to tell someone else "you are not allowed to enjoy the content". I agree with a previous poster, Tbh, if you want a contentless grindfest my game suggestion to you would be Aion...
  7. You made me grin, too funny, but there isn't a convo that can't be fixed by buttering her up with gifts!
  8. Your evilness is something to behold. I am truly amazed someone could be as cold as me... I am the same way, when people try to rush me and are rude about it I make sure I do everything in my power to make them wait even longer. I'm a healer, I don't get kicked, so since my position is relatively safe I get to enjoy some nerdrage. I am the same way IRL, I am a 250 lb dude and I ride a Honda Metropolitan to work, I enjoy the 110MPG, and the joy I get when someone rages on me because I can't go over 35mph. I am a big guy, ex-military, and I tell yah, not one person to date after getting a look at me wanted to get physical about it. People are always in such a rush, and believe their schedule is the only one, so when I get to put some douchenozzle in their place it brings me much satisfaction. So needless to say, I aint a pushover IRL, I sure aint one in game doing something I pay for every month to have someone dictate how I should play the game.
  9. You are exactly the type of person we all hope to avoid. Want to be a douche? Go play wow...
  10. quit hanging on your thread and transfer servers before BW makes you.. Free transfers are code for "We are merging the servers" Mallorik: What is your philosophy on cross server LFG tools? Are we getting a same server tool just to hold us over while you work on cross server tech or is this just a test to see if a same server tool will do the job? Daniel: Although we’re certainly willing to entertain the idea of cross-server LFG tools if the need arises, it’s a last resort for us. We firmly believe for cooperative play it is important to have a community and social responsibility that you simply can’t have with players appearing and disappearing from your reality. Instead we are pushing hard on servers that are massive compared to the ones we launched with. Early tests show we’ll be able to raise the peak concurrent user cap above what it was at launch. Combining that with server transfers to enable players to move to these new servers and fill them to the brim, we should see some fantastic, vibrant communities develop where Group Finder will always be able to find someone for your content. Pretty sure you need to quit thinking and read. Summary: BioWare has its own solution that DOES NOT involve a CSLFG tool.
  11. I would really like to know where you get your statistics... your rectum? Anyhow BW posted they are not gonna implement this, so there is no point to continue arguing this.
  12. You sit there and posture that everyone who plays MMO's wants to do so in anonymity and only socialize with guilds. I have been playing MMO's for a long time and community is a very important part of that. Who wants to get home from a long day of work just to be abused by punk-*** kids who want everything handed to them and will walk over anyone to get it. That attitude is the very reason I quit playing WoW, which I did from beta to WotLK, before that I played many others but one thing remained constant among those games (at least until the last 2 xpacs with wow), there was a great sense of community, so much so that people went out of their way to answer questions and help others; unlike our current community. Anonymity is the killer of community and as long as the devs support that there will ALWAYS be a problem. Yet once again I need to re-state this, BioWare implicitly said they WILL NOT be implementing a CSLFG in the foreseeable future... nuf-said
  13. IKR it is obvious that those sticking to the WE WANT CSLFG are probably on dead servers. If you aren't, you really should list that pertinent info, it could be used to improve the system already in place.
  14. I like the first part of this post in concept but it would be a difficult task to attempt to keep the community and for that matter the players that put a negative spin on said community from abusing this feature and intentionally lowering a players score just because they don't like them. If they could find a way to maintain a rating system that ignores or at least filters erroneous ratings then this really could be an awesome idea.
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