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Your experience with the group finder?


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Oh my what's this little white circle on my ability bar do?


What?!?! Return to my last bind point?!?!


You have got to be kidding me?!?!?


You mean this returns me right to the quest hub I was questing at to begin with?!?!


WHAT?!?!Been here the whole time?!?!




Oh my, why doesn't this globe icon get me back to the Black Hole from the Fleet? What? Because I've been listening to someone with learning difficulties and inability to do sarcasm? Got it.

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Logged on last night, enabled the LFG tool for only FPs - got setup in a group in about 5 - 10 min, had a great run on Battle of Ilum. I echo the posts of others, I've been here since early access and there are many FPs I have yet to do, as it's been just to hard to get a PUG together - this tool is a fabulous step forward. I'm looking forward to using it more!
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wait 30 mins, group formed. everyone says hi. 1st pull goes fine. Tank says "BRB" and leaves us sitting there for 20 mins....eventually we kick him...requeue....sit for 30 mins, group disbanded.


This isn't the group finders fault, but an ignorant player, but nonetheless put a damper on day one of the finder


Also i noticed my 31 pt concealment (with no healing talents at all) operative can choose to Queue as a healer...really? that's not trouble waiting to happen...


I hope after a week or 2 players learn the etiquette and don't queue for roles they can't fill, or if they are going to be AFK for stretches of time, don't queue. One can dream!

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I waited an hour to join a group for Black Talon flashpoint just to get kicked because I didn't want to spacebar through all the cutscenes. The reason was: "slow", which is for some reason applicable to not rushing through the flashpoint.


I guess that is what I get for using the group finder. It is very good at finding jerks.


Constructive-wise, why not add a checkpoint for "No Cutscenes" or something under the group finder, just so people with like-minded playstyles get grouped together.

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Yeah my one experience was pretty bad. Was leveing a lvl 18 alt, thought I'd play around with it. Hammer Station was the only one available so I put in a queue. About 15 minutes later, got a group.


We wiped on like the very first or second room because of no coordination at all and people aggro'd basically every mob in the whole instance at once. Heh. Then we got our **** together and it went smoothly all the way to the final boss. We wiped once (maybe twice) and someone quit. So we hit the 'looking for replacement' button, and when we got a replacement we had to start the WHOLE instance over. Whatever, so we started the whole instance over, someone quit halfway through. So we tried to finish with three and a Companion, but had trouble on the boss, someone else quit, and it was late so I said screw it and logged off too.


I mean, I normally solo que for WZ's, but I accept that you're just going to get really bad PUGS some of the time, (most of the time if you listen to some people). Seems like the Group Finder is plagued with the same thing. Just because you get a group doesn't mean you're going to get a group that can actually clear an instance, and at least for me it's enormously frustrating to spend 1-2 hours and basically have nothing for it. I may just stick to WZ's and class quests and only FP if guildmates are around.

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IMO the group finder tool is still a little buggy but overall its working just fine. The problem, in my opinion, is that ther tool just uses the player pool from the server and not multiple servers. Soo I think they should put in cross-server queing.
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Read the patch notes and look at the tutorials.


I did. I knew what I was looking for. Casual Joe doesnt go to the forums, doesnt always read patch notes, he just turns on the launcher and waits for the "update" to finish. Id still like him to queue up.


If Bioware can bother themselves to inform everyone of some stupid grphical update, they should have done the same for the LFG tool which is there to solve one of the more important issues with the game.

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No no no. Only with cross realm are there loot ninjas... everyone is an angle when it is server only because of the close community feel and reputations on the line. :rolleyes:


LMAO! Yes, I was thinking somewhat similar things with my two groups which went well, but there was no conversation at all in them. I'd make a remark about something...and nothing...continuing with the run. I thought it was x-realm that causes the 'no conversation' runs lol. And though there were no ninja's in my runs yesterday, I've heard from others that weren't so lucky. Yep, great 'community' lol. Ah well, Bioware made their decision and it's working for me for now lol.

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We wiped once (maybe twice) and someone quit. So we hit the 'looking for replacement' button, and when we got a replacement we had to start the WHOLE instance over. Whatever, so we started the whole instance over, someone quit halfway through. So we tried to finish with three and a Companion, but had trouble on the boss, someone else quit, and it was late so I said screw it and logged off too.




I doubt who ever is "the replacement" wants to join a Flashpoint Halfway.

It would not make sense to be looking for a group and land halfway into the flash point.


I remember in guild wars if a monk quit,or disconnected you start from scratch.

At least If someone disconnects you can at least wait a few minutes until the disconnected reconnect and they appear back in your group within the mission .

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I didn't see this thread when I started creating mine. So I'll link that thread here. It's an experience but more importantly, it shows a valid point about Group Finder that needs to be addressed. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=492248


I read your thread, but I don't see why the problem you had with a bad tank is specific to the Group Finder. If you were spamming LFG messages in general chat, you could have ended up with a crappy tank just as easily as you did with the group finder. its a problem with running with pugs, not a problem with the group finder

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My experience overall was not really great, I think it needs a little more work. I got a que to pop in about 30 min which wasn't bad. I'm a level 43 shadow tank so I selected Tank and it gave me the choice of Colicoid War and Red Reaper. I was matched with 3 level 50's in columi & rakata gear running normal for their daily comms. It dropped us into Red Reaper so they were very over geared for the instance and a Sentinel was basically tanking the instance and I was just running around following them. This was good for me to learn the instance but I received only 5k exp for the whole adventure at the final turn-in and 5 planet commendations for Belsavis. Decided I would make more exp just questing on Belsavis. I will try it again this weekend and see if I have any better luck.
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I doubt who ever is "the replacement" wants to join a Flashpoint Halfway.

It would not make sense to be looking for a group and land halfway into the flash point.


Completely agree, but that stinks for the people who didn't disconnect. It would be nice if the game tracked who had completed which FP and didn't backfill anyone who had never done it. Another idea is to have a backfill checkbox in the LFG with rewards for backfilling (4 BH comms?)


I remember in guild wars if a monk quit,or disconnected you start from scratch.

At least If someone disconnects you can at least wait a few minutes until the disconnected reconnect and they appear back in your group within the mission .


Unless you have a 30 minute server queue. I don't mind waiting the first time, don't get me wrong, but having to wait to reconnect is not fair to the disconnected player or her stranded groupmates.

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Mixed feeling so far. First run went ok, if a little quiet, but i'm not a big chatter myself so didn't overly bother me. The second time as a disaster. Queued for story mode ops and after a short while EV pops, so we all enter. Everything was going really well, straight to Soa no wipes. Then we had a problem on Soa since 4 of the group had never done the fight before, but ok we give them time to watch the vids, then give it a go. We wiped during his final stage because the one tank who knew the fight died and the other didn't move Soa under the pyramid. Ok no problems with that, you expect the occasional wipe, was sure we'd get him second time. We all exited and tried to re-enter, but kept getting a message saying we couldn't enter due to a fight in progress (even though there wasn't one). A minute later get a message from Server Admin saying we can't be put back into the instance. We tried a few things but nothing would allow us to re-enter. Finally we just gave up and called it quits since it was getting late and some people wanted to go to bed. So I didn't get my BH comms and I'm now locked out of EV up to Soa. Gonna try tonight to see if I can somehow get back into EV (not holding out much hope).


Oh and Larry, you can already turn off the option to join an FP halfway through (it shouldn't have reset that is a bug).

Edited by MaliksKid
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Some kind of AI for gear matching and gear checks is needed.

My 2 day old level 50 dps commando clocked in at 4k hp above the tank in the first HM FP group I landed in, the healer did her best, but trying to keep up a tank with 11k hp in a HM is no picnic.


How hard is it for people to get the basic purple mods from dailies on Belsav and Ilum as/once they get their last 2 levels to ensure they at least are in level 50 gear before they start inflicting themselves upon others in HMs?

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I've had a lot of success with the tool. It's not perfect but it's a huge improvement over what they had before. It makes me a little sad that this wasn't in the game at launch as the game would have at least 30% more people playing which would help pay for more content.


I would almost guarantee that anyone complaining about the wait is spec'ed dps. That's the only reason you'd need cross server. I respec'ed all my toon < 50 to tank/heal spec and haven't had much wait. I've yet to get to back to my starter planet before another group pops. I wish every class had the choice to fill one of these roles so everyone had this option.


My only complaint is the porting system. Can we get the same mechanism as PvP? That travel back to where I accepted the group is a pain. I understand some for quests finish outside of the flashpoint but give us the option to choose.

Edited by Jebei
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So we can only get BH comms for either tier 1 hard modes or tier 2? I did HM BP and got the 5 BH comms, then it said I could not get the Lost Island hard mode reward.


Also, everyone quit EV at the 4th boss and I never got my BH comms. I can still do KP i guess

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Alright but not amazing. My first experience I was queuing with an healer, and we got put in a group with a tank who wasn't tank specced(fortunately he had good enough tank gear to make up for it to a certain extent). Second time I queued with two others, and it kept assigning me as the tank even though i'd unchecked it on the role list. Eventually I decided to just eat the respec costs and tank it. Other than that both runs went pretty smooth.
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So far I haven't been able to get a single group with it on my new, mainly Standard, server to which I transferred. That said, I was on it with less than two hours with two different characters seeking a Rep group to Athiss with a dps and an Imp groups mainly to do dailies with a tank. Edited by Rouge
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What I don't get is that people STILL rather solo level an area than group up.


I mean, you get more exp, more drops, why wouldn't you want to group?

Secondly, I've have numerous issues with people who just DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO.

I use group finder and Queue in as a tank. A marauder ends up jumping in and tanking everything, so I say "I thought I was tanking but okay you go ahead..." and I got kicked.. Have had numerous people NEEDING for companions without asking which in my opinion is extremely stupid, but hey the group finder works and I guess it will work for now.

It also takes FOREVER on my main to find a group due to SO MANY DPS now.. seriously people re-roll a healer/tank or something, the number of DPS on the servers in unhealthy, lol. Just like PVP Warzones.. at the end the highest heal on my team would be like 30k heal and that would be from a marauder specced into Annh.


I just wish I could run with people on my Alts, its still hard a crap to party up with people on my alt. NOBODY wants to group up for that "Bonus EXP".

Edited by PunisherAS
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I had a really positive experience on day 1, did Directive 7 HM with relative ease. And it was my first run in there. +3 on loot


Today, I did Kaon HM, it took just a few mins for the group to form and it ended with a brand new mount for me! +2 on loot total for me.

And ofc it was also my first run in there.

I'm really starting to like the group finder!

Edited by Dein_Cathair
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The group finder still works good for me. I now do FP daily, something I've never managed to before.


Yesterday I did have a little problem with it. When the group first formed, the "tank" informed us he had queued wrong, forgetting to tick off the tank check box. He was specced dps. We decided to try anyhow as a dps jugg took the challenge.


However, the guy tanking disconnected half way through, and we had to find a new tank. So I requeued the group, and the other guy corrected his role to dps. However, the lfg tool found us a new dps. This happend twice.


It seems to me the lfg tool didnt take our updated roles into account when searching for a replacement

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