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Official Q&A Thread for June 29th Blog Post


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Love the new legacy moves I get for getting my other toons to 50, its just a shame that they are on such a long cool down so therefore I don't use them as much as I should due to only having 4 bars? Any chance of a Legacy Bar™, that appears when I hit heroic moment? Or just some more bars? P.S Make the Legacy Bar™ yellow like the purple companion bar.
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could jedi shadow tanks builds , get the ability to use heavy armour as an option when using combat techneque and reduce the armour raiting buff this gives you to balance out your total armour raiting to the same as if you had the 150% buff
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As patch 1.3: Allies promotes a player to "Create a unique look," adaptive gear can also be used by a player's companions but will this customization expand to custom quality gear that is player class specific? An example being that a Hooligan's Jacket requires a Sith Warrior,Imperial Agent to equip but the very same item can not be equipped on a Sith Warrior,Imperial Agent's companions.
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In a recent interview with Daniel Erickson (here: http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/20634-e3-2012-darth-hater-interview-with-daniel-erickson), it is mentioned that there will be no new story lines or missions with the coming-sometime-this-year level cap increase. So will players be expected to participate in the typical MMO-style xp grind to get to the new level cap (ie finding the quests with the highest xp/min ratio, and then running the same quests over and over)? Or will there eventually be more storyline (ie another chapter) introduced after the level cap increase to bring characters from 50 to the new cap? Or would new storylines require us to grind from 50 to a certain level first before we could begin them?


As a player who's sick of MMO-style grinding, SWTOR brings a refreshing change with actual character-driven story gameplay, and I'd hate to see new additions to that gameplay interrupted by mandated xp grind.

Edited by waterboytkd
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Looking at how a lot of the current sage class armor is leaning towards the feminine side, are there any plans on releasing armor that would make my sage look like a true man's man as well as the diplomat i know he is?
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I was wondering about the implementation of more RP features, in particual chat bubbles, along with being able to interact with the enviroment such as sitting on more chairs than the select ones in you ship and more social pack emotes being implemented into the legacy system.
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My friends and I have started playing (PVP and PVE) in a certain set of social gear. We can't wait for the Adaptive social gear in 1.3! Using the outfits, lightsabers don't fit the style, but other allowed weapons do. But then we noticed another issue relating to using electrostaffs and vibroswords as alternate weapons to lightsabers.


Assassins can equip electrostaffs, and Marauders can equip vibroswords, but certain skills *require* lightsabers. Basically, if we use these other weapons as allowed, we are gimping our characters. There may be other restrictions for other AC's but I haven't checked it out yet.


With all the great work BW is doing to allow players to have the look they want through Adaptive armor, it seems allowing characters to properly utilize the range of weapons they can use would make sense, also.


So here's the question:


For non-lightsaber weapons currently allowed to be used by a certain advanced class, will certain class skills be changed to allow them to be used when equipping with these other weapons, and not just restricted to lightsabers? (Electrostaff for Assassins/Shadows, vibroswords for Marauders/Sentinels, for example.)

Edited by Risl
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Is their any chance of adding new colors crystals to the game? Also will we be able to get the schematics for the white,cyan, and purple crystals i am at 400 artifice and the only good thing to craft is either the rakata relics or the magenta, blue, and red crystals. I know you are adding green to the end game list but will any other colors will be added to the game?
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Shortly before 1.2 you talked about the idea of "multiple class specs" so for example, my Sith Sorceror to be in one spec a healer and still be able to switch to DPS without needing to spend hundreds of thousands of credits. Is there any more news about when we are likely to see this in game? :)
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Are there any plans to allow us to respec our Companions? So that a traditional DPS, such as Kira, can be utilized as a healer, instead of us being forced into picking one particular Companion because of the role they have, whilst the rest rot in the ship.
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Are there any plans to allow characters to change the color of their gear? For example through dyes or a customization window. With all the new changes to gear coming in 1.3( adaptive social gear) it would be nice to be able to change the color so that you don't look like anyone else.
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I was very excited about the adaptive gear coming in 1.3, however if I want to really maximize my main stat and keep my set bonus in PvE, the only way to do that is to equip all Rakata/Columi gear and put in the Black hole armorings. As a mercenary healer, only *one* of my campaign armorings has the best (reflex). As it is, I can't do what I've wanted since the 1.15 patch came out: Wear the Imperial Pilot outfit everywhere.


Is there any chance, in the future, for the set bonus to be its own modifiable piece? As in, use any armoring I want, but put in the set bonus I pull from Campaign/War hero gear?

Edited by cheerwine
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When will paid transfers be rolling out and what is the price you guys are looking at setting for them? I'm wanting to consolidate several characters across various realms and realm types into one.
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Can we please have access to Artifice Critical? It's one of the only crafting crew skills to not have a critical upgrade on the Legacy astromech droid, and not a single one of the companions for Force using classes grants the bonus as far as I'm aware.
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