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Can we, as a community, eliminate the "Grass" and "Snow" in Alderaan?


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You can't use real world examples for PVP warzones, it makes no sense. However what does make sense is land marks. Have you ever got dirctions from someone where they were look for X gas station on the right, or its the white house with a red mail box. The human brain is something of a puzzle when it comes to short term/ longterm memory. Its very easier for a person to remember I have to turn right at the gas station on the corner after the second light, compared to saying go north 2 lights then go west as the gas station. Learing by Association is pretty much how the majority of our population learns. Thats why there's such a small number of true geniuses out there



But the thing is... Cardinal Directions are constant. N/S/E/W applies to every map, regardless if its real life or in this game.


People on this thread are making the argument that it is less complex to use; This set of Directional cues for this map, a different set of Directional cues for that other map, and yet another, different set of Directional cues for a 3rd map... Rather than just use the 4 Cardinal directions that apply to EVERY map. Right now we only have 4 WZs... and most people are capable of memorizing different directional cues for each map.... but what if we had 15 wzs... would the argument still stand that it is less complex to memorize different directional cues for each map? Or Would the universal 4 cardinal directions that apply to all maps be less complex?


Now to use your example of pulling over and asking someone for directions...

Yes you're right. It is more common for people to use landmarks like X gas station or a Red Mailbox when they give directions. But landmarks aren't technically directions... they are indicators often PRECEDED by directions... like left or right.... or N/S/E/W.... For instance; head North to the big blue house, take a Right at the gas station, then go South until you reach the wal-mart. <<< the words in red are directions, the words in blue are the landmarks. As you can see, if you only used landmarks, you would be lost.


What if the guy you asked for directions gave you a few out-date-landmarks. And you're driving around looking for a Red mailbox that has been painted blue? Landmarks can change. Cardinal Directions will never change.


I realize that the last 2 paragraphs have nothing to do with the Snow/Grass argument for Civil War... Im mainly just referring to the ongoing debate in this thread as to which set of Directional indicators is more complex to learn and use. The 4 constant Cardinal Directions that apply to all maps..... or the near limitless observable visual landmarks that change from map to map.

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sorry i have refrained but the fact this has gone this far is ridiculous... its called situational awareness... if you are so unaware that you cant tell the difference between grass and snow... then there's your sign.... open your eyes... its a whole heck of a lot easier to say grass or snow. they are night and day different. and guess what... they mean the same gosh danged thing whether you are playing pubs or imps.... you know to go to snow when someone yells it out, and same thing with grass... you don't even have to look at the map, you just go... cause it is SO FREAKIN EASY. /thread (i cant believe this is even an argument.)


AND when people on my server use east west... i actually just stand there and type... is that snow or grass? cause its just all around better... just sayin

Edited by TheRiddick
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sorry i have refrained but the fact this has gone this far is ridiculous... its called situational awareness... if you are so unaware that you cant tell the difference between grass and snow... then there's your sign.... open your eyes... its a whole heck of a lot easier to say grass or snow. they are night and day different. and guess what... they mean the same gosh danged thing whether you are playing pubs or imps.... you know to go to snow when someone yells it out, and same thing with grass... you don't even have to look at the map, you just go... cause it is SO FREAKIN EASY. /thread (i cant believe this is even an argument.)


AND when people on my server use east west... i actually just stand there and type... is that snow or grass? cause its just all around better... just sayin


You talk about situational awareness and then you claim you have to ask your team if east or west is grass or snow? I guess you have no situational awareness.

Edited by DimeStax
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The easiest way to solve this would be for BW to add compass points to the mini-map. That way there's no confusion when the map is upside down and you're trying to call out east/west in the heat of PvP.


Until then, snow/grass in CW works just as well.

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I recently came back to the game to check out the changes after 4 months away, and heard this grass/snow madness in ops chat during PvP and I was like "*** is that idiot talking about?"


I figured it out pretty quick, but now I'm left wondering how it ever caught on to begin with. I don't see what was wrong with east/west, or even right/left to necessitate a new name for locations... Before I left, these were working fine. Did the playerbase just get a large influx of directionally challenged players or something? I seriously don't get it.

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I recently came back to the game to check out the changes after 4 months away, and heard this grass/snow madness in ops chat during PvP and I was like "*** is that idiot talking about?"


I figured it out pretty quick, but now I'm left wondering how it ever caught on to begin with. I don't see what was wrong with east/west, or even right/left to necessitate a new name for locations... Before I left, these were working fine. Did the playerbase just get a large influx of directionally challenged players or something? I seriously don't get it.


No one calls N,S,E,W, in Arathi Basin from WoW, because the landmarks are always easier to identify subconsciously. Same applies here.


What Bioware needs to do is make the landmarks much more distinctive both on screen and on the map. Additionally, having a warzone minimap is a no-brainer as well.

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No one calls N,S,E,W, in Arathi Basin from WoW, because the landmarks are always easier to identify subconsciously. Same applies here.


What Bioware needs to do is make the landmarks much more distinctive both on screen and on the map. Additionally, having a warzone minimap is a no-brainer as well.


So they can confuse pugs more...Nah leave it as is you zoom out all you see is snow or grass on either side. They should make the doors in voidstar diff colors so people stop going the wrong *********** way when people call right or left.

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Just to repeate it:


It doesen't matter how much you discuss here, you will not be able to eliminate "Snow" and "Grass".

Go spend your energy on pvping


If anyone in your team doesn't know where snow and where grass is just explain it to them, they will know from that time on.


Look just keep it "Simple and Stupid"

Left or Right or Mid for most maps except for NC and on that one just say Far as there is only 1 node there.

The MINIMAP will have a left and right and mid is pretty easy to figure out.


And this Snow/Grass crap is just assinine and makes the game more complicated then LEFT/RIGHT!

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Look just keep it "Simple and Stupid"

Left or Right or Mid for most maps except for NC and on that one just say Far as there is only 1 node there.

The MINIMAP will have a left and right and mid is pretty easy to figure out.


And this Snow/Grass crap is just assinine and makes the game more complicated then LEFT/RIGHT!


Even left or right confuses players...Some people just dont think indirection they see things as landmarks or colors. I myself am guilty of it from time to time.

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I have no issue with someone saying grass or snow when I can see at least one of the sides. My problem with it is that it isn't a universal direction that is equal to left and right.


The problem happens when it's a same faction match, one side gets put as the "other" team. So if you were used to snow being left all the time, it might all of the sudden become right.


It gets even worse if you're defending the middle and can't see either side. If someone all of the sudden calls " 3 Inc Snow!" I don't immediately know which direction to go. If they had said "3 Inc Left!" I know which way I need to start moving right when they say it.


Moving between nodes quickly is something that is beneficial in this WZ, so I don't see the point of unnecessarily confusing people, or even just slowing down their reaction time because you want to say "snow" instead of "left"


That being said, I think that people should know the terms, because it will come up in a WZ and you need to be prepared.

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I'd go west to help you.

Uh oh! You went too far west, but you're continuing to go West because you were told to go West.


Hey guys I need Help with something... I'm going to be taking a road trip from North Carolina to California...Now which direction should I go? Grassward or Snowward? ... My friend told me that I should just go West, but what does that mean exactly??

Not a very accurate analogy.


...yes? Your minimap? Up is north, east is right, etc. Never Eat Shredded Wheat or something?

Damn, you took the time to look down at your minimap to decipher which way was East, and which way was West. Someone capped the turret right in front of you because your eyes were drawn away from the action on the screen. E/W just caused you to lose a node.

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But the thing is... Cardinal Directions are constant. N/S/E/W applies to every map, regardless if its real life or in this game.


People on this thread are making the argument that it is less complex to use; This set of Directional cues for this map, a different set of Directional cues for that other map, and yet another, different set of Directional cues for a 3rd map... Rather than just use the 4 Cardinal directions that apply to EVERY map. Right now we only have 4 WZs... and most people are capable of memorizing different directional cues for each map.... but what if we had 15 wzs... would the argument still stand that it is less complex to memorize different directional cues for each map? Or Would the universal 4 cardinal directions that apply to all maps be less complex?


Now to use your example of pulling over and asking someone for directions...

Yes you're right. It is more common for people to use landmarks like X gas station or a Red Mailbox when they give directions. But landmarks aren't technically directions... they are indicators often PRECEDED by directions... like left or right.... or N/S/E/W.... For instance; head North to the big blue house, take a Right at the gas station, then go South until you reach the wal-mart. <<< the words in red are directions, the words in blue are the landmarks. As you can see, if you only used landmarks, you would be lost.


What if the guy you asked for directions gave you a few out-date-landmarks. And you're driving around looking for a Red mailbox that has been painted blue? Landmarks can change. Cardinal Directions will never change.


I realize that the last 2 paragraphs have nothing to do with the Snow/Grass argument for Civil War... Im mainly just referring to the ongoing debate in this thread as to which set of Directional indicators is more complex to learn and use. The 4 constant Cardinal Directions that apply to all maps..... or the near limitless observable visual landmarks that change from map to map.


I dont know what world you live in but it must be a new one. Any place that I have ever traveled never started giving out directions in the terms of N/S/E/W. "How do I get to this road" Well you take a left out of here, go up three lights untill the walmart, take a left at that light, travel 9 miles until you see the farm stand on your left the road is right after that on your left hand side. NEVER have I ever had someone say Take this Road South until you hit the light at Walmart, Go east at that light for 9 miles, when you come to a Farmstand to the north the road will be due south just past the stand.


Its simple people have always giving out specific directions using land marks as a key feature in the directions. UNLESS you are Garmin.


WAIT YOU ARE GARMIN! Come on everyone want to hear your sexy little voice now

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This thread is a gold mine for "can't tell if troll, or just stupid."

Is there a actual compass in game? I thought it goes by X and Y axis

The easiest way to solve this would be for BW to add compass points to the mini-map. That way there's no confusion when the map is upside down and you're trying to call out east/west in the heat of PvP.

Do these people really not know how the minimap works?

My problem with it is that it isn't a universal direction that is equal to left and right.

Does he really think that left and right are absolute directions?

Can we, as a community, let this thread die?

One of my personal favorites. Does he really not see the irony of posting in a thread that he wants to die?


Part of me isn't asking these questions rhetorically, and genuinely wants to know the answers.

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This thread is a gold mine for "can't tell if troll, or just stupid."



Do these people really not know how the minimap works?


Does he really think that left and right are absolute directions?


One of my personal favorites. Does he really not see the irony of posting in a thread that he wants to die?


Part of me isn't asking these questions rhetorically, and genuinely wants to know the answers.


I am pleased to be part of this post. I thought maybe my Garmin post would arouse some water cooler banter

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imho Kentucky Blue Grass vs alfalfa grass are far more concise



Either word choice east/west & snow/grass isnt that difficult~ deal


"This is a hybrid. This is a cross, ah, of Bluegrass, Kentucky Bluegrass, Featherbed Bent, and Northern California Sensemilia. The amazing stuff about this is, that you can play 36 holes on it in the afternoon, take it home and just get stoned to the bejeezus-belt that night on this stuff."

Edited by Saltydogg
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Do these people really not know how the minimap works?

The whole grass/snow aspect is to get rid of the necessity of using a minimap in the first place, because it forces the player to take their eyes off of the action to look at the minimap.

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I dont know what world you live in but it must be a new one. Any place that I have ever traveled never started giving out directions in the terms of N/S/E/W. "How do I get to this road" Well you take a left out of here, go up three lights untill the walmart, take a left at that light, travel 9 miles until you see the farm stand on your left the road is right after that on your left hand side. NEVER have I ever had someone say Take this Road South until you hit the light at Walmart, Go east at that light for 9 miles, when you come to a Farmstand to the north the road will be due south just past the stand.


Its simple people have always giving out specific directions using land marks as a key feature in the directions. UNLESS you are Garmin.


WAIT YOU ARE GARMIN! Come on everyone want to hear your sexy little voice now



hmm... well it appears you misread my post or you're just avoiding the point i made. If you read what i wrote.. i said that Landmarks ARE NOT directions... the Directions are right/left or East and West... even in your response ^^ you used Directions in relation to your landmarks. you can't just say go to the gas station, then go to the mailbox, then go to the wal-mart... ... you need to know which direction to travel in first... not sure how you don't understand that...


If someone is in the Middle Node in Civil War, with walls blocking their view to either side, and you tell them to go to snow... they will need to know whether snow is to the west or to the east... (or to their right or to their left) .... you can't just give them the landmark...


And I can't help but notice that... Although you said it's stupid to use real life examples when referring to a game, you keep using .... real life examples.. lol... ... It's funny how quickly you show your maturity when you don't have a decent counter argument. In my post i only pointed out that Directions are still necessary even with landmarks... I didn't make it personal, i didn't call you names.... but in your reply you start with an insult.... *I don't know what world you live in but its a new one..." .... and then you end with an insult... *WAIT YOU ARE GARMIN! Come on everyone want to hear your sexy little voice now* ...


If discussions are just going to end by trying to insult the person on the opposing argument just because you are to stubborn to see their points of view,,, then why bother trying to discuss anything.

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