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swtor has less servers than rift!


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skip to 3:00 to skip the stupid intro..


Justin says it is the fastest transfer he’s ever experienced — literally done in seconds — faster than World of Warcraft. Looks like SWTOR‘s better than WoW at something.


ouch. they aren't holding back any punches.

Edited by wutru
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Justin says it is the fastest transfer he’s ever experienced — literally done in seconds — faster than World of Warcraft. Looks like SWTOR‘s better than WoW at something.


ouch. they aren't holding back any punches.


Yeah and swtors servers hold more players then rifts. Whats your point??

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skip to 3:00 to skip the stupid intro..




ouch. they aren't holding back any punches.


Plugging another Gamebreaker episode? Really? Two weeks in a row? I haven't looked at your post history, has this been going on longer than what I care to be aware of?


Do you ever do any thinking on your own, or do you just let Gary Gannon do it for you?


Perhaps I was right, and this platform is not the only one suffering from a declined community.



Edited by lordofdamornin
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Plugging another Gamebreaker episode? Really? Two weeks in a row? I haven't looked at your post history, has this been going on longer than what I care to be aware of?


Do you ever do any thinking on your own, or do you just let Gary Gannon do it for you?


Perhaps I was right, and this game is not the only one suffering from a declined community.




Haha. Don't try to paint me as a hater, because i do give praise to this game, but only when it's due, such as the optimization in 1.3, and also the Group Finder deserves praise. However, i'm not going to blindly support some of Bioware's incompetent decisions, such as, their transfer process, which is really just a merger. I'm also not going to defend their flawed Rated Warzone system either, among many other things. I'm sorry that i don't kneel on the floor and praise everything Bioware does like some blind fanboy. Criticism is good for the game, because it reveals what isn't working. Fanboys such as yourself do this game a disservice, by not having Bioware become aware of what isn't working.

Edited by wutru
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Haha. Don't try to paint me as a hater, because i do give praise to this game, but only when it's due, such as the optimization in 1.3, and also the Group Finder deserves praise. However, i'm not going to blindly support some of Bioware's incompetent decisions, such as, their transfer process, which is really just a merger. I'm also not going to defend their flawed Rated Warzone system either, among many other things. I'm sorry that i don't kneel on the floor and praise everything Bioware does like some blind fanboy. Criticism is good for the game, because it reveals what isn't working. Fanboys such as yourself do this game a disservice, by not having Bioware become aware of what isn't working.


And not everything is to everyone's tastes, either - so something you may think is not working might be perfectly acceptable to everyone else. There's nothing special about Gamebreaker or the myriad host of other blogger, vloggers, and what have you out on the Internet - it's all just opinion-based chit chat. I watch the show because it offers some mild amusement when I can't be in game, but it's total worth is nothing more than that - any more than my (or your) posting on this forum.



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And not everything is to everyone's tastes, either - so something you may think is not working might be perfectly acceptable to everyone else. There's nothing special about Gamebreaker or the myriad host of other blogger, vloggers, and what have you out on the Internet - it's all just opinion-based chit chat. I watch the show because it offers some mild amusement when I can't be in game, but it's total worth is nothing more than that - any more than my (or your) posting on this forum.




Much like this forum right? Or are we restricted from our own opinions now? :rolleyes:

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Much like this forum right?


I believe that's what I said. I also pointed it out because not everyone who likes everything about this game is a "fanboi". They just happen to have different tastes and opinions than you. But it seems on this forum, anyone who disagrees with someone making a "critical suggestion" automatically becomes a fanboi.



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I played the free trial of Rift some time ago and the leveling zones were just as dead as SWTOR's on most servers. I also got bored of it after only a few days. It also didn't feel very polished, especially with stuff like animations which are pretty bad :/ Edited by NasherUK
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Haha. Don't try to paint me as a hater, because i do give praise to this game, but only when it's due, such as the optimization in 1.3, and also the Group Finder deserves praise. However, i'm not going to blindly support some of Bioware's incompetent decisions, such as, their transfer process, which is really just a merger. I'm also not going to defend their flawed Rated Warzone system either, among many other things. I'm sorry that i don't kneel on the floor and praise everything Bioware does like some blind fanboy. Criticism is good for the game, because it reveals what isn't working. Fanboys such as yourself do this game a disservice, by not having Bioware become aware of what isn't working.


I'm sorry, the first time I read this, all I saw was Baaaa. Baaaaaaaa. Baaaaaaaaaaa.


So, I hooked up my sheeple-translator (sadly, it's a necessary item to own), to see what you were trying to communicate.


Well...I didn't try to paint you as a hater. I didn't have to paint you as anything - you paint yourself as a sheep well enough on your own. You are also quickly establishing who your shepherd is.


There is a difference between criticism, and deliberately coloring commentary to provide a decidedly negative slant on the given topic. This is how journalism works, sadly, but that does not change what it is - Sensationalism for ratings.


This game has issues - issues, that are being solved in order of importance. As to decisions that Bioware has made, apparently you are not even remotely aware as to how much psychology goes into the making of an MMO. No MMO company cares about my opinion, your opinion, or anyone else's opinion because the psychology has already been done, both for what has worked in the past, and what is trending. This is the opinion they all follow. Which leads me to my next point...


Sheeple have an over-inflated opinion as to how much their bleats actually matter. Even to the other sheep, let alone, to the Shepherd.



Edited by lordofdamornin
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You mean the much lauded 1.3 million of them? They have so many customers, they had to open up free transfers! :D


I like that "don't paint me as a hater" speech. exactly 3 seconds before you post some hate.


Did Bioware close down some servers that I'm not aware of?

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