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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

RP-PvP "Lord Calypho" - Excluded from Transfers...


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Lamech: are you trying to suggest that they had not enough time to decide? Not enough time??? The transfer system is way more tam month old! a month! How long do you need for this simple problem to solve?
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Hi folks, as promised, I have a bit of an update. We are still examining this unique situation with the three European RP-PvP servers and we are working on various possible scenarios and what their impact will be. Rest assured that we will communicate to you as soon as we have the most optimal scenario. Thank you for your continued patience with this.


Players on RP servers are probably the most passionate about reserving their character names, yet it's the RP players that get last pick after everyone else has already taken the best names? Truth be told: server transfers have been a negative experience for me. My guild is gone to a server that is in another time zone. If I follow them, I lose my favourite names and will have to put up with higher latency. Sure there will be more people to play with, but overall, it would be a worse experience for me. My server has gone from medium population to low. It's a lose-lose situation.


I'm hoping there will be another round of free transfers and I'll be lucky enough to have my server chosen as a destination server, but it's looking more and more like I'll eventually be forced into a merger where I lose my character names that I reserved the minute I was able to log in for early access. That's not really a good way to treat a customer who pre-ordered the CE as soon as it became available and recommended your game and company to friends by word of mouth.


Just off the top of my head, in the interest of providing constructive criticism, here is my suggestion for a more equitable way of handling the server consolidation going forward:


New, empty servers are launched.

Everyone has the same chance to log in and reserve their character names with placeholder characters.


Turn on free transfers to new servers based on server type (PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP) as well as data center!

*Important* I don't want to have to choose between staying on a dead server and transferring to a laggy one.


Once a server fills up to desired population, turn off free transfers.


This way at least those of us who weren't lucky enough to have started out on one of the chosen destination servers in round one will not be forced to choose between giving up our character's name and playing on a deserted server.


Thanks for reading.

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I am seriously questioning the point of posting in this thread anymore.


We finally get a new moderator post at 10:48pm, only again this one tells us nothing except that they are removing posts that they dont like.




If they spent as much time fixing the problem as they do weeding out posts they dont agree with we would have the server either at full pop by now or be finally moved off it.


If they are truly listening to us BW can we have somone give us some kind of progress report.


This post is simply asking for information. No lies have been told, no trolling done so no need to remove it like the last one. :rolleyes:

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Players on RP servers are probably the most passionate about reserving their character names, yet it's the RP players that get last pick after everyone else has already taken the best names? Truth be told: server transfers have been a negative experience for me. My guild is gone to a server that is in another time zone. If I follow them, I lose my favourite names and will have to put up with higher latency. Sure there will be more people to play with, but overall, it would be a worse experience for me. My server has gone from medium population to low. It's a lose-lose situation.


I'm hoping there will be another round of free transfers and I'll be lucky enough to have my server chosen as a destination server, but it's looking more and more like I'll eventually be forced into a merger where I lose my character names that I reserved the minute I was able to log in for early access. That's not really a good way to treat a customer who pre-ordered the CE as soon as it became available and recommended your game and company to friends by word of mouth.


Just off the top of my head, in the interest of providing constructive criticism, here is my suggestion for a more equitable way of handling the server consolidation going forward:


New, empty servers are launched.

Everyone has the same chance to log in and reserve their character names with placeholder characters.


Turn on free transfers to new servers based on server type (PvE, PvP, RP, RP-PvP) as well as data center!

*Important* I don't want to have to choose between staying on a dead server and transferring to a laggy one.


Once a server fills up to desired population, turn off free transfers.


This way at least those of us who weren't lucky enough to have started out on one of the chosen destination servers in round one will not be forced to choose between giving up our character's name and playing on a deserted server.


Thanks for reading.


I mostly agree the names don't concern as much as the different data center what they did/are doing to two RP-PvP servers isn't right and they should've planned ahead. They are not technically limited to server type and I have a response saying here is the reasoning "At this time, however, we are currently processing the free transfers according to server type, to ensure that players can join similar communities and preserve their preferred play type."


Their foresight is horrible as is the customer service it took 6 tickets/emails to get a response after I unsubbed due to my character being virtually unplayable because of BWs complete lack of concern or communication.

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Transfer other French and German RP-PVP servers to LC.;


Terrible idea.

Coming Soon - Automated group finder. A pick up group created by an in-game tool that could partner two people that cannot speak to the rest of the group at all is a bad idea. There are different permutations. Two Germans with a French and Englishman, none of those players players speak the others languages to any acceptable degree, so on and so forth. Very possible, very bad.


There are over 200 different languages spoken in the EU region. I don't think that these particular two - that happen to have localised version of SW:ToR - will cause any more trouble than the others.


And even though most of our governments try really hard to dismantle our education systems, so they can finally sell education to the rich and have a comfortable mass of poor and dumb to exploit, English is not only taught everywhere, but spoken and understood by quite a lot of people. Especially those that are younger and have an internet gaming hobby.


Transfer people to LC;


It may be too late. A lot of transfers have gone ahead. The simplest of ones granted. Someone mentioned seven servers left awaiting transfers but this still seems unlikely, even if tomb is pretty full.


Not everyone has transferred already. And opening up transfers from other servers, even if not many people use it, would at least be a sign for Bioware having an interest in keeping the service of a RP-PvP server. This certainly would raise the spirits and encourage people to roll on a RP-PvP.


From Biowares current inactivity one would rather take this service is to be terminated.


Transfer to NA servers;


While I did try it out briefly and didn't suffer any major lag, that is not to say other connections won't. Too difficult scenario to technically gauge correctly.


I have ~200 ping to east coast servers. In PvE this is almost not noticeable, thanks to the combat and skill delay that's coded in. In PvP it may be different. You can compete, but you'll be at a slight disadvantage and for ranked WZ this might be too big.


On a RP-PvP ranked rating shouldn't matter that much to most, but we don't have to stray so far anyways, as I've pointed out that if we just squeeze two additional non-english communities on one server, we all can stay in Éire.


Multiple server choice;


So far every server transfer has only had one option. This may be technically related. I'm only guessing. Still they seem to have had generally a good technical success rate with the transfer of characters (names being the issue.)


Transfer to PVP server only;


Those that RP would feel aggrieved. Whether RP is active or not is irrelevant. Some would feel the additional maturity of those that choose an RP server is greater than the need for open PVP.


Transfer to RP server only;


Those that want PVP would feel aggrieved. It seems that many feel PVP is a personal choice whether it is very available in the game or not.


I'm pretty sure when Bioware stops offering RP-PvP servers, they will allow transfers and making more options available for transfers will be reimbursement for the preferred server style lost, especially since there's people with different playstyles. That's the nature of the hybrid beast.



My suggestion;


Staggered transfer. Not necessarily the best solution. Week one, offer transfer to PVP server. Week two, offer transfer to RP server. This however proclaims that there pretty much will be NO RP-PVP server in Europe. Sounds like a failure. Which they do have to look at. Also they have the logistics of making it well publicised so that people can make the right choice.


Yep, for some strange reason I still won't let go, even though I do not have that much to lose ( A Legacy 7). Which is why I'm against transfers off the servers and rather see a RP-PvP destination server for all others.


Conclusion ;


It's really not as simple as people make out. They need to make the right decision. The right decision generally is not a quick one. People scream for answers, the answer was they are discussing the possibilities. It is not a decision that should be taken lightly. There is no quick fix. Just read this thread, see the back-biting and hate and realise that whatever solution will cause people complaining.


Actually it is. It boils down to either close the servers and manage the refugees or recreate one viable RP-PvP that fits their "mega-server" concept. Discussing does not help at this point. They have to solve the problem now.


Criticism fine. As it should be, be constructive if you want to actually continue playing the game. If you are unsubbing, fine, have a little dignity to go with it. Explain rationally why and then do it or don't. The 'I'm unsubbing unless x happens by date y' makes things look a little childish. Get a grip.


People were constructive, polite and very, very patient. But being left outside and in the unknown for this long time is disrespectful and an easy to comprehend reason for all the anger.


Maybe it would not have been so bad, if they actually had interacted and lead a discussion with everyone here instead of behind closed doors. If they don't let anybody in on their reasoning and thoughts, how can you expect people to understand there's no result from all those secret meetings.


So everyone has got to be under the impression there's noone who really cares.


TLDR. Then don't bother commenting . If you haven't read it and only read a sentence then you are taking out of context.


Rational thoughts people.


I concur.

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I kinda think that this whole 3 rp-pvp servers has started feeling like the greece economy problem...


Let's just wait and chill ppl. I mean if till 1.3 Transfers have not opened they know and we know that 90% of the servers population will quit.


If this is their decision let it be. But personally i think it will be solved till then.


On the other hadn i was hopping I would rule the galaxy one day...

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I kinda think that this whole 3 rp-pvp servers has started feeling like the greece economy problem...


Let's just wait and chill ppl. I mean if till 1.3 Transfers have not opened they know and we know that 90% of the servers population will quit.


If this is their decision let it be. But personally i think it will be solved till then.


On the other hadn i was hopping I would rule the galaxy one day...


If it takes until 1.3 to fix the problem, fine. But at the very least they could tell us that. Silence speaks volumes. I find it hard to believe that they are intentionally pissing us off. But that just means they're really out of touch with how their refusal to communicate effectively is affecting us as loyal players and paying customers.


We are obviously concerned. Playing on a dead server is no fun. Continuing to build our legacies on a server which very well might be left out of transfers altogether is pointless. And imagining a scenario where we might actually have to pay extra money to remedy their oversight is downright insulting. Addressing these concerns, with something more than "We're still thinking about it because we're too clueless to have come up with a solution beforehand" is not effectively addressing the issue.



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Lamech: are you trying to suggest that they had not enough time to decide? Not enough time??? The transfer system is way more tam month old! a month! How long do you need for this simple problem to solve?


Exactly. This whole diskussion should have taken place before they started working on the transfer systems. At this point they deserve nothing but critisism for the mismanagement they are conducting. They had a chance to handle this properly, but decided to not communicate with us before it allready was too late.


What is happening now is the consequence of that. You reap what you sow.

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Exactly. This whole diskussion should have taken place before they started working on the transfer systems. At this point they deserve nothing but critisism for the mismanagement they are conducting. They had a chance to handle this properly, but decided to not communicate with us before it allready was too late.


What is happening now is the consequence of that. You reap what you sow.


In the meantime, somebody from CS is working because they've got somebody removing posts in this thread they've deemed "off topic". Criticizing Bioware, it seems, is a sure way to post something off-topic. So it would seem Bioware DOES care. They care about getting our money and what we say about them. I'm sorry but they are doing nothing but showing us more reasons why we SHOULDN'T be playing SWTOR anymore. Not because it's a bad game. It's a great game, it's just too bad Bioware is it's "home" and EA are the parents.


We've asked for transfers, we've discussed how we'd like that. There is NO CS rep discussing ANYTHING back to us. We are left in the dark. I'm sorry but isn't the topic really about excluding RP-PvP players from the free transfers? It's not our fault this topic has now moved into just GENERAL exclusion. Bioware, as Twin said; you reap what you sow.

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We've asked for transfers, we've discussed how we'd like that. There is NO CS rep discussing ANYTHING back to us.

So true right now it feels like a monolog not a discussion. We are not asking for the impossible or miracles here. But this silence show us that Bioware think it is what we are asking for. If they just share some information most people will be constructive and helpfull. In this thread there been several options and suggestions about how we should proceed, that was what Joveth asked for earlier. To continue this "discussion" we need to know what they think is viable solutions (the silence tells me, no one is going to be happy about it). Else we just gonna fill another thread with anger and frustration and nothing will come out of it. If the CS reps are afraid that they will be mocked and ridiculed, they have created this situation themselves. I think it is time for someone to take the nightshift in Austin, Texas and start talking.

Edited by Jerro
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you see whats happening here?

making us quitting the game, makes BW close the server without any issues or regrets...


Everyone wont quit, and the negative feedback and cancelled subs should concern bw. Their mmo rep isnt very good, and ignoring us like this will only hurt themselves further. i sure as he** will make an effort to campaign against bw if they dont offer a solution, wether im subbed of not.

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In simple numbers they actually treat the 95% of their customers in one way and the 5% in another. I do not say they not gonna fix it. But the fact and only they did so for these 2 weeks can not change.


i am sure before 1.3 all will be fixed and so on. But the dmg is allready done. They can not change the fact they actually decided to treat equal paying customers in 2 different ways:P

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Greetings folks!


We recently had to remove several posts from this thread. In some instances posts had to be removed as replies to moderated posts.


As a gentle reminder to everyone, please remember the following:


  • Insults - Please do not resort to or use them in any way in your posts. Posts should be productive, not destructive.
  • Trolling - Please do not post messages that are purposefully designed to provoke, antagonize, or otherwise elicit a negative emotional response.
  • Agree to Disagree - Be respectful of others' viewpoints even if they are opposite of your own. Discuss disagreements constructively.
  • Report, Don't Respond - Utilize the Report Post feature to report possible rules violations, rather than responding to or fighting them.
  • Ignoring - If you feel you simply cannot get along with another community member, please place them on your ignore list.


That's all well and good but if we could be provided with an actual concrete answer in regards to what is going to happen to us you might not have people that are so frustrated that they break the rules. When I see a yellow post in this thread all I expect from it is a "we are looking at the options" or a "we are still looking at the options" it does not take a week to make a decision - regardless of if you have a team A to Z. You only need a team to think up the options, and another team to implement it.


If server transfers are really so much of a problem, allow us to create a character on another server, make it level 50 and give us full legacy level as a thank you for staying with you through an experience we could have unsubbed over many times the past, most of us are holding on to the hope things will get better, but its not so far and patience will run out.


This game will not last like this, it will die even more to GW2 and Elder scrolls online so please get your act together and actually please your customers.

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Another possible way to work around this is to open free transfers from the french and german servers to Lord Calypho. I am pretty sure alot of the french and german speaking can actually cope with english, but chosed their language over english because it made sense at the game launch. For those who just dont understand english the german and french serves will probably remain open for a long time yet. I mean - as an example - there is no russian server around and there is a alot of russian speaking players around who cope with Calypho. Only used them to point at other large languages "forced" to an english server.


I know its not fair against the german and french speaking, but lets face it english has a special status (English is not my native language if anyone thought that).


But this would allow english-speaking move on to to Calpyho in order to at least get one RP-PvP server populated.


I am open to transfer to RP-Pve but we choose a RP-PvP server and I think we deserve one in Europe.

Edited by vastgoten
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Look Bioware, can i call you BI? well i know there's a lot of people on Lord Calypho that want a server merger. maybe with the other rp-pvp servers or with a pvp or rp server.

or we could just transfer to lord calypho but not from.

and the main problem with why people stop playing is because ther servers are dying because we have too many, so if we only had 1 rp-pvp server, they would all go for that.

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In the meantime, somebody from CS is working because they've got somebody removing posts in this thread they've deemed "off topic". Criticizing Bioware, it seems, is a sure way to post something off-topic. So it would seem Bioware DOES care. They care about getting our money and what we say about them. I'm sorry but they are doing nothing but showing us more reasons why we SHOULDN'T be playing SWTOR anymore. Not because it's a bad game. It's a great game, it's just too bad Bioware is it's "home" and EA are the parents.


We've asked for transfers, we've discussed how we'd like that. There is NO CS rep discussing ANYTHING back to us. We are left in the dark. I'm sorry but isn't the topic really about excluding RP-PvP players from the free transfers? It's not our fault this topic has now moved into just GENERAL exclusion. Bioware, as Twin said; you reap what you sow.


I agree with that they should have an answear to us by now and as i see it they could have prevented alot of what made people mad by not keeping us in the dark. And even if they say that it's not possiple to transfer us i would at least like them to tell us so.

On the other hand i know at least some of those posts that were removed wasen't becuse of them criticizing bioware but of general rude language to others about things not relevant to the topic we are discussing. Hope a solution is found so the great guys i have played with on lord calypho and those i haven't yet can keep enjoying your great game.

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Look Bioware, can i call you BI? well i know there's a lot of people on Lord Calypho that want a server merger. maybe with the other rp-pvp servers or with a pvp or rp server.

or we could just transfer to lord calypho but not from.

and the main problem with why people stop playing is because ther servers are dying because we have too many, so if we only had 1 rp-pvp server, they would all go for that.


There aren't anymore servers left to merge to lord calypho. And just look at this thread and the one that got filled before this one, no one in their right mind would willingly play on a bioware rp-pvp server again. This situation is apparently just too "unique" to figure out a solution.


Putting all the RP-pvp players in one will not fix anything anyway. As soon as paid character transfers become available most people on those servers will just leave it, making another dead server. Honestly the best thing to do is just remove rp-pvp, I know it's not the best but the current problem was not a problem at launch and we had a very healthy server. Now though, I'd much rather play on just a pvp server than an rp one since the rp-pvp server is dead.

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Well I'll be officially off the game by tomorow, my last day of Sub is just about to run out after i cancelled last week.

I went onto the server last night and there was 9 people on fleet, I ended up playing throught Esselles with 2 new players as they couldnt get a group made, it actually hurt to read there comments in general chat about this game being great and a lvl 50 helping them run a FP.


I had to tell them what the situation was regarding the server and directed them to this thread.


Alot of us on LC played the early release, payed good money well up front and have dedicated alot of time and effort into the server in making it a mature and socialable place for all players to go. The nearest analogy I can think of is having a puppy, feeding and playing with it, watching it grow, all for someone to take it away from you and starve it till the final hours, all while telling you they are thinking of feeding it at some stage.

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Yesterday an today there has been feedback from the German CMs in the appropriate mirror-thread...


I'll quote them here and translate them (without giving guarantees for hitting the right emotional nuances)...


No. 1 (the other one will follow)


Hi Leute!


Die Sache ist, wir verstehen das Geduld in diesem Moment schwerfällt. Die Situation des Servers ist gerade unverändert. Das stört euch, aber alle Spieler haben lange auf Transfers warten müssen. Ihr wollt Druck machen, auch klar, dennoch sind wir bereits in ständigem Austausch.

Was will ich damit sagen? Das Feedback wird gesammelt und kommt an, ich denke auch es ist schon einiges gutes Feedback in den letzten Tagen verfasst worden. Feedback, mit dem wir arbeiten können.


Tatsache ist, wie lange ihr wartet, ist nur subjektiv das Problem. Euer Problem, auch hervorgehend aus dem Feedback, ist nunmal, dass ihr keine Transferlösung angeboten bekommen habt.

Noch ein paar weitere Tage zu warten ist sicherlich nicht schön. Wir können euch nur gerade keinen Termin nennen. Knallhart gesagt ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit auch gering, euch einen Termin für kommende Informationen zu geben. Viel wahrscheinlicher ist es, direkt eine Entscheidung mitgeteilt zu bekommen, oder eben wirkliche Informationen.


Für diejenigen, die mit Kündigungen drohen, oder es schon getan haben: Ich hoffe natürlich inständig das wir euch vom Gegenteil überzeugen können. Aber auch hier ist die Priorität: "Wir wollen die Chance bekommen, zu transferieren" und nicht "Priorität ist es, dass jetzt irgendwas passiert".

Mir wäre es auch lieber, euch heute etwas sagen zu können, keine Frage.


Euren Schlussstrich, wenn sagen wir nur bezahlte Transfers kommen würden, könnt ihr immer noch ziehen. Was jetzt wiederum für nichts eine Bestätigung ist, wir müssen gerade tatsächlich vorsichtig damit sein, wie Dinge von euch interpretiert werden könnten. Ihr wünscht euch Neuigkeiten und Informationen, da ist verständlich das man jede Aussage aufschnappt und versucht, ein Licht zu sehen (oder das Dunkle).


Zum Schluss: Wir verlangen nicht von euch das ihr fröhlich in einer Situation seid, die euch nunmal nicht erfreut. Dennoch müssen wir, gerade was euch angeht, sehr vorsichtig, oder besser sensibel, mit der Situation umgehen.

Hi folks!


Fact is, we understand that it’s hard to be patient at the moment. The server situation right now remains unchanged. That bothers you, but all players had to wait for a long time for their transfers. You want to build up pressure, totally intelligible, nevertheless, we’re in constant communication [with Austin, if I consider Bastian’s former posting].

What do I want to say with this posting? The feedback gets collected and we see the point. I also believe, that there has been quite good feedback within the last days. Feedback we are able to work with.


Fact is, how long you are waiting is only a subjective problem. Your problem, also according to the feedback, is that no transfer-solution has been offered to you.

Having to wait for some additional days isn’t jolly. But right now we are not able to give you a [fixed] date.

Plainly spoken the chances are also slim for giving you a date for further information. It is way more likely that a decision or a real information is directly given.


For those threatening to unsubscribe or having already done so: of cause I hope that we can convince you to do otherwise. But here the priority is also “we want an opportunity to transfer” and not “priority is that something happens”.

I’d be glad to be able to tell you something today, no doubt.


The final decision is still yours to make, if for example only paid transfers become available. Which is not acknowledgement for anything at all, since we just have to be sensitive how things get or might be interpreted. You long for news and information, it is understandable that any announcement is picked up and you try to see the light (or the dark).


Finally: We do not expect you to be happy about your situation, which is not fine after all. Nevertheless we have to be sensitive about the handling of the situation, especially concerning yourselves.

As Bastian said, please do not interpret the posting to much, since it is (a) translated by a third person (me) and (b) from another thread... an while the German thread as still the same tune, the swing isn't the same, so to say.


Just for your information.

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Yesterday an today there has been feedback from the German CMs in the appropriate mirror-thread...


I'll quote them here and translate them (without giving guarantees for hitting the right emotional nuances)...


No. 1 (the other one will follow)




As Bastian said, please do not interpret the posting to much, since it is (a) translated by a third person (me) and (b) from another thread... an while the German thread as still the same tune, the swing isn't the same, so to say.


Just for your information.

Thank you very much for your effort, it is very nice of you. Myself got bored with scorching the german and french forums for any kind of information. But reading all this yellow posts, without getting any kind of answer just thin air no substance in them at all. It just feel like Bioware kicked me in the nuts, and while im down they tell me that maybe the pain will be gone or maybe not before they kick again.

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