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10 Good
  1. If you can afford about 200 more, there are used MSI GT70 offered by Amazon. And if you can't, the GE series is quite powerful too. The GE60 has only 8GB RAM (which will be enough) and doesn't have a BD drive, but comes with better CPU and GPU. If you want a gaming laptop, you should buy one that's been specifically designed for gaming. HP is a tad bit lacking in that regard.
  2. I for one am gone for good. This will take the same road as LOTRO and I won't travel that again. Enjoy your game while it lasts!
  3. You, me and possibly a few thousand others are in the same boat. We have to convince complete strangers to be our "friends" to accept an invite to something they can get easily just on their own. There needs to be an incentive for the new subscriber to go down the referral road. I can understand you feel left out and I must admit that I feel the same. Even more so since I own two CE, gave away copies of the game as Christmas presents and now don't have much of a chance to get this collectible. But all of this could be easily fixed with adding a perk for the newcomer. Even a lesser perk will make the referral more attractive than just the trial, but without a "bribe", this just won't work. You only have to take a look at the refer-a-friend thread at sites like mmorpg.com. It's dead.
  4. Yeah, but you can get the exact same thing without a referral, so why should any one want to be invited or wait for an invitation, if you could just pick it up whenever you like. Now I know they want to generate box sales with this and more specifically want to raise subscription numbers, but I believe this would work a lot better if you add some perk for the new subscriber as well. It would definitely convince quite a few people to open up an additional account, if this perk was tradable and not BoP, even.
  5. Well, thanks. I do know what I get out of the deal. But what does my friend get? What's in it for him to wait for an invite rather than just going to the website and start his free trial right away?
  6. Maybe I've missed it, but what's the incentive to accept a friend trial over just downloading the game and start the free trial right away? Wouldn't it generate a lot more sales and subscriptions if you just add the speeder to the new account on first subscription payment, as well? Or at least some kind of item exclusive to the referral program? Right now it's just the same as if you just went straight for the free trial, except for somebody else getting something nice out of the deal and you won't get anything. Sounds like a bad deal to me.
  7. I really don't know what's taking them so long, even the Spice Girls delivered by now. Just announce there's an ToFN->TP transfer coming and everybody will happily move now and doesn't feel left out anymore. Care for your customers, you ain't got that many left!
  8. Even out of context it suits well as a signature. You don't mind me wearing that, do you?
  9. You have 0 days of play time remaining. When your play time runs out, you will no longer be able to play. Please sign up for a recurring subscription plan or redeem a Game Time Code. You really like to go to the limit, don't you? Really wonder what took you so long. Anyways, one account resubbed thanks to your just in time decision. Oh the second account? Well, let's see... Transfer everyone to a PvP server of same language - Check! Close the RP-PvP servers Wait for the mega-servers balancing out Open up a new international EU RP-PvP server called "Corosian Phoenix" Allow free transfers from all remaining servers Allow free name change of characters and legacy Profit With more green lights on this list, I'll think about it. The name is not negotiable!
  10. Or you could just click the small -> in the quote's header. It links back to the quoted post.
  11. Ehrlich gesagt ein wirklich toller Artikel. Um nicht zu OT zu werden wäre es toll wenn du dir die Zeit nimmst und nen eigenen Thread draus machst. In der Tat. Wenn Ihr's nicht macht, mach ich's.
  12. Ok, I had a big spoon full of wisdom and came up with the solution, singlehandedly! 1. Transfer everyone to a PvP server of same language 2. Close the RP-PvP servers 3. Wait for the mega-servers balancing out 4. Open up a new international EU RP-PvP server called "Corosian Phoenix" 5. Allow free transfers from all remaining servers 6. Allow free name change of characters and legacy 7. Profit This will give everyone the same chance at getting their old and beloved names back and won't make the waiting in exile so hard, as there's really something worth waiting for. Additionally, a healthy RP-PvP server will attract more customers.
  13. Daher meine Empfehlung Transfers von allen Servern auf RP-PvP zu ermöglichen, um, von den wenigen wirklich an RP-PvP Interessierten, die meisten zu bündeln. Viele von uns, die noch spielen, sind ja schon abgewandert. Aber wenn ein positiver Trend erkennbar wäre, durch Zusammenlegung z.B., kämen sicherlich auch viele wieder zurück, sofern eine kostenfreie Lösung zur Verfügung stünde.
  14. Ich kann nur für mich selbst sprechen, aber ich habe derartiges, seit Release und mit zwei Accounts auf Lord Calypho, weder beobachten, noch erleben müssen. Generell habe ich in den vergangenen Jahren, mittlerweile deutlich über zehn, in denen ich meiner MMO Passion nachgehe, keine Anfeindungen auf Grund meiner deutschen Abstammung erfahren müssen. Und ich habe immer auf internationalen, englischen oder amerikanischen Servern gespielt. Vielleicht befinden wir uns da auf gegenüberliegenden Seiten des Erfahrungsspektrums. Zusätzlich sei gesagt, auch wenn ich es für richtig und wichtig halte, dass wir Deutschen ernst- und gewissenhaft mit unserer Vergangenheit umgehen, wir nicht Gleiches von anderen Nationen erwarten dürfen. Vielerorts wird dieses Thema, leider, nicht genug behandelt. Somit wird vieles im Scherz gesagt, über das wir nicht lachen können. Nur sollte man dies nicht überbewerten und wenn auch Aufklärung von Nöten ist, sich bewusst machen, dass ein Spiel weder ein guter Ort noch Zeitpunkt dafür ist. In diesem Falle ist es kontraproduktiv, den Finger zu heben oder sich in die Defensive drängen zu lassen. In diesem Sinne; Stahlhelm auf und tapfer bleiben!
  15. Alle anderen nicht englischsprachigen Nationalitäten kommen wunderbar auf den EU Servern klar, nur wir Deuschen und die Franzosen sollen dazu nicht fähig sein? Und das noch nicht mal, obwohl wir wenigsten einen lokalisierten Client zur Verfügung haben, der uns alles übersetzt. Ein ziemliches Armutszeugnis stellst Du uns da aus.
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