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Death to a majority of the dailies...


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I know I'm not the only one fed up with having to grind dailies all the time for comms to purchase items with. Is there some other system that bioware can put in place that isn't so grindy? I grew tired of flying to 3 different planets every day and doing space missions. I know on the pts with 1.3 daily commendations drop off some boss kills in HM flash points...thats nice and all but instead of doing a daily quest you are just switching it to grinding HMs. I suppose daily comms from hm fps wouldnt be so bad if they lowered the costs on some of the items such as the 200 commendation items. I'm fine with doing the 1 HM FP or warzone daily quest a day, but I am extremely burned out with all the other daily content.

Anyways those are my thoughts. Does anyone else have anything to say about daily quests and the grind?


It seems you've never played a korean MMO.

I've played Aion for over 2 years. Dailies required about 30 min to complete but you got 3 to 5 tokens per day, and items cost no less then 500 each.

So more then 20 per day, with items that cost around 120-200 comm, I think it's "fair". Still it really takes too much to complete all the dailies (around 2h), that might be a problem, not the grinding itself.

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It seems you've never played a korean MMO.

I've played Aion for over 2 years. Dailies required about 30 min to complete but you got 3 to 5 tokens per day, and items cost no less then 500 each.

So more then 20 per day, with items that cost around 120-200 comm, I think it's "fair". Still it really takes too much to complete all the dailies (around 2h), that might be a problem, not the grinding itself.


Dailies are a curse on modern MMOs and should not be considered 'content'. I fail to see how anyone considers this fun.

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Seriously. I wondered this back when WoW did it, and I can't understand why BioWare did it.


I abhor dailies of any kind.


I may sound like a sick bastard, but I like dailies. After a long day at work, I like mindlessly running from place to place getting credits/comms for my self/alts. I've found some good purples and orange gear for my alts during these runs as well.


As I read this, it sounds like I'm trolling, but I'm not. I seriously enjoy the monotony, lets my mind wander and relax. Very cathartic.

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They need to get shut of the Hamster wheel gameplay entirely.


At 50 the game should open up more into a sandbox, where the interactions between players and guilds creates its own content as well as Crafting etc, so the game has many many possibilities for the player rather than the rinse repeat this everyday which is a stone cold enjoyment killer.


The 'servers' need to be bigger and far fewer to enable larger populations to interact and a complete overhaul of the enviroment and how users intereact with it if this game is to survive.


Level games maybe fine for short term single player games, but they are utterly hopeless for long term MMO ones you put a limit on peoples growth sooner or later they get there and get bored and quit.

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As for Dailies, personally I only run the Corellia ones right now. Takes 45 minutes tops and done.


O.o I usually do Corellia between the WZs queues and the whole normal q chain is around 12 mins tops.

Add to that 8-12 min for soloing the 4+ quest and the whole thing is done in 20 min.

Edited by csmnstoica
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You do if you have OCD!


Computer games are not a substitute for medical care.


I also treat the dailies are also part of the "meta-game" to find the quickest and most effective ways to do them -- the Wilderness Outpost quick travel point being fixed in 1.3 should knock a couple of minutes off the Belsavis time, for example :) Or, working out routes that take in resource nodes or chests to maximise the reward per unit time etc.


In my view, the dailies are fine. They're still the best way to get cash for something you want (e.g. Legacy unlocks/perks), and do a good job in reducing the opportunities for "Gold Farmers". If you don't want to do them, hopefully the combination of server mergers (sorry, "transfers") and Group Finder will give you plenty of other things to do.

Edited by Ancaglon
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They need to get shut of the Hamster wheel gameplay entirely.


At 50 the game should open up more into a sandbox, where the interactions between players and guilds creates its own content as well as Crafting etc, so the game has many many possibilities for the player rather than the rinse repeat this everyday which is a stone cold enjoyment killer.


The 'servers' need to be bigger and far fewer to enable larger populations to interact and a complete overhaul of the enviroment and how users intereact with it if this game is to survive.


Level games maybe fine for short term single player games, but they are utterly hopeless for long term MMO ones you put a limit on peoples growth sooner or later they get there and get bored and quit.


^^ THIS! ^^

Please.. make a MMO.. I like your attitude!


Dailies are a curse on modern MMOs and should not be considered 'content'. I fail to see how anyone considers this fun.


and this

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Seriously. I wondered this back when WoW did it, and I can't understand why BioWare did it.


I abhor dailies of any kind.


Dailies are the laziest way for a game company to provide "end content" (a laughable term) for the surprisingly large population of players who love to grind dailies so they can get better gear in order to grind more dailies to get better gear and so on ad nauseum. These 'Groundhog Day' players like to have a nice, predictable yet pointless daily grind, apparently. Very strange. Maybe they like to sit around virtual cantinas and compare gear scores in the evenings...

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Dailies are a curse on modern MMOs and should not be considered 'content'. I fail to see how anyone considers this fun.


it's not so much aboutthe 'fun' or the 'content' but given the amount of credit they give and that some of the stuff you can get for daily commendations is .really. useful (hallo rakata pieces!) I fail to see the issue here.


yes, it would obviously be better to have something else to do, but what? pvp? not everyone likes that. space? not everyone likes that.. ops? not everyone likes that.

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yes, it would obviously be better to have something else to do, but what? pvp? not everyone likes that. space? not everyone likes that.. ops? not everyone likes that.


How about:


Player created content?

Bounty Hunting missions?

Weekly episodes of new quests? STO has constantly new quests..

More world events?

Some non-combat activities?

Crafting missions? e.g. some Hutt wants a delivery of 10 crafted blaster pistols...


Not to forget, the new space exploration combat project...

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(So sorry if others have suggested this before and I missed it)


1: Dailies serves a purpose and Ive done them almost everyday for months, but seeing many of us wants to buy quite a bit of stuff with them, for our main toon, plus all our alts plus even a few of each toon´s companions, it just takes way too much time and it becomes unbearable after a few months, therefore;


- Could it pretty please be possible to up the number of daily commendations you get per quest?

Now we usually get 1 per regular daily quest, if this was upped to 2 per quest, it would mean a world of difference.

Personally Id love it if you got 3 per quest, but 2 will be a huge, huge improvement :-)

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I don't do the dailies so much that it becomes a grind. But I also take the long view with respect to earning gear. I figure we play this game for fun, when something stops being fun I go do something else that is. Dailies really should be seen as something you do when you don't feel sociable or don't have a ton of time. Doing all of them every day is a recipe for burnout.


+1 Do what is fun for you

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When I hit 50 on my sorc, I just did the blackhole ones. I don't even care about the gear just wanted crredits for my unlocks. So i know just go back and do the ones I can solo and maybe the heroic then I grind mobs for junk to sell. making 300k+ credts


I make my own fun that's why I go and solo heroics 4's for kicks and gearing up alts.


I hate dailys. If they removed them I would never care.

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personally i am glad i can have a means to obtain some really nice gear without having to find a group to do it. i can do them at my own pace. no one is forcing anyone to do all of them every day nor any in a day. they are there to do if you like. if you dont like to do them just dont. no one is making anyone do them.


personally with the lack of people to do hm or ops with i would think players would welcome them. for many nights there is nothing left to do other than these dailies or play a alt through the same content.


you have a choice in these games. if you dont like to do something you dont do it and not make some idiotic post whinning about it. it is really that simple.

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They should allow daily comms to drop in the zones for dailes like the planetary comms randomly do after a kill. Just only after level 50, so you cannot start getting any until you reach level 50. Only from say level 49 and up mobs. This would cut down some on the grind. Edited by SgtWalt
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This bugs me a lot too. I don't the like of the "job feeling" it provides. I don't go as far as asking to kill the dailies but the amount of tokens we need to purchase stuff gets so big that the experience becomes really grindy. As we have main char, alt char and companions to equip, it gets N times more grindy... oh well...
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What they should do is get rid of expertise gear and make all gear available from FPs and operations also available from PvP. This includes the schematics and materials needed for high level crafting. They also should make orange gear with mods the best you can get in the game. This would allow people to have the look they want and still be competitive.
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Yep, your not the only one. We GRIND because we have to, not because we want to.

What I do like on a daily basis is PvP. One Idea is to get drops from pvp and not just warzone coms.


They have the dailies because there is nothing to do at level 50 if they dont.

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Dailies would be more enjoyable if I didn't have to get 100-200 commendations to buy things I want.


It just seems a bit excessive. They should put more consumable stuff in there, like stims and adrenals. Then people have a better reason to keep grinding dailies and being able to get small rewards for doing other things like raids.


This is something that is definitely imbalanced in this game. The time investment to payoff ratio is a bit too long. The sweet spot is when it still feels like you had make some sustained effort but not so far off that it you eventually get tired and give up. If they could add an achievement system to the game, and some smaller, cheaper rewards to purchase, then that may bring things more into balance. Lower the cost of the Rakata gear (75-80 comms each) and the relics (120-150 comms each) and add a greater variety of less expensive items (consumables, pets, mounts, orange gear, etc.)

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Is there actually something worthwhile to buy with daily commendations now that makes it worth grinding them out? I do it for the cash, have over 600 commendations and nothing there even remotely interests me. I was thinking I would get the legacy set, but then I noticed the crappy items you can buy only let you trade for the non-modable version. Who the hell is spending 200 daily tokens for an unmodable piece of armor?
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Announcement Bioware will be releasing 1.4 in the coming months highlights include:


Advancements in the Shaman Skill tree's as well as a re-tune of the Paladin spell effects.


Upgrades on Tauren models and armor.


Er We mean Sith... Ya Sith... And er..... Sages!!

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Is there actually something worthwhile to buy with daily commendations now that makes it worth grinding them out? I do it for the cash, have over 600 commendations and nothing there even remotely interests me. I was thinking I would get the legacy set, but then I noticed the crappy items you can buy only let you trade for the non-modable version. Who the hell is spending 200 daily tokens for an unmodable piece of armor?


the comms are worth it for the rakata pieces and the high end relics.


I think everyone is kinda missing the point wrt dailies. I understand they have to be there or there is litterally 'nothing' to do in the game if you are not grouped or are waiting for PvP pop (or don't like it) until BW produces new content. What they SHOULD have done is created a larger set of missions that randomly rotated each day, took longer with higher reward an/ or had something random to the mission reward.


BW did this on the cheap and it feels cheap. It is truly a grind doing the same thing over and over and over but thankfully there is NO purpose to doing them after you get the few items from the comms (probably a total of 600 comms?)

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Is there actually something worthwhile to buy with daily commendations now that makes it worth grinding them out? I do it for the cash, have over 600 commendations and nothing there even remotely interests me. I was thinking I would get the legacy set, but then I noticed the crappy items you can buy only let you trade for the non-modable version. Who the hell is spending 200 daily tokens for an unmodable piece of armor?


The Legacy items are extremely limited and become outdated too quickly. And yes, they're Bind to Legacy, but how many Imperial Agents am I going to level to be able to reuse those gloves or mainhand? (Only got the gloves because I got the item in a Treasure Hunting discovery mission, otherwise, would not have.)


Seriously, the Legacy items need to be returnable, not class specific or... something... better than what they have now.


To stay on topic, I do dailies when I feel like it. I usually try to do Corellia because I can knock those (minus the heroic) out in about 15 mins minus even on my healer sorcerer using a DPS companion. I almost never go to Ilum unless there's something there I want or am trying to get creds to buy something. Now that I have several 50s, I might do them on one character and alternate days, that way it doesn't become too much of a chore. Some days I don't do them at all. :)


But I would definitely prefer there be a better system than a daily grind for these things.

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