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  1. I'm doing that, but if you have Scavenge you can get A LOT of materials just by doing FP scavenging droids and turrets, or Bioanalysis with mobs. With Archeology there is NOTHING in ANY flashpoint or operation. While at the same time sending companions. It's just that with Scavenging combined with Armstech or Armormech, you can make things (in my case Augmentation Kits MK-9) FASTER AND CHEAPER than using Synthweaving + Archeology.
  2. Dear Bioware, you should be aware that you have increased the cost in material to craft Augment Kits. You also know the problem that afflicts this gathering skill since the game's launch, but now with this change it has become a REALLY HEAVY DIFFERENCE. Why there are NO things to gather materials in flashpoints or raids with Archeology, while Bioanalysis and Scavenging can gather their materials doing flashpoints and operations? Why nothing for Archeology? With the increased cost in crafting Augmentation Kits MK-9, I have to rely on my companions or going through Makeb looking for materials (Archeology + Synthweaving), while other players with Scavenging + Armormech/Armstech can just easily farm flashpoing while farming materials to craft them, and this is making now a HUGE difference in competitiveness of selling Augmentation Kits made with Synthweaving rather than the others, who can get materials and loot at the same time while we have to gather in the open world or rely on (expensive) companion's missions. This has been on since the release, but now it's making a tremendous difference. Will you solve this problem? Is it so hard to place some random things to gather for Archeology too in FP and OPS? Or make the missions for Archeology cheaper than the rest, since I doubt anyone is using those with Cybertech since running a flashpoint/raid gives you a lot of materials.. Thank you for your consideration.
  3. Dear Bioware, you should be aware that you have increased the cost in material to craft Augment Kits. You also know the problem that afflicts this gathering skill since the game's launch, but now with this change it has become a REALLY HEAVY DIFFERENCE. Why there are NO things to gather materials in flashpoints or raids with Archeology, while Bioanalysis and Scavenging can gather their materials doing flashpoints and operations? Why nothing for Archeology? With the increased cost in crafting Augment Kits MK-9, I have to rely on my companions or going through Makeb looking for materials (Archeology + Synthweaving), while other players with Scavenging + Armormech/Armstech can just easily farm flashpoing while farming materials to craft them, and this is making now a HUGE difference in competitiveness of selling Kits made with Synthweaving rather than the others, who can get materials and loot at the same time while we have to gather in the open world or rely on (expensive) companion's missions. This has been on since the release, but now it's making a tremendous difference. Will you solve this problem? Is it so hard to place some random things to gather for Archeology too in FP and OPS? Or make the missions for Archeology cheaper than the rest, since I doubt anyone is using those with Cybertech since running a flashpoint/raid gives you a lot of materials.. Thank you for your consideration.
  4. This week I've paid more than 1mln just to respec. I'm gonna run out of money in 1 month like this. Seriously, do something about it!
  5. I have to, since the other healers are not as good as dps in raids. And therefore why do I have to pay all those money? It really makes no sense. It will be easier and way faster just to reduce the cost of re-speccing. And as an answer for your "problem", it seems you've never played RIFT. You could actually have players queueing for the LFG tool as Healer, Tank, DPS and Support at the same time (the Cleric class). And I've never had a single problem, I just had to switch spec and to the role I was assigned to by the tool, switching between my SIX specs (still not enough to cover all those roles and for at least 1 pvp spec)
  6. Since it seems that in 1.3 Dual Spec won't come again, I'd like to propose a VERY SIMPLE solution to this "problem": extremely lower (if not reduce it to 0) the cost of resetting your talent points. I have to reset my talent tree at least twice a day, since I play healer in pvp and dps in pve, I have to switch each day. And it's EXTREMELY EXPENSIVE. Is it really that hard to use this solution while waiting to get a dual spec? Is there any other problem/meaning about making you pay to reset your talent tree? Seriously, I'm paying about 3-400k each week in just resetting my talent tree...
  7. If I may, I'd like to recommend you ASUS laptops, they have a cooling system that's amazing. Even after playing for 6 hours, the keyboard is only heated by my own hands. I've been playing on laptops for a while, but since I bought an ASUS I've never felt something so cool. With other laptops I had everything like burning after 3 hours of gaming, but these are really awesome. Of course it heats very much, but the cooling system is really great. Samsung is the only brand I've never tried (together with Alienware due to the high prices), but with all the other laptop makers I've always had the heating problem.
  8. You have almost the same laptop as mine. You can actually run everything at max (including AA) except for shadows and bloom. It's not as cool as the game could be, but still enjoyable.
  9. It seems you've never played a korean MMO. I've played Aion for over 2 years. Dailies required about 30 min to complete but you got 3 to 5 tokens per day, and items cost no less then 500 each. So more then 20 per day, with items that cost around 120-200 comm, I think it's "fair". Still it really takes too much to complete all the dailies (around 2h), that might be a problem, not the grinding itself.
  10. Same here, still until late April we were around 25-30 people in Rep side so we could enjoy pvp in the evening. But already from January we were around 80, down from around 500 in just 1 month... I don't think a patch is needed for transfer. They could just have taken down all servers for 3-4 days, merged data and closed like 30% of EU-Eng servers. It's really not that difficult. Many other games did this as an emergency solver for low population problem. Seriously, what are these people getting paid for? They have TONS of "easy" solutions, why don't they just use them? That's only one word for it: INCOMPETENCE.
  11. I would have opened a new thread, but since I've seen this I'll reply here. But it seems my message still won't get to Bioware. It's been over a month, OVER A MONTH, that I've been playing on a dead server. I know everyone still have almost the same problem, but in my server we are 15, fifteen, FIFTEEN people playing in peak hour in the WHOLE Republic faction. It's been OVER A MONTH that I've stopped doing warzones since they just don't begin. Seriously, I've been enduring this situation hoping for a transfer. Still no words from you. Who cares about content, group finder, etc, if you just cannot play. I already know that this post will never be read by Bioware people, but still I do feel a lot better letting them know that I've removed my subscription to the game. I just cannot endure anymore this situation.
  12. Yes, Operatives are something amazing: they get me to 10-15% before I can do anything, even with the anti-stun skill it's just useless. My average is 320k heals, with my best score of 680k. The problem is that in my server there is an Imp Socerer healer that is really impossibile to kill, it takes 4 people attacking him, while just 1 can solo kill me quite easily, and I don't understand the reason. Since I play dps from time to time cause I get bored of die at least 10 times each warzone, I was with my friends and he resisted alot with 4 people attacking him (no guard because we made sure of it). I try to keep moving, but as soon as they see me, I already have 2-3 on me. The problem are melee that jump on me and ranged that really does a lot of damage (bounty hunters and tropper with the 1-button tree). Jump+root, sniper/gunslinger root, BH/Trooper wave+root, slows, etc, and some of them are also not dispellable, so it's too easy for them to stop me if I try to get out of sight. Probably because my server is almost dead, there are no noobs in wz, and we know each other pretty well, that may be the problem, but still I really have problems surviving. Even with a Guardian guarding me, it's pretty hard. Today I only played 3 matches cause it took too long to enter (after 1hr queueing I quit), and I died 11 times the least (still managed to get over 300k heals). It was Huttball (no Imps, so no other wz, Huttball for all the day), and it's extremely hard to "hide" there. I don't know, every time it's so frustrating playing like this... Probably it's the fact that we are so few that we know each other and focus on the "key" players, but for me every game is really a pain. I've played the healer in may other games, like RIFT and before it in Aion (which is more PvP then SW and RIFT put together), but I have never had such problems... Maybe I've chosen the wrong class and should have gone Trooper as healer...
  13. Hello guys! I'm writing this post because I'm seriously troubled about what I'm gonna do with my Sage. I've been playing Healer since level 10, but I'm finding myself more and more frustrated in every warzone. I die too easily. I keep hearing "nerf those healers" from all over the forums, but I just cannot understand why. I've just reached rank 60, so I've started to buy BM pieces. My problem is that I'm thinking of switching to dps because every warzone is just a pain in the "back". I'm now full Champion gear with BM gear except for the set bonus pieces. Before I'm going to change my game style, is there any advice you can give me? In every game even 1 person non-Centurion can easily kill me: stuns, interrupts, force waves, force chockes, etc, and my heals are never enough to sustain the damage I receive myself. So I'm just healing others and waiting for me to die. Here is the spec I'm using: http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#600GGrRbd0dGzZf00MZoM.1 So, before I'm going to give up on my healer style, can you please give me some advice? Usually my rotation is: - Force Armor - Rejuvenate - Deliverance - Benevolence - Rejuvenate - Healing Trance/Deliverance - if Healing Trance and I'm low with force: Noble Sacrifice - Salvation if there are more players in the same area then go with the rotation above Even with the +8% heals talent on myself I cannot keep myself alive. What to do?
  14. I'd like something like Aion: conquer fortresses to get access to a particular istance, to get items you cannot get if your faction do not control them, maybe some buff like "if your faction control this you get +X% money from drop, 1 extra loot at the final boss for every flashpoint/raid, etc". The only problem with this method is that with 2 factions the one with less numbers (and/or partecipants) will be always defeated with no benefit for the server itself as you can reroll as the opposite faction in the same server. So if a faction will dominate the server for 1 month, we'll see no one else playing the "defeated" one. Still, conquering objects might add more to the open pvp, but until you optimize your engine/framework, it won't work. With around 100 players it was impossible to play. In Aion I had the same problem but with no less than 500 players in the same area. But if you want to add anything, MAKE IT USEFUL, not like Ilum that you just use to complete your dailies then leave.
  15. The only thing that I want is a server merge. Uthar Wynn (EU-PvP-Eng) is DEAD. No more than 100 people online in the evening from both factions, in warzones you meet always the same people (and more and more hutballs between reps). I like the game as it is now. It will be better with 1.2. But without a merge of the light and some standard servers in the next weeks, you're gonna lose more subscribers. We just don't care about everything you put in here in 1.2. We just want to play, and as for now it's impossibile. We can't wait another month while we already lasted 1 month in a deserted server. And each week more players are leaving or rerolling on more populated servers (lucky them they have time/patience to do it all over again). 1.2 is a huge improvement, but it will be pointless for us on low populated servers, or even harmful cause rather than warzones it's hard to even get a group for anything else... You already implemented server transfer for Asia-Pacific players. Why not for people in low populated servers?! PLEASE LISTEN TO US AND GIVE US AN ANSWER.
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