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Current Transfer Servers


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Too bad. If you don't have enough patience to wait a few days, then unsubscribe. They said it was a gradual process and yet for some reason so many people thought they were going to be the special snowflake chosen to transfer at the very start. Holy crap you people are ridiculous.


They have a right to be unhappy. Though Bioware is making sure the transfer go correctly they should at least let people know when to expect other servers to be added to the list. It would stop a lot of the questions and wondering.


And before you start telling me that I need to be patient understand I am not one of them that is looking to transfer so please don't jump down my throat by suggesting this idea.

Edited by ScarletBlaze
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Look, im taking a neutral stance as i ask this question, please dont accuse me of criticizing Bioware.



Does anyone knowledgeable in these kind of things, estimate how long it will take for all servers to eventually be eligible for transfer? A day? A week? A month?



Thank you


NO, not even them. It depends on a great many variables such as how smooth they go, how many people transfer to a particular server, how quick they react, how many are left on the old server, how many of those are active.....and the list goes on, and on.


Its going to be a very busy day, and weeks for them compiling reams of information and then analyzing it so that this works properly.


Unfortunately, from this point on the disinformation will be rampant on these boards, clouded by a myriad of post screaming, "I want my woobie now!". It is not that simple.

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Was it so hard to just MERGE the servers? But no, lets overflood the customer service with 1 000 000 requests. Whoever invented this must be a suicide bomber inside BW headquarters.


I have no idea what you are talking about. It's an automated process. There are no customer service requests involved, except for the specific issue of transferring guild banks.

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I know that people are going to defend this by saying this is what they said and such, and there will be those who claim they are unsubbing (some actually will), but I think that everyone will agree that this is just another mistake by Bioware. The remaining population was already on edge. The low population was an issue on every server excpet for two or three, they say they are going to allow server transfers on 6-11-12 abd they allow transfers from 4 servers. I know that people are gonna tell me to read and that they will have more servers up for transfer soon but who cares about soon the population has been a problem for 4 or 5 months and handling servers like this will only aggravate the remaining population even more. Look at the number of locked threads and see how well Bipware is taking criticism, they know they screwed up yet again.
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It's like Bioware is begging for these forum outrages. The way they stagger their server merges (sorry: character transfers) is not a bad thing per se, but why not telling how it will go down a week beforehand? And i mean really telling, not only talking about some unclear limitations.


"Dudes, we'll start with about ten servers the first day and will move on as quickly as possible."


But building up high hopes and letting people down afterwards seems to be the new business model here. Even if all transfers are finished by the end of the week, it's again a community in rage. Great job.

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Man, with the epic whining in this thread by people who apparently have exactly NO patience, understanding of how these processes work, or reading comprehension, I'd almost be happy to let those people go. Unfortunately, given the sheer numbers of those people, it's almost worrisome that without them we'd have no population left.


Seriously, folks, if you're not one of the first, you should be thankful. When they get to your server, the wrinkles will have been ironed out. Chances are pretty good that this will roll out very much like head start did, starting very small and accelerating. Will your server be up today? Who knows. But a day or a few in a freaking GAME never hurt anybody. What's different today than it was yesterday? Just the anticipation. Did your parents never make you wait to open presents on Christmas morning until after they'd gotten up (which I personally never really knew the timing of) and had their coffee? Or better yet, go to your grandparents house where you didn't know when you'd get a crack at them? Similar situation. Get over the fact that you don't know when it's coming and accept that it WILL come, relatively soon.

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Very well said but why do they not give people the infomation on what is going to happen.


A list of servers they will be moved to and from might have been a good idea.


why dont they just tell us what they have planned instead of always keeping it to themselves.


1.) They did give plenty of information

2.) I don't see how having a list now or 2-3 days ago would change anything - maybe ppl would start revolting earlier but I'm pretty sure once the list was released the QQers would QQ because their own server wasn't listed.

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What does this mean???



Bioware THIS is a classic example of the problem. Tell us what regularly means. Do you check every hour or should I come back tomorrow.


This is a failure by the Community manager.

if they dont know, they could at least say, "we are trying to 'plan a', but 'insert reason why plan a might need to change'"

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Turns out I had some characters on an eligible server for this first round of transfers to see how it works at least.


Good job on getting things moving! This will be a test transfer from one server I stopped playing early on as it seemed empty (Soresu) to one I rolled a few chars on when it seemed popular but never progressed far (The Harbinger).


I sent one level 11 character with the same name as one on the destination server just see how the transfer process works, as well as the forced renaming procedure for a taken name. If folks care, I'll post the results.


Thumbs up though that at least the transfer is from one PVE West Coast server to another PVE West Coast server. I was worried they'd stuff us all on East Coast servers or something!

Edited by Hangtooth
Additonal info I forgot to add
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This has literally only been out for a few hours. How could you accuse someone of screwing something up before it's even really starting.


I'm sorry, BW, for all these people. While I do think you could communicate things more clearly, I also understand that whenever you even speculate about something, and then can't do it, you get reamed for it. So I'd probably keep quiet about it, as well.

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Actually, yes I have thought of that....and Fatman and the other servers mentioned (been on em all) do not need topping off. What they need is bring some of the other medium servers up to the same level.


They do need topping off, because of 1.3 LFG.


Just saying..

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What's a good estimate for how long it will it take for all servers to be eligible for transfers?


This is all i want to know and i can't seem to get this question answered on these forums.


I'm taking a neutral stance, so if you are a covert BW/EA employee or a forum ball buster, please understand your furious anger shouldn't be directed at me.




My question is, what is good estimation for how long it will take to get every server eligible for transfer? Will it be finished by the end of today? Will it take a week? A month?


Based on how other games have done this, what would be a good estimate?


Thank you.

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Do the people whining really, truly not get what's going on? They are starting a migration. Filling the largest servers to the brim, then they will begin a consolidation of the medium pop servers with each other. Until we have a healthy population on most servers.


This is EXACTLY how they should be doing it. Seeing how many transfers they get before moving on to the next wave. Not doing some ridiculous all in thing where a thousand things could go wrong.


Can someone write down on this post the destination servers ?

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I'm just confused as to why they're transferring to the Fatman? Aren't there already frequent queues on that server, meaning that it is well-populated? So why wouldn't they pick another, slightly less populated server to transfer them to? I certainly wouldn't willingly transfer to Fatman....


Only "Hedarr Soongh" appears to have Fatman as a destination (at this time). Maybe "Hedarr Soongh" is a dead server (you know, never more than 5/6 online on the server at any time)? That could be why it has Fatman as a destination...

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They never lied, nor misled you.

You made assumptions based on information you did not have.


And I will laugh so hard when all servers will have had transfers by the end of the week. This reminds me too much of Early Game Access.. and that was just as hilarious!


If this ends up as "successful" as staggered early access.......... the game will be shut down by Christmas this year. :eek:


Not sure I'd call the mess of early access "hilarious" myself, the current problems largely stem from it.

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You took a day off just for the hope of keeping character names? Yes, that is a stupid decision.


Especially since you could have just created a character on a server with the name you wanted then once you have transferred the one you want with that name, delete the duff character and 'rename' your main to the right name...simple.


And how would he know which server to create the placeholder to reserve the name he wanted? He doesn't get to chose the server, Bioware is choosing it for him but not letting him know ahead of time which one it is.

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They have a right to be unhappy. Though Bioware is making sure the transfer go correctly they should at least let people know when to expect other servers to be added to the list. It would stop a lot of the questions and wondering.


That's not the main complaint. The main complaint is that BioWare is only allowing transfers from a handful of servers, which just demonstrates a complete and gross misunderstanding of the process. You have right to unhappiness, but you don't have a right to ignore facts.

Edited by Kthx
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They have a right to be unhappy. Though Bioware is making sure the transfer go correctly they should at least let people know when to expect other servers to be added to the list. It would stop a lot of the questions and wondering.


No way of knowing that at this time. They can only give you projections and desires. If they do that, then it changes based on player activity, can you imagine the whining that would come forth?


This is not at all as simple a process as the arm chair developers here are saying it will be. It is a vast undertaking to say the least.

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I thought I’d seen it all with people QQing on these forums, but this thread is brilliant. It makes good reading for someone who understands that this is a process that is done in stages.


It amazes me the ignorance of some people and their inability to read or understand how this will be done.

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Wow just wow. There are at the very least dozens if not a hundred servers to merge and we get 10? How dead are these servers? Mine usually hovers around 4-10 people on the fleet for the Repub side and its not listed.


This self server merge is silly especially if my sub and everyone else's who is still here because of the free month is gone before they can merge. Because lets me honest here. I'm not going to resub after 1.3 and pay for a transfer because I missed this free window.

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So gradual to you means 1 server. Less than 4% of people got to transfer and thats what I was supposed to take by gradual. Just amazing how you people defend incompetence. Blizzard would have had this in at launch. If not they would have made it work for more than 1 server at a time. This dev team fails everytime they do anything. They refuse to give us ANY information about whats next. How can they STILL not know. How is it possible in this day and age of programming they cannot even do transfers right?


So they bungle the launch. They bungle ranked warzones and now they bungled transfers. Would it be too much to ask to have them try and do at least ONE thing right?


Whoa! Hold the phone! Blizzard is not a knight in shining armor like you put them. They have problems, plenty. You play D3 Release? Oh right nobody could because the servers were going haywire! Remember Vanilla Launch? I do, it was disastrous. Maintenance every single day with downtimes for hours. BC launch was no better. WotLK had huge lagg issues in the beginning. They finally got it right towards the end of WotLK and into Cata. Blizzard is not perfect. Nobody is perfect. Chill out.

Edited by spectreclees
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