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Current Transfer Servers


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This needs to be seen again, and ready many times by all.


Wise post, wise words, and a wise player.




So now I am supposed to wait until July when I was promised June? Really? Wow man I never used the word fanboy before but this is fanboyism at its most extreme.

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I think something that would calm some of the community would be a FULL list of origin servers. I know being a GM it would be of great help to be able to tell my guild yes we are an origin server so be prepared to move. This way it also gives myself time to get the vault squared away along with my own personal things. I'm not really concerned about origin servers or even time frame as long as it's more than 4 servers a week (then you may have too many unsubs to even keep the game alive). Just would be a nice heads up to guild leaders to be organized and prepared since we are the one the guild comes to for answers most of the time. It's difficult to keep a large guild together with something like this.


Thank You

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You make one bad assumption.. besides the 4 a day.. as we don't know if all waves will be this big.


You state only 4 servers are involved.. I count 8. Origin and destination. Just saying


You are right, sort of, but how many destination servers do you think they plan to use with pretty much all of their servers being low pop? It won't be 1:1 that's for sure, today it may seem like that, but the destination servers used today will also be destination servers for the rest of the transfers until those servers are filled. So really, my point still stands.

Edited by Dauh
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Too bad. If you don't have enough patience to wait a few days, then unsubscribe. They said it was a gradual process and yet for some reason so many people thought they were going to be the special snowflake chosen to transfer at the very start. Holy crap you people are ridiculous.


While there was an ounce of "desparation" in his post... I am sure that Bioware doesn't want what yo suggested, to unsubscribe. "Special snowflake"?? Where do you get off? Yeah, maybe what he said was hastily done, but he's basically right. Yes, it s a gradual process...we all get that...but what people don't seem to get is that a little notification would go a long way. SOmething like: "Ok...this is going to take a month or so...but this is the basic timeline and these server will be moving anfd these servers will be destinations. Subject to change." thats all they needed to say. But apparently, you just think thats ridiculous. How sad for you.

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Also, where is the list of reccomended servers to transfer to???????????????????? Watch everyone get scattered to light and empty servers again. The point for transfers is to also add in a reccomended list of servers to transfer to, to keep the population well in shape and shut down the other servers. If bioware doesnt do this, there will be more complaints then you see now on the forums.


Did you not read a word of what was said in the last week or so? There is no recommended server list because we don't get a choice. Each origin server gets 1 destination server (1 destination server can have multiple origin servers).


This means that no one gets scattered and every destination server can be built up to a heavy population.

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has anybody thought of how many they are sending to fatman b4 crying remember these are low servers pops which are getting transfers so it could only be an extra 100 to top fatman off


If you're the last person on a HUGELY full server, good luck with retaining ANY of your names. :)

Edited by Goretzu
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Thank you for that update.


I have to say that, if indeed additional servers will be added in very short order, that a tremendous amount of bad customer relations, "publicity," and perhaps most importantly that intangible taste in people's mouths could have been avoided by simply explaining ahead of time that servers would be rolled out over the course of a few days.


The team has said from the BEGINNING of releasing server transfer information that server transfers would be staged and gradual. Please, you Skolops and everyone else complaining, go back and read the FAQ and releated posts about the transfers. NONE of you seemed to have read a SINGLE line of text from BW before today, and it shows.

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Would it be possible to get a list of origin and their destination servers in advance of the transfers actually opening? Or are you waiting to see how the population balances shift on these destination servers before making decisions on whether they need more?
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My first reaction when I saw the transfer list for today was: "Ok, not on the first batch, no problem! Who waits months for transfers can wait a few more days." Usually I read the posts from devs from top to bottom. If you all read it attentively you would spare yourselves some disappointment. They said clearly that the transfers would begin slowly and with few source -> target servers.

There's no reason for you guys to make an uprising because your server isn't listed on day 1. Also I'm expecting you guys to complain because when finally your server is on the list, the target server is not the one you like. You know what? Too bad! The same can happen to me and it's not the end of the world. There will be more transfers later on after this first consolidation. Just roll new toons on the server you want to play in. I know, rerolling sucks. I lost count on how many times I played/saw Tython starting area due to rerolls and I'm not creating a scandal on this.

Calm down, take a pill if you need, and wait for your turn!

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Wait theyre doing only 4 servers a week?! HOLY UNVARIFIED SOURCE BATMAN!


First of all they are doing 1 server of every type around the world. Yes there is more than just America, shocking isnt it...

This is 8 servers that are on the chopping board today.


Now that takes care of the amount of servers. Next up is the timeframe you put up

Do you have ANY credited source that says "New servers for transfer will be announced once a week during the maintenance"? No? Thought so. There are however various comments on the forum and Twitter that say "Updates are coming within days" which usually means 1-3 days


Also seeing how the first transfers are basicly testouts for how its going to roll in a live enviroment, expect more than 8 servers for the next batch

Edited by DarthZak
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Look, im taking a neutral stance as i ask this question, please dont accuse me of criticizing Bioware.



Does anyone knowledgeable in these kind of things, estimate how long it will take for all servers to eventually be eligible for transfer? A day? A week? A month?



Thank you


Impossible to know without knowing the internals of their model.

Edited by Ahhmyface
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BW , you suck balls. Coordinated with guild to get ready to transfer on 12th and server is not on list. Your incompetence at everything is mind boggling. Why in the world EA gave you money to make a video game is beyond me. Fail after fail after fail and story continues. How about you transfer one character a day. That may not be too "technically challenging" for you.


That is your fault not BW's. They didn't promise that your server will be set for transfer immediately. Stop acting like a child.

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They had this chance to save what is left as subscription base. They wasted it, no one will waith weeks just to be able to play /may be!/.

Was it so hard to just MERGE the servers? But no, lets overflood the customer service with 1 000 000 requests.

Whoever invented this must be a suicide bomber inside BW headquarters.

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Would it be possible to get a list of origin and their destination servers in advance of the transfers actually opening? Or are you waiting to see how the population balances shift on these destination servers before making decisions on whether they need more?


You answered your own question. This was also clearly explained in the Q&A.

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You all are looking at this wrong. I know in this day of instant gratification it is so hard to wait. From my experience with mmo's this is what has happened.


1. Launch day-crazy amounts of people bought the game and started playing only to be stuck in queues. To fix this BW opened up more servers.


2. As time went on play time/subs leveled out and started declining...because no one sticks to every game they buy or play it is much two months later as they did at release


3. BW did not have all the kinks of server transfers worked out so it took a little longer than the community liked but now they have it figured out.


4. To test out the system and also not cause a huge crash of the overall game they decide to phase it in and not give options (good idea really, just cause your server was not picked first does not make it a bad one).


5. Once they get through all the low population server transfers to large ones they will likely open up the choice to transfer where you would like.


6. They will then start merging the low populations either all together or too high populations and our server list will likely go to about 20 servers or less.


So in conclusion...calm down...wait a bit...this process is going to take less time then you realize and I bet they have it mostly done before the next patch is out and they start opening up the free to play lower levels in July.


Very well said but why do they not give people the infomation on what is going to happen.


A list of servers they will be moved to and from might have been a good idea.


why dont they just tell us what they have planned instead of always keeping it to themselves.

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BW , you suck balls. Coordinated with guild to get ready to transfer on 12th and server is not on list. Your incompetence at everything is mind boggling.
Bioware is not the incompetent one here, mate. Based on what information did you coordinate the transfers with your guild? What led you to believe that your server will definitely be included in the first phase of the transfers? If you base your planning on imaginary facts and your own wild expectations, you are not fit to lead a guild, honestly.
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I'm just confused as to why they're transferring to the Fatman? Aren't there already frequent queues on that server, meaning that it is well-populated? So why wouldn't they pick another, slightly less populated server to transfer them to? I certainly wouldn't willingly transfer to Fatman....
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I also wanted to point out that this process was outlined in our community blog last week and in our main transfer thread here. Specifically:


This process will be gradual and staged over time. Despite huge improvements being made to the Character Transfer Service by our server team, there are millions of characters to be moved and there is a limit to how many can be moved daily. We want your character to be transferred as quickly as possible, but we will need you to be patient as the process completes.



oky now all i hav to do is w8 for my server to aper on the list not nowin if we can set up ops or put ting on GTM giv me a lis of server thas ar in qu for tranfer and a timetable to figer ut what i anf my guild can do wail we w8 for trasferes

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