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Current Transfer Servers


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123 US servers, 4 servers eligible for transfer today, I'm going to ASSUME they will be adding more servers each day, so lets say they stick to 4-5 servers a day, that means it will take another month to get all the server out with transfers, I'm sure by then people who end up on the *** end of server transfers will have already unsubbed, and many more who wont care to renew their subscription during the whole process. They should have started transfers 2-3 months ago, its a fail on their part and people have every right to be pissed.
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Can we get clarification on what "a regular basis" mean?? Will we get updates daily, or a every few days??


They are going to open more transfers as soon as the service for the first wave eases up a bit.


If they let too many people try and use the service at once it'll probably crash.


So they will be opening up more based on traffic, not hourly or daily basis.

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That was a silly thing to do.


Okay, everyone. Remember how we got here? The game was released and many servers had queues. Sure, most of the queues were pretty short, but you had to wait to play the game that you paid for and people whined endlessly, insulting Bioware, Obama, and electricity and threatening to publicly accuse Bioware of crimes if they didn't have their selfish, short-sighted demands met.


And Bioware did it.


Now, transfers are starting, and they start out slow --as anyone who has any shred of experience in large-scale services knows is a smart move-- and what happens: People whine endlessly, insulting Bioware and demanding that Bioware implement reckless, uncontrolled, and unmanageable transfers.


You know what would be really stupid: If Bioware listened to any of you. You are the problem. You are the ones who put us in this situation. You should be apologizing and supporting them as they fix the issue you created.


As much as I agree with you, chill, I don't know what people expected, I have characters on dead servers, just be patient, Bioware are actually doing a good job of this, I would rather they take it slow and get it right than rush and **** it up

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I think that Bioware made a big mistake, by effectively trying to centrally manage, strait-jacket and insist that they're smarter, and know what their players want better than they do.


They should have either treated this like server merges from the start and just bit the bullet...or simply allowed people to transfer where they want.


So long as the process was free, the population 'market' would have sorted itself out eventually.


The way it's done now, has such an aura of contempt and obfuscation around it, as to be a complete turn-off. They are effectively restricting the 'liquidity' of where their players can travel or take their talents to.

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Ok, so you're letting my low pop server be a free to move from server (Rakata Mind Prison).....why can't I/we choose where we want to go?


And yes, not wise letting Fatman and JC be transfers to. (Those were already Heavy/Very Heavy...they should not be on the list.


They can't balance there servers if they let anyone go where they want. YOu will have to wait and pay for a transfer if you want a specific destination.

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Can we get clarification on what "a regular basis" mean?? Will we get updates daily, or a every few days??


Look at most of the updates that Bioware has released, then look at the time frames that the were release in...they did 4 servers for today's maintenance and they will probably do 4 more random US/EU ones the next time; so we're probably looking at months of waiting.

Edited by Josmoda
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Wow.. you can't even keep up with this thread even if you try! The last time I saw so much entitled, impatient and totally funny whine was during the whole staggered entry into early access thing.


It seems the whine and entitlement generation prefers "error 37" to smooth operations of services.




Hmm...... I'm beginning to think they maybe should have just server merged.


It seems unclear as to what they are doing or where anyone will end up (I'm not sure they even know at this point).


People would complain about a "plan" for sure, but at least people would know what was happening, rather than having no clue as to their characters fate until........ well until they do.







As an example when Mythic did this with Warhammer Online for the first time you knew WHERE you were going long before it started and you had a choice of two servers to go to (in the early merges anyway).

Edited by Goretzu
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90% of people dont read forums, it is obscure u have to navigate through a lot of stuff to get to it... Bioware has the capability to let us know the right way, its CALLED THE LOG IN SCREEN.


If people would be less lazy they wouldn't be so upset right now.


I think that's the moral of the story.

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Can we get clarification on what "a regular basis" mean?? Will we get updates daily, or a every few days??


Reply to my tweet.


@SWTOR Are more servers going to be added to the transfer list throughout the day?


@SirLimbo We will be updating the list with additional servers in the coming days! ^MD


Daily to a few days between each wave perhaps.

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Look, im taking a neutral stance as i ask this question, please dont accuse me of criticizing Bioware.



Does anyone knowledgeable in these kind of things, estimate how long it will take for all servers to eventually be eligible for transfer? A day? A week? A month?



Thank you

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So let me get this straight... you are transferring dead servers to the most populated servers? Where is the logic in that?


Maybe they raised the capacity of those servers and they are now going to try to slowly fill them up, all the while testing for stability? It will be really interesting to see if those destination servers stay the same in the coming days as more origin servers are added.

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Honestly I think the biggest upset and cause for confusion/anger is that it's only 10 servers out of the 214 that were opened for initial transfers.


Whilst a lot of people knew it would be gradual, when it was realised that the initial transfer would only be such a small selection (not even 5%) of the current server amounts.. people freaked, as can be seen by all the posts. Honestly I was assuming there would have been at least 20 servers eligible for transfers both EU and US side...


^^^ This. When they used words like "slowly" and "gradual" i thought of a relative small amount but nowhere near this small. 15-20 Servers was what i thought as well. 4 servers for N.A? Sorry it simply feels like a bad joke.

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You know normally I would agree with such a statement. But since many of us have been waiting since March for a transfer, I think we've been more than patient. While I understand it will take a bit of time, Bioware has done this to themselves with only making four server eligible and no definitive timeline of when other or even what servers will eventually be available.


They don't post a schedule because, and this is just a guess using a little bit of reason, they don't know...They are waiting to see how it goes maybe...and taking their time to do it right...crazy idea I know...its 6 in the mornong west coast...worst case scenario your on the east coast and its 9...clearly this day is over and ruined for those of us not lucky enough to be picked first.

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90% of people dont read forums, it is obscure u have to navigate through a lot of stuff to get to it... Bioware has the capability to let us know, its CALLED THE LOG IN SCREEN.


So let me get this straight you heard through the grapevine that server transfers were coming on the 12th and didn't look for information that is readily available and contrary to what you say is in a non obscure place and now after the fact because you just assumed you would automatically be getting what you want on the 12th you want to come on the very forums you claim are obscure and cry that Bioware is a joke of a company? Good joke, good joke.

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20 servers getting involved in the transfer process is gradual to me. We have 10 origin server that are finally moving to a more populated server an 10 destination servers that are going to get even more packed with people, their original intention. To have 10-20 servers packed with people.




If you are gonna unsub because they randomly picked a server that isn't yours then you are really childish. You'll get your transfer eventually, at worst in 2 weeks, at best tomorrow. they informed everybody very well that this transfering process would be gradual and it would only start today, Not that everyone would get transfered today.


I do agree with what you say but the only way to try and make a point is to unsub as trying to talk is not working.

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Actually, it's the community that has completely failed in its responsibility to read and understand relatively simple instructions:




I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that this community does not deserve a game. It simply doesn't have the maturity and intelligence to handle its part.


WE PAY A MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTION, THEY DON't HAVE TIME. Seriously the intelligence level of the community is only a representation of how BW treats us.

Edited by CaptFalc
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123 US servers, 4 servers eligible for transfer today, I'm going to ASSUME they will be adding more servers each day, so lets say they stick to 4-5 servers a day, that means it will take another month to get all the server out with transfers, I'm sure by then people who end up on the *** end of server transfers will have already unsubbed, and many more who wont care to renew their subscription during the whole process. They should have started transfers 2-3 months ago, its a fail on their part and people have every right to be pissed.


And everyone assumed that when they sent out the first round of invites at 6 AM on December 13th for EGA that we would have to wait till the next day for round 2. Oh but they sent 5 waves total, with the last being a bonus wave. Assumptions lead to nowhere.

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I think there is a difference between gradual and barely moving forward.


All the fanboys seem to forget we needed transfers a month or more ago and Bioware should have been prepared for server transfers/mergers on release. Making excuses for them does not change the fact that they were not prepared and now they are moving at a pace that pisses people off.


If it is going to take a month to get everyone transferred, it should have started two months ago imo.


Folks are tired of playing on empty servers, tired and increasingly angry.

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This is exactly why players say that Bioware is out of touch with the community. I'm sure you have people that play the game. I'm sure you have friends that play the game. THIS DOES NOT EQUAL BEING IN TOUCH WITH THE COMMUNITY.


Twitter is not feedback. "Soon" is not feedback.


Since Beta, I have never seen an open forum where dev's, and program leads sought out lynch pin players in the community to gain a pulse for what is going on. Most vocal =/= most knowledgeable. The guild summit was a powerpoint presentation. Glorified press day. Even more, you expect people to sign up, pay for a trip, and provide you a services for free because your Program managers are too inept to address the information deficiencies through their own initiatives?


There has never been an effort visible to the community (read: consumers), that has sparked any belief in the community that Bioware knows what is meaningful to the player base. For a game that is remarkably complete, compared to other launch games, SWTOR has one of the worst dev-player interactions I've ever seen. This game management team has some of the worst program managers i've ever witnessed in my life. How could you not pay to find better, more in touch people?


Players come up with good suggestions, and they are directed to the black hole that is the suggestion box. We get no feedback, we get no indication that our messages are read, and then someone at Bioware gets fired and wonders why the players don't feel listened to?


I am not one to address a problem without a solution, however. Bioware needs to either recruit CSR's to be active on the servers, or it needs the current ones to get active. Find your lynchpin players in the community, and get their feedback. As we have already seen, their are some players out there that radically define the game around them. When those players leave, populations drop.


Their is absolutely no excuse for how xfers got to launch day without someone on the launch team pausing to ask, "hey. if we do this like we are planning to, will it placate more people that it infuriates?" or "Did we release enough information to give people a clear picture of what happening?" If you answered yes to either of those, slap yourself.


I'm sure in a "daddy knows best" mentality, some people just shrug off the pleas of the community, however, this game can ill afford that now. Especially after the 1.2 fiasco with rateds.


From a social conflict perspective, any time you increase anticipation and aspirations of a better tomorrow, you better be able to back it up. Unrealized aspirations lead directly to conflict. How no one in that office clarified exactly how drawn out this process CAN be will do nothing but hurt perceptions of the management of this game.


If that isn't clear enough, feel free to PM me.

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As much as I agree with you, chill, I don't know what people expected, I have characters on dead servers, just be patient, Bioware are actually doing a good job of this, I would rather they take it slow and get it right than rush and **** it up


Ive been patient for 5 months waiting on this. They didnt tell us it would only be 1 US PVE server before today (even tho they knew for a fact long before) because they knew the uproar it would bring. They keep hoping people will keep waiting and waiting while they bungle every single patch they do. At this rate it will be months before I can get off my dead server. Meanwhile apologists keep saying "be patient". Im sick of waiting and sick of the constant incompetence of this development team.

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I got a response within minutes to a Tweet to Bioware today. So they're keeping us informed just fine IMO.


Tweeting is not the way to keep most of your customer base up to date. Stop with the GD tweeting crap. You have forums, USE THE GD FORUMS NOT A TWEET!

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Hey I'm as patient as the next guy, but finding only 4 total US servers on the list today was totally disappointing.


I mean I'm reading through this list excitedly after I get logged on and slowly I realize that I only recognize a couple of the server names.


I knew they said the process would be gradual, but they never let on that it would be like this.


The real issue I have is the comment is this thread where they said it won't be "weeks" or "months" before they add more servers to the list, but they don't say if it will be in the coming hours, tomorrow or even by the end of the week. They also don't give any numbers as to how many more servers they plan to add at that time. So basically we're in the dark and for whatever reason that is how they want it for now.


I'm concerned by what they are not saying.

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