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Current Transfer Servers


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At 4 servers lets say per week that is 30 weeks (more than 6 months) we could be waiting to transfer. Tell me again how I am being impatient? Im supposed to sit on my hands for months waiting for them to get around to my server? Really?


Let's predict the end of the world more when it was stated it would not be every week that new servers were adding it would be a lot sooner then that. They are testing the service, calm down.

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I think i will reinstall AoC and LoL to pass playing this summer with some game, because it seems that is not possible to play KOTOR.


You can play 'KOTOR' all you like. Just install it and away you go. Pretty cheap on Steam.



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....and if they did and it caused problems would you accept the blame for such? Since it was your idea, based on no knowledge of the process?


They have been testing it on there own and used the PTO Transfers as practice. U sir are the one that doesn't know what they are talking about.

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Yo BIOWARE, instead of advertising "create a unique look"

For when u LOG IN, why dont you let everybody know how u are doing the transfers, 90% of people dont read the dev comments, this is what ur gonna get with crappy communication, is a bunch of pissed off customers, no one gives a crap about the new create a look feature until the servers are fixed, everybody cares infinitely more strongly about the server problem right now, those are the types of info we should get when we log in.

Edited by TriviumIsGOAT
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At 4 servers lets say per week that is 30 weeks (more than 6 months) we could be waiting to transfer. Tell me again how I am being impatient? Im supposed to sit on my hands for months waiting for them to get around to my server? Really?


I'd assume they will alow quite a few more server's today..but if not well just FAIL.

If they're plan isnt to have ALL server transfer's done within the next few day's, this is gonna be another massive downfall for SWTOR, time will tell... hopefully i'm wrong and they get alot more server's done today.

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The problem is that they didn't get a number. Bioware knew the hype surrounding this, the correct way of handling this would have been to say "Hey guys, there's only going to be like 10 servers available to transfer at first." Instead they made sure to stay vague so players who were thinking of unsubing would delay.



They did say that. You failed to read it. You are upset, that is understandable. However, looking for someone to blame for it, blaming the developers is not.

Edited by Blackardin
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I guess i should not have chosen an RP server...

There won't be another server up for a transfer as it is the only one as far as i know. So the population will be stuck at it's current level.:mad:

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I understand the whole staggered process and such, but if thye plan to do 4 servers every couple o hours thats one thing, but 4 servers a day? Thats understandable for people to be angered.


I like bioware, i think they made a good game, and they do give outlined explanations of what they do, and the expectation is low, but with their record even with the low expectation they give, what they deliver sometimes is MASSIVELY and unrealisticly lower then what is already a low expectation.


They give you an outline yes, but they sure as heck make sure the real dirty laundry isnt revealed until crunch time.


The problem i see is, seeing as its a tuesday, and its early, transfers by players wont kick in until way late in the day.


Bioware says, updates being regularly wont be weekly or monthly, but if you doing 4 a day out of 123 servers, HOW is it any different?


I dont think anyone expected all servers to be transfered immediately, and if they did a lesser value wouldnt have depressed them, but 4 - lol it is a bit of a joke.

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What a cruel joke Bioware. I'm glad this is just a joke and you aren't letting people transfer to the already overly populated servers! Oh... wait what you are? Terrific! Let me know when my server is eligible for this inflation of The Fatman server! :rolleyes:
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It was going to be a staged process and they also mentioned the players would have more than enough time to do the transfer. There is no blame on Bioware for players unwarranted expectations. This behaviour reminds me of the early access whine done by the community which got us into all these low populated servers in the first place.


What worries me is I'm not sure they have a plan (or they have as strange a plan as staggered early access was - which was a failure in many respects and made the server pop situation worse, although it did mean the lauch was smooth, but I don't think that was a big enough benifit for the drawbacks).


The way I thought they'd do it would be dead servers > high pop servers or dead server > early access servers.............. yet at the moment it seems to be neither of those two options. :confused:

Edited by Goretzu
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Well I expected it to be slow, but this...


I won't even bother, my sub runs out in about a week, I'm giving it a few days before I cancel, unless I feel confident that this will improve before my sub runs out. I'm tired of paying for the privilege of waiting. I'll probably be back once the situation has improved.

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And just where did your magic knowledge of the technical details of all this come from? :rolleyes:


So you are seriously telling me the people at Bioware are so incompetent even after months and months of testing and using the transfer tool they still dont even know if it works? If thats the case they should all be fired tomorrow. The point of drawing this out is to keep people subscribing while they wait. If they come out and say "Itll be 2 months before server#soandso gets to transfer people will start cancelling like crazy.

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Millions of character transfers? Are you delusional ? This game has barely an active 60k subscribers or so. There ARENT millions of characters waiting to be transfered. The amount of people being transfered from those servers alone probably equates to around 200-300. And that's being generous.


There are ~65,000 players online on average (7 days, 24 hours). Assuming the peak is twice the average and applying the 10-15% rule for concurrency, the number of active subscribers is ~900k-1.3 M. I don't know about you, but I have 4 characters. So, yes, millions of character transfers.


Overall, way to fail again Bioware. Sucks to suck.


The only real failure here is your grasp of arithmetic.

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So... if one were enterprising, rather than whinging, one could start making characters on the somewhat predictable destination servers to reserve the character names you want now.


For example, basing off torstatus.net as a guide, if I were on US West PVE then I'd create characters on Harbinger and Drooga's Pleasure Barge (love that name).

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Actually, BioWare has clearly explained that the process will be gradual. It is in the No. 1 sticky in this very forum. The only joke is the community.


This... you're my new favorite person.


Also, it's 10 minutes to 9AM on the East Coast... go have some breakfast guys, and chill out.

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The Old Republic ‏@SWTOR

@williammay7 We will be releasing a full list of the origin/destination servers when the service launches. You will be able to see then! ^MD


I hope he was mistaken in saying a full list at service launch.


The FAQ contradicts that so I would say it's a mistake. They are going to release list as those origin servers are added because they want to reserve the right to change the destination server.

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they did in fact tell us that the process will be " gradual"...


reading comprehension failed


Um, gradual is one thing, but do the math Mr Reading Comprehension. This is a dying game, and server transfers/mergers are the ONLY thing that can save it.


People are pissed because they like the game and want to play it, and today they discovered that only 3.25% of US servers are eligible for transfer.

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OK I am usually a pretty open critic about how bioware does things in this mmo, but you people are stupid. This is how they said it would be like. Gradual server transfers...what do you guys not understand about that? I would be thankful that BW is doing such a thing in the first place.
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At 4 servers lets say per week that is 30 weeks (more than 6 months) we could be waiting to transfer. Tell me again how I am being impatient? Im supposed to sit on my hands for months waiting for them to get around to my server? Really?


Errrr so lets say they add 4 servers per hour....Then what will your wait be, its barely been 10 minutes and already 20 pages on this thread are from whinny babies with a day off school.

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I'd assume they will alow quite a few more server's today..but if not well just FAIL.

If they're plan isnt to have ALL server transfer's done within the next few day's, this is gonna be another massive downfall for SWTOR, time will tell... hopefully i'm wrong and they get alot more server's done today.


As far as I can tell they do not even have a plan. It seems they just do things on whims and pray it works. Seriously 1 PVE east coast server? Thats it? Also they cannot tell us when they add anymore? Do they just not want to tell us or are the as clueless as I think and they simply have no idea what they will do next?

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Wow so my server that is pretty dead gets to sit longer as more people leave why you list 4 US servers for transfers this has to be a joke if not some people need to be fired at bioware because blizzard put in the same service and day 1 of it had far more servers listed then bioware does. This is pathetic and in 2 days my sub comes up for renewal and I can guarantee you it will go inactive until I can get off my dead server.
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If this process works for the 10 selected servers, then it will work for the further 300 or w/e they have, so there is no reason why ALL transfers can't take place later on today, when it is confirmed to be a working process.

Since the system is automated, it will handle the load even if it takes longer. So why gradually?


Yes there is a reason, until the transfers have been running for a while no one can predict how many people will transfer from each origin server.


If they published the transfer details for every server today there is a decent risk that we would end up with some servers that are too full so we get queues and other servers that are not full enough.

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