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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Current Transfer Servers


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This is 100% biowares screw up because they let people believe that it was going to be everyone that could transfer today. Not the 100 people can transfer today and you might actually have to wait till july to get yours.


No they did not screw up, they told us that everyone would not be able to transfer today. People just ignored what BW


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They should REALLY give us a list of whats going to happen over the next few days, a list of the servers that are 100% planned to transfer... We know that all servers won't get to, and we know that the whole list isn't fully made yet, as you said you wanted to wait and see how the first bit goes.


Although, you should at least give us SOMETHING, so we can at least save names on potential server destinations!


They literally probably don't have more than the next few servers to be added planned out. Its a delicate balancing process that will need to be done on the fly. Not to mention if they did announce it, people would do exactly as you say you would, creating server strain and skewing population numbers.

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Where did you get that info. My link http://www.swtor.com/transfer still shows the same.


If it's true... They should have communicated.. "more servers will be added within the next few hours" how hard is that to communicate?


Its true. Last time I looked, there were only 20 servers (10/10).


Now there are about 14 (7/7) new servers?

Edited by Celwinn
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Why would they need to take down the servers to fix this? Makes no sense you just assume they would. If they dont need to take down servers to add destinations then they dont to fix this. I complain about shoddy programming when I am paying for it yes. I have $100s tied up in this game in the CEs and gametime cards I have bought. So get off your high horse and stop telling me to accept mediocrity. If I told them they had to do 5 steps to get my money I would get my account cancelled and told they dont jump through hops. Only the customer has to do that.


/sigh. It's also a workaround. Implication: it will be fixed. It's day 1 of the most anticipated feature of this game. If this is the worst bug, we are lucky indeed.


I'm am just so ashamed of this community and the criticism that I am having kneejerk reactions to all these complaint posts. This process is proceeding 100% as I anticipated. How did I know? Man on the inside? Mind reading? Crystal ball? No, I read the blogs and dev tracker. And I bet a lot of other people did too, but it didn't prevent their /headexplode when their server wasn't one of the original 10.

Edited by LarryRow
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It looks like they are still adding servers today -- the transfers page now says: -- that's 15 origin servers now, up from 10 at the start. Maybe, just maybe, this will get done this week.


Even this wont stay the haters I am afraid.. they want it done, they wants it done now..... but imo thats a prtetty quick turnround and hopefully will start to silence some of the posters who failed to read and comprehjend the devs posting about updating the lists on a regular basis..... but then again someother post will emerge with them whinning that due to BW trying to appease them the mechaincs failed somewhere and they lost something or everything... ITS A NO WIN SCENARIO SOMETIMES I GUESS :)

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I understand the process is to be slow like you guys stated, however I dont understand why all the High PoP servers without issues are being transfered to FIRST. You are basically improving low pop servers 50% of the way through while the rest high pops are just getting overstocked. Why not start with a bunch of low>low/mids first


This is what I call a "soft merge" process. The already high pop servers are definitely gonna stay, so they want to fill those up, then go to the next tier.


Imagine the hysteria if, for example, you consolidated on a moderate server, then as things progressed it in turn was a origin server to another one.


Sturm und drang.

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Mine doesnt show any new servers either. I refreshed even cleared the cache.


yeah unfortunately bioware isn't updating swtor.com/transfer properly, but if you goto your account and click on character transfer you can see that they are updating the list.

Keller's Void to Jedi Covenant

Hedarr Soongh to The Fatman

Fa'athra to Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Kath Hound to The Ebon Hawk

Zayne Carrick to Vanjervalis Chain

Eye of Ashlanae to The Red Eclipse

The Shadow Runner to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Kessel Run to Battle Meditation

Ven Zallow to Jung Ma

The Courageous to Canderous Ordo

Rakata Mind Prison to The Bastion

Soresu to The Harbinger

Lord Ieldis to Begeren Colony

Shaltin Tunnels to The Progenitor

Mecrosa Order to Darth Nihilus

Stereb Cities to The Jedi Tower

The Restoration Zone to Jar'Kai Sword

Phateem Halls of Knowledge to Mantle of the Force

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Where did you get that info. My link http://www.swtor.com/transfer still shows the same.


If it's true... They should have communicated.. "more servers will be added within the next few hours" how hard is that to communicate?

The transfer page wasn't updated, but the actual page where you sign up has:




It's up to 18 origin servers as of right now.

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Kath Hound to The Ebon Hawk

Shaltin Tunnels to The Progenitor

Lord Ieldis to Begeren Colony


Not sure why they picked Ebon Hawk to transfer into. That server is dead. Unless they plan to merge all the RP servers into it.

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Where did you get that info. My link http://www.swtor.com/transfer still shows the same.


If it's true... They should have communicated.. "more servers will be added within the next few hours" how hard is that to communicate?


You have to go to your account. Then go to character transfer on the left. It will then take you to a new page. Scroll down to the bottom at it will show you all the up to date servers that can be transfered from/to

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No they did not screw up, they told us that everyone would not be able to transfer today. People just ignored what BW



I think everyone understood they woudlnt allow all servers at first. I think the thing shocked most of us including me is that only 3.2% of NA servers are on that list. Noone saw that coming and thats why they (and I) are upset. Noone ignored anything bioware said. They just lead us to believe it would be more people.

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yeah unfortunately bioware isn't updating swtor.com/transfer properly, but if you goto your account and click on character transfer you can see that they are updating the list.

Keller's Void to Jedi Covenant

Hedarr Soongh to The Fatman

Fa'athra to Drooga's Pleasure Barge

Kath Hound to The Ebon Hawk

Zayne Carrick to Vanjervalis Chain

Eye of Ashlanae to The Red Eclipse

The Shadow Runner to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Kessel Run to Battle Meditation

Ven Zallow to Jung Ma

The Courageous to Canderous Ordo

Rakata Mind Prison to The Bastion

Soresu to The Harbinger

Lord Ieldis to Begeren Colony

Shaltin Tunnels to The Progenitor

Mecrosa Order to Darth Nihilus

Stereb Cities to The Jedi Tower

The Restoration Zone to Jar'Kai Sword

Phateem Halls of Knowledge to Mantle of the Force


Damn so they are spreading it out abit, I was hopeful all east coast PVPers would be eligable for Fatman. I'll have to wait to see Bondar Crystals fate over the next few hours/days. Congrats to those who got a transfer

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to anyone thinking the communication of this was messed up: it wasn't. all the post regarding this day stated pretty much exactly what was going to happen. so get over that issue.


the size of the roll out is a legitimate issue to complain about...10 servers out of 200something has got to be a some kind of joke that i don't get. i understand the necessity to get it done gradually, but to start with the smallest possible number after hyping a delayed response to overwhelming criticism that much is just stupid.


i'm not really raging because i didn't expect to transfer today but this dumb move triggers bad memories from cryptics STO "overpromise/underdeliver" policy ... which made me quit that game without any chance of ever buying anything fromthem again.


The communication for BW/EA definitely said it would be a gradual process, but the lack of identifying the amount of servers actually being affected immediately was misleading. And I agree that affecting 10 servers of 200, 5% of servers, is a joke. Even more ridiculous is that 6 of the 10 servers are in the EU.


ALSO I am absolutely on the line of not re-subbing due to the continued idiocy of the BW ignoramuses. I honestly could care less if my server was available for transfer, or if there were even only 2 US servers being effected. BUT IT IS AN ABSOLUTE JOKE THAT THE IDIOTS OF BW WOULD THINK THAT ONE OF THE FIRST DESTINATION SERVERS WOULD BE THE FATMAN! This is the single stupidest decision I have seen in my entire life. It defies all logic. So, the single US server that has maintained a large active player population would need more

players!?!?!?!?! Congrats BW I want nothing to do with you idiots ever again.


And for all you fanboys that will defend BW til the end, because they have a game which you have created an alterego that makes you feel like you have a real life. Just look at this website and tell me The Fatman is a US PVP server that deserves to have a larger population at this time. http://www.torstatus.net/the-maw/history/7d#!/the-fatman/history/7d


BW learn how to do some simple math, and hire somebody with strong pragmatic reasoning soon.

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Not sure why they picked Ebon Hawk to transfer into. That server is dead. Unless they plan to merge all the RP servers into it.


Honestly, I was surprised there wasn't a NA RP server Orign > Destination transfer in the initial wave.

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Completely agree. Other then them opening up FAR too many servers at launch, I'd say their biggest achilles heel is communication. The game itself is wonderful but their communication is awful. I've seen indy games with better communication. I love swtor and can't wait for my transfers, but if Bioware were to ask me in what area they could improve the most it'd be an easy choice... communication with their community. Open and honest communication around the clock


The problem isn't exactly lack of communication...Swtor has one of the more active CM teams I've seen. The problem is they always must spin the message. They're still constantly trying to sell me a game I've already bought, constantly putting an excessively positive spin and hype on new features, patches and announcements. It leads to to high expectations followed by a crash of disappointment....I still remember 1.2 being though of as a "Jesus patch" based largely on the massive hard sell.

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