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Current Transfer Servers


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Dude are you for real? Those steps maybe take 10 minutes for you to do, instead of hours of server downtime to recode the transfer service.


Some people will complain about anything. Problems and solutions...


Why would they need to take down the servers to fix this? Makes no sense you just assume they would. If they dont need to take down servers to add destinations then they dont to fix this. I complain about shoddy programming when I am paying for it yes. I have $100s tied up in this game in the CEs and gametime cards I have bought. So get off your high horse and stop telling me to accept mediocrity. If I told them they had to do 5 steps to get my money I would get my account cancelled and told they dont jump through hops. Only the customer has to do that.

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I am the first to call Bioware out when they make a mistake... they are new at MMOs and it shows...


But you can't blame them for only starting with a couple of servers. That is exactly what I would decide as manager.


I would, however, communicate more clearly, like ''all servers will eventually be a distination or origin server'', ''the process will be done at the latest the end of next month'' and '' all RP-PVE in the US will go to one server, not one to east & west coast''.


Communication is key here. To me, it seems that there is one Bioware person out here that communicates with us, and that he posts without having his posts proof-read by anyone. I'm not saying he has an easy job (I wouldn't want to be in his shoes right now), but come on, clear communication is supposed to be his job!


Completely agree. Other then them opening up FAR too many servers at launch, I'd say their biggest achilles heel is communication. The game itself is wonderful but their communication is awful. I've seen indy games with better communication. I love swtor and can't wait for my transfers, but if Bioware were to ask me in what area they could improve the most it'd be an easy choice... communication with their community. Open and honest communication around the clock

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This thread is mind-boggling. BioWare were very clear that they were going to start small on the 12th and ramp up from there depending upon how things shook out with the first few rounds of transfers. While I can understand being disappointed that your server didn't get the call to transfer today, I absolutely cannot understand actually being angry about it. BioWare never, ever, ever promised that your server would be moving today or that you'd even be happy about the destination server.


Some of you people scare me sometimes.

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man... Our server has maybe 3-5 lvl 50s on during the day and maybe ~15 for a few hours at late night giving us very few time to be able to PVP. I don't even have War Hero gear yet cus of this. On the other hand the Imps on the server all have full War hero cus they play each other and when they play against us we get ***** because of the huge Gear gap.


PLEASE have our server transfer out soon.... I can't even play right now it's stupid.


server name = Infinite Empire.

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Don't know if this was said before so I'm just going to say it regardless.


It's not about how much they can handle, it's about how many people are actually going to transfer. They obviously have four set servers that want to fill up to the brim. Example, the Fatman server. They can't just say everybody from all pvp east servers are transferring to Fatman because they won't fill them all.


Therefore, one server at a time to give people enough time to transfer before they open up the next server to fatman and keeps on filling up.


Yes it's tedious but it's the most effective way to do this instead of first come first server to the highest pop server. If they did that, then your guild will definitely be lost.

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When you moved to fatman, did it automatically move everyone in your legacy on that server or say could you choose to leave behind one? Is it an all or nothing scenario?


It is one character at a time. Imagine if you had 8 toons on the origin server and 4 on the destination server. BW's not that stupid

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It is one character at a time. Imagine if you had 8 toons on the origin server and 4 on the destination server. BW's not that stupid


Thank you for the answer. I have both the alt name Justin and legacy name Shepard, and know both are gone on fatman long ago so was hoping I could leave at least one behind. Thanks again

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This thread is mind-boggling. BioWare were very clear that they were going to start small on the 12th and ramp up from there depending upon how things shook out with the first few rounds of transfers.

As a company that requires its customers to pay a monthly fee, clear communications are extremely important. BW is not retarded, and they (should) know this. When you use vague and ambiguous words such as "It will be gradual", you are purposefully misleading your customer through your refusal to use clear communication lines.


Basically BW used politics vs paying customers. They knew most players had a certain expectation, they built upon that expectation and then they hid behind their unclear messages pointing out to things they knew full well were being interpreted differently depending on who was reading *because it was written with that effect in mind*.


Personally, when I read "gradual", all that tells me is that its going to be done in incrementally. Does that mean 60 severs a minute, 2 a week, who freaking knows. Its as vague as can be. I, and most people complaining, have a certain idea of what it could be, based on previous experiences and reasonable deductions. Did we expect to see all servers up first thing this morning? No. Did we expect to see less then 1% of servers up this morning? All 4 of them? No. Putting four servers up from the hundreds they have is a complete joke when put against the industry standards, and most of us felt like, if we werent really lied to, we have been played nonetheless.


And they are doing it again; "You can take this as meaning upgrades will take less then a week or a month". The hell does that mean... well if you wanna get down to it, all it means, is that they will be adding at least 1 more server within the month. Thats what we mean by useless and empty communication used as damage control rather then informative actions. BW: You are not a political party, we are not voters. We pay for something, the least you can do is give us a clear and realist idea of what the hell it is we should be expecting.

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man... Our server has maybe 3-5 lvl 50s on during the day and maybe ~15 for a few hours at late night giving us very few time to be able to PVP. I don't even have War Hero gear yet cus of this. On the other hand the Imps on the server all have full War hero cus they play each other and when they play against us we get ***** because of the huge Gear gap.


PLEASE have our server transfer out soon.... I can't even play right now it's stupid.


server name = Infinite Empire.


Welcome to my world. Ive been months trying to find groups. I have rerolled only to see the once heavy server now light with everything else. I have two accounts I stopped paying for one because I was waiting for transfers. Now that I see how horribly these are being handled I guess its time to cancel both. So mad because I spent $300 on the CEs alone plus shipping. Just cannot believe this has happened. How did things go so terribly wrong so fast at bioware?

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Transferred 4 characters from Keller's Void to Jedi Covenant. Had no trouble moving them and the transfer went through immediately (was able to play on each char within 15 minutes of starting the process). I was required to change two characters names, and when I accidentally gave them the opposite names from what I intended I submitted a CS ticket. Within 10 minutes I was livechatting with a CS agent who helped me switch the names back. The CS agent i talked me was EXTREMELY helpful and got my problems solved in less than 15 minutes. Was a very clean and professionally done process all-around. GREAT JOB BIOWARE SUPPORT TEAM, you guys really did excellent work with this system!
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Because EU has a lot more dead servers.


More because Eu has 3 languages I think. Each of the languages have 1 PvP and 1 PvE destination announced. NA had 1 PvP and 1 PvE each for the East and West coasts.


So are you saying they have not tested this yet? They dont even know if it will work or not? Who did they hire to do this? How could it possibly not have been tested to be sure it works?


Because they cannot test how many players decide not to transfer for some reason and they cannot really test the volume of transfers they might get on live servers during prime time.


They have obviously tested the process of doing a transfer itself as people are reporting that transfers were completing fine in a few minutes.


Why merge 3 EU pvp servers to different EU pvp servers.. meaning that from the dead servers perhaps 10people are left to swap, so non of the destination servers will have a good balance either


Because EU servers have 3 supported languages, you can't really move people from a German PvP server to an English PvP server and not expect complaints.

Edited by Arlbo_Nabbins
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could be every two weeks or every 2 months or yearly. They word it that way so that people will think its hourly or each day. Regularly just really means it will be done at the same intervals. They say change your oil regularly but that was every 3000m etc not every hour or every day.


Facts (actual ones, not the ones you create) are hard to swallow for you, I guess.

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I cannot believe what I am seeing. You people are the largest group of complaining children I have ever seen. This post is exactly right. You don't deserve the work the devs are putting in for us.


If you were too lazy to read the blogs where they said all of this was going to happen exactly this way, its your fault for being disapointed. They didn't lead us on, or build this up, it was always going to be a slow steady process, moving from very small servers to large servers.


If you STILL don't know why they are doing it this way, here is the reason:


The servers are like cups that are partially full of water. Some cups are 3/4 full, most only have a small amount of water in them. They are picking the cups with the most water from each timezone and play type, and allowing transfers from cups that are less filled to those servers. If they opened up from 5 almost empty cups into one almost full cup, that cup COULD overflow quickly. Instead they will open up one almost full cup at a time until the destination cup is at a lever where they want it. THEN they will switch destination cups to the next almost full and repeat the process. In this way we will end up with 5 or 6 comfortably full cups, instead of one WAY to full.


If you read the blogs, you would have understood this from the beginning. Its not their fault you don't pay attention to the very large amount of information they have provided on the subject.


First of all... before you go flaming everyone who posts here (including yourself) you should take time to at least read the 131 pages. Yes, a lot of people are flaming... but honestly some of us need at least an idea if our server is going to be a departure server. As stated in my post.. we have a vote for ALL our guild members on what we are going to do, and we can not do that if we have no clue what is up.

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Not sure if this is a new addition or just a discrepancy between the generic transfer page and the one on your account. But the following appears on the account page and not the other:


The Courageous to Canderous Ordo

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They need to stop using the word ( FREE ) server transfers unless they are transferring all the players toons that have left the game. they make it sound like they really had a choice to do this. they really needed to say this is the way it was going to go down and they didn't that's what really sucks. played again by corporate scum.
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Facts (actual ones, not the ones you create) are hard to swallow for you, I guess.


FACT is that everyime BioWare shows us something we want, it takes MONTHS AND MONTHS to get it.. God, it's been like 5 months since they said Rated is coming "SOON"..

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When they finally finish with the transfers, and there are indeed nothing but "super servers" with huge populations of whatever is left of the subscribers and everything works like it should... How many people will look back at these flame posts and say to themselves.."wow, I was wrong.. good job"... I'm guessing 0... but these posts are funny to see how riled up people get about a game...
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