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Current Transfer Servers


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I understand this is a gradual process, but I wish we had some sort of time frame communicated to us. When we first heard about the transfers, we put in a ticket for moving our guild tabs. We were given a rundown of the transfer requirements as a result. We made the admittedly hasty assumption that we would be one of the early transfers due to our peak imperial fleet population of about 8-10 (mostly our guild). So we took our mains out of the guild, cleared out the guild bank, and cleared our operations schedule to prepare for the transfers. Now we're down another couple of ops nights. We want to work with you, but when can we expect to transfer? A day from now? A week? Two weeks? We can adapt, but we'd just like a general idea so we can plan this. I'm afraid that this prolonged ambiguity may cause us to lose more members to Diablo out of frustration.
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I have to say this is bad.


Too little Servers being transfer and still to spread out.


I was expecting to see 3 detination servers with up to 5 servers feeding into each one.


Have the destination server as already a standard/high population doesnt make any sence. They already have a good high population, all you BW are going to do is make it so full that there will be ques to log on no one wants that.


You dont want the stigma of server merges but you are killing the game without them.


Also BW lack of information if people knew that they would be starting of with 4 servers it WOULDNT have been a problem like it is know.


You dont have to let the community know every detail but you must have know the plan of how you where starting 4 US and 4 EU servers why dont you tell us and how often you will be adding more.

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To get to the last of the US Servers going on 4 per day it will take them 30 days to complete, make it 4 per 2 days and its 2 months...


For EU it is a little better. Around 15-30 days as a rough estimate.


I have to admit when they said they would roll it out in stages, i thought atleast 20 servers in each region the f

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I'm willing to bet you $100 that the game will not be shutdown by Christmas. PM me for contact info.


Well if they lost the same amount of subs they have between now and early access it might be....... although if they are tied into a contract with LA they may have to keep 1 server running with 0 players, who knows.


One would have to hope Bioware are aiming a little higher than the level of success of staggered early access, which delivered a smooth launch at the price of a horrible population distribution.

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Why does everyone think that more servers should be available, right the hell now? Why do people think that is a good idea? Why????


When you start a new complex process why would you start with a HUGE chunk?


Seriously let us look at this logically:


Start with 20 servers, 10 O 10 D, so if something ****s up, if the server transfer starts a forest fire and king kong appears with a grenade launcher on fleet it only effects a small number of servers.


You act like this is brain surgery. Its basic functions. Its like addition compared to quantum physics. Would you hire a physicist who couldnt even do fractions? Come on people should be more upset about this. We are being screwed here.

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I'm disappointed. I hoped my servers would be included and they are not.


I think it's fair to say that many (but not all) people are similarly disappointed and angry.


I saw the words gradual, but blinked and hoped that D-Day 12th June 2012 would allow myself to finally settle upon which server I was going to transfer from, or re-roll to. I've not played SWTOR for a week now, because I've been waiting for this day to make a permanent decision as to which server to pick.


As mentioned, the transfers so far do fix the story of 20 servers; 10 origin + 10 destination, but that leaves 90%? of servers and the community in the dark as to when and where they transfers will happen.


Technically Bioware have covered themselves, I appreciate they have to deal with a lot of grief, and the transfers will probably be mostly done in a week or two at max, but they've disappointed a lot of people today.


I know many say 'learn to read, patience, wait, Bioware are doing their best', etc. I'm sure they mean well, but it really doesn't help.

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Every time I think that this dev team couldn't possibly get any more clueless, they find some way to surprise me.


Kudos Bioware, SWTOR will be a case study for the next decade on things not to do when creating and managing an MMO.


Set that bar high!

Edited by spellegren
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What's a good estimate for how long it will it take for all servers to be eligible for transfers?


This is all i want to know and i can't seem to get this question answered on these forums.


I'm taking a neutral stance, so if you are a covert BW/EA employee or a forum ball buster, please understand your furious anger shouldn't be directed at me.




My question is, what is good estimation for how long it will take to get every server eligible for transfer? Will it be finished by the end of today? Will it take a week? A month?


Based on how other games have done this, what would be a good estimate?


Thank you.


This is what I was posting in another thread before it was locked.


Bioware, please read this post and understand one simple fact: You must properly set peoples expectations or they'll constantly be disappointed.


You can't just say "adding more servers, check back soon!".

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Good, then go QQ about Diablo, GW2 or whatever else you're playing atm that doesn't make the world revolve around you


Equally hilarious are jack offs like this guy who seem to exist on every game whose singular goal in life seems to be to get people to quit MMOs. I mean, who is worse here? Someone who didn't read the FAQ and is angry because they dont understand what is happening today and yeah look pretty stupid right now or the other guy who spends their whole day on the forums rather than in the game encouraging people to quit?



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Am I wrong in thinking that they should have just took the low pop servers and move the whole server to another server and **** the low pops down completely?


My bet is all origin servers will be closed within a few months.

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You act like this is brain surgery. Its basic functions. Its like addition compared to quantum physics. Would you hire a physicist who couldnt even do fractions? Come on people should be more upset about this. We are being screwed here.


and you act like it is as simple as emailing a resume. It's not. Could you imagine the amount of rage if they started this on a larger amount of servers and because of the load toons get lost?

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So I should sub for another month on the off chance they may select my server? Really? After Ive already been subbing for the past 4 months because they said they were doing transfers. If they had been upfront about it and said only 1 east coast pve server would be eligible I would have cancelled months ago. Bait and switch. I have every right to complain I am not paying them another month because they are too incompetent to program code which they get paid for. Any other business but MMOs this company would have went under months ago.


This. People have every right to be mad, as BW clearly weren't honest with us.


I remember fanboys defending BW when they pulled ranked wzs out, yet that ended with people getting refunds. After all that's happened, I'm sad to say that the people working on this game are a bunch of liars.

Edited by SneiK
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Quote: Originally Posted by jofos View Post

I know that people are going to defend this by saying this is what they said and such, and there will be those who claim they are unsubbing (some actually will), but I think that everyone will agree that this is just another mistake by Bioware. The remaining population was already on edge. The low population was an issue on every server excpet for two or three, they say they are going to allow server transfers on 6-11-12 abd they allow transfers from 4 servers. I know that people are gonna tell me to read and that they will have more servers up for transfer soon but who cares about soon the population has been a problem for 4 or 5 months and handling servers like this will only aggravate the remaining population even more. Look at the number of locked threads and see how well Bipware is taking criticism, they know they screwed up yet again.


You have no idea what this process takes. You have no idea as to why they cannot give out the information, yet you are arguing a solution and then spreading misinformation based on that.


Honestly, most of the frustration we see on these boards is exactly a result of posts such as this.

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Sorry BW but I am not waiting anymore. Im sick of being a sucker always falling for Biowares scams.


BioWare is actually a front for The Illuminati. If you look carefully, you can see clearly see The Illumaniti Eye of Providence if you zoom in on a tauntaun's posterior.

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1. moving toons to fatman,jedi cov, while i think made better sense not to, i understand why you did it. Just cap the pops and get them off the list espcially if you have increased there server pop caps


2. the "gradual process" statement that was in the community thread was not a good enough statement... You guys should have told us that you were doing this on a per server basis. Im sure alot of us thought we could all just sign up, find out where we were going, and be in a queue.


3. There are alot of us that have lost or are losing interest due to low pop servers..... This is a huge issue for lot of us, hence the reason why its only been an hour and a half and this thread is so high in the charts! I really do hope u guys fill up all the servers you transfer.. I think we would all rather have queue times then sit on dead servers.


4. Las but not least. This shouldnt take you a few days to update the list. I can understand you not updating the list today because you want to see what the full day of server transfers will look like, but if you dont make a change by tomorrow. Even i have to say that i may just unsub until you guys get your stuff together.. i just cant take the frustration of you guys getting this together when in all honesty, this should have been done a while ago. I can always come back when there is a better server pop setup and more content, but this is all getting to be frustarting.

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I would guess that they still dont have a fully automated system hence the need to batch the servers into an amount that they can handle manually.


On that basis some of you will be waiting a long time :(

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Bwaahaha look at the blizz fanboi, D3 is still a huge mess with dups/bots/spam and they still haven't even launched the RMAH.


Yeah Blizz sure gets things done, stupid @ss fanboi.


Again I have D3 and you were only unable to login the first day. That happens when you sell 3.5 million copies plus give away another 1.2 million. So you have 4.7 million people all trying to login at once. Yet they handled it and in 1 day everything was fine. If swtor sold 3.5 million copies the servers would still be down.

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BW didn't waste your morning. YOU did by making an assumption that was compeltely opposite to what they said ahead of time.


Cry me a river.


They knew before this mornings patch what servers and were to, to say they didn't is a lie. They knew and FAILED to say it in there forums or anywere else.

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So I should sub for another month on the off chance they may select my server? Really? After Ive already been subbing for the past 4 months because they said they were doing transfers. If they had been upfront about it and said only 1 east coast pve server would be eligible I would have cancelled months ago. Bait and switch. I have every right to complain I am not paying them another month because they are too incompetent to program code which they get paid for. Any other business but MMOs this company would have went under months ago.



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The Old Republic ‏@SWTOR


@Mr_Fester More servers will be made available gradually. This is to prevent potential server load issues. Sorry for any inconvenience! ^MD



I know we shouldnt be encouraging the use of twitter , but that was just posted or "tweeted" if you will..


Oh...look...the sane people that DONT USE LOTS OF CAPS AND SHOUTING were right....

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They're doing this the right way. Letting people be impatient and act like idiots is the lesser of two evils by a long shot.

No they aren't. 90% of all the people i play with were just hanging out and waiting the last 2 months. It isnt like the wait starts NOW. It's been too much already. No matter how you call this, it is another fail in the row of fails.

And i am so sad, this game had a chance once upon a time.

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