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Current Transfer Servers


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I understand the process is to be slow like you guys stated, however I dont understand why all the High PoP servers without issues are being transfered to FIRST. You are basically improving low pop servers 50% of the way through while the rest high pops are just getting overstocked. Why not start with a bunch of low>low/mids first


Think of it like this.. if the end goal is to have 10-20 "Super Servers" wouldn't it be best to move your heavy hitters first, the "hammer" swing, and then move the small pops in later with a scalpel to balance out things?


Makes perfect sense how they are doing it.

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Jesus, there are still going to be tons of light servers with many ppl on servers that are empty.


Im a little shocked BW, i was expecting a massive list not the small amount of servers you have allowed.


This has no logic and i cant see how this many servers will have any impact on the population of the game, THERE SHOULD be tons of servers available for transfers !!!


EDIT: just seen the above quoting post lol


That list is coming. As they add new origin servers, they are keeping the ones already there. They just want to make sure they do it right. Can't people understand that or are you too impatient to think? May it is just that you don't think about anyone but yourself.

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I must say I am absolutely amazed at the volume of folks defending Bioware.


Transfers were needed a month or more ago, the fact that we are just getting them now is stupid enough, starting with just 4 servers for NA and picking the servers they did.... is just undescribable using PG language.


4 NA servers to start.... great we should all get out transfers sometime in the next 2 months... is that gradual enough for you fanboys?


So virtual pitchforks are going to do what??? Getting upset over pixels will do what?? If you haven't looked around the world there are real problems happening that my blood pressure needs to concentrate on.. not something as minor as this.

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Yeah I'm pretty sure they said it would be a gradual process initially. By that they're not going to have a quarter of the servers transferring at once. Blame yourself for thinking such things it wasn't misleading.


Getting popcorn for later when peak times come. People are already whiney imagine all of the people that don't keep up with anything outside of the game who were prepping to move today. Ignorance is fun to watch.


They absolutely did inform us, a number of times.


It seems that many did not read anything beyond the same hyperbolic posters on the boards that we are hearing form now.

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I told my guys to be prepaired not to be one of the first transfers but 4 us servers total 1 per type. BW you can do much more then that.... and if there doing the most empty servers first there might only be 50-100 people on the whole server so it's not even a good test run...
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I resubscribed last night, expecting to be able to play on a nice new server today. Derp.


I guess I'll just sit and f5 the transfer page all day


THIS is the tactic they have in mind...take the slow transfer process in the hope to get more SUBS back and us with active subscribe who is going out in the next days to renew it....this is all they wanted from start..MONEY MONEY MONEY... dont get your hope to high when your server wont be on list for days/weeks or maybe months too..keep paying them to stay on fleet and watch your max players numbers 5-10 going even more down...

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are you sure? Looks liek they want to lose a lot more characters even before they allow transfers.


Watch how many people raging right now still toss down another $15 for more.


And yes, the way Bioware is doing this makes sense and is in keeping with what they've been telling us.

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Since it is obvious that people didn't bother to read the instructions, why would adding detail matter?


In the long run more detail would have avoided maybe half of the raging going on right now. But hey it doesn't bother me, it gives me something to laugh at for the next hour.

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It was going to be a staged process and they also mentioned the players would have more than enough time to do the transfer. There is no blame on Bioware for players unwarranted expectations. This behaviour reminds me of the early access whine done by the community which got us into all these low populated servers in the first place.
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Give us a list of the suvers you plan to have free transfers off and when you plan to do it by...........

ATM people are feeling down hearted beacuse you have opened 10 up ............. 10 ..................... our what 120 ?

Think how many people are not able to play the game atm moment for not haveing the population ...........

At this moment in time people are feeling anoid and rejected if there suver is not on the list they feel like u dont care / have forgotten about them the back lash is going to huge......... yet again people feel like you have made a big thing out of this and it has been an epic fail , please lissen to me and give us a complete list of the suvers you will add to the free transfer over the next week , and when u will add them , beacuse other whys this back lash will only get worse , please put a + uder this post to encourage bioware to do this ......

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That list is coming. As they add new origin servers, they are keeping the ones already there. They just want to make sure they do it right. Can't people understand that or are you too impatient to think? May it is just that you don't think about anyone but yourself.


At 4 servers lets say per week that is 30 weeks (more than 6 months) we could be waiting to transfer. Tell me again how I am being impatient? Im supposed to sit on my hands for months waiting for them to get around to my server? Really?

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I told my guys to be prepaired not to be one of the first transfers but 4 us servers total 1 per type. BW you can do much more then that.... and if there doing the most empty servers first there might only be 50-100 people on the whole server so it's not even a good test run...


....and if they did and it caused problems would you accept the blame for such? Since it was your idea, based on no knowledge of the process?

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Right now, this is what i see in character transfers:


Eye of Ashlanae to The Red Eclipse

Stereb Cities to The Jedi Tower

The Restoration Zone to Jar'Kai Sword

Mecrosa Order to Darth Nihilus

Phateem Halls of Knowledge to Mantle of the Force

Rakata Mind Prison to The Bastion

Hedarr Soongh to The Fatman

The Shadow Runner to Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Keller's Void to Jedi Covenant

Soresu to The Harbinger

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I think we can sum this up as

1) more clarity on from and to process.... this is a 1-1 move from low to high pop. I like this but should be obvious on transfer page - not on your account page to get details

2) should clearly state in the transfer page what the 'plan' is for the timing. I don't buy that you can't set expectations and then keep updating people. It should clearly state that they hope to add more servers every day/two days...whatever it is. 'not weeks or months' is a SILLY statement. Tell us your plan and update us as you go

3) They clearly know which servers are going to be added on the list and in what order. TELL US so we can plan accordingly. I know you can't state the destination as this might change based on previous xfers but you can tell us which are eligible origins and in what order.


don't hide. Lay it out for us. Yes people might still rage but at least it is based on full knowledge and not this secret and vague process which is a marketing FAIL.

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For god sake this is so untrue:



I also wanted to point out that this process was outlined in our community blog last week and in our main transfer thread here. Specifically:


This process will be gradual and staged over time. Despite huge improvements being made to the Character Transfer Service by our server team, there are millions of characters to be moved and there is a limit to how many can be moved daily. We want your character to be transferred as quickly as possible, but we will need you to be patient as the process completes.


Seriously millions would not need transfering... Dont expect people to rush back. DEAL WITH DEAD SERVERS NOW, TODAY


Not millions of ACCOUNTS, millions of CHARACTERS. If there are even 250,000 transferring, and they have 4 characters apiece it would be a million. Many of us have the full 8 slots. And we want all our toons transferred as close together as possible to get names on destination servers. So yes, seriously....MILLIONS.


Am I disappointed my server isn't on the immediate list just so my guild and I can DEAL with the issue? Of course. Are we going to whine like three year olds because we're not getting our candy NOW NOW NOW? Um.....no. They did in fact tell us, if anyone were paying attention at all, that it would be a gradual process. I sat on our guild Mumble server last night and warned everyone still playing not to expect our server on the list one way or the other initially. And guess what.....I.....am.....not.....surprised. Anyone who has ever had to do any kind of large scale database copying is not surprised. They'd have to be insane to open it up to every server on the same day.

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I think BW have bad Marketing teams.


Understandably the process will take time and they can't just do all at once; however they could easily release information about servers and where they can go and a start date for transfers, even if that is further down the line, then at least people on that server will know they will be able to move or their server is getting players etc.


I hope they take it seriously that releasing information that the server players are on are either destination or transfer servers or if nothing is happening at all, because trust me if some servers are left alone in which people want to move and/or get new players they will quit regardless so you might as well get the info out now.


probably because they aren't 100% sure about which servers will move where. THey have to wait to see how many people move how many people log on or even reactiave their account to move. Then they need to adjust the moves accordingly.


If they tell everyone now and they have to change it people will rage

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Actually, it's the community that has completely failed in its responsibility to read and understand relatively simple instructions:




I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that this community does not deserve a game. It simply doesn't have the maturity and intelligence to handle its part.


Can I clap this?!


I won't have time to read all comments but one thing is sure. This game continues to have a lot of "small people" with "small opinions".

What they are doing is absolutly correct. Finish filling the big servers with the almost empty ones. This provides smooth transfers, stability and achievement of the highest goal for all, that is, be in a very well (but not too over well) populated server.


I can say for experience that swtor team isn't perfect, but they do achieve their goals protecting the interrest of the majority of players, and assuring a stable game for those who plan to play this for the start to the end.


As I usually say, to those dishing the game, that trendy opinion that "BW sucks, SWTOR sucks" only pays up for those that are actually being paid to try to dissolve the SWTOR community. That said, we all know that there are many competitors that just want this to fail, that are in this game all day, mining peoples opinion about the game, poisoning young peoples minds. As Obi-wan said, the force is strong against the weak minds. George Lucas did know (and reserched for that) how things actually work in life.


Thank you Bioware for the effort. We all wait to see this effort grow in size and results and many of us fully trust in you and your skills.


May the force be with you... always!

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I told my guys to be prepaired not to be one of the first transfers but 4 us servers total 1 per type. BW you can do much more then that....


And just where did your magic knowledge of the technical details of all this come from? :rolleyes:

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Like so many said before...yes, it was to be expected its going to be a small list of servers and thats alright.

Personally I'm just rather annoyed that I have no clue if my server is going to be an origin server or a destination server and most important, when I would know...

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Actually it is their fault. It is their responsibility to set expectations. This could have been avoided if they stated said we will start out with four servers.


While great at developing games, developers are horrible in managing expectations and project management. It isn't just Bioware, it is most game companies. Subscribers simply are not treated as stakeholders in games and if they did this in a different industry, they would likely be fired.


Um...no, the forum community set the expectation high. Link me one thread where BW hyped this thing up other than saying that it was coming. The expectation was set - it's coming and it will be gradual - the community is the group that can't except that communication.


Seriously, if I had any type of game released I would not have a forum other than a one way forum for communication.

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