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Current Transfer Servers


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I would have really liked the choice of where i want to take my toons....Not pointed at a server. I mean, I knew where I was taking mine and know people over there. I know nothing of where they pointed us.



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Bioware fails hard to deliver again.

Anyone surprised? I'm surely not.


Actually, it's the community that has completely failed in its responsibility to read and understand relatively simple instructions:


As we mentioned in our blog, the character transfer service will be made available gradually, starting with a small number of origin servers and adding more until all servers eligible for transfer are available in the service.


I'm increasingly coming to the conclusion that this community does not deserve a game. It simply doesn't have the maturity and intelligence to handle its part.

Edited by Kthx
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This is like when your luggage doesn't come round the carousel first, you might have to wait to the end people but you'll still get your luggage!


The patience of the human race never fails to amaze

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Keep in mind that we're going to be updating this list with eligible servers on a regular basis. This just represents the first group of eligible servers. We're monitoring how well the service is currently handling the load and I'll have a more solid update for you folks later today, but you can take "regularly" to mean that it won't be a week or a month for the next update.


I hope that means its less that 8 hours away...

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Jesus, there are still going to be tons of light servers with many ppl on servers that are empty.


Im a little shocked BW, i was expecting a massive list not the small amount of servers you have allowed.


This has no logic and i cant see how this many servers will have any impact on the population of the game, THERE SHOULD be tons of servers available for transfers !!!


EDIT: just seen the above quoting post lol

Edited by kmufc
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I was so happy to read here that they were doing this...then I got onto my account looked under the character xfer only to find this list.


Between these following servers:

Keller's Void <> Jedi Covenant

Stereb Cities <> The Jedi Tower

The Restoration Zone <> Jar'Kai Sword

Phateem Halls of Knowledge <> Mantle of the Force

Mecrosa Order <> Darth Nihilus

Rakata Mind Prison <> The Bastion

Hedarr Soongh <> The Fatman

Eye of Ashlanae <> The Red Eclipse

The Shadow Runner <> Tomb of Freedon Nadd

Soresu <> The Harbinger



This really sucks!!! I know my server is dead it's why I don't play anymore and will probably never re-sub, Bioware is to slow to get there *** into gear about giving the game what it needs not what they think is best for the players.

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Keep in mind that we're going to be updating this list with eligible servers on a regular basis. This just represents the first group of eligible servers. We're monitoring how well the service is currently handling the load and I'll have a more solid update for you folks later today, but you can take "regularly" to mean that it won't be a week or a month for the next update.



aye this will take months if i look behind how bioware worked until now...thanks again for failing once more

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This was a bold move with very bad risk results - 4 USA server ? what will the other 100 plus servers do with our crappy populations? I think you may have interpreted the quote incorrectly - it is not The needs of the few out weigh the needs of the many. Hey , good try though, not really.


The many are still needy. save us BW

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Yeah, I even took a day off to be sure to transfer and hopefully be able to keep some of my character names.


Stupid decision, why did I trust that this would be a happy day :rak_04:


I feel your pain, but they did early access in a very methodical method. At least we aren't waiting on a email stating we are now eligible to transfer.. It shouldn't be a surprise however that they are taking a methodical approach to transfers to ensure that things happen correctly.

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Keep in mind that we're going to be updating this list with eligible servers on a regular basis. This just represents the first group of eligible servers. We're monitoring how well the service is currently handling the load and I'll have a more solid update for you folks later today, but you can take "regularly" to mean that it won't be a week or a month for the next update.


Well THAT'S good to know....

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The Old Republic ‏@SWTOR

@williammay7 We will be releasing a full list of the origin/destination servers when the service launches. You will be able to see then! ^MD


I hope he was mistaken in saying a full list at service launch.

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Keep in mind that we're going to be updating this list with eligible servers on a regular basis. This just represents the first group of eligible servers. We're monitoring how well the service is currently handling the load and I'll have a more solid update for you folks later today, but you can take "regularly" to mean that it won't be a week or a month for the next update.



And you can not post it before "transfer"? :confused:

You always know how to disappoint ur players... :(

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I'm looking forward to the consolidation. I'm not surprised to see the lowest populated server added to the highest populated server. As that one meets expectations more servers will come available.

The sky is not falling.

Edited by Kitzinger
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Yeah, I even took a day off to be sure to transfer and hopefully be able to keep some of my character names.


Stupid decision, why did I trust that this would be a happy day :rak_04:


I'm asking myself why people did this also. They stated that it would happen gradually, starting with a few servers at first. I think that you should be more disappointed with the posters on this forum, that presented false information, then the developers. They were straight up with us and are following through on exactly what they promised.

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Keep in mind that we're going to be updating this list with eligible servers on a regular basis. This just represents the first group of eligible servers. We're monitoring how well the service is currently handling the load and I'll have a more solid update for you folks later today, but you can take "regularly" to mean that it won't be a week or a month for the next update.


Thank you for that update.


I have to say that, if indeed additional servers will be added in very short order, that a tremendous amount of bad customer relations, "publicity," and perhaps most importantly that intangible taste in people's mouths could have been avoided by simply explaining ahead of time that servers would be rolled out over the course of a few days.

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This is like when your luggage doesn't come round the carousel first, you might have to wait to the end people but you'll still get your luggage!


The patience of the human race never fails to amaze


this and no amount of complaining and/or bullying people out of the way is gonna make that luggage come out any faster. it will come when it comes. Until then play your alt and be patient because it wont be that long of a wait.

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Does anyone know just how low population these first origin servers have? That might make it possible for people to guesstimate the order of transfers...


Of course, BioWare COULD do us all a favour and tell us that. Would be good to know if my republic characters should expect to wait a couple of days or two weeks - I mean, if it's closer to a couple of weeks than a couple of days I could still put stuff on GTN, I could keep things that I don't need right now in the mail... small things like that.

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