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Transfers Tomorrow - Are you excited?


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It is how I understood it. Not in one day..but within days. I could be wrong also.


"This process will be gradual and staged over time. Despite huge improvements being made to the Character Transfer Service by our server team, there are millions of characters to be moved and there is a limit to how many can be moved daily. We want your character to be transferred as quickly as possible, but we will need you to be patient as the process completes."

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"This process will be gradual and staged over time. Despite huge improvements being made to the Character Transfer Service by our server team, there are millions of characters to be moved and there is a limit to how many can be moved daily. We want your character to be transferred as quickly as possible, but we will need you to be patient as the process completes."


But they donot say how many they can transfer each day. :cool:

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I'm super excited! As far as the whole naming thing goes - how many times in a game like this do you actually get a chance to change your name? Not often and you usually have to pay a fee to do it. So I'm super excited to pick new names. I am also excited to form a new guild and meet new people:).
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But they donot say how many they can transfer each day. :cool:


At least you now understand why I infer that it may take the back end of the queue people quite a while, and that will only be with a few selected origin servers live.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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I'm excited.. Either way it's gonna be fun.


If BW blows this thing the forums will provide hours and hours of entertainment at work. If they get it right there will not only be hours and hours of entertainment at work, but populated servers to boot!!


Win, Win.

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Looking forward to it. I hope they put the "list" up tonight and don't wait until tomorrow.


Either way this is the first step in what we can all hope will be a huge leap forward into the future of this game.


Combine large, healthy, servers with a good group finder and suddenly we have a triple-A title.


Couldn't agree more! There are some issues that needed to be addressed and I can't wait to see how these steps forward work out!


Hopefully this will revive the game in the eyes of the haters :D.

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I am, or was, very excited about character transfers. Not about tomorrow's though.


I say was because I'm on a PvP server and wanted to move to a RP-PvP one and from what I've been reading I may never be able to do that.


My server is so dead it will probably be a destination server, which is ok, yet I fail to see how this will help the game overall.

The players are spread over through too many servers, having server transfers without merges won't help at all. Right now there's 2-3 servers with relatively healthy populations.

Fatman, Jedi Covenant and Drooga's pleasure palace.

People flocked over to those servers to have a decent gaming experience, so what makes them think they'll want to leave their servers for a dead one when transfers begin?


Even asuming they did, there's not enough people on those three servers to bring the population up on all other 30+ servers.


I'm just not seeing how this is a solution, if I'm missing something, and I hope I am. Someone let me know please :(

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Excited? No, way to cynical for that at this point.


I have watched Shadown Hand slowly die.


Am I "hopeful"? Ok a little hope does shine thru my cynicism but, I am more of a wait and see.


Which after all is the only thing we can do.


But, hey everything will happen soon . :eek:


I agree I too have seen our poor server lose population we used to be pretty full hopefully we are a destination server

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I suspect no matter how and what they do.

The forum is going to be filled with angry people.

Seems to be the norm in this community.


History has been pretty much like this:


Players - "we want a LFG tool" - Bioware - "OK we are implementing one" - Players "It doesn't have what we want in it"

Players - "Servers are dead" - Bioware - "ok we are going to merge servers" - Players "Make mine a destination, this is going to suck, They are going to screw this up"

Players - "Some classes are over powered" - Bioware " Ok we made some changes to some classes that weren't as intended" - Players - "You nerfed me. This game is Fail and your devs have no clue"


It goes on and on and on and on...

So true.

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I feel like they will do something to disappoint us. Instead of being able to transfer to a high pop server, I imagine they will only let high pop servers downgrade. My server only has 70 people on Rebuplic at all hours. If we all went to a planet, we'd not even split it into a different zone.


Here's hoping it will be good.

Edited by Lu_Bei
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I feel like they will do something to disappoint us. Instead of being able to transfer to a high pop server, I imagine they will only let high pop servers downgrade. My server only has 70 people on Rebuplic at all hours. If we all went to a planet, we'd not even split it into a different zone.


Here's hoping it will be good.


They already said that current high pop servers will not be destination servers. What they are doing is consolidating all the light servers into several higher pop servers.


Yes, I'm excited. Although my guild consistently has active players on at all times during the day, it's not always possible to find a full group for a daily HM. Depending on how the actual transfers go, this will be a very good thing.

Edited by Rufcat
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I'm not excited at all. Any server chosen as a source server is going to become completely barren and unplayable for anyone who chooses to stay behind for whatever reason.


If paid server transfers to any server we wanted, I might feel a little better, but as it stands, I'll either end up on a server where I don't know anyone, most likely with a new character name for my level 50's that I've been playing every day for months, or I stay on my existing server, hoping more choices are offered at some point in the future.


Neither proposition excites me.

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