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Regarding server queues


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To clear things up, this thread, least the original message from the community manager is not from launch day, the complaints are from back in early acces days, this has nothing to do with the actual game launch, the very same issues, the very same queue times have been here since two days in early acces.


Thanks, didn't know that... :)

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it should be easy to fix this people say no website design to implement transfer's open a dev forum asking people from high pop servers to post character name server name they want transferred and have 2 people 2 thats all it would take to work through hundreds of people an hour have one do even pages one do odd and just go transfer person by person of course set rules only full servers and only transfer people till a certain population is met to light servers bam prob solved
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You guys are such whiners. The amount of indignation seen in this thread is insane. You all act like 60 bucks is so much money to spend and that to have to wait 30 mins is such a deal breaker. If 60 bucks is a lot of money, get a new job... If 30 mins is too long to wait, pick up some friends and do something else.


Also, stop threatening to cancel your subscription. Not that I suggest you don't cancel it's just that no one really cares if you play this game or not. Just like in real life no one likes complainers and everyone is going through the same thing so make peace with it.


30 minutes? Try 6 hours...

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The Red Eclipse, 20:20 GMT, >1100 queue = 2 hour wait?


Not happy.


To repeat what a lot of other people are saying: this needs to be resolved and fast.


No, I won't reroll on a light population server, my guild (deployed by Bioware) are on this one.


I will not be subscribing to a game I have to queue in excess of 15 mins to login to. Up to 15 mins is fine, 30 mins is a pain, anything greater on a regular basis and I just won't be subscribing.

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This is getting daft. I have an hour or two at best to play per day and I have to spend most of that time waiting? You would have thought that the balancing would have been better implemented after all the testing...


In all fairness those that have all the time in the world to play don't mind waiting, but I should be able to play a game I've payed for when I want to, within reason. Not like I can play other games either whilst I'm waiting!

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Yeah, I think I'm going to start an alt on a less crowded server as well.

At least until numbers die down a bit.

But having a daily rhythm that's anti-cyclic to the normal european's helps too.


But once again, it's a curse of the early adopters. Us folks who played all through

early game access had no chance to plan ahead. Less servers meant they would all be full

by the end of the week, and now look at it. Rerolling. After a week. Sigh.

All just a clever plot to reestablish equal footing across the playerbase. *tinfoilhat* :rolleyes:

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I never faced such a problem with WoW. Sorry Bioware. I am fan of SWTOR but u r going to ruin everything. Where is the customer service???


Lock the servers now and begin free character migration for 1-2 days. Let everyone have a free transfer but first lock the numbers for each server!!!

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Why the hell did you let new people roll on already full servers?


Both my servers queues have increased from their average, the shortest queue is 50mins.


Seriously bioware it isn't theoretical physics to put a lock on already full servers.


Part of me wants to not go pick up my CE tommorow, but hey if I log on before I go to town I should be able to play by the time i get back.

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The Red Eclipse, 20:20 GMT, >1100 queue = 2 hour wait?


Not happy.


To repeat what a lot of other people are saying: this needs to be resolved and fast.


No, I won't reroll on a light population server, my guild (deployed by Bioware) are on this one.


I will not be subscribing to a game I have to queue in excess of 15 mins to login to. Up to 15 mins is fine, 30 mins is a pain, anything greater on a regular basis and I just won't be subscribing.


Same boat here. My guild was deployed in early access and by the 15th we already had server queues. Who expected that to get better at launch if nothing was done or changed.


I look forward to an official response. I love the game but will not pay to wait in line like this. This may be a theme park MMO but Disneyland it ain't.

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Hmmm.... so my guild who had early access should be expected to move to a different server? Undoing all the work of the past week?


So, an alternative is to not allow new accounts to create toons on overpopulated servers until things even out. Certainly, those who didn't have early access should be going to those new servers.


This. Our server already had 1-2 hour queues at night pre launch, and then for some reason new people are continuing to roll on the server, and now there's literally always a 30 minute+ queue, and freakish queue's at peak time. Noone in my guild really wants to ditch our level 40+ mains and start over on another server just because of the horrible queue system (notably the fact you go back into queue at the end if you're DC'd or crash.)


And to the wonderful people commenting on some people's "refusal" to get decent internet, not everyone lives in the city. Some of us live in rural areas with minimal options and absolutely zero broadband possibilities. I suppose we could all move, but I'm reasonably sure you like to eat, so we'll keep the farms going instead.

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That would be true, except me and my wife play. I bought the Collectors edition ... she wanted one too, so that 120 bucks for 2 60 dollar games turns into 300 bucks ... plus tax! Then tack on the $15-17 a month to play after the first month, I will have invest thousands into this game if we play for a year or so.


So get out of here with your $60 post ... I would force choke you, but I play replublic :)


I actually have the collectors edition too but didn't feel the need to mention it :). Either way, most people have probably, hopefully, spent more on a solid night out and the complaining is still old.

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Server load is always going to be a problem. Stringing out creation results in something like this. There's not going to be some magic method to roll out an MMO where load will be balanced.


The answer is, and has always been, that only the players can respond to load and deal accordingly. So the only place where Bioware failed is not having server moves in on pre-load day 1.


Yes it's a pain, but it's just the way of it. There's no community to ruin at the start. If, after a few weeks the loads stabilize, remove free transfers or put a cooldown on it, whatever.


There's plenty of people that view this as KOTOR 3, haven't ever played an mmo and don't understand this "I'm stuck on a server" concept. Queueing is just insult to injury.



Also to the "why did you roll.." Some of us started on day one. We only had the option of like 5 servers, and they were all standard pop at the time.

Edited by Wraeththu
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I know you guys said you're taking this queue issue seriously.. but cmon 2 hrs+ (sometimes even 4hrs) of queue time just isnt reasonable and NEVER will be! I havent been able to play for 2 days cause I get tired of waiting in the queue - either DISABLE the opportunity to make new toons on the servers that are full or open for free server transfers so people dont have to start over with leveling when almost lvl 50. Its sad to see that youre not prepared for this since you obviously have known how many preorders and copies this game has sold.. and you even monitored how many people got early access etc. so this cant come as a surprise for you guys.. so I really hope you fix it ASAP before loosing loads of players due to INSANE queue issues.. cause as it is right now none of the queue times are resonable. :confused:
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they speak of grace period which is for how many days???


Character migration or money back. I am not interested in playing more. Have played jedi knight 3 times. i have played sith inquisitor twice as the trooper. Come on...started hating this thing.





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