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  1. Also die Idee mit dem Kartellmarkt finde ich generell nicht schlecht. Die Praxis mit der Münz Vergabe aber schon. Ich bekomme als Abo Kunde 100 Münzen im Monat. Das heisst wenn ich mir eine Rüstung aus dem Kartellmarkt kaufen möchte, dann muss ich dafür entweder 11 Monate warten oder zusätzlich zu meinem Abo noch Münzen kaufen. Ich würde also doppelt bezahlen. Bei allen anderen free to play Modellen die ich bisher so kenne (Ich gebe zu ich kenne nicht alle) bin ich es eher gewohnt, dass man als Abo Kunde wesentlich mehr Spielwährung bekommt oder die fiktiven Preise nicht so hoch angesetzt sind. Sprich bezahlen muss dort der Free to play Kunde um auf die selbe Anzahl an Münzen zu kommen oder er kann sie sich zusätzlich erspielen. Ich für meinen Teil sehe aber ehrlich gesagt nicht wirklich ein warum ich zu meiner monatlichen Abo Gebühr, den Preis für die Collectors Edition etc. noch zusätzlcih Geld dafür bezahlen soll um mir Gegenstände aus dem Kartellmarkt zu holen. Ich weiß es ist jammern auf hohem Nievau aber auf der anderen Seite, und ich meine das nicht böse, ich bin zahlender Kunde, warum soll ich noch mehr zahlen nur um alles was möglich ist nutzen zu können? Also wie gesagt, die Idee ist sehr gut. Die Umsetzung in meinen Augen ein Schlag ins Gesicht eines jeden zahlenden Kunden.
  2. They cannot activate a game mechanism like character transfer that they havent coded and testet yet. There is currently no way to transfer a character from one server to another because they thought it would not be neccesary to have such a thing. I fear that there has been directed so many time and ressources into the development of this game, that the entire network and organisational part has baldy been left out.
  3. well i suppose because if someone would say anything it would resulting in negative PR and so they try to keep it under the carpet?
  4. What are a thousand Posts compared to 2 Million Copies sold? Honestly if this continues like this i can see EA and Bioware go down in history to screw the most awaited and promising game within days. Players are a species thats hardly forgets anything.
  5. Oh well just read a german Computer Game Magazine online. The Headline for SWTOR. Servers overstrained. Bioware informs of very long waiting queues. What a positive impression this must have made.
  6. Its not the Gamers that come new now. Its a bad Management and Players who on the back of others try to stay in game with all means neccesary even if they are not at home or playing just to spare them the waiting line. Thats what will kill this game.
  7. One of the main reason why "rolling a new Character" is simply not an option for the most people. What Bioware and EA as companies with only Dollar in their Eyes fail to see is, that a lot of people dont only play this game because its the only Star Wars Game around or because its new. A lot of People play this game to play with their friends and one of the main reasons i purchased this game is that i am able to play once again with all those Folks i met in other MMOs and to play with them again. Of course i could roll on a light server anytime, but why should i? I have no guarantee that the Server wont be overcrowded the next day. I do not know one sould there. I have to find a Guild there again. I have to do all the Stuff i have done before all over again. I might not be able to get some of the Stuff on the new Server because of random loot drops. So name me one good reason why you think the eays way is to reroll? If i cant play with my buddies, why should i play at all?
  8. Where you the one started beeing picky or was it me? Besides i think its a safe guess that we will have this Queue at least till the end of the year.
  9. You still believe in Santa Clause do you? There is no Free Game Time. You pay the first rate of subscription with the Game. Everyone honestly thinks that bioware or ea are so great friend of humanity that they acutally give you a month game time for free is hopelessly lost. Its a company and as company their only goal and intention is to make money as much as they can to stay alive.
  10. In Germany a day has 24 Hours, i see it seems to be different where you came from then?
  11. Launchday was yesterday so according to your logic we all should not have problems today right?
  12. Wow. Nearly 1000 Posts and still no reply from anyone? They must hold their customers very dear.
  13. Hm how about "Dont worry Folks, we know the Queue you have to endure now is not what you expect but we did it to keep the Servers balanced and it will cease soon. its intended and it will be reduced in XY Days.
  14. I do not know where you life, but where i life it is Tuesday, its the second day of the week here. It is also Release date which usualy means that ever avaliable hand is on the post at EA and Bioware.
  15. Why should they? Why should they move to a Server that tommorow might have a Waiting queue of some hours? To move closed to the next one and so on and so on? They have already created Toons and leveld and played them. And even the best tutorial s going to kill you if you do it for the 5th time.
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