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Regarding server queues


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Ok crap is in the fan again release another wave of new servers.... so what if it doesnt fix server queues I mean the servers are there now ready to play so what if people wasted hours of their lives on a character they cant access... they can just reroll or suck up the queues.


Just remain silent on the issue maybe in a few months we might offer xfers or something but not now...


This is the largest mmo launch ever, people should expect queues when we only release servers once there is all ready a problem. And if they dont like it what are they going to do, go back to WOW *laughs to bank*



....seems fairly spot on to me :mad:

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I think they already have.




Expecting devs to actively participate in forum discussions is like expecting rocket scientists to show up at your back yard fireworks display ... won't happen. Posts in important threads aren't ignored... only the pizzy ones. Kinda doubting the use of big red letters will get their attention.


A blog post, 3 days ago... really, that's what you think is enough? I wish my company had customers as lenient as you.

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^ this



I for one will never login to WoW again. But unfortunately for you, a hell of a lot will. And their opinions will not encourage new players.


I have been playing WOW and telling my guild what a great game it is - guess what I'll be telling them tonight as we raid...

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-Can people please quote if they agree?


-Im sick and tired of not being able to play (yes ive given up after getting kicked 2 days in a row 3 times after waiting 3 times in qeue = 18 hours of qeue wait-time in 48 hours!)

- But what makes it much MUCH worse is the complete silence from BIOWARE.


^ quoted for great truth and justice.

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I think they already have.




Expecting devs to actively participate in forum discussions is like expecting rocket scientists to show up at your back yard fireworks display ... won't happen. Posts in important threads aren't ignored... only the pizzy ones. Kinda doubting the use of big red letters will get their attention.


Unfortunatly that was posted on the 17th before the offical launch been nothing else since then, and alot of the queue's have just been increasing instead of getting better, so ppl would like a response that's more upto date

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I think they already have.




Expecting devs to actively discuss specifics in public forum discussions is like expecting rocket scientists to show up at your back yard fireworks display ... won't happen. Meaningful posts in important threads aren't ignored... only the pizzy ones. Kinda doubting the use of big red letters will get their attention.


That note was from a couple of days ago - they need to be giving hourly updates like Blizzard do it there is an unexpected outage

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could someone from the devs please tell us what kind of actions are going to be used to lower the queues? I understand that the queues are long because the game is new and allso Im not too hot headed to nerd rage with them yet becaues christmas is nearly here and gonna be afk that time.


But. I have allready bought a 1 month subscription and I got a kid and work in shifts so when I finally get all the daily things done and go to my computer I hope I get to play right away. Today I thought that could try to squeese those few quests left from a planet so I could move to the next one and when I started the game *BANG* 1052 queue to Frostclaw PVE-EU and estimated wait time said <1h 05m 00s. That was 21:51 and I just got home from work. Now time in here is 23:00 and still got 310 ahead of Me and with quick math I could get playing in ~40 mins so clock would be 23:40~. Well gotta wake up at 08:00 am and take My kid to kindegarden so with reasonable night dreams I got like 20 minutes game time. Hooray.


But again Im ok with this for now but don't wanna see same nonsense after christmas.


In hoping by Your salary bag: Barath


All they going to do is get new servers, wich they did and what completely does not help wich i could have told them.


People are not going to delete their char en go roll the new server.


server population needs to be raised in combination with a stop of new players on the server.


Or their need to be character transfers of an xxx amount.


But all they said they will do is get new servers and that the ques are going to stay for a while..


Kinda worthless. I do not have time to wait 1-2 hours before i can play when i get home from work and i assume most people don't.

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-Can people please quote if they agree?


-Im sick and tired of not being able to play (yes ive given up after getting kicked 2 days in a row 3 times after waiting 3 times in qeue = 18 hours of qeue wait-time in 48 hours!)

- But what makes it much MUCH worse is the complete silence from BIOWARE.


I got a reply from BW... they said I should choose another server... they are missing the point, I shouldn't have to give up my 40+ hours already invested to roll on another server, and the server I picked was LIGHT at the time I picked it... now it's 700+ queue... is that my fault BW? No!


Frustratingly is seems to be a great game so far... I just can't believe BW have take this "There's nothing wrong, just choose another server" stance.

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No Thanks, keep the population caps, and queues where they're at.


Those queues are keeping people that don't have guilds/friends on those servers from rolling there.


No it's not. People are going "oooo a full server! Plenty of people to play with!" And they roll to that server instead of the countless light and standard servers that I see right now. Bioware needs to lock the full servers down as a temporary measure so the rest of these servers can get filled up.

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We appreciate the time and energy Bioware has put into the guild pre-deployment process. The benefits are showing through wonderfully, as I sit here in a queue waiting to log in while I see a screen full of "lightly" populated servers in the background. I applaud you.
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constructive proposition.


Do automatic server assignment ?

Right now every new person that create a new character create a problem.

an example If i create a new character on a light load server most probably 10 other people will do the same automatically after X amount of time this server will have same issue that other heavy loaded and you won't be able to find exit from this loop for a really long time.


a .Just do automatically reallocate all existing characters

b. For all new characters automatically choose a server based on algorithm that will create

normal population per each server.





for dedicate server request do VIP pass :) for extra $

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I got a reply from BW... they said I should choose another server... they are missing the point, I shouldn't have to give up my 40+ hours already invested to roll on another server, and the server I picked was LIGHT at the time I picked it... now it's 700+ queue... is that my fault BW? No!


Frustratingly is seems to be a great game so far... I just can't believe BW have take this "There's nothing wrong, just choose another server" stance.


They actually said it? Choose another server? Omgeezers, that's unexpected... Do they think we're playing BF3 here or something?




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-Can people please quote if they agree?


-Im sick and tired of not being able to play (yes ive given up after getting kicked 2 days in a row 3 times after waiting 3 times in qeue = 18 hours of qeue wait-time in 48 hours!)

- But what makes it much MUCH worse is the complete silence from BIOWARE.


I totally give this a +1

Edited by Gimlichael
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There's just something inherently inane about continuously poking the pilot when he's trying to fly the plane...


But they put a light on when they hit turbulence and the pilot usually says 'there is turbulence and we expect it to last x minutes or we are going to fly around it' don't they....

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No Thanks, keep the population caps, and queues where they're at.


Those queues are keeping people that don't have guilds/friends on those servers from rolling there.


Who the **** told you that only registered pre-order guilds have the right to be in the servers?? Meaning that me that was in from EGA don't have the right to play with my friends that didn't pre-order?


Biggest problem is the random DCs/Crashes that put you BACK IN THE QUEUE. I don't whine if i join for the first time today, i whine cause the game crashes and i get put back in the queue FOR NO *********** REASON FOR THE 5TH TIME TODAY while in party and 3 people wait for me 30mins each time to continue questing....

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There's just something inherently inane about continuously poking the pilot when he's trying to fly the plane...


If they cant have a person dedicated to respond this kind of importart issues. Then how should they be considered? a good company? T_T.

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I wonder if it's possible to take a server, lock it to new players, count how many existing players have characters on that server and then raise the cap level to that?


Edited to add - taking into account the # of pre-registered guild members as well.

Edited by redux
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This is NOT launch - that was on 13 Dec when early access started. There have been long queues since that day and BW has done NOTHING to address it as far as anyone playing can tell. There seems to be a fundamental problem with their load-balancing design.


I never saw a queue until today. Don't take the exaggerate word of the vocal complaining minority as being some kind of overwhelming fact.


Everyone needs to put this into perspective. The number of people getting into EGA pales in comparison to the number getting in today. EGA definitely eased things a bit, and for sure the queues would be worse without EGA to ease people into it. With people already into their teens, 20s, and 30s in level it allows the origin worlds to be less congested and makes it easier for people to level up.


Honestly, you guys just exaggerate and blow out of proportion everything.


EGA is not launch. EGA is pre launch. When they let ticket club members into venues early it isn't the opening of the gates, its the pre-opening for the smaller groups who are in a group who by the grace of that group got in earlier as privilege, in our case thats pre-ordering. To the majority who are buying today you have to understand thats the big influx. It is launch because today is the first day that the literally millions get into the game.


People look at it like they're getting cheated of something. Look at it objectively and realize that they're launching an online game for millions of players at once. No amount of preparation is going to fix 2 million people joining because normal server rotation comes weeks from now, not on day 1.


1000 people can use 1 door easily if they're all not trying to get through at once, but if they are then its gonna be congested, doesn't mean they should make 1000 doors just for the one time situation of this many people being online at once!

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I think they already have.




Expecting devs to actively discuss specifics in public forum discussions is like expecting rocket scientists to show up at your back yard fireworks display ... won't happen. Meaningful posts in important threads aren't ignored... only the pizzy ones. Kinda doubting the use of big red letters will get their attention.


but... the only thing that post tells us is that they're aware, and they're monitoring to make sure queues are reasonable. The thing is, the customers cannot see this. Too many servers are gaining queues even during their off-peak hours. One hour queues aren't reasonable. 30 minute queues aren't reasonable. Hell, I don't think 15 minute queues are reasonable, not when a simple disconnect throws the player right back into a queue regardless of how fast they regain their connection.


The solution isn't opening more servers, but that's what they've done, and we don't know what else they're planning to do. Customers, angry or levelheaded alike, need to know what's happening and what's going on. Being kept in the dark isn't conducive to a happy customer-merchant relationship. We need some kind of update, or some kind of outline of a plan of action. Something that says they're doing something about the problem, because all the customers can see right now is a single post that only says "we see there is a problem, but we say that we promise there won't be, but we won't tell you what we're doing because it's hush hush."


I don't blame people for distrusting the big-guys in charge, when all customers can see is a single post like that one. It's good for saying "we're aware," but the queues are getting steadily worse, while the communication between the people in charge and the paying customers remain silent.

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