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True Test of PvP Skill


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So, this is basically saying if you want to stand a chance against people who use macros, use macros yourself?


Sorry, but in a game that supposedly doesn't support macros, being expected to buy the game, pay a monthly fee, and then be expected to fork out for macro-enabled hardware, just to keep an even playing field in pvp is a little excessive, don't you think?


Not that I care, really. I do alright in pvp as it is, without having to bend the game's rules for macros.


The fault belongs to all the players who whined and moaned for SWTOR to not support macros.


Its not like they removed them from existence, they just made a big gap between players with macro-supported hardware and ppl without.

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The fault belongs to all the players who whined and moaned for SWTOR to not support macros.


Its not like they removed them from existence, they just made a big gap between players with macro-supported hardware and ppl without.


Only bads use macros in pvp

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Whats the point of spamming your crap video of an average player beating a terrible one?


Considering every time you did got deleted by GM for breaking the forum rules.


Go on, report him! Start the forum PvP!!! Lol :)


LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL /ubad I don't use them in swtor because the game is piss easy as it is. But did use them in wow.


So, you are successful at pvp without them, right? Yeah, me too. Well, kind of, but I'm still new to pvp, so I have an excuse for being crap. All these people who program their mouse buttons to do attacks for them... What's their excuse?

Edited by dazednconfuzed
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The fault belongs to all the players who whined and moaned for SWTOR to not support macros.


Its not like they removed them from existence, they just made a big gap between players with macro-supported hardware and ppl without.


Indeed the actual need for macro's because of there being so many abilities etc and the pace of combat I look at as a failure of design.


As a Disabled player, and there's many more of us out there alot more than you may think, I use a Rat 7 MMO mouse, its pretty much a must for me.


It's always best to put ingame mechanics in place that can be constrained but offer the required functionility to the user over out of game stuff you have no control over.


There's been plenty of good games out there that support ingame macro systems that aid the player, make combat fluid and visually appealing, its not all bad.


And for those with disability's its a big boon.

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I am getting bored with all the QQ, nerf whining and general negativity of the vocal minority in PvP. I am rolling a brand new Concealment Operative, will not go heals, and will show that any class, played in competent hands, can be a force to be reckoned with. This is not ego, not epeen, and not even a class that plays to my strengths, but I sincerely wish PvPers would focus on skill and leave the rest to the Devs.


Bioware was quoted as saying teams of Operatives stunnlocking players would be the fall of the game. I say let's prove them right.


If you are in, sign below, and let's keep this post going to track our progress and results.


Any top level current 50 PvP Concealment Operatives, feel free to post and help grow your community!


Once adrenals are gone from WZ's you lose a big chunk of your burst DPS. For now yes they are pretty good if played by people who know the mechanics. When 1.3 goes live we will not have the sustained dps to compete, and we lack the survivability to even produce decent sustained dps.


I applaud you for doing this, hopefully after 1.3 you still feel the same way. Please feel free to rub it in my face if that's the case.

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I have a 48 ops and I love the character. In pvp, concealment operatives are strictly worse than assassins on every map but voidstar. Force speed gives a much better skill set on Alderaan and whatever the new maps name is. On huttball Overload/Force Pull >>>>>>>>> anything a concealment operative can do.


The problem is similar when comparing Operatives to the range dps classes. While Operatives have comparable and possibly better single target dps, by the time you stealth up and hidden strike the ranged dps has helped much more. And forget about it if the dps turn on the operative in melee range, cause that ain't gonna be a long fight.


Just my noob opinion.

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I am getting bored with all the QQ, nerf whining and general negativity of the vocal minority in PvP. I am rolling a brand new Concealment Operative, will not go heals, and will show that any class, played in competent hands, can be a force to be reckoned with. This is not ego, not epeen, and not even a class that plays to my strengths, but I sincerely wish PvPers would focus on skill and leave the rest to the Devs.


Bioware was quoted as saying teams of Operatives stunnlocking players would be the fall of the game. I say let's prove them right.


If you are in, sign below, and let's keep this post going to track our progress and results.


Any top level current 50 PvP Concealment Operatives, feel free to post and help grow your community!


All the top Operative PvPers play the class incredibly well. They also know that if you gave them a tank/sin or marauder they could play hell of a lot better, the class does feel very constricting and you will dsicover this.


When discussing class balance you cannot simply say "I play this class well therefore it is fine", you have to take a metric across the entire class population. I have no evidence to back it up, but I would argue the reason Operatives have been nerfed is becaus the people who have high level operatives are those who have stuck by their class and are exceptionally good at PvP.

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My name is UGLYMRJ... I have a level 50 marauder and I support this message.


Seriously... tear it up dude! Would love to see vids of you tearing up (competent) marauders and putting up some good DPS. I've seen Ops do it... I've seen every class do it which is why I support this even more. No, the game isn't perfectly balanced... but name me an MMO that was balanced within 6 months of release and I'll pay your next 2 months sub. :D


If more people put up the good fight like this maybe we could see more constructive threads and less kleenex threads.

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Well good luck, you will need it :)

I was very determined to show that conc ops or scraps scoundrels are still viable.

But what I have come to realise is that: It doesn't matter if you kite a mara, roll in to cover (to not let him charge) sabotage charge, snipe w/e, stun pew pew in melee, root get out again, cover, heal. It doesn't matter how much you play your scoundrel/operative on higher levels than intended, maras, pts and assassins (with equal gear) will roflstomp you.

Your squishieness and lack of sustained damage and nerfs to the burst is gonna be your downfall.


"But hey I got to 50% in one stun from a operative its unfair!!" And then what happens? You panic and yield? No fight the operative, he needs to recoup some energy to not get to below the badzone on the regeneration bar, he can't do anything at this stage and you will 99 out of 100 times turn the fight pretty easy (assuming you got all your abilities binded to keys, which should be obvious but I have seen far more examples of this than I first realised.)


^ And this is only in 1v1 situations, which thankfully players constantly remind people of all the time but fail to realise that this is a 8v8 game, talk about double standards.

In a group scenario though things gets even worse. The pvp warzones are not designed for a stealth class, with the small areas and lots of aoe and bad design of the "in combat-mechanic" makes going in to stealth a real pain in the *** unless you recently respawned. Lucky you tanksins who dont rely on stealth as much, be thankful of that ;)


Take any other class and do this heroic "I can kill it with any class" project, not the operative dps. I have played it since release and after reading the patch notes im done officially, im gonna throw a dice to select my new class.


Trust me, you will get dissappointed, unless you wanna farm fresh dinged players then: happy hunting ;)

Edited by Remdo
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Any class in this game (minus merc dps) can be pretty good in skilled hands.


Pyrotech Merc (Energy Rebounder + some points in healing) can be pretty useful.


As for Concealment Operatives, they're great for assisting other DPS. Stunlock kills ftw :cool:

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Is it skill or whoever spends $300 dollars on a Naga Mouse and Keyboard? I know of people how have really good reaction times due to them being able to macro abilities with their keyboard. How is that skill? I play with just a normal keyboard with very minor mouse support and find in certain situations I lack, simply because I refuse to pay 300 bucks.



i use a 5 button mouse and a standard keyboard and i own most.... naga might help a little bit with reaction time.. but i dont have any problem at all with my setup.. you just have to use your setup with the greatest efficiency

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I am getting bored with all the QQ, nerf whining and general negativity of the vocal minority in PvP. I am rolling a brand new Concealment Operative, will not go heals, and will show that any class, played in competent hands, can be a force to be reckoned with. This is not ego, not epeen, and not even a class that plays to my strengths, but I sincerely wish PvPers would focus on skill and leave the rest to the Devs.


Good on ya mate. Would roll with you, but I've already been down that road with a Scrapper and I just rolled an IA for Sniper. My Scrapper is pretty good at wrecking faces and stunlocking peeps so I don't consider it a gimped class by any stretch. Not sure if he's ever made anyone unsub though.


Which server are you planning to roll on and what is the name of your toon? I may change my mind if I get really bored.



Is it skill or whoever spends $300 dollars on a Naga Mouse and Keyboard?


I'm sure the QQers will continue to find excuses for being bad in perpetuity. It will never end. If it's not the class they are playing against, it's the hardware they don't have, it's the consumables they don't use, it's the gear they won't grind, it's their bad fps, it's their ISP, blah, blah. Baddies and excuses go hand in hand like Lindsey Lohan and train wreck.

Edited by CommunitySupportEN
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You sir lost all PvP forum privileges.


I dunno how the burst dps compares to a shadow/assassin, but they do have high burst, and do have great control(i love the talented sever tendon that roots and then snares)

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Is it skill or whoever spends $300 dollars on a Naga Mouse and Keyboard? I know of people how have really good reaction times due to them being able to macro abilities with their keyboard. How is that skill? I play with just a normal keyboard with very minor mouse support and find in certain situations I lack, simply because I refuse to pay 300 bucks.


i play with a standard keyboard, a nostromo N52 (not a single macro on it...just key locations where i like them), and a logitech TRACKBALL...and dominate...


in this and in any FPS...


it's skill above all else.

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Who said anything is wrong with the AC.


I do just fine......400k dmg, 100k heals.


BUT, i respecced heals and am in all DPS gear, it OWNS. i can 1v1, i can ninja, i can heal a lot, and i can burst about 11k in 4.5 secs.


Honestly tho your gonna reroll cuz of what some douche said on the forums? im confused.

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Just because you can do well with a combo doesn't mean there are not still issues with balance.


In WoW for season1 and 2 and 3. I played a feral druid/holy paladin combo a 21k. Which was pretty good for our combo. That doesn't mean we couldn't have done way way better if we were say warrior/holy paladin

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My main is a lvl 50 concealment op. Ya we aren't up to par with some of the other DPS classes anymore but we still can kick some major tail when we want too....or tranq dart a group of 4 and watch them run around like chickens.
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My name is UGLYMRJ... I have a level 50 marauder and I support this message.


Seriously... tear it up dude! Would love to see vids of you tearing up (competent) marauders and putting up some good DPS. I've seen Ops do it... I've seen every class do it which is why I support this even more. No, the game isn't perfectly balanced... but name me an MMO that was balanced within 6 months of release and I'll pay your next 2 months sub. :D


If more people put up the good fight like this maybe we could see more constructive threads and less kleenex threads.


Of course you support this message.


Its funny how many bad players support imbalance in games when the class they play is the op'd one.

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Is it skill or whoever spends $300 dollars on a Naga Mouse and Keyboard? I know of people how have really good reaction times due to them being able to macro abilities with their keyboard. How is that skill? I play with just a normal keyboard with very minor mouse support and find in certain situations I lack, simply because I refuse to pay 300 bucks.


I would consider this skill. That's like saying Michael Jordan is a hack unless he plays wearing Walmart shoes.

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I play against top rated/ranked players. That is my challenege. I don't need to pick any class, and then go beat up on players that hardly have a clue on what they are doign. I hardly would call that a challenege, as you would.



....but there's not rankings or ratings...............................................................................dotdotdotperioddot

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