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Queueing as a level 10


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I've won matches at level 10- due to stealth capping in Alderaan. I've also topped both heal and DPS charts (level 10 commando and level 10 marauder respectively) a few times.


Thing is, the players are so awful in 10-49, and you're 'gear' is equal enough that you stand a far better chance as a level 10 against 49s than you do as a recruit geared against WHs.... that, and you can still outplay most even with 4-6 abilities if you're half decent.

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I've seen worse lvl 30+ players then lvl 10. I respect those that queue at lvl 10, at least they are willing to learn their class in a pvp environment from the get go instead of the lvl 49 Maruder who only has never played a warzone yet and decides to get ready for 50, then gets facerolled and comes to the forums and complain that (insert class here) is op and....oh wait...I better stop before I give away the QQ thread maker agenda away...
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Gotta remember a lot of the level 10's these days aren't really noobs, they are someone's alt. Personally I don't q up till my early 20's because you get tons of skills at 20 for most classes, but a lot of the level 10's these days are being played by veteran players with twink gear.
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Yeah, you're COMPLETELY right. I lost one warzone and came here. Not that I've played basically hundreds of pre 50 warzones and experienced this. Just the one. Nice constructive post there bro


Look who's talking. You've put up a post encouraging new players to not PvP. That's fing brilliant Mr. Constructive.

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Level 1-9 pays for their sub, why can't they play in my wz? Because they'd be useless.


Actually, the reason is that 1-9 does not have his advanced class yet. For instance a future healer does not have any heals before level 10.


A level 10 can be very effective in a warzone, depending on class. The boosting system is VERY generous for very low levels. For instance a level 10 vanguard tank can have up to 60% damage reduction from armor. A gunslinger/sniper can murder people using just the basic attack.

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If all the responses on this thread are to be believed, level 10's are topping the wzs in every possible category, every time. :)


I will go against the grain here, and admit that while I was super full of awesomeness and win with my level 14, I was even more awesome with my level 49... Oh wait, see didn't totally go against the grain, I still used your post to talk about how awesome I am...


Kidding aside, 49 is better than 10. Even the dude who claims he's doing 300k with his level 11 Merc, has to admit he'll probably be averaging 1-2 mil once he's level 49.


The question should not be, do level 10's suck too hard to queue up? The question is, do I have the right to tell people who suck, not to play with me?


The answer to that question is "No", you do not have that right.


Sometimes you got stuck with the fat kid playing kickball back in elementary school. Sometimes you get stuck with level 10's. Sometimes you get stuck with green geared fresh 50's.


Just get over it man...

Edited by criminalheretic
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The bolstering system is extremly generous to low level characters, the lower level you are, the more it benefits you. This is why you can see level 10s trash characters 30 levels over them. At low level you dont have abilities to focus your spec to its intended endgame role, but your ability to just mash your basic buttons will allow you to still contribute signficantly.
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The bolstering system is extremly generous to low level characters, the lower level you are, the more it benefits you. This is why you can see level 10s trash characters 30 levels over them. At low level you dont have abilities to focus your spec to its intended endgame role, but your ability to just mash your basic buttons will allow you to still contribute signficantly.


at lvl 10 your character has 0 defensive pops, the most important abilities you have.


because lets face it, DPS doesn't win WZ's, completing the objectives is the aim of the game.

Edited by Scotland
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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.



This is not true for everyone, stop being an elitist. Some players get more out of characters than others. I sit top three on my sub lvl 15 operative and scoundrel all the time(fatman rerolls). It has to do with the player behind the keyboard, the one driving. Not the level. I do fine at level 10. Same as when Im all growed up? Nope, don't be silly. But I rack up plenty of dmg, plenty of objectives, and plenty of medals. Blame bad players not low levels....

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This is not true for everyone, stop being an elitist. Some players get more out of characters than others. I sit top three on my sub lvl 15 operative and scoundrel all the time(fatman rerolls). It has to do with the player behind the keyboard, the one driving. Not the level. I do fine at level 10. Same as when Im all growed up? Nope, don't be silly. But I rack up plenty of dmg, plenty of objectives, and plenty of medals. Blame bad players not low levels....


hehe being an elitist and complaining about low lvl pvp.....


but seriously, who actually takes low level pvp serious? I mean it has no meaning or point other than to grind comms/valour/xp/creds.


Over the last few days ive been grinding a marauder, and about 75% of the guilds i seen in the lowbie queues i had never seen before. Do they grind to 49 then make another toon?? Why don't i see these guilds (running premades in lowbie queues) running premades in the 50 queues?

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So what?


We all know that 10-49 WZs are not balanced and mostly brawls and duels.

But really, who cares? Let them queue, let them play, learn their toons, and have some fun.


Real PVP starts at 50 - and don't forget to buy some recruit gear before you enter! :)

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Yeah, you're COMPLETELY right. I lost one warzone and came here. Not that I've played basically hundreds of pre 50 warzones and experienced this. Just the one. Nice constructive post there bro


Lol about as constructive as you opening post bro.

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This is one of the best things BioWare have implemented.


I queue for warzones as soon as I reach the fleet. While certain classes aren't that effective at this lvl, others are more than efficient. For example, I suck pretty bad on my 17 Juggernaut, but I have no problems causing pain, confusion, and terror on my 12 Operative. I even win 2/3 of the 1 vs. 1 fights against 40+ toons.


I simply enjoy pvp-ing at any lvl.

Thank you, Bioware, for making it so accessible for me!


PS: Now if you give me enough world/casual/accidental PvP, I'm stuck to your game for the next 5-8 years.

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So what?


We all know that 10-49 WZs are not balanced and mostly brawls and duels.

But really, who cares? Let them queue, let them play, learn their toons, and have some fun.


Real PVP starts at 50 - and don't forget to buy some recruit gear before you enter! :)


<italics mine>


No. We must have perfect balance, a tiered system that fits the need of every individual subscription and free cookies at the beginning of each WZ, else this game will reach a level of fail that will cause me to post everyday about how it is failing and how I am unsubbing. Serious business here...




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at lvl 10 your character has 0 defensive pops, the most important abilities you have.


because lets face it, DPS doesn't win WZ's, completing the objectives is the aim of the game.


while that is true in part, a good player will still be a benefit for their team. a smuggler for example has their dirty kick and flash granates at lvl 10, so they can stun the healer, blind the dps attacking their own team's healer and so on.


a stealth class can try to sneak up to the turret/door and cap/plant at lvl 10.


granted for some classes it's better to wait a few more lvl (for tanks for example when they have guard. my guardian had about 14k in warzones when she first got her brand new lvl 17 or whatever it was gear)


of course in the last 40s you will be 'unbeatable', after all you can get mods with expertise. but if we go by that we'd need a bracket for lvl 46-49 ;)


the player your team needs is the player that is aware of what is happening, and that player will of course be even better at lvl 49

Edited by amnie
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Op, lighten up. Joining at level 10 a wz is the funniest thing in the world. I have done it with my shadow in December fighting full BM level 50 imps, I do it now with my level 29 sentinel (poor thing has been in its 20s since February) and as soon as my smuggly healer will hit level 10 I shall join warzones again.


Elitists like you are making more harm to the game than you think. If I were to use a page from your book, I would say that BioWare should opt for a 'I just hit 50 and I am not a big fish anymore as I cannot gank lowbies'' bracket for people like you. Grind your gear and after you have full BM join myself and the full war hero augmented gear guys. Luckily I am better than that and as soon as I see a few new 50s in my warzone, my shield swaps between constantly.

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OP, don't join warzones when you hit 50 because I don't want to play with fresh 50s.



Well that just doesn't seem fair does it? 10-49 PvP is for everyone to find out their class and have fun.

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




I cannot remember what was going through my head when I queued, but I do remember what was going through my head when I was #1 overall. It was a huttball game and I was playing my gunslinger, not only did I do the most damage, but I also scored twice. Yes slingers along with a couple other classes have the abilities at level 10 to compete. Classes like scound/ops, guardian/jugg usually aren't very competitive until their mid to late 20's.

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




Also, if the game had anywhere near the population that WoW has you would see the warzones split into the following brackets 10-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, and then level 50.

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If a player below lvl 20 has even the slightest idea how the WZ works, how to play their class, or how to work with the other people in the WZ, they are no less detrimental than the above 20's. Seen my fair share of over lvl 20's that don't do anything helpful in a WZ and only like to Pew-Pew the people whose lvl numbers are gray to them(been beat on quite a few times by people whose lvl were dangerous red to my toon LOL). As a matter of fact, I've had my below 20 toons be the target of higher lvl's on the other side to the detriment of their team: in Hutt Ball, our ball carrier ran right past the lvl 45+ that had to stop and beat the below 20 me and he scored; in Civil War had the higher level guy beat me while a team mate capped behind him; in Voidstar had the high level guys beat on me while my team mate planted the bomb; Novare Coast had team mates able to grab the turret because the high level guys had to beat on/chase me. And on the same token, seen the idiot above 20's on my own team do all of that too because they can only beat people way lower lvl than them.
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You clearly don't understand. You're missing so many key abilities and talents that level 30+ all have. This is a massive disadvantage and I call BS on you out dpsing people consistantly as a level 10.


Clearly you've never tried it because you find it so morally reprehensible, but I've tried every class but assassin and powertech as a level 10 in pvp, the only reason I haven't tried those two is because I haven't played one yet. And I can tell you with 100% certainty, the bolster system takes in mind that you only have a few powers. I used to come out of my first pvp thinking whatever class I'm playing was insanely overpowered until I figured out it was the bolster system.


At 10, my Jugg had 63% damage reduction, in quest greens and empty slots, now at 28 in crafted blue and purples it's 52%. That same bolster affects everything else too, I have easily gone toe to toe with 30s and won, really only 40+ will eat a lowbie group alive, and they kill my 20s just as fast as my 10s if not faster. Also, I know level 10s can hit number 1 for most damage, I've seen it happen multiple times. The bolster for 10-19 is MASSIVE.

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OP is a Limpnoodle burrito covered in weaksauce. Queing at lvl 10 is super awesome!!! Why would you not want to know out 1/4th of your lvl as you make your way to Corsucant?


And seriously, anyone that feels this way need jump down off their elitiest ponies and remember if they qued for PvP matches in the lvl range.

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.




Because questing is boring as ****? I queue for pvp the second I hit level 10, and usually get 3 or 4 games in before I even make it to the AC trainer. Meaning I pvp most of level 10 away as a smuggler, instead of a gunslinger. or a Consular, instead of a shadow.


Pvp is fun, so **** off.

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Can someone explain what is going through your head when you choose to pvp when you're level 10, with literally 3 abilities that you spam over and over? You're just hurting your team and no one wants you there. People getting facerolled is not fun or amusing.


Either change the minimum pvp level to 20 or give 10-20 their own noobie bracket.





Most of us hardcore PvPers outperform our entire team with our lvl 10. I think the OP just hates getting embarrased.

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