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1.3 will make or break this game


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I disagree another month will no destroy this game, 3-5 would do serious damage but a month? i doubt it.. there are alot of people saying they are leaving, but i rarely believe anyone saying they are quitting a game when they post on the forums, alot of people say it for shock value to try and force the devs into action (silly notion really) but alot of people are anticipating these transfers, so i think more people will stick around the month or so it will take.


Most people's free month is over by then. That's what he means. No fix to the "Not an MMO" problem will have a lot of people not resubbing

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If you like this game you better hope the only two choices for 1.3 arent make or break.


Server transfers are great and they are needed badly. But rated Wz's are going to be a flop, 8 man groups with same server matching? It may work for an hour or two a day during prime time, but even then matches will be slow and during offpeak it will be down right painful.


Nothing else in the patch stands out as even close to a "game saver", but i dont think 1.3 is make or break for swtor. i think they still have some time to bring swtor up to date with the competition with 1.4 that is if they actully plan to do that and they can get it done alot faster than it has taken them to implement features so far.


But its really all up to EA, after 1.3 doesnt fix swtor will they continue to pump money into it or just put it on life support like warhammer?

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This game is already floundering. Bioware isnt doing a good enough job with managing this loss with migrations and dragging their feet on it. It has been doing well copying other, successful, game formulas, but it is failing in this regard. My server is unplayable. In fact... only 2 servers are really playable on this game right now. Sure people might be subscribed and that number droping, but who are actually playing? Im not. I even download updates and look at the play button and decide to not even play another game. I'll watch movies, fall asleep, etc. Instead of playing this game.
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If you like this game you better hope the only two choices for 1.3 arent make or break.


Server transfers are great and they are needed badly. But rated Wz's are going to be a flop, 8 man groups with same server matching? It may work for an hour or two a day during prime time, but even then matches will be slow and during offpeak it will be down right painful.


Nothing else in the patch stands out as even close to a "game saver", but i dont think 1.3 is make or break for swtor. i think they still have some time to bring swtor up to date with the competition with 1.4 that is if they actully plan to do that and they can get it done alot faster than it has taken them to implement features so far.


But its really all up to EA, after 1.3 doesnt fix swtor will they continue to pump money into it or just put it on life support like warhammer?


EA has killed many and I mean MANY MMORPG's Starting with Ultima Online and it continues to this day. EA dosn't care one bit about its MMoRPG's to them its a make a toss game, the faster the toss the better. So they can use the money to make other games such as Battlefield series for instance. When I seen that EA was part of Swtor I was like UGH there goes that game, and well it is showing to be true. EA is known for very slow updates, if any at all. Working on features that nobody wants, ect.. I was hoping that BioWare would have been able to force faster updates and better content, but EA has shown who is in control here.

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EA has killed many and I mean MANY MMORPG's Starting with Ultima Online and it continues to this day. EA dosn't care one bit about its MMoRPG's to them its a make a toss game, the faster the toss the better. So they can use the money to make other games such as Battlefield series for instance. When I seen that EA was part of Swtor I was like UGH there goes that game, and well it is showing to be true. EA is known for very slow updates, if any at all. Working on features that nobody wants, ect.. I was hoping that BioWare would have been able to force faster updates and better content, but EA has shown who is in control here.


Im no fan of EA but i really dont think they can be blamed for anything that has happened to swtor so far. People say "EA made bioware push swtor out too fast" Even if that is true its not the reason the game is failing.


Bioware devs said several times at release and before that they didnt want alot of the features that this game is missing, it wasnt a matter of not having time to put them in. NOW it is a matter of not having time to put them in because they probably ignored them through the entire development of this game and are now franticaly trying to figure out how to do things like dual specs and x server lfg (pvp or pve) and server transfers.


If EA has any hand in the demise of swtor it will be that they stop putting enough money into the game to save it, and without knowing exactly what is going on behind the scenes you can hardly blame them for not throwing money at a pretty big gamble.


Its all up to the bw devs alone to fix this game in time to stop the subs losses and start bringing people back before EA cuts its losses and puts swtor on life support..

Edited by Mallorik
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If you like this game you better hope the only two choices for 1.3 arent make or break.


Server transfers are great and they are needed badly. But rated Wz's are going to be a flop, 8 man groups with same server matching? It may work for an hour or two a day during prime time, but even then matches will be slow and during offpeak it will be down right painful.


Nothing else in the patch stands out as even close to a "game saver", but i dont think 1.3 is make or break for swtor. i think they still have some time to bring swtor up to date with the competition with 1.4 that is if they actully plan to do that and they can get it done alot faster than it has taken them to implement features so far.


But its really all up to EA, after 1.3 doesnt fix swtor will they continue to pump money into it or just put it on life support like warhammer?


Uhhhh, they have already announced how the matches will work, which is why they were delayed in the first place. They notices queues were popping too slowly so they enabled the queue to work as follows, you simultaneously queue up for both ranked and unranked, you can play unranked until your queue for ranked pops, the ranked match will start when all participants are outside of a WZ. It will take quite a while for ranked to pop it seems, but it doesn't really matter because you can play unranked until it does.

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Uhhhh, they have already announced how the matches will work, which is why they were delayed in the first place. They notices queues were popping too slowly so they enabled the queue to work as follows, you simultaneously queue up for both ranked and unranked, you can play unranked until your queue for ranked pops, the ranked match will start when all participants are outside of a WZ. It will take quite a while for ranked to pop it seems, but it doesn't really matter because you can play unranked until it does.


It is still a horrible solution to x-server or even "super servers" It just means youll have 8 man ranked wz teams destroying unranked wz's. Not to mention things like that team leaving the unranked wz when their ranked one pops or the other ranked team sitting around for another 10 minutes waiting on them.


If these devs still feel ths strongly agaisnt x-server tech or its so far out of their capabilities to implement it then this game is in some serious trouble.

Edited by Mallorik
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Games in a lot worse shape than this one still exist or lasted for years. SWTOR isn't going anywhere, don't fool yourself.


This is like saying it's not so bad living in Iraq because look at how bad Germany was for years and years.


Other games being in dire shape but still managing to stay around in a half dead state doesn't really lend any feeling of confidence to the question of whether or not they will turn this game around, so I don't understand why you would even mention that. If anything it gives you a good idea of where the game is going, kind of a blueprint or road map to being a failed game.


It's heading to the 'just another wow clone' shelf in the general view of the gaming world, because it's going to forever be a shadow of what it was expected to be unless they do something fairly spectacular, fairly soon.

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I keep reading crazy and insane predictions and statements in so many threads and in the general chats during the last four months. Some examples:


"SWTOR will be canceled during summer 2012!!!"

"SWTOR will drop to 200k subscribers during summer 2012!!!"

"SWTOR will die before the end of the year!!!"

"They'll only offer the free transfers in August 2012!!!"

"SWTOR is the worst mmo in the history of gaming!!!"

"It's too late, this game is done!!!"

"SWTOR will go F2P during summer 2012!!!"


Seriously? I've seen mmos in a much much much much much... much much much much much worse state at the beginning AND still being available even after 3-4 years! Logical thinking, that precious thing...

Edited by Sammm
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I keep reading crazy and insane predictions and statements in so many threads and in the general chats during the last four months. Some examples:


"SWTOR will be canceled during summer 2012!!!"

"SWTOR will drop to 200k subscribers during summer 2012!!!"

"SWTOR will die before the end of the year!!!"

"They'll only offer the free transfers in August 2012!!!"

"SWTOR is the worst mmo in the history of gaming!!!"

"It's too late, this game is done!!!"

"SWTOR will go F2P during summer 2012!!!"


Seriously? I've seen mmos in a much much much much much... much much much much much worse state at the beginning AND still being available even after 3-4 years! Logical thinking, that precious thing...


Please read my post above yours.


Personally I don't think the game will cancel or go f2p anytime soon, but it certainly isn't getting any better right now, and other games being failures yet still hanging on in a half dead state doesn't really make anyone(at least not myself) feel better about this game being a failure too.

Edited by Celebrus
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i completely agree, this type of talk is senseless and nothing positive can come from it.


When you stop seeing these threads, the game is dead. And if you havent noticed , in the last few days theres been less and less of them.

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I don't think 1.3 is the end of the line. It's summer and numbers are generally lower as people are distracted by the great ball of fire in the sky. They might just be able to get away with a house keeping patch to bring in urgently needed fixed to their service, staring with server transfers and mergers.


But people pay to play a game. They pay for the dungeons, not the dungeon finder. And if 1.4 doesn't serve up some thrilling new content, then they've got a serious problem on their hands.

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yes i am sure, my sub ran out 4 days ago and i resubbed another month.


Actually you're not sure because I'm posting with no active sub. I'm on vacation and left my sub die till I get back so maybe a little fact check should be done on your part?

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Server population issues are a huge problem with this game.


Contracting the servers to a smaller number presents alot of challenges to Bioware...

a. Manditory or optional. It has to be done, but what about our friends?

b. Free transfer or do we pay. (It will be cold day in hell before I spend more money to help correct a vendors mistake.)

c. Guilds. Its difficult to do an optional transfer and keep guilds intact. Not impossible but difficult.

d. Alot of other things I have not even thought of...


I am hoping for the best with 1.3

I really like this game. I do not wanna go back to wow or hit D3. I really hope they solve the server issues with some intelligence.


Worst case senario,

No guild transfers, you pay to get there and have to rebuild.


Best case senario,

Free transfers, guilds stay intact on the destination server.


But if I am asked for another $25 or some such to help them fix the server population issue. I am done.

I am not married to this game just yet. It is still disposable.


Good luck Bioware

Its an awkward problem... dont screw it up.


Let me help you out... here are some titles for your next posts:


1.4 Will Make Or Break This Game

1.5 Will Make Or Break This Game

1.6 Will Make Or Break This Game

1.7 Will Make Or Break This Game

1.8 Will Make Or Break This Game

2.1 Will Make Or Break This Game

2.2 Will Make Or Break This Game

2.3 Will Make Or Break This Game

2.4 Will Make Or Break This Game ...

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Let me do everyone a favor and just mention that 1.3 will do next to nothing. It will be less of a population booster than the Rakghoul plague event. Server transfers will not fix the population problems, and a LFG tool that is not cross-server will be useless. If you are hoping 1.3 will cause people to resubscribe, think again.


That's why it is so important that BioWare be much more forthcoming about what their plans are for the rest of the year if they ever hope to have people come back. A lot of people did reup for 1.2, got caught in the free month, and will not be back for 1.3 because it has almost nothing to offer except last ditch attempts to stave off merging servers (which should have been done a long time ago).

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People only deem this game a failure because they are comparing it to a game that has 8+ years of development. And I'm pretty sure this is Bioware's first MMO. And yes, while WoW did set the benchmark, they only reached that point after almost 10 years. Development for SW:TOR only started back in 2008 and has been out for 6 months.


Diablo 3 is even worse. That's been in development since 2001. And all they managed to achieve was a story that lasts 6-8 hours, which is pretty average to say the least. But wait it gets even better. I can then replay the same campaign on a harder difficulty, or play the same campaign as a different class. And the auction house is nothing special.


Now this is a matter of opinion, but I personally think the character stories are better in SW:TOR, the graphics are better, the sounds and music score is better and the game has full voice over narrative so I don't have to tire myself out by reading everything. WoW at the moment has better endgame and end PvP, but remember.. 8+ years of development. And to be honest, the endgame community on the Asia Pacific servers is pretty decent. But then again we don't have dozens of servers, spreading everybody out.


And that's where your character transfers come in. This is meant to consolidate players onto fewer servers, which is an effort to increase server population. As for guild transfers. Would be nice but difficult to do and not really necessary. And I'm sure it must be really really difficult for some kids to hop onto vent/teamspeak/mumble or maybe even skype and decide together which server to transfer to and re-create the guild. Please notice my use of sarcasm there.


Now when it comes to new game content, you would have to be pretty silly not to realise that they were going to release this in the form of game patches and maybe even possible expansions in the future. This was probably their plan from the beginning and may have re-prioritised some things due to 'requests' from the game community. Take the last patch and the upcoming patch for example. In the last patch they introduced some new flashpoints and a new warzone. And in the upcoming patch they are bringing out the Group Finder and character transfers (possibly due to requests from the community). Even though it isn't that hard to find a group for HM's, but this would be dependant on server populations.


But in all honesty, you can get your parents to cancel your subs for you, you won't be missed. Playing a game with ignorant children isn't really that fun. And if you're not a child, I'm sorry to say it but you have some growing up to do.

Edited by SourStrap
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So BioWare is going to give us the ability to transfer to different servers.


That can be useful, but will not correct the problem of having toooooo many servers.

The biggest question and the question that will illustrate the problem is, To which server will you transfer?

Currently there are only a few servers that reach heavy population. If everyone transfers to those servers you're looking at wait times to get in. What if the server you transfer to has the problem of everyone else transferring out? Can you transfer again for free?


No, the transfer will not solve the problem properly.

I guess as a community we should select a few servers now and suggest to everyone on the empty servers to transfer to them when the time comes. Otherwise the ability to transfer is going to be hit or miss.

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No, the transfer will not solve the problem properly.

I guess as a community we should select a few servers now and suggest to everyone on the empty servers to transfer to them when the time comes. Otherwise the ability to transfer is going to be hit or miss.


You guys should do that. Why didn't anyone think of it before? It must be because that is something that's terribly difficult to accomplish for some people.

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So BioWare is going to give us the ability to transfer to different servers.


That can be useful, but will not correct the problem of having toooooo many servers.

The biggest question and the question that will illustrate the problem is, To which server will you transfer?

Currently there are only a few servers that reach heavy population. If everyone transfers to those servers you're looking at wait times to get in. What if the server you transfer to has the problem of everyone else transferring out? Can you transfer again for free?


No, the transfer will not solve the problem properly.

I guess as a community we should select a few servers now and suggest to everyone on the empty servers to transfer to them when the time comes. Otherwise the ability to transfer is going to be hit or miss.


You do realize you are not going to get the choice on what server to move to. They already said select servers will have the ability to move to other select servers. They not told us what servers yet, all we have is soon. Then after that they will come up with the paid transfer service. So right now were waiting to see what they really come up with.

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