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STS World PVP - Hoth - Accounts threatened by GM


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Dude what the hell is with that guy?!


Did he take a wrong turn at GM login to his PvE server and wind up on Fatman or something?!


Oh lord, the stupid crap that goes on in this game never ceases to amaze.

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If you are camping a base and preventing others from playing the game, you are disrupting play which is against the ToS.


Are you for real ? PvP SERVER

Disrupting the game is what is means to PvP in a PvE area.

So if someone attacks someone on Ilum while picking up arnaments it's against the TOS ?


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If you are camping a base and preventing others from playing the game, you are disrupting play which is against the ToS.


They can use speeders or QT to move on. It was on a PvP server. Where are PvPers allowed to open world PvP in this game?

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Judging from the screen, I get the impression it is just a player (poorly) impersonating a cm...can player characters use numbers in their names?


If it is legit, this is both hilarious and saddening...

Edited by wtfnonamefree
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BioWare GMs seem to run amok occasionally. BioWare will eventually reign them in, but not until a lot of customer goodwill has been lost. Our guild was recently the victim of a rogue GM.


The GM forcibly renamed our guild because our guild name contained the word "Jedi." The explanation he gave us was that "Jedi" is a copyrighted word. We tried to explain to him that the purpose of prohibiting copyrighted words in guild names in to protect BioWare from being sued by the copyright owner, so it doesn't make any sense to prohibit us from using words that are copyrighted WITHIN the Star Wars IP, because LucasFilm has already licensed BioWare to use those copyrighted words.


We also pointed out that dozens of other guilds use words copyrighted by LucasFilm in their guild names.


BioWare did eventually figure out the GM was misapplying the copyright rule, and no other guild names were forcibly changed because of this rogue GM. I assume the GM got a talking-to, but BioWare never reinstated our guild name or even apologized to us.


I expect the same thing will happen here. The rogue GM will get a talking to, but nothing further will be said about the matter.

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Judging from the screen, I get the impression it is just a player (poorly) impersonating a cm...can player characters use numbers in their names?


If it is legit, this is both hilarious and saddening...


No it was not a player. It was a CS Droid animation following us around. At first we thought it was a companion of some type until we got the warnings to leave the area. This thread won't be closed because its the truth. Bioware can look at the logs themselves. They need to start thinking about how to explain this to the pvp community. If killing republic in their bases is against the TOS they need to step up and explain why. This is why we roll on pvp servers. To have pvp where we want and when we want and not to be harassed by some carebear GM.

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That is just embarrassing for BW. LOL I suspect that the GM in the screenshot was either A: a personal friend of someone who got ganked or B: played a character who got ganked. I also suspect that this GM is not going to be back at work.


This I wouldn't be so quick to blame BW for what may just be one crappy employee.

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People kept mentioning the ToS, without showing what they were talking about, so I'll be happy to show the 1 sentence they refer, copied from the ToS:


Disruptive behavior includes but is not limited to conduct which interferes with the normal flow of gameplay or dialogue within an EA Service.


The key words in there are 'includes but is not limited to', which really means it's up to the particular EA person dealing with it at the time. Is it fair? No... Can something be done about? Maybe. The other key words being "Disruptive behaviour". When is it considered disruptive etc.? This kind of grey area is inevitable...


Griefing (on a PvP server) should be expected really, and often times it leads to fun (the level 20s could have called their level 50 friends, and those level 50 friends could have called the fleet for help and an all out open world pvp session could have occurred. I mean sure if lets say 200 level 50s were preventing all incoming level 20s and they were doing this for the whole day, then something might happen that would seem legitimate, but realistically that doesn't usually happen (prove me wrong? XD)


But yeah, grey areas and what appears to be a CSR having an emotional response to the situation didn't help at all.

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This I wouldn't be so quick to blame BW for what may just be one crappy employee.


Bioware hired and trained that employee making Bioware responsible for it. You dont get bad customer service from Verizon and blame the customer service. You blame Verizon. That is a rule when it comes to customer service. You're representing the company you work for.

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Any company is going to side against those doing the griefing, regardless of the rule-set. This is not surprising.


~However fun you may consider camping level 20 choobs to be, it's griefing--pvp server or not.


NOT so CCP allows us to grief in Eve all the time, but then its a successful sandbox that's allows players to enjoy the game their way. And of course we all love carebear tears in Eve anyway, they make us happy!!!!

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I call BS on this whole post!


As a player from EGA on a PVP server.. This thread alludes to two things that I have never seen happen in this game:-


Open world PVP on a PVP server

In Game interaction from a BW employee


If it is actually true.. C'mon did you not at least try to take the ***** down?:D

Edited by Lurchy
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Judging from the screen, I get the impression it is just a player (poorly) impersonating a cm...can player characters use numbers in their names?


If it is legit, this is both hilarious and saddening...


no numbers...

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You are wrong. 20 lvl 50 republic players attacked us in that exact base just before this. It wasn't for griefing low level players. If it was then how can they explain the 20 lvl 50's that just attacked us there? It was creating a world pvp event. Which is encouraged on a pvp server. So we thought.


As to those quoting the TOS i'll quote the Server Selection screen word for word. You may want to read the last sentence a few times before you defend this GM. Thanks.



This environment allows players to attack other players in many areas of the game. If you are looking for a taste of direct intergalactic conflict against other players, this may be the type of server for you. Please be advised that interactions and activities that occur as part of player versus player combat on this type of server are not considered a form of harassment or actionable behavior by Customer Service.

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This is just ........sad.....so sad. Another big black mark for BW and company. Was this type of behavior and conduct by the the gm actually condonned by BW 's team? If this is the type of attitude that BW is gonna give us regarding pvp (on a GODDAM pvp server) then this game deserves to go down in flames. Just sad.
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I play republic on Fatman and this does not surprise me at all.


On the republic side we have a ridiculous amount of carebears that don't understand the concept of PvP on a PvP server. I just brought my sage through Tattoine yesterday, and the amount of whining from people about being knocked off the balloon by a sorc is crazy.


Imps on this server just LOVE to camp us because they outnumber us 3 to 1. Some people can take it, most of them can't and I could imagine alot of tickets were probably sent in about this to get this kind of response.

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So we are camping Aurek base to start some World PVP. 20 level 50 repubs show up to fight and leave. Next thing ya know a GM comes on by the name of U4-T2 and threatens all our accounts unless we leave the area. This is The Fatman. A pvp server. Such things are allowed on a pvp server yet we arent even allowed to talk to the GM threatening us with it. He was using the skin of a CS-Droid just following us everywhere. Here is a screenshot of what he was saying. We also opened a customer service ticket and were told hes not allowed to do these things. So bioware likes to STOP world pvp on a pvp server? lol What a joke.




I do wonder about the dynamics of what was happening though. Why take over Aurek and not one of the other bases on Hoth? Again, I understand the intent, and I had great fun evicting the Imperials that took over Pallas Spaceport on Alderaan, but if you're taking the starting base for a faction, you're essentially blocking the use of the entire planet. Instead of just giving you some extra benefits like a world PVP system might, you were essentially just blocking players from enjoying the game.


Now if you were letting players go through after hitting them once on their way in, that's a different story. But if you were literally camping the base and just wiping people out in perpetuity, never giving them a chance to get out of the base and out onto the planet to run missions, then I can see why that might be seen as something outside the normal intent of PVP.


That said, whoever the GM is should have been saying things more in line with this. The problem, of course, is that your screen shot obviously only covers a small portion of that conversation. What else did they say? What were the FIRST things this GM said to you, and did your team of 20 Imperials just tell them to screw off and leave you alone? Was the GM trying to get you to stop perpetually ganking players and letting them get out of the base into the world, or did they just show up demanding you all leave all of the sudden?


This looks bad on BioWare's part, but we're conveniently missing the rest of this conversation and what you and your team was doing. So I'm not really ready to assign the entire blame to BioWare.


Care to share the rest of the story?

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